André Francisco Pilon

André Francisco Pilon
University of São Paulo | USP · Departamento de Prática de Saúde Pública (FSP) (São Paulo)

Associate Professor


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Assoc. Prof., University of São Paulo; Psychologist, São Paulo State Court of Justice; Director, Health Education Dept., Ministry of Health, Brazil, Editor, journal Academus. He is affiliated, among others, with Int. Acad. of Science, Health & Ecology; United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Link to public profile and selected publications:
Additional affiliations
January 1974 - August 1974
Health Health Education Department, Ministry of Health, Brazil
  • Department Director
July 1966 - August 1967
January 1965 - December 1980
São Paulo's Justice Court of Minors
  • Medical Professional
January 1995 - July 1998
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
Field of study
  • Environmental Education
January 1981 - July 1984
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
Field of study
  • Health Education


Publications (182)
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Em sistemas que tecem a própria mortalha e buscam nos manipular e controlar, podemos, zumbis ou "mortos-vivos" (como no conto de Pierre Gripari), ser coparticipantes, em uma dança macabra, de toda sorte de malefícios, ou então assumir uma posição crítica e transformadora diante da imensa engrenagem política, econômica e cultural que envolve o mundo...
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Duramente afetados pelas guerras, desastres e flagelos, ao ritmo orquestrado pelas chamadas "culturas de pobreza" e "culturas de riqueza" (ambos lados opostos da mesma moeda), os homens (e mulheres) de hoje têm apenas duas opções: ou engrossam o cortejo dos considerados “mortos vivos” ou resgatam a condição de seres conscientes e responsáveis. Em s...
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In this essay the author discusses the condition of man in today's world, overwhelmed by a huge political, economical and cultural machinery, which entangle people in surreptitious and shrewd ways, encompassing different aspects of the individual and collective project of life. As development models prioritize the omnipotence of technology, quality...
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The focus is not on the “bubbles” of the surface (consequences, fragmented issues), but on the configurations deep inside the “boiling pot” where the problems emerge. Instead of dealing with the bubbles (segmented, reduced issues) and instead of trying to solve isolated and localized problems without addressing the general phenomenon, problems are...
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Today's world is characterized by severe health problems, environmental degradation, predatory exploitation of natural assets, deforestation, desertification and geopolitical hegemonies related to oil and gas, while climate calamities, object of repeated scientific events, become evident and are continuously witnessed by ordinary people. “Systemic”...
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Importantes vozes da ciência, em todo o mundo, vêm advertindo sobre os perigos de determinados tipos de pesquisas patrocinadas por corporações de negócio, que promovem investigações "de ponta", geralmente envolvendo aplicações financeiras vultosas e lucrativas, a atrair aqueles que buscam ascensão rápida em suas carreiras e destaque jornalístico, a...
Research Proposal
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In view of the effects of drought and the processes of desertification and land degradation, learning and sharing suitable public policies and advanced techniques for soil conservation, water resources management and control of agricultural and water-induced soil erosion in river basins, besides soil mapping and a data structure model to store data...
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Important voices in Science around the world have been warning about the dangers of certain types of research sponsored by business corporations, which promote 'cutting-edge' investigations, generally involving large and lucrative financial investments, to attract those seeking rapid advancement in their careers and journalistic prominence, despite...
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Os males atribuídos ao "Antropoceno" não são da responsabilidade de toda a humanidade; os principais culpados, que têm o poder político e económico para moldar as formas de produção e consumo e definir estilos de vida, devem ser distinguidos da maioria da população, cujo poder de mudar as coisas não pode ser comparado com estes. As interpretações "...
The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic”...
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The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic”...
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The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic”...
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The "Anthropocene" is a strange ideology in the service of the status quo: could the “system” explain everything, or is something missing from this equation? The verdicts of international courts could clarify many conceptual frameworks and elucidate the real issues, by correctly identifying individuals who, within a “system”, chose to commit crimes...
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Interpretações “sistêmicas”, apoiadas por teorias da “complexidade” e do “Antropoceno” como uma nova era na história humana, podem inadvertidamente obscurecer o papel e a ação efetiva de pessoas e grupos que controlam a economia e a política no mundo de hoje, que encontram uma desculpa fácil para declinar de suas responsabilidades nos destinos da h...
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Environmentalists associate the political and economic status quo with desertification, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, uncontrolled waste and many other consequences related to governance and general well-fare, that affect the majority of destitute people that lack educational, social and economic means to protect t...
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An ecosystem theoretical and practical framework is posited for the evaluation and planning of advocacy, communication, public policies, research and teaching programmers, intertwining four dimensions of being-in-the-world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical), as they combine, as donors and recipients, to induce the events (deficits/asse...
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In view of the effects of drought and the processes of desertification and land degradation, learning and sharing suitable public policies and advanced techniques for soil conservation, water resources management and control of agricultural and water-induced soil erosion in river basins, besides soil mapping and a data structure model to store data...
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O mundo de hoje caracteriza-se pelo aumento de agravos relacionados ao meio ambiente, pelo comércio de produtos, muitos deles derivados da exploração predatória dos bens naturais, levando ao desmatamento e à desertificação; hegemonias geopolíticas travam disputas relativas à produção e ao consumo de petróleo e gás, enquanto calamidades climáticas,...
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Today's world is characterized by the increase of environmental degradation due to the commerce of products, many of them derived from the predatory exploitation of natural assets, leading to deforestation and desertification; geopolitical hegemonies wage disputes related to the production and consumption of oil and gas, while climate calamities, o...
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Today's world is characterized by the increase of environmental degradation due to the commerce of products, many of them derived from the predatory exploitation of natural assets, leading to deforestation and desertification; geopolitical hegemonies wage disputes related to the production and consumption of oil and gas, while climate calamities, o...
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Comparando a época atual com aquela em que Deus decidiu extinguir a humanidade corrompida mediante o diluvio, o papa Francisco lembrou, recentemente, que, naqueles tempos, ainda havia sobre a Terra um homem justo. O papa acrescentou que Noé teria reunido, aos olhos de Deus, sabedoria suficiente para orientar os que sobreviveriam para trilharem melh...
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Após mais de três décadas de relatórios científicos e reuniões internacionais, não houve avanços consistentes, na arena pública e privada, em direção a uma abordagem global integrada face às mudanças climáticas, à insegurança alimentar e ao acesso a combustíveis não poluentes. O mundo não pode mais depender de reformas incrementais dentro das estru...
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The 15th Conference of the Parties, taking place in Côte d’Ivoire, will count with environment ministers, private sector and civil society representatives in view of the global land restoration agenda, future-proof land use and tackle the growing impacts of drought. After more than three decades of scientific reports and international meetings, it...
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Comparing the present time with those times in which God decided to extinguish corrupted humanity through the flood, Pope Francis recently recalled that, in those eras, there was still a just man on Earth and, therefore, God reconsidered his decision and helped Noah building an ark to save his creation. The pope added that Noah, due to his advanced...
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Acadêmicos, consultores científicos, burocracias especializadas poderiam contribuir para que o público em geral possa tomar decisões face aos interesses dominantes? Aqueles que defendem políticas baseadas em aspectos controversos, não minariam a capacidade dos cidadãos de tomarem decisões beminformadas e responsabilizarem os políticos pelos eventua...
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Science presupposes the acceptance of discussion and controversy. There is no official truth in science; The search for any conceivable truth is only possible in a context of freedom. Official truths led Giordano Bruno to the stake and Galileo to a false retraction (“eppur si muove’); nevertheless official truths continue to thrive, like undesirabl...
Abridged Curriculum Vitae / Public Profile and Selected Publications:
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A "caixa de Pandora" é uma metáfora usada para caracterizar ações que, menosprezando o princípio de precaução, desencadeiam consequências maléficas, terríveis e irreversíveis. O mito de Pandora originase nos poemas épicos de Hesíodo (a Teogonia), escritos durante o século VII a.C., considerados uma das mais antigas versões sobre a origem do Univers...
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The "Pandora's box" is a metaphor used to characterize actions that, disregarding the precautionary principle, trigger harmful, terrible and irreversible consequences. Today, Pandora's Box continues to be opened, not by unsuspecting people, but by people who provide services in the name of science, politics and economics.The rescue of the Earth and...
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Les régimes autoritaires sont considérés aujourd'huy comme une menace croissante pour les démocraties libérales du monde entier. Le fait est que les groupes d'intérêt, les groupes dominants, trouveront certainement les moyens de maintenir leurs privilèges politiques et économiques, quel que soit le régime dominant, à condition qu'ils puissent faire...
Research Proposal
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Authority is distinct from authoritarianism. Authority is not absolute, it is always precautionary, ensuring that established or customary interests will not interfere in the investigation of the facts, that is, authority will ensure that science, reason, ethics would prevail in fair measure, and not in a dogmatic or biased way. Authoritarianism em...
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A s pessoas podem ser divididas entre aquelas que querem mudar sistemas políticos e econômicos perversos e aquelas que cuidam em manipulá-lo a seu favor se forem suficientemente espertas para permanecerem incólumes. Os resultados dependerão da quantidade e do poder de cada grupo para manter ou alterar a situação. O aspecto majoritário não é o único...
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People can be divided into two groups: those who want to change the iniquitous political and economic system of things and those who think they can use it to their advantage, if they are smart enough to manipulate limits and constraints and remain safe. The expected results of an evolving system (fixed or transformed) will depend on where the major...
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Political, economic, social and cultural regeneration is an essential condition for the regeneration of natural and built environments. Earth recovery and mankind recovery are complementary aspects and should be dealt with simultaneously, in space and time, for their mutual support. Environmental problems should be defined through an integrated, ec...
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Earth retrieval (regeneration) and People retrieval (regeneration) must be dealt with simultaneously, in space and time, since they depend on each other: Problems and the contexts in which they occur should be re-interpreted and restructured through an ecosystem lens, thus altering the ways to address them. The asymmetry of political and economic p...
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The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated on May 22. As science describes, our world is a web of many threads, all linked together. Diversity is the condition for different organisms live together and have the right genes to meet existential challenges and fight disease. Healthy ecosystems need a balance between all living things...
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Como lidar com a hegemonia das soluções tecnológicas e tecnocráticas que se sobrepõem a uma abordagem ecossistêmica integrada? Que interesses estão em jogo, quem são os atores envolvidos, que regras regem seu comportamento quando têm que lidar com a dicotomia entre o interesse público e os interesses privados? Como condição para impulsionar ações h...
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Comments and remarks about the contemporary concepts related to “Sustainability”, "Needs", "Development", "Economy" and "Progress"
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Scientific studies relating to environmental issues generated in the academia rarely reach the highest levels of decision unscathed, and when this happens, decision makers tend to choose other paths, to meet the interests of political and economic groups, disqualifying studies and reports on the contrary. Capacity-building implies environmental, po...
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N o final de um ano dominado por uma pandemia, o Acordo de Paris completa seu 5º aniversário (12 de dezembro de 2020); estariam os líderes mundiais realmente agindo para evitar o caos iminente, ou eles ainda pensam que o ecocídio é uma invenção de ambientalistas que abominam o sistema capitalista? Critérios duvidosos de contabilidade de carbono (Au...
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At the end of a year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, the Paris Agreement completes its 5th birthday (December, 12th 2020); are world leaders taking action to avoid the impending chaos, or they still think that ecocide is an invention of environmentalists that abhor the capitalistic system? Simply renouncing dodgy carbon accounting tricks (Au...
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A história mostra que o "progresso tecnológico" não resolve todos os problemas e cria novos. A pesquisa científica é compartimentada, os diferentes setores não se falam; física, química, economia, ficam à parte das ciências sociais, humanas e da saúde: o que é "tecnológico" tem valor universal. A hegemonia das soluções tecnológicas e tecnocráticas...
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History shows that “technological progress” does not solve all problems, but creates new ones. Scientific research is compartmentalized, the different sectors do not speak with each other; physics, chemistry, economics, stay apart from the social, human and health sciences: what is “technological” has universal value. The hegemony of technological...
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Brazil has an area of 8.5 million squares kilometers, occupying nearly half of South America. It has several climate zones which include the tropical Amazon in the North region, the semiarid in the Northeast and temperate zones in the South. The climatic differences contributes to ecological differences creating different biogeographic zones or bio...
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Changing the paradigms embedded into the political, technological, economic and educational institutions, implies institutional capacity, judicial neutrality, informational transparency and social spaces for civic engagement. The asymmetry of political and economic power between common people and corporations has led to natural devastation, biodive...
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Essayer de résoudre des problèmes isolés, en ignorant le phénomène général, est une erreur conceptuelle: la santé, l'éducation, la culture, les environnements naturels et construits ne doivent pas être des objets segmentés des politiques publiques, de la recherche et de l'enseignement. mais embrasser les dimensions intimes, interactives, sociales e...
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In our world, which seems “normal”, the asymmetry of political and economic power, within and among nations, has led to precarious housing, to the lack of basic sanitation, to fatal endemics, to conflicts of all kinds that involved the less favored populations; but only now, when a pandemic, indiscriminately, puts both the rich and the poor at risk...
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A regeneração dos ambientes naturais e construídos, de um lado, e a regeneração social e cultural, de outro, é uma via de duas mãos, ambas se entrelaçam e dependem uma da outra. O apelo para a solidariedade e a esperança, se não se assentar na educação, em políticas públicas e estruturas condizentes, na mudança dos paradigmas de desenvolvimento, po...
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Public policies, communication, advocacy, research and teaching programs should define and deal with problems in view of the "general phenomenon", not as isolated issues, the subject of segmented programs, geared by the circumstances of the moment and the interests of predominant groups. An ecological civilization includes heritage, education, equi...
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Driving forces behind livelihood degradation are many and interlinked. Political and cultural forces blunt our response to the growing complexity of ecological catastrophe; the development of an “ecological and cultural civilization” is fundamental to well being, and includes natural and built environments, safety, health, education, equity, ethics...
Research Proposal
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Innovation, as "a new idea, as a creative imagination in form of device or method", implies better solutions to meet new requirements and needs and should be coupled with the Sustainable Development Goals, not simply attached to existing market processes, since they are easily manipulated by vested political and economical interests, that sacrifice...
Research Proposal
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To return Earth to humanity and humanity to Earth, different questions are raised, considering the main factors related to environmental problems, quality of life and the state of the world. An extensive selection of available literature is listed, including articles on Brazil's environmental problems.
Diploma from the International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology bestowed to Prof. Dr. André Francisco Pilon, Associate Professor, University of São Paulo.
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Culture enables environmental sustainability at various levels, through the intrinsic links between cultural diversity and biodiversity, through its influence on consumption patterns, and through its contribution to sustainable environmental management practices as a result of local and traditional knowledge. The development of an "ecological civil...
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To return Earth to mankind and mankind to Earth, we must deal with lock-ins and barriers to change maintained by the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational institutions; in this sense, it is mandatory to deal with political and economic actors. How...
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Ecological catastrophes, climate change, geological, social and economic imbalances, famine, plague, and wars, all the calamities of today’s world, would not be enough, so we can do nothing, but hope that "God would abbreviate these days of torment”? Can we still count on "men of good will"?
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Rendering Earth to mankind and mankind to Earth, to solve the environmental, cultural, social, economic and political crisis, implies the change of the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational systems. Socio-technical change implies a confrontation wi...
Cover Page
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Link to Public Profile and Selected Publications
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It is important to consider: a) how recover of the land (regeneration, retrieval) affects the recover of men; b) how recover of the men (regeneration, retrieval) affects the recover of land; c) how the different kinds of biomes and land are assessed and explored. d) how people from different walks of life are engaged as actors to face environmental...
Research Proposal
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In view of the overwhelming pressures on the global environment and the need to disrupt the systems that drive them, an ecosystemic theoretical and practical framework is posited for the evaluation and planning of communication, advocacy, public policies, research and teaching programmes. Priority is given to a set of values, norms and policies in...
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Evidence shows that the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the dominant political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational systems are actually responsible for degradation of quality of life, increased urban violence, chaotic system of production and consumption, energy squander, deforestation, mini...
Public Profile and Selected Publications
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In view of the overwhelming pressures on the global environment and the need to disrupt the systems that drive them, an ecosystemic theoretical and practical framework is posited for the evaluation and planning of communication, advocacy, public policies, research and teaching programmes; Priority is given to a set of values, norms and policies in...
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The equilibrium or disruption between the different dimensions of being in the world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical), as they combine to induce the events (deficits/assets), cope with consequences (desired/undesired) and contribute for changes (potential outputs), is linked to opposite models of culture; in the ecosystemic model the...
Research Proposal
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In view of the overwhelming pressures on the global environment and the need to disrupt the systems that drive them, an ecosystemic theoretical and practical framework is posited for the evaluation and planning of communication, advocacy, public policies, research and teaching programmes; priority is given to a set of values, norms and policies in...
Research Proposal
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In our asymmetrical societies, institutional capacity, judicial neutrality, informational transparency, and social space for civic engagement are hampered by large differences in power between natural and legal persons (individuals and enterprises); how to develop healthy societies, that invest in each other rather than in mega-projects with intens...
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A fictional narrative of political, economic and social facts from the Global South
Conference Paper
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In view of the problems of difficult settlement or solution in the world, an analytical, ecosystemic, epistemological, methodological theoretical and practical framework is posited, identifying and reconceptualising roles and drives, encompassing the combination and co-design of four dimensions of being in the world.
Conference Paper
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In a time where advocacy, communication, public policies, research and teaching programmes can not reach the roots of many of the problems of difficult settlement or solution in the world, an analytical, ecosystemic, epistemological and methodological framework, encompassing the combination and co-design of four dimensions of being in the world (in...
Experiment Findings
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To develop new paradigms to be in the world, and deal with individual and collective projects of life, heuristic-hermeneutic experiences can generate awareness, interpretation and understanding beyond established stereotypes: intermediary objects, selected to catch the eye (curious things, seeds, shells, bottle caps linked by a string), are present...
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Coexistence, democracy, citizenship, peace, tolerance, respect, cooperation, empathy and other similar terms are some concepts that make up the principles and aims of present endeavours. The question encompasses policy makers, market-place, socio-cultural learning niches, leadership in different areas (military, economic, political, educational, cu...
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Abridged Curriculum Vitae: André Francisco Pilon, along his career, held the positions of Associate Professor, University of São Paulo; Psychologist, São Paulo’s State Court of Justice; Director, Ministry of Health; Editor-in-Chief, journal Academus, Collaborator, Journal da USP. Academic Background: Masters of Public Health Education, University o...
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Ecological catastrophes, climate change, geological, social and economic imbalances, famine, plague, and wars, all the calamities of today’s world, would not be enough, so we can do nothing, but hope that "God would abbreviate these days of torment”? Can we still count on "men of good will"?
Working Paper
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Ecological catastrophes, climate change, geological, social and economic imbalances, famine, plague, wars and death, all the calamities that plague today’s world, would not be enough, so we can do nothing, but hope that "God would abbreviate these days of torment”? Can we still count on "men of good will"?
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[English Description] In view of the overwhelming pressures on the global environment and the need to disrupt the systems that drive them, an ecosystemic theoretical and practical framework is posited for the evaluation and planning of public policies, research and teaching programmes, encompassing four dimensions of being-in-the-world, as they com...
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Au lieu de traiter les «bulles» (politiques publiques segmentées, manchettes de masse et formats académiques réduits), qui tentent de résoudre des problèmes isolés et localisés, l’approche écosystémique aborde le phénomène général et définit les problèmes et les traite à l’intérieur du «pot bouillant», où ils émergent, en termes de frontières, de s...
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¿Qué es la pobreza? ¿Es un fenómeno que puede observarse y estudiarse sin cuestionar los paradigmas de desarrollo, crecimiento, poder, riqueza, trabajo y libertad insertos en las actuales instituciones culturales, sociales, políticas y económicas? ¿La pobreza es un síndrome o un fenómeno aparte, un conjunto de fenómenos aislados?
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Se propone aplicar un modelo ecosistémico para las políticas públicas, la enseñanza y la investigación, apoyado en la configuración formada por cuatro dimensiones del mundo (íntima, interactiva, social y biofísica), en lo que atañe al diagnóstico y el prognóstico de los eventos, de manera a intervenir de forma conjunta en variables relevantes que e...


Question (1)
The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic” interpretations, supported by theories of “complexity” and the “Anthropocene” as a new era in human history, may inadvertently obscure the role and effective action of people and groups that control economics and politics in today's world, who find an easy excuse to decline their responsibilities in the destinies of humanity. Publishing scientific reports, teaching and learning about essentially the same problems, but unimplemented solutions, reminds us that we should take into account the supremacy of political and economic groups which have a tough voice in propaganda, in the media, in finances and in the academic world.
Ref.: PILON, A. F., Reframing Relationships between Humans and the Earth: The "Anthropocene", a New Ideology to Justify the Status Quo? MPRA Munich Personal RePEc Archive,2023.


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