Andrea Alejandra Caballero OchoaNational Autonomous University of Mexico | UNAM · Institute of Ocean Sciences and Limnology
Andrea Alejandra Caballero Ochoa
PhD Candidate
Profesor de Asignatura "A", UNAM
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Andrea Alejandra Caballero Ochoa currently works at the Institute of Ocean Sciences and Limnology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Andrea Alejandra does research in Marine Biology, Systematics (Taxonomy) and Zoology. Their current project is 'Biogeography of Mexican Echinoderms.'
Publications (39)
La intensa vida ritual de la capital altiplánica no sólo se refleja en las complejas ceremonias plasmadas en el arte escultórico, sino también en las ricas ofrendas inhumadas en los principales edificios públicos. De uno de estos contextos procede un conjunto inusitado de animales marinos traídos desde las lejanas costas del Océano Pacífico. Las es...
The family Synallactidae comprises mostly deep-sea forms and is the least-studied large taxon amongst deep-sea cucumbers. They are part of the abyssal megafauna and play an important role in modifying the sediment landscape and structuring the communities that live within it. The family embraces the genus Synallactes, which contains appr...
Introduction: The Sierra Santa Teresa is located 20 km southeast of Hermosillo in the central region of Sonora state, Mexico. The sedimentary strata mainly correspond to limestone, mudstone, wackestone and packstone texture, from the upper Paleozoic. The biota is represented by crinoids of the morphospecies Baryschyr anosus, Cyclocaudex insaturatus...
Epitomapta aumakua sp. nov. occurs at a depth of 2.5 m in Kualoa, O`ahu, Hawai`i, living in coarse sand. It is distinctive in having 12 pinnate tentacles, each tentacle with three pairs of digits and 6-8 sensory cups. The body wall bears papillae or oval bumps, and the length of body reaches a maximum length of 18.4 mm after relaxation.
Tenochtitlan fue la capital del Imperio mexica, fundada en México en el año de 1325 d. C. sobre un islote de la cuenca de México. Se trataba de una ciudad lacustre de calles rodeadas por agua, donde se levantaban pirámides, templos y barrios alrededor del centro de la ciudad, en el cual estaba el recinto sagrado formado por templos y palacios. Entr...
Tenochtitlan offerings (AD 1325–1521) were buried by the Mexica priests inside religious buildings and under the plaza floors in order to consecrate the enlargements of their temples, to commemorate special festivities, or to appease their gods. Each one of these offerings contained all kinds of gifts, including raw minerals, plants, animals, human...
Introduction: The genus Leptopentacta has only been previously reported from Florida, Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Suriname. Objective: To present the first record of the genus for Nicaragua. Methods: The morpho- logical characters of Nicaraguan material at the Smithsonian Institution (USNM 1014529), were corroborated with the original descripti...
Clypeaster europacificus es una especie de galleta de mar que se distribuye de 0 a 200 m en el Golfo de California.
Describir la morfología y el crecimiento relativo en la testa de C. europacificus.
Medimos 1 846 especímenes de museo de C. europacificus (N = 1 846) y analizamos el patrón de crecimiento en 32 espec...
The genus Massinium includes 11 species, most from the Indo Pacific Ocean, and had not previously being reported from the American continent.
To present the new record of the genus Massinium and describe a new species of this genus.
Material collection was done by SCUBA-diving to depths of a maximum of 9 m.
In Mexico, there are two recorded living species of Cassiduloida: Cassidulus caribaearum and Rhyncholampas pacifica. Most of the taxonomic studies on cassiduloids have used external morphology, pedicellariae and morphometric characters; however, the intraspecific variation of quantitative and qualitative characters has been poorly eva...
Se encontraron espículas de cinco especies de pepino de mar (Isostichopus fuscus, Neopentamera anexigua, Neothyone gibber, N. gibbosa y Pachythyone lugubris) en la ofrenda 126 dedicada a Tlaltecuhtli del Templo Mayor.
Pentamera fonsecae n. sp. is described from seven specimens as a new species of Thyonidae from the Pacific coast of
Costa Rica. It is distinguished from its congeners by having tables with ladder-shaped spires in the body wall, and tube
feet with curved support tables of variable height and tables as those found in the body wall slightly smaller th...
The morphological study of fossil and recent species of the families Echinolampadidae Gray, 1851 and Cassidulidae L. Agassiz and Desor, 1847, from different localities of Mexico was carried out. In the fossil species, Echinolampas aldrichi Twitchell, 1915 in Clark and Twitchell (1915), Echinolampas mexicanus Lambert, 1928 and Echinolampas veracruze...
Se realizó el estudio morfológico de especies fósiles y recientes de las familias Echinolampadidae Gray, 1851 y Cassidulidae L. Agassiz y Desor, 1847, provenientes de diversas localidades de México. En las especies fósiles Echinolampas aldrichi Twitchell, 1915 en Clark y Twitchell (1915), Echinolampas mexicanus Lambert, 1928 y Echinolampas veracruz...
Epitomaptasimentalaesp. n. occurs in depths of 4–10 m off the Mexican Central Pacific coast. It is distinctive in having twelve tentacles, each tentacle with two or three pairs of digits and four to six sensory cups, lacking papillae or oval bumps and in reaching a maximum length of 50 mm in life.
La posición geográfica de México lo hace uno de los países más biodiversos del planeta. El estudio de la diversidad de los equinodermos de México comenzó́ en el siglo XIX. En México se encuentran 818 especies de equinodermos, siendo la clase Ophiuroidea la más rica con 240 especies, Asteroidea contiene 229, Echinoidea 153, Holothuroidea 165 y Crino...
México alberga una significativa diversidad de equinodermos, a nivel genérico y específico. Su reconocimiento ha sido posible gracias a los estudios taxonómicos e inventarios del grupo realizados en diversos hábitats marinos, los cuales, aunque no están completos, presentan información valiosa sobre su distribución. Hasta el momento se han reconoci...
Irregular echinoids can be found in almost all marine habitats, from the polar to the equatorial regions, and from the intertidal zone to great depths; some species have a cosmopolitan distribution, but most are geographically restricted, and all live in very particular habitats to a greater or lesser degree in Mexico has 153 species distributed wi...
Echinoderms from Nicaragua: new records for the Pacific and South Caribbean. There is little information about the echinoderms of Nicaragua. Here we present a list based on bibliographical revisions and collections of specimens made in the last three years. Samplings were made from June 11 to 16, 2016, in 10 locations (two in the Pacific and eight...
Between 1978 and 1982 the ruins of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan were exhumed a few meters northward from the central plaza (Zócalo) of Mexico City. The temple was the center of the Mexica's ritual life and one of the most famous ceremonial buildings of its time (15 th and 16 th centuries). More than 200 offerings have been recovered in the temp...
Echinoderms from the Museum of Zoology from the Universidad de Costa Rica. The Museum of Zoology, Universidad de Costa Rica (MZUCR) was founded in 1966 and houses the most complete collection of vertebrates and invertebrates in Costa Rica. The MZUCR currently has 24 collections containing more than five million specimens, and more than 13 000 speci...
Se elaboró el Catálogo de Autoridades Taxonómicas de los Equinodermos (Echinodermata) de México, contiene nombres taxonómicos de especímenes depositados en la Colección Nacional de Equinodermos “Dra. Ma. E. Caso M.”, del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (ICML), de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), así como ejemplares mexi...
There is little information about the echinoderms of Nicaragua. Here we present a list based on bibliographical revisions and collections of specimens made in the last three years. Samplings were made from June 11 to 16, 2016, in 10 locations (two in the Pacific and eight in the Caribbean). In addition, the databases of eight international scientif...
The Museum of Zoology, Universidad de Costa Rica (MZUCR) was founded in 1966 and houses the most complete collection of vertebrates and invertebrates in Costa Rica. The MZUCR currently has 24 collections containing more than five million specimens, and more than 13 000 species. The earliest collections date back to 1960 and include fishes, reptiles...
El estudio de los equinodermos de la costa del Pacífico mexicano data del siglo XIX y se encuentra bien documentado. A pesar de haber comenzado hace más de cien años, en la actualidad existen zonas de la costa pacífica mexicana que se encuentran pobremente estudiadas. El estado de Michoacán es uno de los estados referidos en el libro de CONABIO sob...
El Golfo de California presenta una considerable diversidad de equinodermos. Su reconocimiento en diversos hábitats ha sido posible gracias a los estudios taxonómicos e inventarios del grupo, los cuáles aunque distan mucho de estar completos, representan un acervo de información invaluable para todo tipo de estudios: sistemáticos, evolutivos, genét...
10.7550/rmb.40315 Ophiambix devaneyi Paterson, 1985 is one of the 4 species that comprise the genus Ophiambix Lyman, 1880 (family Ophiuridae Müller and Troschel, 1840, subfamily Ophiurinae Lyman, 1865). O. aculeatus Lyman, 1880 is distributed in Japan, Fiji Islands, Hawaii and New Zealand (430-4 634 m); O. epicopus Paterson and Baker, 1988 is distr...
Se registra por primera vez para el Perú la especie de pepino de mar Heterocucumis godeffroyi(Semper, 1868) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). La especie fue recolectada a 19 m de profundidad en Pucusana, de-partamento de Lima. Este registro representa el límite más norteño de distribución de la especie reconocido hasta el momento. Material de referen...
This is the first record of Heterocucumis godeffroyi (Semper, 1868) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) for Peruvian waters. The species was collected at19 m deep, in Pucusana, off Lima Departamento. This record represents the northern most distribution limit knowing to the present. Reference material has been deposited at the Colección de Zoología Acuá...