Andreas Fichtner

Andreas Fichtner
Leuphana University of Lüneburg ·  Institute of Ecology

PhD - Natural sciences


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Publications (102)
Nitrogen (N) deposition and climate change are both known to threaten global biodiversity. However, we still have a limited understanding of how interactions between these global change drivers affect individuals and populations of specialist species, such as geophytes, within their natural habitat. We explored possible interactive effects of N, dr...
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Carbon sequestration by trees is crucial to mitigate the effects of the current climate crisis. The extent to trees sequester and allocate carbon to above- or belowground structures in turn is mediated by neighbouring species. Although many studies have demonstrated positive effects of diverse neighbourhoods on a tree's productivity, little is know...
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Understanding the mechanisms that drive biodiversity-productivity relationships is critical for guiding forest restoration. Although complementarity among trees in the canopy space has been suggested as a key mechanism for greater productivity in mixed-species tree communities, empirical evidence remains limited. Here, we used data from a tropical...
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Species‐specific differences in nutrient acquisition strategies allow for complementary use of resources among plants in mixtures, which may be further shaped by mycorrhizal associations. However, empirical evidence of this potential role of mycorrhizae is scarce, particularly for tree communities. We investigated the impact of tree species richnes...
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The relationship between biodiversity and multitrophic ecosystem functions (BEF) remains poorly studied in forests. There have been inconsistent reports regarding the significance of tree diversity effects on ecosystem functions, which may be better understood by considering critical biotic interactions of trees. This study investigates the role of...
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Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has provided strong evidence and mechanistic underpinnings to support positive effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning, from single to multiple functions. This research has provided knowledge gained mainly at the local alpha scale (i.e. within ecosystems), but the increasing homogenization...
Plant communities are being exposed to changing environmental conditions all around the globe, leading to alterations in plant diversity, community composition, and ecosystem functioning. For herbaceous understorey communities in temperate forests, responses to global change are postulated to be complex, due to the presence of a tree layer that mod...
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Species-specific differences in nutrient acquisition strategies allow for complementary use of resources among plants in mixtures, which may be further shaped by mycorrhizal associations. However, empirical evidence of these relationships is scarce, particularly for tree communities. We investigated the impact of tree species richness and mycorrhiz...
Habitat heterogeneity is a key factor for regulating biodiversity in temperate lowland forests. Specifically, stands associated with late forest development phases provide important habitat structures for many rare and threatened forest bird species. However, how forest stands that differ in their structural complexity, canopy conditions and tree s...
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1) The order of arrival of plant species during community assembly can affect how species interact with each other. These so-called priority effects can have strong implications for the structure and functioning of plant communities. However, the extent to which the strength, direction, and persistence of priority effects are modulated by weather c...
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Tree species diversity and mycorrhizal associations play a central role for forest productivity, but factors driving positive biodiversity-productivity relationships remain poorly understood. In a biodiversity experiment manipulating tree diversity and mycorrhizal associations, we examined the roles of above- and belowground processes in modulating...
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Global warming is increasing the frequency and intensity of climate extremes. Forests may buffer such extreme events by creating their own microclimate below their canopy via cooling hot and insulating against cold macroclimate air temperatures. This buffering capacity of forests may be increased by tree diversity and may itself maintain forest fun...
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Tree species diversity plays a central role for forest productivity, but factors driving positive biodiversity-productivity relationships remain poorly understood. In a biodiversity experiment manipulating tree diversity and mycorrhizal associations, we examined the roles of above- and belowground processes in modulating wood productivity in young...
Intensification of land use by humans has led to a homogenization of landscapes and decreasing resilience of ecosystems globally due to a loss of biodiversity, including the majority of forests. Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has provided compelling evidence for a positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functions and service...
A more efficient use of limited canopy space and, thus, a higher canopy space occupation (CSO) in forests can result in an increased absorption of photosynthetically active radiation, which in turn can promote productivity. Although there is some evidence for a positive relationship between tree diversity (TD) and CSO, the generality of this hypoth...
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Many recent studies have analysed plant species responses to environmental change, but interactive effects of global change drivers and how they are modulated by biotic interactions are still poorly understood. In a mesocosm experiment, we studied the interactive effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization and drought events on plant growth and how these...
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Reforestation in sloping terrain is an important measure for soil erosion control and sustainable watershed management. The mechanical stability of such reforested stands, however, can be low due to a strong asymmetric shape of tree crowns. We investigated how neighbourhood tree species richness, neighbourhood pressure, tree height, and slope incli...
Die Studie untersuchte die Perspektiven für den Schutz der bundesdeutschen Verantwortungsart Scheidiger Gelbstern (Gagea spathacea) im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung. Hierzu wurden autökologische und populationsbiologische Untersuchungen in verschiedenen Wäldern Norddeutschlands durchgeführt. Das Stickstoff-Angebot im Boden und die B...
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Extreme climatic events threaten forests and their climate mitigation potential globally. Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystem stability is therefore considered crucial for mitigating adverse climate change effects on forests. Here, we use structural equation models to explain how tree species richness, asynchronous species dynamics, speci...
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Background Species-specific genotypic features, local neighbourhood interactions and resource supply strongly influence the tree stature and growth rate. In mixed-species forests, diversity-mediated biomass allocation has been suggested to be a fundamental mechanism underlying the positive biodiversity-productivity relationships. Empirical evidence...
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Forest structural complexity has been identified as an important driver for promoting simultaneously biodiversity across trophic levels and multiple ecosystem services. However, we still have a limited understanding of the processes that lead to structural complex stands and how they evolve over time. Using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), we quan...
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As woody plants provide much of the trophic basis for food webs in forests their species richness, but also stand age and numerous further variables such as vegetation structure, soil properties and elevation can shape assemblages of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). However, the combined impact of these numerous variables on ground beetle di...
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Biodiversity is considered to mitigate the adverse effects of changing precipitation patterns. However, our understanding of how tree diversity at the local neighbourhood scale modulates the water use and leaf physiology of individual trees remains unclear. We made use of a large-scale tree diversity experiment in subtropical China to study eight t...
This chapter provides an introduction to the biodiversity of forest ecosystems and highlights the currently acting drivers of forest biodiversity loss. Recent findings on relationships between biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functions are summarized, including the functional consequences of biodiversity loss for the stable provision of forest e...
This synthesis report is a meta-analysis of perspectives for biodiversity and ecosystems, with a strong focus on human impacts on the environment, and a work order to enable and manage the protection, survival and evolution of all species on Earth. The goal is to protect nature without any further species loss (Zero Extinction). With this report, w...
Previous studies have shown that tree species richness increases forest productivity by allowing for greater spatial complementarity of tree crowns (crown complementarity), which in turn results in more densely packed canopies. However, the mechanisms driving crown complementarity in tree species mixtures remain unclear. Here, we take advantage of...
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Extreme climatic events threaten forests and their climate mitigation potential globally. Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystems stability is therefore considered crucial to mitigate adverse climate change effects on forests. Here, we use structural equation models to explain how tree species richness, asynchronous species dynamics and dive...
Previous studies have shown that tree species richness increases forest productivity by allowing for greater spatial complementarity of tree crowns (crown complementarity), which in turn results in more densely packed canopies. However, the mechanisms driving crown complementarity in tree species mixtures remain unclear. Here, we take advantage of...
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Climate change may alter microscale-effective ecosystem properties such as atmospheric water vapour pressure, but consequences for plant growth are insufficiently understood. Within a northwest German heathland an open-top chamber experiment was established to analyse the effects of elevated vapour pressure deficit (eVPD) on growth responses of Cal...
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Zu den besonders gefährdeten Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands zählen Hartholz-Auenwälder (Ficario-Ulmetum, Syn.: Querco-Ulmetum), weshalb diese von der Floristisch-soziologischen Arbeits-gemeinschaft als "Pflanzengesellschaft des Jahres 2021" ausgewählt wurden. Hartholz-Auenwälder sind Laubwald-Ökosysteme der planaren und kollinen Stufe und beze...
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Questions European pasture landscapes have been shaped by grazing and alternate husbandry. They are structurally characterised by mosaics of open habitat patches, individual trees and groups of trees or shrubs. We investigated whether these semi‐open habitats may act as stepping stones and thus as dispersal corridors for both plants from woodlands...
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Variations in crown forms promote canopy space‐use and productivity in mixed‐species forests. However, we have a limited understanding on how this response is mediated by changes in within‐tree biomass allocation. Here, we explored the role of changes in tree allometry, biomass allocation and architecture in shaping diversity–productivity relations...
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Revealing the interactive effects of multiple environmental change drivers (water deficits, nitrogen (N) deposition, land-use change) is crucial for evaluating actual and possible future changes in forest ecosystem functioning. Here, we analyse whether and to what extent combined effects of spring and summer water deficits and variable amounts of N...
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Biodiversity is considered to mitigate detrimental impacts of climate change on the functioning of forest ecosystems, such as drought‐induced decline in forest productivity. However, previous studies produced controversial results and experimental evidence is rare. Specifically, the biological mechanisms underlying mitigation effects remain unclear...
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A large proportion of temperate forest plant diversity is found in the herb layer. However, for many of its species, little is known about their autecology, which makes it difficult to assess potential threats and efficiently safeguard the diversity of understorey herbaceous communities. This also applies to Gagea spathacea (Liliaceae), a globally...
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There is increasing evidence that mixed-species forests can provide multiple ecosystem services at a higher level than their monospecific counterparts. However, most studies concerning tree diversity and ecosystem functioning relationships use data from forest inventories (under noncontrolled conditions) or from very young plantation experiments. H...
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Local neighbourhood interactions are considered a main driver for biodiversity-productivity relationships in forests. Yet, the structural responses of individual trees in species mixtures and their relation to crown complementarity remain poorly understood. Using a large-scale forest experiment, we studied the impact of local tree species richness...
Conference Paper
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There is increasing evidence that mixed-species forests can provide multiple ecosystem services at a higher level than their monospecific counterparts. Here, we provide insights into the temporal development of diversity-productivity (DPRs) and diversity-stability relationships (DSRs) in the oldest tree diversity experiment in the tropics, ‘Sardini...
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Humans modify ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide, with negative consequences for ecosystem functioning. Promoting plant diversity is increasingly suggested as a mitigation strategy. However, our mechanistic understanding of how plant diversity affects the diversity of heterotrophic consumer communities remains limited. Here, we disentangle the r...
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The three-dimensional (3D) morphology of individual trees is critical for light interception, growth, stability and interactions with the local environment. Forest management intensity is a key driver of tree morphology, but how the long-term abandonment of silvicultural measures impacts trunk and crown morphological traits is not fully understood....
Fulltext Share Link (until December 15, 2018): *** Abstract: Forests are under pressure from accelerating global change. To cope with the multiple challenges related to global change but also to further improve forest management we need a better understanding of (1) the linkages between drivers of ecosy...
Reduced tillage and cover cropping are common measures to minimize leaching losses of nutrients from cropland soils. While the efficiency of these measures for reducing inorganic N leaching has been studied intensively, their effect on dissolved, organically-bound nitrogen (DON) remains unclear. In this study, leaching of nitrate, ammonium and DON...
Gagea spathacea ist eine typische Waldart, für deren Schutz Schleswig-Holstein aufgrund ihres weltweiten Vorkommens eine hohe Verantwortung trägt. Aufgrund der fast ausschließ-lich vegetativen Vermehrung durch die Ausbildung von Tochterzwiebeln ist ihre Ausbrei-tung stark eingeschränkt. Dies erklärt, warum G. spathacea eine starke Bindung an histor...
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Strategies to globally protect biological diversity are often hampered by an insufficient ecological knowledge about target species. This also applies to Gagea spathacea (Liliaceae), a ‘vulnerable’ woodland spring geophyte with a distribution largely restricted to the lowlands of Central Europe. We studied whether the species’ linkage to highly fer...
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Climate change can impact forest ecosystem processes via individual tree and community responses. While the importance of land-use legacies in modulating these processes have been increasingly recognised, evidence of former land-use mediated climate-growth relationships remain rare. We analysed how differences in former land-use (i.e. forest contin...
Climate extremes are predicted to become more frequent and intense in future. Thus, understanding how trees respond to adverse climatic conditions is crucial for evaluating possible future changes in forest ecosystem functioning. Although much information about climate effects on the growth of temperate trees has been collected in recent decades, o...
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Forest canopies and tree crown structures are of high ecological importance. Measuring canopies and crowns by direct inventory methods is time‐consuming and of limited accuracy. High‐resolution inventory tools, in particular terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), is able to overcome these limitations and obtain three‐dimensional (3D) structural informat...
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Forest management is assumed to significantly affect herb layer species richness and community composition. Thus, the main objective of this study was to assess the effects of a reduction in forest management intensity on herb layer species assemblages in deciduous forests of Northern Germany. We selected forest stands which had been managed accord...
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Theory suggests that plant interactions at the neighbourhood scale play a fundamental role in regulating biodiversity-productivity relationships (BPRs) in tree communities. However, empirical evidence of this prediction is rare, as little is known about how neighbourhood interactions scale up to influence community BPRs. Here, using a biodiversity-...
Ecosystems adapted to low nitrogen (N) conditions such as Calluna-heathlands are especially sensitive to enhanced atmospheric N deposition that affects many aspects of ecosystem functioning like nutrient cycling, soil properties and plant-microbial-enzyme relationships. We investigated the effects of five levels of experimentally-simulated N deposi...
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The effects of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on ecosystem functioning largely depend on the retention of N in different ecosystem compartments, but accumulation and partitioning processes have rarely been quantified in long-term field experiments. In the present study we analysed for the first time decadal-scale flows and allocation patterns...
Global change affects the functioning of forest ecosystems and the services they provide, but little is known about the interactive effects of co-occurring global change drivers on important functions such as tree growth and vitality. In the present study we quantified the interactive (i.e. synergistic or antagonistic) effects of atmospheric nitrog...
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Studies of grassland communities have demonstrated that increasing vertebrate grazing decreases the diversity of specialised herbivorous insects, while plant diversity is maintained or increased. However, we still have a limited understanding of the causal mechanisms underlying these contrasting observations of two tightly linked groups of organism...
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Herbivores and fungal pathogens are key drivers of plant community composition and functioning. The effects of herbivores and pathogens are mediated by the diversity and functional characteristics of their host plants. However, the combined effects of herbivory and pathogen damage, and their consequences for plant performance, have not yet been add...
Studies on tree communities have demonstrated that species diversity can enhance forest productivity, but the driving mechanisms at the local neighbourhood level remain poorly understood. Here, we use data from a large-scale biodiversity experiment with 24 subtropical tree species to show that neighbourhood tree species richness generally promotes...
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Many analyses in ecology and forestry require wood volume estimates of trees. However, non-destructive measurements are not straightforward because trees are differing in their three-dimensional structures and shapes. In this paper we compared three methods (one voxel-based and two cylinder-based methods) for wood volume calculation of trees from p...
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Climate and atmospheric changes affect forest ecosystems worldwide, but little is known about the interactive effects of global change drivers on tree growth. In the present study, we analyzed single and combined effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization and drought events (D) on the growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings in a greenhous...
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The abandonment of traditional pastoralism as well as the use of heath areas for military purposes has had a major impact on dry heaths in the Continental biogeographical region of Europe, causing severe degradation of its key species Calluna vulgaris (L.) HULL. The reproductive potential of this species in a Continental climate is assumed to be lo...
Anthropogenic deposition of reactive nitrogen (N) has increased during the 20th century, and is considered an important driver of shifts in ecosystem functions and biodiversity loss. The objective of the present study was to identify those ecosystem functions that best evidence a target ecosystem’s sensitivity to N deposition, taking coastal heathl...
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Understanding how trees respond to global change drivers is central to predict changes in forest structure and functions. Although there is evidence on the mode of nitrogen (N) and drought (D) effects on tree growth, our understanding of the interplay of these factors is still limited. Simultaneously, as mixtures are expected to be less sensitive t...