Andrea QuintilianiUniversità degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara | UNICH · Department of Management and Business Administration
Andrea Quintiliani
Assistant Professor
Professor of Corporate Finance
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The research activity, carried out both on a personal basis and as a member of research groups, has developed in the following areas: a) Banking and finance; b) Intangible value; c) Internal rating banking; d) Corporate value; e) SMEs; f) The value creation in manufacturing and financial companies Basel 3, the effects on bank-firm relationship and the role of corporate finance; g) The management of the investment and financing techniques with a focus on the relationship between banks and firms.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (57)
During the sustainable transition, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) request funding to support environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments. In particular, these requests clash with information asymmetries typical of the bank–firm relationship, causing SMEs to experience credit crunch phenomena or increased loan costs. This afor...
The sustainable transition sees SMEs request funding to support ESG investments. These requests, in
particular, clash with information asymmetries, typical of the bank-firm relationship, which see SMEs
witness credit crunch phenomena or suffer an increase in loan costs. A phenomenon, the one indicated,
which encouraged this study to examine whet...
This article aims to determine the influence of entrepreneurs' financial literacy on the growth of SMEs' value. The paper verifies the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between financial literacy and value creation, as indicated by economic value added (EVA®). The study analyses 162 Italian SMEs operating in the textile and clothi...
This study aims to investigate the correlations between ESG score and firm value. The paper verifies the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between ESG score and firm performance, as indicated by levered free cash flow, ROE, current ratio, and quick ratio; also, the study aimed to investigate the relationship between ESG score and firm...
Questo lavoro di ricerca trae le mosse dal pensiero di molteplici aziendalisti che prendono le distanze dalla narrativa, per quanto diffusa, che descrive l'impresa spettatore passivo, sfiduciato e inerme di fronte al dilagare del Coronavirus ("cigno nero" o "black swan" del 2020); in effetti, il sottotitolo di questo volume "pianificare è meglio ch...
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, this chapter sheds light on the determinants of the financial distress costs between Italian and German small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The authors propose an innovative formulation of the expected costs originated by financial distress expressed as the product of the expected financial distress...
IT. Questo inizio secolo può essere ricordato per le calamità epidemiche/pandemiche che lo hanno colpito. L’influenza aviaria, la SARS, la suina, l’ebola e oggi anche il Covid-19. Centinaia di migliaia di vite spezzate alle quali si sono aggiunte ulteriori vittime ossia le imprese. Un danno sociale ed economico che pone alcuni interrogativi. Le nos...
This study seeks to understand financing choices and its relationships with profitability of for-profit education companies listed on NASDAQ and NYSE. This study tests the hypothesis that knowledge-based firms with higher assets intangibility used less debt in their capital structures than capital-intensive firms with higher assets tangibility. Cap...
This study aims at investigating the effects of financial transparency on SMEs’ value. The main purpose of research work is to test hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between financial transparency and SME value improvement as indicated by interest coverage ratio and Tobin Q. Agency theory is a useful framework for designing finan...
Objectives - This study aims at determining the influence of financial literacy of entrepreneurs to the
value growth of SMEs. The paper testes the hypothesis that there is significant relationship between
financial literacy and corporate value improvement as indicated by Economic Value Added (EVA).
Methodology - The study appliedscensus survey for...
Objectives - In saying that measurement of financial performance plays an important role in the capital allocation choices, the aim of this study is to test the relationships between Market Value Added (MVA), stockholders value measures and presence of formal strategic plan.Methodology - The study is among descriptive and correlational researches a...
Objectives. This paper aims to empirically investigate the determinants of corporate financial disclosure (CFD) and the possible associations between the extent of CFD and financial/non-financial variables.
Methodology. The study is among descriptive and correlational researches and using panel data methodology on sample of family and non-family SM...
Objectives. This paper aims to empirically investigate the determinants of corporate financial disclosure
(CFD) and the possible associations between the extent of CFD and financial/non-financial variables.
Methodology. The study is among descriptive and correlational researches and using panel data
methodology on sample of family and non-family SM...
Objectives. This paper aims to empirically investigate the determinants of corporate financial disclosure (CFD) and the possible associations between the extent of CFD and financial/non-financial variables.
Methodology. The study is among descriptive and correlational researches and using panel data methodology on sample of family and non-family SM...
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, this chapter sheds light on the determinants of the financial distress costs between Italian and German small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The authors propose an innovative formulation of the expected costs originated by financial distress expressed as the product of the expected financial distress...
This study aims to identify a number of qualitative and quantitative elements that affect financial distress costs between Italian and German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We propose a model that interprets “expected costs” as the product between “expected financial distress likelihood” and “total amount of financial distress costs due...
The objectives of this research are two: to understand, if Government grants create favorable conditions for enterprises which mean to promote diversification process by increasing range of company products; and to understand if diversification strategy, stimulated by public grants, can lead to a growth of company value. This research is carried ou...
È ormai lontano il periodo nel quale il Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1999) si riuniva per formalizzare l'adozione ai fini regolamentari del sistema che, in quella seduta, veniva definito con il termine Internal Rating System.
Recentemente i sistemi di rating interni sono stati criticati e messi in discussione in quanto considerati estemp...
This work proposes a theoretical model designed to predict the likelihood of financial distress of an enterprise and to quantify the damages whenever the financial crisis became full-blown.
Coherently with the objectives of the paper, the analysis considers the last seven exercises (period: 1999/2006) of a sam...
Purpose. The objectives of the paper are two-fold. The first objective of the research is formulated with the intent to analyze the existence or not of a possible “European Banking Authority (EBA) effect” on the credit offer of local banks compared with national banks subject to the requests of capital from European Authority. The second research o...
This paper focuses on bank-firm relationship in an economic deeply changing environment. The objectives of the paper are two-fold: to understand, compared to the overall banking system, if the lending activities and economic-financial performances of Italian local banks have changed after the outbreak of the financial crisis; and to understand what...
This study aims to examine the role of CFOs on MAS innovation by considering the relationships with banks and the intangible capital endowments of the firms. We find that CFO’s management accounting innovations are lower when the firm has a scarcity intangible asset and when partners bank adopt transaction-based models. We believe that the findings...
Purpose. The objectives of the paper are two-fold: to understand if the lending activities
and economic-financial performances of Italian local banks have changed after the outbreak
of the financial crisis; in particular, the first objective of the research is formulated with the
intent to analyze the existence or not of a possible “European Bankin...
Objectives. Te aim of this paper is to provide guidelines to set internal rating systems able to appropriately capture the importance of intangibles and to take into account the characteristics of the area where the frm works. Methodology.
After a careful analysis of academic and practitioners studies, the paper identifes
useful interventions for t...
Il paper si propone di comprendere in quale misura il marchio di certificazione possa essere strumento capace di rafforzare l’identità dell’impresa e la sua brand identity con riflessi positivi in termini di creazione di valore. Metodo: previa rassegna della letteratura sulle criticità che le imprese riscontrano nell’avviare percorsi di internazion...
Muovendo da uno schema concettuale generale sul ruolo del patrimonio immateriale
d’impresa nei sistemi di rating, il paper si pone l’obiettivo di fornire linee guida ed indirizzi
pratici finalizzati a configurare auspicabili modelli di rating in cui il peso degli intangibles sia
opportunamente e correttamente valorizzato e tengano conto anche dei c...
Obiettivi. Il paper si pone l'obiettivo di offrire una panoramica sui principali studi in merito al tema del museo aziendale. Metodologia. L'impianto di indagine utilizzato per lo svolgimento della rassegna della letteratura sul tema oggetto di interesse è così articolato: il primo ambito di indagine ha riguardato una rassegna di articoli relativi...
Objectives. Starting from the recognition of the state of the art, the paper aims to identify the main challenges and opportunities affecting the financing of the manufacturing industry. In a scenario of strong change, the availability of adequate financial resources is essential for many industrial sectors in order to maintain their vital importan...
Il volume di Andrea Quintiliani, previa rappresentazione delle questioni “essenziali” dell’economia e gestione delle imprese di assicurazione, si propone di offrire indicazioni sulla gestione e solvibilità delle imprese di assicurazione.
Objectives. The paper provides guidance on the importance of assessing the credit risk of the company based not only on its
intrinsic qualities, but also as a reflection of an environmental factor capable of expressing the characteristic of the area of
operation of the firm.
Methodology. Moving from the theory of the firm’s systemic governance, the...
The paper offers a systematic overview of the principal studies on the choices of corporate financing and the main results of the theoretical and empirical literature on the factors influencing the choice of financial structure.
Based on the network theory, the study examines how a network between local
banks could strengthen the quality and the innovation of banking services.
In order to describe the role that a network could play in the current banking
arena, the paper tries to identify two main findings. First, it argues that banking
network improves the economic perfor...
Questo libro affronta il tema della valutazione delle PMI e rappresenta la continuazione del precedente volume, edito nel 2008, "Appunti di Finanza Aziendale", il cui obiettivo era l'esame dei principali strumenti di diagnosi, "via contabile", dell'equilibrio economico-finanziario d'impresa. In questo volume si approfondiscono i contenuti del prece...
Il volume offre una panoramica completa delle strategie operative di sviluppo aziendale, viste sotto la logica naturale di un'espansione pilotata dall'aumento del fatturato, dei clienti e della quota di mercato.
Il libro, frutto dell'attività didattica e di ricerca svolta dall'autore nell'ambito della cattedra di finanza aziendale dell'Università degli studi del Molise, fornisce, con un linguaggio semplice ma al tempo stesso rigoroso, una rappresentazione chiara dei modelli teorici trattati in aula
Il libro affronta il tema dei finanziamenti agevolati in Italia e dei riflessi, di natura economico-gestionale, sull'operato delle Pmi.
Dopo un'introduzione storica relativa agli interventi agevolati erogati alle imprese italiane, il libro mette a fuoco i profili di specificità dell'impresa beneficiaria di incentivi pubblici, sia dal punto di vista...
La valutazione del rischio è una variabile chiave nel moderno mondo economico e finanziario. Le nuove disposizioni sui requisiti patrimoniali del sistema bancario, più noto come Basilea 2, pone particolare enfasi sulla necessità di migliorare il meccanismo di valutazione del rischio creditizio attraverso l'introduzione di sofisticati sistemi di ass...
In this paper the process of diversification is studied with a financial approach to measure how much it is stimulated by public financial grant. It was attempted to estimate if grants issued by the State and/or Region create favourable conditions for enterprises which have the capacity to promote the diversification process by increasing the range...
La normativa italiana sull’amministrazione degli enti locali è stata oggetto in questi ultimi anni di una forte innovazione. Stimolata dalle crescenti depauperazioni delle PA (Pubbliche Amministrazioni) in termini di efficienza e di rendimento, si è reso necessario un cambiamento nella filosofia gestionale dell’ente attraverso un processo di trasla...
Lo studio condotto pone in risalto la trasparenza della comunicazione e dell’informazione
contabile d’azienda come fattore strategico di accesso al credito bancario; dal punto di
vista aziendale, quindi, risulta rilevante stimare se l’ampliamento degli strumenti
d’informazione e di comunicazione, soprattutto quelli contabili, possano creare condizi...
Nella prima parte del lavoro si analizza l’evoluzione della disciplina degli interventi agevolativi finanziari alle imprese come strumento di sviluppo per ridurre le disparità regionali all’interno del Paese. Il lavoro prende l’avvio con l’introduzione storica relativa agli interventi straordinari a favore del Mezzogiorno dopo la fine del secondo c...
Sommario: 8.1 Introduzione, pag.1; 8.2 L’economic Value Added come modello di riferimento per l’analisi della creazione di valore, pag. 4; 8.3 Una lettura sistemica dell’oggetto d’indagine, pag. 7; 8.4 L’analisi del valore dei subfornitori della Ittierre Spa: un modello empirico di analisi, pag. 10; 8.5 Il valore generato dal reticolo d’impresa mol...
Analisi empiriche hanno evidenziato come nel settore moda vengano a crearsi
strutture reticolari (Golinelli G., Dezi L., 1997) dominate dalla grande impresa,
nella fattispecie leader e promotrice di processi di gemmazione d’impresa
(Lorenzoni G., 1992) a seguito dell’esternalizzazione di fasi del processo
produttivo. In tale ambito, si generano del...