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André Luis Acosta

André Luis Acosta

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Additional affiliations
March 2015 - August 2017
University of São Paulo
  • Technical Training
  • Research Network Team for studies on modeling of impacts of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and subsidies for decision making.
June 2012 - present
University of São Paulo
  • Professor (Invited)
  • Disciplina Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade. MBA de Sustentabilidade em TIC (Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação) no Lassu. http://lassu.usp.br/
January 2010 - July 2015
University of São Paulo
  • PhD Student
January 2012 - December 2015
University of São Paulo
Field of study
  • Ecology
August 2006 - December 2008
CIBIO Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources - University of Porto
Field of study
  • Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
January 2001 - December 2005
São Paulo State University
Field of study
  • Biologia (Ecologia)


Publications (70)
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Climate change is affecting wild populations worldwide, and assessing the impacts on these populations is essential for effective conservation planning. The integration of advanced analytical techniques holds promise in furnishing detailed, spatially explicit information on climate change impacts on wild populations, providing fine-grained metrics...
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Prosthechea jauana has been recognized as an orchid species endemic to the Venezuelan tepui. The first record of P. jauana in Brazil is presented here, also from a tepui in the Southern phytogeographical district of Pantepui in the Serra do Aracá, at the northern border of the Amazonas state. A detailed morphological description and images of the s...
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With the growing demand for food production worldwide, natural landscapes are increasingly being replaced by agricultural areas, which directly affects biodiversity and local ecosystem services. Agroforestry systems, which are the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems, are a more sustainable production app...
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While the world was reporting losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of researchers from the Universities of Harvard and of São Paulo worked towards the organization of an international event, seeking to discuss alternatives for the post-COVID world. With technology as an ally, the joint effort resulted in holding the fourth and largest Plane...
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Background: Animal pollination is an important ecosystem function and service, ensuring both the integrity of natural systems and human well-being. Although many knowledge shortfalls remain, some high-quality data sets on biological interactions are now available. The development and adoption of standards for biodiversity data and metadata has pro...
Conference Paper
During the COVID-19 pandemic many people used social media to seek information about the disease. In addition, these platforms were used to share news and opinions on issues related to COVID-19, such as vaccines and isolation policies. Extracting useful information for public health from these platforms efficiently poses some challenges due to the...
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O acompanhamento permanente, integrado e ajustável de múltiplos indicadores ambientais e de biodiversidade traz uma série de vantagens à atividade minerária. Além de permitir sólida evidenciação científica dos processos de manutenção e regeneração da qualidade ambiental, permite detecção mais rápida e eficiente de impactos, mesmo ainda incipientes,...
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Background Yellow fever (YF) is an arboviral disease which is endemic to Brazil due to a sylvatic transmission cycle maintained by infected mosquito vectors, non-human primate (NHP) hosts, and humans. Despite the existence of an effective vaccine, recent sporadic YF epidemics have underscored concerns about sylvatic vector surveillance, as very lit...
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Animal trade, such as birds, mammals and reptiles, is a common human activity. Among insects, few are as charismatic as bees. Their hives are commonly commercialized for multiple purposes, such as honey production, crop pollination and leisure. However, hive trade has the potential to adversely introduce species into novel places in a widespread wa...
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Tivemos um ano desafiador em diversos sentidos, e já nos aproximamos do seu final, ainda assim tivemos várias conquistas, tanto para nosso grupo como para a comunidade da Saúde Planetária. Por isso não podemos deixar de comemorar e fechar este ano com chave de ouro. Hoje completamos um ano desde o primeiro seminário do grupo (Saúde Planetária na Am...
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Background Brazil is one of the countries worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with over 20 million cases and 557,000 deaths reported by August 2021. Comparison of real-time local COVID-19 data between areas is essential for understanding transmission, measuring the effects of interventions, and predicting the course of the epidemic, but are oft...
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Ensuring the preservation of biodiversity is essential for humankind, as the ecosystem services it provides are directly linked to human well-being and health. The private sector has increasingly recognized the need to achieve Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) through measurable indicators and effective data collection (Rashed 2...
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Climate change has impacted biodiversity, affecting species and altering their geographical distribution. Besides understanding the impact in the species, it has been advocated that answering if different traits will be differently impacted could allow refined predictions of how climate change will jeopardize biodiversity. Our aim was to evaluate i...
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Many species drive the diversity of ecosystems by adding structural complexity to the environment. In coral reefs, stony corals act as habitat-forming species, increasing niche availability for other organisms. Some coral species play key roles as reef builders due to their abundance or morpho-functional characteristics. Thus, changes in the distri...
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Background Brazil is one of the countries worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with over 20 million cases and 557,000 deaths reported. Comparison of real-time local COVID-19 data between areas is essential for understanding transmission, measuring the effects of interventions and predicting the course of the epidemic, but are often challenging d...
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Background Yellow fever is an arboviral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by mosquitoes in the tropical regions of Africa and South America. WHO estimates that there are 200 000 severe cases and 30 000 deaths worldwide annually. In Brazil, the wild cycle of yellow fever (also termed urban cycle) occurs through transmission between non-human primates...
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Background With the continuous spreading of SARS-CoV-2 globally, the probability for interactions between humans who are infected and wildlife tends to grow intensely, as well as the likelihood of viral spillover from humans to biodiversity. This aspect is of great concern for wildlife conservation and human health, because the list of highly susce...
Conference Paper
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Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, diversas formas de tratamento têm sido testadas por pesquisadores. Dentre elas, destaca-se a cloroquina, que ganhou grande repercussão após declarações favoráveis feitas pelos presidentes do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos. Com o objetivo de analisar a opinião pública a respeito da cloroquina, esta pesquisa tem como obje...
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O atual formato de desenvolvimento humano gera severos impactos ambientais, os quais repercutem negativamente na saúde; dentre eles, a intensificação da transmissão de doenças infecciosas, epidemias e pandemias, como a Covid-19. A forma como lidamos com a biodiversidade e os ecossistemas, em conjunto com as mudanças climáticas, viabiliza interfaces...
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The large volume of data generated on social networks is used by companies to monitor public opinion about their products and services. These data may contain useful information for health surveillance, such as in assessing the impact of public policies or identifying fake news. This work presents results of studies that demonstrate how analysis of...
Technical Report
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A mudança de clima tem impactado negativamente a biodiversidade. No que diz respeito à flora, tal impacto pode alterar a fenologia e a distribuição geográfica das espécies, bem como a interação com seus polinizadores. Em áreas megadiversas, como as florestas tropicais, estudos de interação planta-polinizador, considerando-se todas as espécies da fl...
Technical Report
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As mudanças de clima de origem antropogênica têm impactado diretamente a biodiversidade, provocando, por exemplo, alteração na distribuição geográfica de espécies e nas comunidades de animais e plantas ao redor do globo. Espécies de distribuição restrita, conhecidas como endêmicas, especialmente as que ocorrem no topo de serras ou montanhas, poderã...
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The use of scenarios to evaluate restoration effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) is fundamental to improve restoration practices. Here we developed a systematic review to verify the existence of gaps and limitations in the use of scenarios for environmental restoration, and assess the state of the science of “restoration scenarios”...
Scenarios are important tools to facilitate the communication among scientists, practitioners, and decision-makers, and, thus to support policy and management decisions. The use of scenarios has an enormous potential to reduce ecosystem restoration costs and to optimize benefits, but this potential remains poorly explored. Here, we recommend and il...
O Nordeste do Brasil apresenta uma vasta região semiárida conhecida como “Caatinga” que já foi predominantemente coberta por Florestas Tropicais Secas. As espécies animais e vegetais nessa área podem ter que suportar longos períodos de estresse hídrico, já que o período seco é bem prolongado. As duras condições climáticas associadas a práticas inad...
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In the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil, populations of native bees can be jeopardized by future climate change. The present study aims to analyze the impact of climate change on a native stingless bee (Melipona subnitida Ducke). This species is a locally important pollinator of wild and crop plants, also exploited for honey production by reg...
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Across the globe wild bees are threatened by ongoing natural habitat loss, risking the maintenance of plant biodiversity and agricultural production. Despite the ecological and economic importance of wild bees, and the fact that several species are now managed for pollination services worldwide, little is known about how land use and beekeeping pra...
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Supplementary Information and Maps: dos Santos, C. F. et al. Queens become workers: pesticides alter caste differentiation in bees. Sci. Rep. 6, 31605; doi: 10.1038/srep31605 (2016).
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Bees are important for the world biodiversity and economy because they provide key pollination services in forests and crops. However, pesticide use in crops has adversely affected (decreased) queen production because of increased mortality among larvae. Here, we demonstrated that in vitro-reared queens of a neotropical social bee species (Plebeia...
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The ecological impacts of alien species invasion are a major threat to global biodiversity. The increasing number of invasion events by alien species and the high cost and difficulty of eradicating invasive species once established require the development of new methods and tools for predicting the most susceptible areas to invasion. Invasive polli...
Biomod2: TSS evaluation output. TSS values per algorithm (250 models = 5 pseudo-absences dataset x 5 training and test partitioning of the native presence records x 10 different algorithms). (TIF)
Presences hits and suitable habitat area. Stages (y-axis) and the number of invasive and native presence records hitting suitable areas per each respective Stage OPM generated, as well as the raw number of suitable cells per model, the total suitable area (km2) and the difference in suitable area predicted from the current model minus the previous...
Pearson correlation between paired evaluation indices. (TIF)
Data providers and bibliographical sources surveyed for Bombus terrestris native and invasive occurrences. (DOCX)
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Supergeneralists, defined as species that interact with multiple groups of species in ecological networks, can act as important connectors of otherwise disconnected species subsets. In Brazil, there are two supergeneralist bees: the honeybee Apis mellifera, a non-native species, and Trigona spinipes, a native stingless bee. We compared the role of...
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Recentemente, pesquisadores descobriram uma nova espécie de abelha europeia invadindo a América do Sul; na Europa ela é chamada de Mamangava da Cauda Branca (Buff-tailed bumblebee) ou, cientificamente, Bombus terrestris.Tudo começou quando colônias desta espécie foram importadas da Europa para o Chile em meados da década de 70, para serem usadas co...
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The bee Bombus terrestris is an efficient pollinator, providing important ecosystem services in Europe and surrounding areas, where it is a native species. Their colonies have been reared in large‐scale for agricultural pollination, which are internationally traded, including for countries outside its native range. The species has been deliberately...
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Bombus terrestris chegará ao Brasil? Um estudo preditivo sobre uma invasão em potencial. Universidade de Sao Paulo
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Ecosystem services provided by mobile agents are increasingly threatened by the loss and modification of natural habitats and by climate change, risking the maintenance of biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and human welfare. Research oriented towards a better understanding of the joint effects of land use and climate change over the provision of s...
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Climate changes are predicted to affect the diapause of many insect species around the world adversely. In this context, bees are of interest due to their pollination services. In southern Brazil, the highly eusocial bee species Plebeia droryana (Friese) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) exhibits reproductive diapause in response to the region's ri...
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The present work aims to investigate the floral biology and morphology of one member of the Calophyllaceae (or Clusiaceae sensu lato), Caraipa grandifolia in the Caxiuanã National Forest, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon and aims to identify the bioclimatic affinities of this species, providing insights about its environmental requirements and mappi...
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Predictive modelling has been used to analyze species geographic distribution through extrapolation of environmental characteristics of known occurrence areas. Interest in this kind of modelling is derived from the need for rapid and well-grounded answers to the threats faced by species due to habitat loss, exotic species invasion, climate changes,...
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Predictive modelling has been used to analyze species geographic distribution through extrapolation of environmental characteristics of known occurrence areas. Interest in this kind of modelling is derived from the need for rapid and well-grounded answers to the threats faced by species due to habitat loss, exotic species invasion, climate changes,...
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Nas duas últimas décadas, a comercialização e exportação de Bombus terrestris tornaram-se ainda mais intensas e, simultaneamente, as repercussões dos aspectos negativos associados à sua introdução em locais onde não são nativas... Para identificar as áreas com maior probabilidade de invasão em território nacional, os modelos de distribuição baseado...
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Devido às crescentes ameaças às espécies, tais como perda e fragmentação de habitat, poluição, técnicas agrícolas agressivas e mudanças globais, torna-se cada vez mais urgente o desenvolvimento e aplicação de técnicas inovadoras que visem prever o impacto dessas ameaças sobre as espécies.
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As abelhas solitárias não vivem em colônias com divisões de castas (operárias e rainha): a fêmea funda seu próprio ninho sozinha e morre antes de sua cria nascer, não havendo contato entre as gerações. A maioria das abelhas é solitária e exibe esse modo de vida. Elas são consideradas fundamentais para a polinização de muitas espécies vegetais, incl...
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Para ilustrar o impacto de mudanças globais em polinizadores, foi elaborado um estudo de caso com a aplicação de modelagem. O objetivo consistiu em analisar as características das áreas de ocorrência atual e projetar cenários futuros de mudança climática para a distribuição de algumas espécies de abelhas do gênero Melipona (Hymenoptera, Apidae), co...
Conference Paper
Abstracts for the XVI Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-13 August 2010.
In North Africa, and especially in the Sahara Desert, biodiversity is poorly known. Of the five widespread canid species present, one is Data Deficient, three are considered widespread although habitat selection could limit their area of occupancy, and distribution maps available are coarse for conservation planning. This study identifies biogeogra...


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