André Luis Christoforo

André Luis Christoforo
André verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
André verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Federal University of São Carlos | UFSCar · Departamento de Engenharia Civil (DECiv)


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Publications (152)
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Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) is an external reinforcement solution for wooden structures, where several studies have shown its efficiency in maintenance and design. This solution is not yet among the main topics of literature, although its importance justifies new research on this relevant topic for construction. This systematic literature review...
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Given the construction challenges and the impacts of industrial waste generation and the implications of using chemical adhesives, this study aims to evaluate epoxy as an alternative resin, whose application in the production of wood particleboards is still underexplored. In this regard, its results were compared with those of widely used adhesives...
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Modelos normativos de carbonização da madeira: uma comparação entre o Eurocode 5 e a AS/NZS 1720.4 Normative models for wood charring: a comparison between eurocode 5 and AS/NZS 1720.4 Modelos normativos de carbonización de la madera: una comparación entre el Eurocódigo 5 y AS/NZS 1720.4
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The recent Special Issue (SI) of Forests on “Wood Quality and Mechanical Properties” offers an in-depth exploration of the complex relationship between the quality of wood and its mechanical properties, in addition to describing innovations in the field [...]
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Particleboards have gained attention in the global market. Understanding their physical–mechanical behavior in the current technological context is essential due to adhesive polymerization, which depends on variables such as pressing time and temperature. Today, the use of nanoparticles has become a plausible option for improving the properties of...
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Bamboo is already a convenient construction resource, as it offers an efficient structural performance. As this plant has native varieties adapted to different climates and soils of Brazil, bamboo silviculture can be intensified to supply the national industry. Three bamboo species from Brazil (Dendrocalamus asper, Bambusa tuldoides, and Phyllostac...
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As a biodegradable material, wood is subject to deterioration if proper conservation techniques are not observed. Thus, several buildings, especially those of historical heritage, present pathological manifestations that can cause accidents. The interventions in these constructions must be planned to maintain the original elements and the aesthetic...
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Codes of practices and standards for products and activities are available regulations for global sectors, although they are dedicated to national scopes such as civil construction in Brazil. These regulations align with industry compliance as they establish mandatory or voluntary issues. Brazilian developers must properly regard construction regul...
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Timber housing is a sustainable bioresource-based alternative to traditional construction with masonry and steel, and recent studies have shown that this sector in Brazil has hundreds of timber housing SMEs. This exploratory study, while analyzing this population, evaluated the profiles available on Instagram ® , observing their business strategies...
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To simplify the characterization of wood species, the Brazilian standard document ABNT NBR 7190-1 (2022) establishes the determination of mechanical properties employing the characteristic strength in the compression parallel to grain (fc0,k). This mechanical property is estimated using the linear relation given by the following expression fv0,k =...
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Recently, both authors led a comprehensive review to discuss cross-laminated timber (CLT) as an engineered wood product, addressing the information and discussion on this building input in terms of the main details, materials, production forms, performances, codes, sustainability, applications, and perspectives for residential uses. The current sce...
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The structural masonry behavior results from the performance of each component: units, mortar joints, grouts, and reinforcement. Commercially, masonry blocks are made with called dry or zero-slump concrete. Its dosage and physical properties differ considerably from conventional concretes and depend on vibropress machines compaction efficiency. Tes...
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The importance of civil construction is related to development of territories, permeating generations. But, little is known about civil construction production sectors, especially, in the group directed to timbered houses. Thus, this study identified and characterized those Brazilian poles of timber houses, whose purposes were related to the qualit...
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Timber consumption is a complex discussion for the industry, in part because the issue has been marked by doubts about lineage and origin. This paper aimed to identify challenges related to species, origins and wood use in the Brazilian construction sector. Searches on corporate websites and face-to-face interviews were used to identify involvement...
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This research aims to investigate, with the aid of the Brazilian standard NBR 7190, analysis of variance (ANOVA—5% significance) and the regrouping bootstrap technique, the influence of the provenance regions Bonfim, Mucajaí and Claudia on the physical and mechanical properties (twenty properties and 720 determinations) of Angelim-pedra (Hymenolobi...
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Por ser um material anisotrópico e heterogêneo, o uso racional da madeira em estruturas requer o conhecimento de uma série de propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Parte das propriedades é obtida com o uso de equipamentos de grande porte, geralmente encontrados em poucos centros de pesquisas. A vibração transversal consiste em um método de ensaio não d...
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The essences from sylviculture have been used for pulp and paper and charcoal industry. Hence, value-added examples for construction are essential. However, this use needs to be ensured by criteria prescribed by technical standards such as ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) used here. The present paper evaluated Corymbia citriodora wood to promote the effective...
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This paper presents a survey of the state of the art of microwave (MW) treatment of wood, informed by both past and recent research papers. It begins by introducing the main concepts regarding MW technology and its advantages, presenting a holistic perspective of this technology, and identifying 57 research papers published over the last 25 years....
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This research aimed to characterize the wood species Goiabão (Planchonella pachycarpa), following the precepts set forth in the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190, as well as to evaluate the possibility of estimating physical and mechanical properties, using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) as a function of apparent density, and also to estimate the...
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There has been an increase in the flow of freight vehicles commuting on Brazilian highways. Then, special attention to the structural performance of bridges regarding the fatigue in beams is needed. Brazil has neither normative metrology to study real data flow of vehicles, nor specific fatigue load train models and coefficients to the analysis and...
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As wood is an orthotropic and natural material, there are several properties required for its use in civil construction. The apparent density has been used to estimate physical and mechanical properties of wood, for being easy to determine experimentally, unlike other determinations, which involve the use of equipment available only in large resear...
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Resumo No Brasil, existem atualmente duas Normas que tratam especificamente de projeto e dimensionamento de pontes e viadutos, a ABNT NBR 7188:2013 e a ABNT NBR 7187:2003, esta última em fase de atualização por parte da ABNT. Este artigo trata da evolução cronológica dessas normas, comentando e contextualizando as modificações pelas quais elas pass...
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Eucalypt wood is an important raw material with multiple uses applied for furniture, pulp and paper, charcoal, biomass, and construction. Sixteen tests were performed to evaluate physical and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus triantha, which could estimate the possibility of utilization of this woody material in construction. In all, about 267 re...
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Eucalypt varieties have been identified as multipurpose materials. With origins in the Oceania region, this genus has been applied for purposes such as pulp and paper, bioenergy, civil construction, and furniture. Very suitable as firewood and charcoal, Eucalyptus microcorys would have good potentialities as structural solutions for construction. B...
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In Brazil, the Brazilian Standard NBR 7190 (ABNT, 1997) establishes testing methods to obtaining the physical and mechanical properties wood. With the impossibility of determining the experimental results, the Brazilian Code establishes relations among the properties. However, the relations between the stiffness properties are based on the older no...
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Ftool is used in civil engineering due to its facilities and simplifications in structural modeling; for not requiring robust computers for its use; not having high processing time in the analyzes, being generally fast and for being a free software. It allows the creation of live loads, and these are used in calculating the envelope of internal for...
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Accurate estimation of average modulus of elasticity in compression parallel to the grain (Ec0) is of paramount importance for rational sizing of timber structures, given the use of this property in the estimation of stability of compressed parts (ultimate limit state, ULS) and in calculation of excessive strains (serviceability limit state, SLS)....
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As resistências mecânicas da madeira são calculadas, por questões de segurança, com base no seu valor característico. A norma brasileira para estruturas de madeira estabelece relações para estimar a resistência característica juntamente com três formas de caracterização da madeira, com destaque ao procedimento simplificado que permite, para espécie...
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Wood engineered products are alternatives to the use of timber for civil construction, manufacturing, and the furniture industry. One of these products is the medium density particleboard (MDP) panel, which is made of wood particles and resin under high temperature and pressure. This research produced a prototype to evaluate the use of MDP panels w...
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For safety reasons, wood strength values are calculated based on their characteristic values. Brazilian national standard (NBR, in Portuguese "Norma Brasileira Regulamentadora") 7190 (1997) establishes ratios for characteristic strength estimation and three forms of wood characterization, with an emphasis on the simplified procedure for common spec...
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The present article aimed to characterize the wood specie Qualea albiflora (Mandioqueira), in order to enable its use for structural purposes. The tests to obtain the physical and mechanical characteristics were carried out according to the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190, allowing the classification of the Qualea albiflora in the strength class C...
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O uso de painéis de madeira tem ganhado destaque na indústria da construção civil. Os painéis MDP não atingem requisitos estruturais, ao contrário dos painéis OSB e compensado. Uma alternativa a fim de aprimorar o uso de painéis de partículas de madeira consiste no reforço desses com lâminas de madeira (painéis híbridos). Esta pesquisa objetivou av...
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RESUMO O presente estudo tem por objetivo a análise técnico-econômica de edifícios de 3 a 21 pavimentos, com aplicação de distintos valores de resistência característica à compressão aos 28 dias (fck), variando entre 25 e 40 MPa, com relação geométrica, em planta, de 1:4. Estima-se que, por meio dos resultados obtidos, seja possível auxiliar a conc...
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Construction systems based on cross-laminated timber (CLT) have versatility in material development and are an interesting alternative for construction. This study evaluated the structural performance of cross-laminated timber-bamboo produced from wood (Pinus spp.) and bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus). Panels were produced by strips (wood and bambo...
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Introduction: Wood is a material of biological origin widely used in construction, and its mechanical properties allow the material to form the lattice structure of roofs used in warehouses of industrial use, however, the paradigm as to the behaviour of the material makes the design decision less susceptible. Aims: This work intends to verify the f...
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The development of materials that offer environmental comfort inside buildings, through adequate thermal and acoustic behavior, has been as relevant as the search for raw materials of renewable origin. In this context, this study produced and characterized panels made with Pinus sp. waste materials, which were treated with a copper chrome boric oxi...
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Due to its great availability in planted forests in Brazil, Eucalyptus saligna appears as a good species to be exploited, in order to assist in the consumption of wood for construction purposes. The aim of this research was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus saligna wood species for its use in civil construction. The...
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Over the years, the species of eucalyptus has become a multipurpose raw material. In addition, the most relevant aspect of the use for various purposes is related to the production of a high quality wood, coming from short duration plantations, which is fundamental to the current demand of the industries. However, its use in civil construction has...
Conference Paper
RESUMO: A utilização de parâmetros de resistência de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSUs) disponibilizados na literatura surge como alternativa para as análises de estabilidade de taludes de aterros sanitários. Sabe-se que a determinação dos principais parâmetros dos RSUs (peso específico, ângulo de atrito e coesão) é de difícil obtenção, seja em labota...
The incorporation of nano or micro ceramic particles into fibre reinforced composites (FRC) to enhance their stiffness and durability has been widely investigated. This mechanism has been attributed to the increase in stiffness of the polymeric matrix phase and shear strength of FRCs due to the presence of particles at the interlaminar regions. In...
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The building structures are objects of interest in Civil Engineering, appropriate to its importance in sustaining and preserving the building. The monitoring of their behavior can occur for analyzes on structural elements, directly, or other structures for monitoring the building. Such situations encourage the improvement of new techniques for stru...
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Uncontrolled and equivocal uses of well-known structural wood species have influenced shortage of these products on market of structural design. In order to raise awareness of the professionals of building construction about "alternative" wood species, a proposal is here discussed by employing these essences in footbridges. A case study is consider...
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Torrefaction of Bracatinga wood was realized to determine the effect of temperature (200°C, 220°C and 240°C) and time (30 min, 60 min and 90 min) on its energetic properties. We found that the gravimetric yield of torrefied wood decreased from 99.27% to 85.60%. The heat treatment at 240°C for 60 min produced the less hygroscopic sample as evidenced...
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Timber is one of the oldest raw materials in construction, due to their availability worldwide, and the ease of using it. The majority of buildings in Brazil, until the Industrial Revolution, utilized this material as main input, rooting most of our cultural heritage in it. With the passage of time, as all materials, occurs the deterioration of the...
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Wood is one of the main raw materials used by man in several uses. It can be used in furniture and package industries, and also in components for building construction. For all these purposes, it is necessary to know the physical and mechanical properties of wood specie being used. Brazilian Code ABNT NBR 7190:1997, in its Annex B, presents methods...
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Wood is a natural material that present variability of their properties. When used as ties in railways or as bridges decks, wood is request with compressive loads in direction perpendicular to the grain. The aim of this research is determining the compressive perpendicular to the grain strength (f c90) of two Brazilian exotic wood species. Tests we...
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Improve quality of timber structures design is an aim that must be systematically sought by engineers in this area. An important topic that can contribute directly to be achieved in this subject is the more consistent knowledge related to structural properties of wood. Know values of longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and shear modulus (G) is e...
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Toughness is the mechanical property that determines the wood strength when a force acts in a short time interval. Its value is determined in the bending impact test. Timber has to resist to impact forces in several applications, nevertheless this property is not widely studied to tropical wood species from Brazil. This study aimed to correlate the...
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Despite the wood versatility, its application is, sometimes, difficult because of its properties and performances under different work conditions are not completely known. The present work, developed in Laboratory of wood and wood structures (known as LaMEM), Department of Structures, School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, se...
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Biocomposites reinforced with natural fibres have been extensively investigated as a promising replacing material for synthetic ones, such as the glass fibre reinforced composites. The length of natural fibres depends not only on the plant species, but also on the extraction processing. The heterogeneity of natural fibres, in terms of length, can b...
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This paper presents an experimental study on the influence of metal plate connected on loss in prestress in wood bridge decks. As the connectors reduce the direct contact of the wood, the losses in prestress present values different from those obtained in conventional laminated prestressed plates. This paper presents an experimental study where the...
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Wood is a material widely used in various sectors of construction, such as in structures and building components. The volume of wood extracted from tropical forests has reached a considerable amount, and this wood is marketed with popular names without prior characterization. Wood density is an easy property to measure, and its use as an estimator...
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Timber is one of materials always applied in Brazilian building construction, due to its availability and good structural performance. The majority of buildings, in Brazil, since 17th century, have utilized this material as important input, concentrating a significant charge of our cultural heritage on it. In several situations, however, maintenanc...
The physical and mechanical properties of brown-pigmented particulate composites based on epoxy polymer reinforced with quartz particles were assessed experimentally. The best setup condition was chosen to repair Maçaranduba and Cedrinho timber species. A full factorial design was conducted to evaluate the effect of the quartz particle (0, 40, 50,...
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Prestressed wooden bridges are alternative structural systems that are lighter than traditional bridges and present high stiffness and portability. In Brazil, the first prestressed timber bridge was designed and built over the Monjolinho River (São Carlos - SP). The reliability of this structure is a major technical concern, even though this kind o...
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The manufactured wood products are essential to modern society, since they are made from renewable and recyclable raw material, characterizing a sustainable input. The objective of this study was to elucidate the importance of wood from planted forests in forest products manufacture of higher added value, addressing forest and wood contexts of topi...
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With the possibility of developing simple connections, of easy execution, strong and durable, the bonded-in steel bars with structural resins have started being applied to different situations, such as shear connectors in mixed wood-concrete structures. These connectors, when steel bars are inclined in relation to the grain, may work under axial fo...
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This research has the proposal create a simulator to valuate and simulate the capacity of a sugar factory, supporting the strategic decision making process. The process of creating simulator starts when processes are mapped and all most important variables are defined. After that it was necessary to transmit measured data through the calculations f...
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate, in an original study, the potentiality of the use of Cajueiro (Anacardium sp.) and Amescla (Trattinikia sp.), two low density tropical wood species, for producing OSB (Oriented strand boards), structural panels that replace plywood for several building purposes. In those panels, wood strands can be di...
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Natural resource exploration is growing, highlighting woods and joinery waste, wood industries and the like. This study presents homogeneous particleboard (PPH) roughness characterization manufactured from treated wood waste. Normative document with values of Brazilian Technical Standard Association ABNT NBR 8404 (1984), was adopted as a reference....
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This research presents the development and implementation area of algorithms for geometric dimensioning rigid-foot-isolated reinforced concrete subjected to the under biaxial bending. The area algorithms are valid for square footing, homothetic to the pillar with equal Bludgers and a rectangular dimension unrelated to the pillar. In the development...
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As falhas em rolamentos são muito comuns em vários segmentos industriais. O monitoramento do estado de funcionamento através de técnicas preditivas é imprescindível para evitar que as falhas inesperadas ocorram. Dessa forma é possível aumentar a disponibilidade do equipamento dentro da planta industrial. Um dos parâmetros de monitoramento mais rele...