Andreas FichtnerETH Zurich | ETH Zürich · Department of Earth Sciences
Andreas Fichtner
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I am an applied theoretical seismologist. My research focuses on the development of waveform modelling and inversion techniques, and on their use in studies of Earth structure and earthquake sources.
Publications (356)
The tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau has been influenced by continental collision and postcollisional convergence of Indian and Eurasian plates, both of which have undoubtedly imposed their imprints on the lithosphere and upper-mantle structures beneath the collision zone. However, the mode by which the Indian Plate has subducted beneath T...
Ice streams are major regulators of sea level change. However, standard viscous flow simulations of their evolution have limited predictive power due to incomplete understanding of involved processes. On the Greenland ice sheet, borehole fiber-optic observations reveal a brittle deformation mode that is incompatible with viscous flow over length sc...
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is a promising technology for providing dense (metre-scale) sampling of the seismic wavefield. However, harnessing this potential for earthquake detection with accurate phase picking and associated localization remains challenging. Single-channel algorithms are limited by individual channel noise, while machine le...
We present the first application of Full‐Waveform Inversion (FWI) for a radially anisotropic 3D velocity model of the lithosphere beneath central Italy. The retrieved model CI23 $C{I}_{23}$ constrains P‐wave (VPV ${V}_{PV}$, VPH ${V}_{PH}$) and S‐wave velocities (VSV ${V}_{SV}$, VSH ${V}_{SH}$) in the period range 8–50 s. CI23 $C{I}_{23}$ model cor...
We use the full waveform inversion method to study the crustal‐mantle seismic structure beneath Central Asia. By combining earthquake waveforms and ambient noise cross‐correlations, we construct a 3D model of Vp and Vs down to a depth of 220 km. This model reveals a complex Indian‐Asian plate configuration and interaction, resulting from the plate...
Advances in data acquisition and numerical wave simulation have improved tomographic imaging techniques and results, but non-experts may find it difficult to understand which model is best for their needs. This paper is intended for these users. We argue that our notion of best is influenced by the extent to which models satisfy our biases. We expl...
Seismic traveltime tomography represents a popular and useful tool for unravelling the structure of the subsurface across the scales. In this work we address the case where the forward model is represented by the eikonal equation and derive a formalism to solve the inverse problem where gradients are calculated efficiently using the discrete adjoin...
Continental rifting is an essential part of the tectonic cycle and is vital for understanding the Earth's evolution. However, knowledge gaps on lithospheric deformation processes that may initiate break-up remain. Here, we conduct a comparative multiscale study of the East African Rift System's magma-poor and magma-rich rift branches using one of t...
Geological interpretations, earthquake source inversions and ground motion modeling, among other applications, require models that jointly resolve crustal and mantle structure. With the second generation of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM2), we present a global multi‐resolution tomographic Earth model that serves this purpose. The model...
Utilizing existing telecommunication cables for Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiments has eased the collection of seismological data in previously difficult‐to‐access areas such as the ocean bottom. To assess the potential of submarine DAS for monitoring seismic activity, we conducted an experiment from mid‐October to mid‐December 2021 usi...
This work explores techniques for accurately modeling the propagation of ultrasound waves in lossy fluid-solid media, such as within transcranial ultrasound, using the spectral-element method. The objectives of this work are twofold, namely, (1) to present a formulation of the coupled viscoacoustic-viscoelastic wave equation for the spectral-elemen...
We present an adaptation of the Backus-Gilbert method that enables (i) the incorporation of arbitrary prior knowledge and (ii) the solution of multi-parameter inverse problems, providing a tunable balance between spatial resolution, inference errors and inter-parameter trade-offs. This yields a powerful approach for solving a class of inverse probl...
We present a quantum algorithmic framework for simulating linear, anti-Hermitian (lossless) wave equations in heterogeneous, anisotropic, but time-independent media. This framework encompasses a broad class of wave equations, including the acoustic wave equation, Maxwells equations, and the elastic wave equation. Our formulation is compatible with...
A large portion of the stress release on seismic faults remains silent and undetected, requiring the development of novel observation techniques. Measuring travel time perturbations from the correlation of ambient seismic noise at different stations is a well-known approach to assess temporal changes in seismic velocities, which can provide insight...
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology enables the detection of waves generated by seismic events, generally as uniaxial strain/strain rate time-series observed for dense, subsequent, portions of a Fibre Optic Cable (FOC). Despite the advantages in measurement density, data quality is often affected by uniaxial signal polarization, site effe...
Determining Earth’s structure is paramount to unravel its interior dynamics. Seismic tomography reveals positive wave speed anomalies throughout the mantle that spatially correlate with the expected locations of subducted slabs. This correlation has been widely applied in plate reconstructions and geodynamic modelling. However, global travel-time t...
We analyse ambient-noise seismic data from 23 three-component seismic nodes to study firn velocity structure and seismic anisotropy near the EastGRIP camp along the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). Using nine-component correlation tensors, we derive dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities from 3 to 40 Hz. These velocity...
Plain Language Summary
Seismic tomography allows seismologists to infer properties of the inaccessible solid Earth through interpretations of seismic waves measured at the surface. Full waveform inversion tomography uses three‐dimensional (3D) wave propagation simulations to image subsurface structure as well as improve physical models for numerica...
Similar to Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), phase transmission fibre optics allows for large bandwidth seismic data measurements using fibre-optic cables. However, while the application range of DAS is limited to tens of kilometres, phase transmission fibre optics has an application range that can go up to thousands of kilometres. This new metho...
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) allows one to measure strain at metre-resolution along a fibreoptic cable, increasing spatial sampling of a seismic wavefield compared to conventional instrumenta- tion. However, the challenge of measuring DAS-derived strain amplitude currently limits applications of this technology. Absolute amplitude measurement...
Berry phases offer a geometric perspective on wave propagation and are key to designing materials with topological wave transport. However, controlling Berry phases is challenging due to their dependence on global integrals over the Brillouin zone, making differentiation difficult. We present an adjoint-based method for efficiently computing the gr...
Plain Language Summary
Steep mountains and hills produce dangerous rockfalls and similar phenomena such as landslides and debris flows. A major collapse is typically preceded by a series of rockfalls over days or months. It is therefore crucial to reliably detect these events and recognize the warning signs of an impending major collapse. When rock...
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a promising technology for providing dense (metre-scale) sampling of the seismic wavefield. However, harnessing this potential for earthquake detection with accurate phase picking and associated localisation remains challenging. Single-channel algorithms are limited by individual channel noise, while machine le...
Observations of glacier melt and runoff are of fundamental interest in the study of glaciers and their interactions with their environment. Considerable recent interest has developed around distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), a sensing technique which utilizes Rayleigh backscatter in fiber optic cables to measure the seismo-acoustic wavefield in hi...
We present a workflow for producing shallow subsurface velocity models from passive urban distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data. This method is demonstrated using a dataset collected in Bern, Switzerland, using in situ telecommunications fiber. We compute noise correlations to extract Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves, which we then use to produce...
Adiabatic evolution is an emergent design principle for time modulated metamaterials, often inspired by insights from topological quantum computing such as braiding operations. However, the pursuit of classical adiabatic metamaterials is rooted in the assumption that classical and quantum adiabatic evolution are equivalent. We show that this is onl...
FWI for the Central Asia, including Pamir, Hindu Kush and Tian Shan
Cross-correlations of seismic ambient noise are frequently used to image Earth structure. Usually, tomographic studies assume that noise sources are uniformly distributed and interpret noise correlations as empirical Green’s functions. However, previous research suggests that this assumption can introduce errors in the estimated models, especially...
We present an earthquake source inversion using a single time series produced by integrated fiber-optic sensing in a phase noise cancellation (PNC) system used for frequency metrology. Operating on a 123 km long fiber between Bern and Basel (Switzerland), the PNC system recorded the Mw3.9 Mulhouse earthquake that occurred on 10 September 2022 aroun...
Effective use of the wealth of information provided by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for mass movement monitoring remains a challenge. We propose a semi-supervised neural network tailored to screen DAS data related to a series of rock collapses leading to a major failure of approximately 1.2 million m3 on 15 June 2023 in Brienz, Eastern Switze...
We construct a three-dimensional model of seismic velocity structure beneath the Zagros collision zone by analyzing phase measurements of seismic waveform recordings from earthquakes. We used entire waveforms from 37 earthquakes and followed a multi-scale approach for periods between 20 and 80 s. As a starting model, we used the first generation of...
Effective use of the wealth of information provided by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for mass movement monitoring remains a challenge. We propose a semi-supervised neural network tailored to screen DAS data related to a series of rock collapses leading to a major failure of approximately 1.2 million m3 on 15 June 2023 in Brienz, Eastern Switze...
Geological interpretations, earthquake source inversions and ground motion modelling, among other applications, require models that jointly resolve crustal and mantle structure. With the second generation of the Collaborative Seismic Earth Model (CSEM2), we present a global multi-resolution tomographic Earth model that serves this purpose. The mode...
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology repurposes fiber optic cables (FOCs) into seismic arrays, offering unprecedented dense strain/strain-rate measurements. The metre-scale virtual sensor spacing is typically unattainable with standard seismological equipment. Consequently, DAS provides an extraordinary amount of suitable data for seismic...
Utilizing existing telecommunication cables for Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiments has eased the collection of seismological data in previously difficult-to-access areas such as the ocean bottom. To assess the potential of submarine DAS for monitoring seismic activity, we conducted an experiment from mid-October to mid-December 2021 usi...
A fiber-optic cable below T�rkiye’s earthquake-prone metropolis is offering new details about how seismic waves will rattle the city—and demonstrating the potential of a bigger monitoring effort.
The determination of seismic event locations with sparse networks or single-borehole systems remains a significant challenge in observational seismology. Leveraging the advantages of the location approach HADES (eartHquake locAtion via Distance gEometry Solvers), which was initially developed for locating clustered seismicity recorded at two statio...
This chapter describes fiber optic sensing methodologies and their applications for understanding volcanic structure and processes. We assess their benefits for volcano monitoring and offer possible solutions to address their challenges. The physical principles at the basis of fiber optic sensing technologies have been known for several decades. Th...
Seismic tomography is the most abundant source of information about the internal structure of the Earth at scales ranging from a few meters to thousands of kilometers. It constrains the properties of active volcanoes, earthquake fault zones, deep reservoirs and storage sites, glaciers and ice sheets, or the entire globe. It contributes to outstandi...
Quantum computing has attracted considerable attention in recent years because it promises speedups that conventional supercomputers cannot offer, at least for some applications. Though existing quantum computers are, in most cases, still too small to solve significant problems, their future impact on domain sciences is already being explored now....
We present REVEAL, a global-scale, transversely isotropic full-waveform inversion model. REVEAL builds upon the earlier construction of the long-wavelength Earth (LOWE) model by lowering the minimum period from 100 to 33 s and by more than doubling the number of included earthquakes to 2366. In the course of 305 quasi-Newton iterations, REVEAL assi...
Scientists from different disciplines at ETH Zurich are developing a dynamic, harmonised, and user-centred earthquake risk framework for Switzerland, relying on a continuously evolving earthquake catalogue generated by the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) using the national seismic networks. This framework uses all available information to assess...
In the immediate vicinity of a source there are strong gradients in the seismic wavefield that are tamed and modified in DAS recording due to combined effects of gauge-length averaging and local stacking on the local strain field. Close to a source broadside propagation effects are significant, and produce a characteristic impact on the local DAS c...
Observations of glacier melt and runoff are of fundamental interest in the study of glaciers and their interactions with their environment. Considerable recent interest has developed around distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), a sensing technique which utilizes Rayleigh backscatter in fiber optic cables to measure the seismo-acoustic wavefield in hi...
In the immediate vicinity of a source there are strong gradients in the seismic wavefield that are tamed and modified in DAS recording due to combined effects of gauge-length averaging and local stacking on the local strain field. Close to a source broadside propagation effects are significant and produce a characteristic impact on the local DAS ch...
Quantum computing has attracted considerable attention in recent years because it promises speed-ups that conventional supercomputers cannot offer, at least for some applications. Though existing quantum computers are, in most cases, still too small to solve significant problems, their future impact on domain sciences is already being explored now....
We analyse ambient noise seismic data from 23 three-component seismic nodes to study firn velocity structure and seismic anisotropy near the EastGRIP camp along the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). Using 9-component correlation tensors, we derive dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities from 3 Hz to 40 Hz. These velocity...
The use of the probabilistic approach to solve inverse problems is becoming more popular in the geophysical community, thanks to its ability to address nonlinear forward problems and to provide uncertainty quantification. However, such strategy is often tailored to specific applications and therefore there is a need for common platforms to solve di...
Ice streams are major contributors to ice sheet mass loss and sea level rise. Effects of their dynamic behaviour are imprinted into seismic properties, such as wave speeds and anisotropy. Here we present results from a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiment in a deep ice-core borehole in the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream...
We present a distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) experiment at Grímsvötn, Iceland. This is intended to investigate volcano-microseismicity at Grímsvötn specifically, and to assess the suitability of DAS as a subglacial volcano monitoring tool in general. In spring 2021, we trenched a 12 km long fiber-optic cable into the ice sheet around and within...
We present a long-range fiber-optic environmental deformation sensor based on active phase noise cancellation (PNC) in metrological frequency dissemination. PNC sensing exploits recordings of a compensation frequency that is commonly discarded. Without the need for dedicated measurement devices, it operates synchronously with metrological services,...
Scientists at ETH Zurich from different disciplines are developing a dynamic, harmonised and user-centred earthquake risk framework for Switzerland, relying on a continuously evolving earthquake catalogue generated by the SED using the national seismic networks. This framework uses all available information to assess seismic risk at various stages...
Lower crustal flow in regions of post-orogenic extension has been inferred to explain the exhumation of metamorphic core complexes and associated low-angle normal (detachment) fault systems. However, the origin of detachment faults, whether initially formed as high-angle or low-angle shear zones, and the extension is symmetric or asymmetric remains...
Ice streams are major contributors to ice sheet mass loss and sea level rise. Effects of their dynamic behaviour are imprinted into seismic properties, such as wave speeds and anisotropy. Here we present results from the first Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiment in a deep ice-core borehole in the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ic...
Many contemporary problems within the Earth sciences are complex, and require an interdisciplinary approach. This book provides a comprehensive reference on data assimilation and inverse problems, as well as their applications across a broad range of geophysical disciplines. With contributions from world leading researchers, it covers basic knowled...
Whales and dolphins rely on sound for navigation and communication, making them an intriguing subject for studying language evolution. Traditional hydrophone arrays have been used to record their acoustic behavior, but optical fibers have emerged as a promising alternative. This study explores the use of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), a techni...
We present a seismic model of the Africa Plate, constructed with the technique of full‐waveform inversion. The purpose of our model is to serve as a foundation for quantitative geodynamic and geochemical interpretation, earthquake‐induced ground motion predictions, and earthquake source inversion. Starting from the first‐generation Collaborative Se...