Anca CrăciunDanube Delta National Institute for Research and Development · Ecological Restoration and Species Recovery
Anca Crăciun
PhD in Environmental Science
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Interested in how interactions between people & wetlands generate benefits for human health and well-being.
Publications (24)
Floods, along with other natural and anthropogenic disasters, profoundly disrupt both society and the environment. Populations residing in deltaic regions worldwide are particularly vulnerable to these threats. A prime example is the Danube Delta (DD), located in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea. This research paper aims to identify areas withi...
Program Nucleu: Program de cercetare științifică pentru dezvoltarea competențelor și capacităților de cercetare în domeniul sănătății și protecției mediului zonelor umede-"Delta Dunării 2030"
Floods occur frequently in Romania and throughout the world and are one of the most devastating natural disasters that impact people's lives. Therefore, in order to reduce the potential damages, an accurate identification of surfaces susceptible to flood phenomena is mandatory. In this regard, the quantitative calculation of flood susceptibility ha...
Land subsidence poses one of the major natural hazards around the globe that cause damage to life and property. Although several advanced models have been applied to model land subsidence susceptibility, no consensus has been reached on the most accurate models to study this phenomenon. In this work, we propose the use of the following five state-o...
Floods are among the most severe natural hazard phenomena that affect people around the world. Due to this fact, the identification of zones highly susceptible to floods became a very important activity in the researcher’s work. In this context, the present research work aimed to propose the following 3 novel ensembles to estimate the flood suscept...
Floods have become more and more severe and frequent with global climate change. The present study focuses on the Black Sea's immediate riparian area over which the Danube Delta extends. Due to the accelerated increase in the severity of floods, the vulnerability of the deltaic areas is augmenting. Therefore, it is very important to adopt measures...
It is difficult to predict and model with an accurate model the floods, that are one of the most destructive risks across the earth's surface. The main objective of this research is to show the prediction power of three ensemble algorithms with respect to flood susceptibility estimation. These algorithms are: Iterative Classifier Optimizer-Alternat...
It is clear that flash flood events are on the rise, and the detection of flash flood-prone areas has now become a top priority for governments throughout the world. Flash-flood potential mapping can provide very useful information that can be used in order to adopt the most appropriate measures to reduce the risk of these phenomena. A precise mode...
Natural disasters in particular have resulted in several economic losses that are resulting from an exponential increase in the number of economic losses in general across the globe. The floods are among the most severe natural hazards phenomena that affect the people aroung the world. Due to this fact, the identification of zones highly susceptibl...
The present study was done in order to simulate the flash-flood susceptibility across the Suha river basin in Romania using a number of 3 hybrid models and fuzzy-AHP multicriteria decision-making analysis. It should be noted that flash-flood events are triggered by heavy rainfall in small river catchments. To achieve the proposed results, a total o...
Flash floods are becoming an increasingly recurrent natural hazard globally. and validating (30%) datasets. Using the training points, for each class/category of flood predictors, coefficients were calculated by using the WOE. The methodological workflow was implemented with the help of Excel, Weka, SPSS, and ArcGIS software. Forest-PA-WOE achieved...
The present study aims to enrich the specialized literature by proposing and calculating a new flash-flood propagation susceptibility index (FFPSI). Thus, firstly the Flash-Flood Potential Index (FFPI) using the ensembles of the next models was calculated: Weights of Evidence (WOE), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Logistic Regression (LR), Clas...
EcoVelo Tour Project (Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the Eurovelo cycle route network in the Danube region (DTP-055-2.2) along with the EuroVelo 6, 11 and 13 cycling routes at the Danube develops ecotourism and cycling tourism and ecotourism. The project aims to exploit synergies with the EuroVelo network, communicate effectively abou...
EcoVelo Tour Project (Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the Eurovelo cycle route network in the Danube region (DTP-055-2.2) aims to develop cycling tourism and ecotourism in connection with the Eurovelo international cycle routes crossing the Danube Region. It exploits synergies of the Eurovelo network, works out and ensures communicatio...
This paper is intended to assess the flood-induced landslide susceptibility in the Indian state of Assam. This study area has high frequency and severity of landslides that are triggered by heavy rainfall and floods. In order to obtain the results, two machine learning models (XGBoost and DLNN) and one of the fuzzy-multi-criteria decision making me...
ecosystem services, including food production, freshwater, flood control, nutrient cycling, spiritual values and opportunities for recreation. Despite growing recognition of their societal and ecological importance, deltaic flood plains are declining worldwide at alarming rates. Loss of wetland ecosystem services bears socio-environmental costs ove...
In the period 1994-2007 in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) were carried out ecological restoration projects. For the scientific substantiation of the ecological restoration projects, one should use a quantitative and qualitative package of methods to ensure complementary between their strengths and their limits, aiming at improving the ac...
Delivering decision-making based on a systemic approach to the reality tackled is an increasingly important condition for increasing the efficiency of using the resources needed to implement environmental programs and projects. Therefore, the hierarchical organisation of the whole reality, recognised as a strictly objective truth, must also be refl...
The dynamics, of the systems belonging to the natural capital is the result of the interaction between their own structural and functional parameters with external factors, among which one can identify those generated by projects for ecological reconstruction.
Starting from this conclusion, one can compare the parameters before and after applying t...
The structure and volume of activities for biodiversity conservation are determined mainly by the vulnerability of its various components and resources that can be used to this purpose.
The decisional factor intervention in the limited time and the limited character of the resources which can be allocated require setting priorities for action in t...
The dynamics, of the systems belonging to the natural capital is the result of the interaction between their own structural and functional parameters with external factors, among which one can identify those generated by projects for ecological reconstruction. Starting from this conclusion, one can compare the parameters before and after applying t...
The efficiency of the DDBR’s management plan bears the trademark of both its basis of existance and of its proper use for future generations.
Within the two stages mentioned: creation and operating, among the explicit terms which are strictly objective, we find the land’s ownership, altogether with the cathegories it belongs to: public and private....
This study presents the analysis of the temporal trends and evolution of inorganic micro-pollutants originated from Somova–Parches aquatic complex. The main goal of the study is giving a general overview of human impact in this area and evaluating the effectiveness of environmental projects aimed to improve the water quality. Annual mean concentrat...
Lucrarea "GHID METODOLOGIC de monitorizare a factorilor hidromorfologici, chimici și biologici pentru apele de suprafață din Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării" prezintă o abordare interdisciplinară a metodologiei de caracterizare a stării ecologice, cu exemple din practica și experiența specialiștilor din cadrul Institutului Nțional de Cercetare D...