Ander Egurtzegi

Ander Egurtzegi
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · IKER - UMR 5478



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October 2016 - September 2019
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (28)
All modern Basque dialects have at least 5 contrastive vowels /i, e, a, o, u/. One Basque dialect, Zuberoan, has developed a contrastive sixth vowel, the front rounded high vowel /y/. This development is arguably due to sustained contact with neighboring Gallo-Romance languages. This paper supports empirically the historical development of the /u/...
The apparent loss of initial obstruents in Basque borrowings from Romance (e.g. laru ≪ Lat. claru ) is striking. While Proto-Basque is generally reconstructed as lacking initial clusters, the expected repair in loans, based on typology, phonology and phonetics, is copy-vowel epenthesis, not obstruent loss. Indeed, there is evidence for a vowel-copy...
Modern eastern Basque dialects have several conservative features, including the maintenance of historical /h/, which is lost in other dialects. Zuberoan, the easternmost dialect of Basque still spoken today, shows both this /h/ as well as a phonetically nasalized segment [h ̃ ] which is a reflex of intervocalic *n. In this paper I argue that these...
This paper presents an acoustic analysis of Mixean Low Navarrese, an endangered variety of Basque. The manuscript includes an overview of previous acoustic studies performed on different Basque varieties in order to synthesize the sparse acoustic descriptions of the language that are available. This synthesis serves as a basis for the acoustic anal...
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Lan honetan euskarazko /h̃/ segmentuaren inguruan orain arte aurrera eraman diren hainbat ikerketaren emaitzak biltzen dira, segmentu honen ezaugarri nagusiak aurkeztuz. Alderdi tipologiko orokorretatik hasita, segmentu honen arrarotasuna gogorarazten da, eta baita bi hasperenen arteko sudurkaritasunean oinarritutako oposaketarena. Euskararen barne...
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Zubereraz bokal sudurkariak deskribatu dira, baina ez zaie sekula fonetikoki begiratu. Larrainen «bokal sudurkariak» ntik heldu den hasperenaren inguruan baizik ez dira mantentzen (Lafon, 1957). Nasalance gailuarekin grabatutako ekoizpenak aztertu ditugu Lafonen esanak egiaztatzeko. Gure datuetan /V/ eta /Ṽ/ berdinak dira eta /Ṽ/ galdu dela ondorio...
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This exploratory study investigates sibilants in Mixean Low Navarrese, an endangered variety of Basque. This variety has been described with ten different contrastive sibilants: /s̻, s̺, ʃ, t͡s̻, t͡s̺, t͡ʃ, z̻, z̺, ʒ, d͡z̺/. The objective of the paper is to (a) provide a detailed description of the acoustics of Mixean sibilants, and (b) elucidate w...
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Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis that can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time....
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Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis which can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time...
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In this paper, we highlight the role of typology in providing an empirical basis for explanation within Evolutionary Phonology with a focus on rare sound patterns and extra-phonetic explanation. Broad typological surveys of sound patterns or macro-typologies that include phonetic detail may, at once, support universal tendencies and document rare s...
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Conservative Basque dialects distinguish apical and laminal alveolar sibilants in the fricative and affricate series. This paper analyses the changes this system was undergoing in the Central Basque variety of San Sebastián in the 18th century: (1) the “Western merger”: neutralisation of the laminal and apical fricative sibilants in favour of the l...
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Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis which can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time...
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This paper presents new proposals for the reconstruction of Proto-Basque accentuation, as well as the development and chronology of the main accentual systems of the modern dialects, grounded in phonetic, historical and typological evidence. It is the first attempt to reconstruct Basque accentuation from a pre-Roman stage to the dialectalization th...
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The development of the prosodic system of Goizueta is the main point of disagreement between the last works on the reconstruction of the prosody of Common Basque. Here the two last hypotheses –Hualde’s and Egurtzegi & Elordieta’s– will be compared, highlighting their main strengths and shortcomings in order to evaluate each proposal’s plausibility....
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This paper presents a method of exploring the relative predictive importance of individual variables in multicollinear data sets at three levels of significance: strong importance, moderate importance, and no importance. Implementation of Bonferroni adjustment to control for Type I error in the method is described, and results with and without the...
This paper presents a method of exploring the relative predictive importance of individual variables in multicollinear data sets at three levels of significance: strong importance, moderate importance, and no importance. Implementation of Bonferroni adjustment to control for Type I error in the method is described, and results with and without the...
This paper presents an acoustic analysis of Mixean Low Navarrese, an endangered variety of Basque. The manuscript includes an overview of previous acoustic studies performed on different Basque varieties, in order to synthesize the sparse acoustic descriptions of the language that are available. This synthesis serves as a basis for the acoustic ana...
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In Basque, there is evidence, especially in early loans from Latin, that a sequence #DV(R)T… where D is a voiced stop and T is a voiceless (aspirated) stop was optionally produced with devoicing of the first of these stops. An additional particularity of this sound pattern is that the devoiced word-initial stop typically surfaces with aspiration, w...
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Euskaraz, herskari ahoskabe (hasperendun) batek jarraituriko herskari ahostun bat horren eraginez ahoskabetu daiteke. Tipologikoki arraroa den aldaketa hau ahoskabetasunaren asimilazio bezala deskribatua izan da. Honakoan, aldaketaren oinarria hasperenketan dagoela proposatzen dut. Analisi honek, aurrekoek ez bezala, herskarien hasperenketaren koka...
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Lan honetan euskarazko /o/ erdiko atzeko bokalaren igoera aztertzen da. Hots-eredu hau batez ere zubereran eta erronkarieran garatu zen, nahiz eta ekialdeko beste euskalkietan ere aurki daitekeen. Bilakabide honen adibideak batu eta horien testuingurua zehaztu ostean, fonetikoki sudurkarituriko [õ]-ren igoera bezala deskriba daitekeela proposatuko...
This paper aims to respond to an etymology of the Basque word for 'swallow' first proposed by Michelena (1977), later related to Celtic by McCone (2005) and then further developed by Stifter (2010). Being aware of the need for careful attention to phonological detail in linguistic reconstruction, and profiting from the latest developments in the st...


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