Anastasia ShatilovichRussian Academy of Sciences | RAS · cryology soil
Anastasia Shatilovich
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January 2005 - present
Publications (49)
Some organisms in nature have developed the ability to enter a state of suspended metabolism called cryptobiosis when environmental conditions are unfavorable. This state-transition requires execution of a combination of genetic and biochemical pathways that enable the organism to survive for prolonged periods. Recently, nematode individuals have b...
The taxonomic diversity of the algal genus Meyerella is difficult to study because of its very simple morphology. Within the Chlorella-clade Meyerella members are distinguished from the others by the absence of the pyrenoid. However, it is not possible to identify them only on the basis of light microscopy data without the involvement of molecular...
The taxonomic diversity of the algal genus Meyerella is difficult to study because of its very simple morphology. Within the Chlorella-clade Meyerella members are distinguished from the others by the absence of the pyrenoid. However, it is not possible to identify them only on the basis of light microscopy data without the involvement of molecular...
When environmental conditions are unfavorable, such as the complete absence of water or oxygen, high temperature, freezing or extreme salinity, some organisms can enter suspended animation (cryptobiosis)1. This reversible transition is preceded by execution of complex genetic and biochemical programs (preconditioning)2,3,4. Under laboratory conditi...
Global climate warming disproportionately affects high-latitude and mountainous terrestrial ecosystems. Warming is accompanied by permafrost thaw, shorter winters, earlier snowmelt, more intense soil freeze-thaw cycles, drier summers, and longer fire seasons. These environmental changes in turn impact surface water and groundwater flow regimes, wat...
Global climate warming disproportionately affects high-latitude and mountainous terrestrial ecosystems. Warming is accompanied by permafrost thaw, shorter winters, earlier snowmelt, more intense soil freeze-thaw cycles, drier summers, and longer fire seasons. These environmental changes in turn impact surface water and groundwater flow regimes, wat...
Процессы криогенного массообмена влияют на содержание и распределение органического вещества в профилях криоземов, обогащая им минеральные горизонты. Показано, что минерализационая способность преобладающей части органического вещества криоземов, даже при оптимальных условиях температуры и влажности, низкая. Несмотря на значительное варьирование со...
The cryogenic mass-exchange processes affect the content and distribution of organic matter in Cryosol profiles enriching the mineral horizons with organic matter. It has been shown that the mineraliza-tion capacity of organic materials in Cryosols is low even under optimum conditions of temperature and moisture. Despite the significant variation i...
ПОЧВОВЕДЕНИЕ, 2020, № 2, с. 210–218
Процессы криогенного массообмена влияют на содержание и распределение органического вещества в профилях криоземов, обогащая им минеральные горизонты. Показано, что минерализационная способность преобладающей части органического вещества криоземов, даже при оптимальных
условиях температуры и влажности, низкая. Не...
Permafrost and ice are important components of cryogenic planets and other bodies, which are abundant in the universe. Earth is one of many planets of the cold type. Earth's permafrost and ice provide an opportunity to test hypotheses that could be applied in the search for possible ecosystems and potential life on extraterrestrial cryogenic planet...
We have obtained the first data demonstrating the capability of multicellular organisms for longterm cryobiosis in permafrost deposits of the Arctic. The viable soil nematodes Panagrolaimus aff. detritophagus (Rhabditida) and Plectus aff. parvus (Plectida) were isolated from the samples of Pleistocene permafrost deposits of the Kolyma River Lowland...
Вечная мерзлота Арктики является уникальным криобанком генетических ресурсов. Многолетне-мёрзлые толщи содержат значительное таксономическое разнообразие одноклеточных организмов, сохранивших жизнеспособность после десятков и сотен тысяч лет криобиоза. В мерзлоте обнаружены аэробные и анаэробные бактерии, цианобактерии, актиномицеты, одноклеточные...
The genus Euglypha contains the largest number of filose testate amoeba taxa which were mainly described based on the morphological characteristics of shells. Despite the increasing amount of molecular data, the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Euglypha remain unresolved. In this work we provide new data on SSU rRNA gene sequences, light...
The role of cryogenic mass exchange in the distribution of the viable microfauna (ciliates, hetero-trophic flagellates, and nematodes) in the profiles of cryoturbated cryogenic soils and in the upper layers of permafrost was revealed. The material for microbiological investigations was collected from the main horizons of cryozem profiles, including...
Установлена роль процессов криогенного массообмена в распределении жизнеспособной микро-фауны (инфузорий, гетеротрофных жгутиконосцев и нематод) в профилях криотурбированных мерзлотных почв и в верхних слоях многолетнемерзлых пород. Материал для проведения микро-биологических исследований отбирали из основных горизонтов профилей криоземов, зон морф...
The studying of viable biota cryoconservation in permafrost deposits is of high priority during the last few decades. One of the uncertainties is the mechanism of eukaryotic microorganisms’ transition into the frozen deposits. The vast majority of viable biological objects were isolated from the deposits enriched with plant remnants (organogenic an...
The fauna and morphology of heterotrophic flagellates isolated from rodent fossil burrows in frozen Late Pleistocene deposits of the Kolyma Lowland were examined. The radiocarbon age of the burrows is about 32 to 28 thousand years. The samples were studied by light and electron microscopy methods. Thirty-two species from 12 taxonomic groups were id...
Viable soil protists (naked amoebae, heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates and heliozoa) have been isolated from the late Pleistocene and Holocene permafrost of eastern Arctic coastal lowlands. In the Icy Complex viable protists were found in 20 % of samples. Occurrence of viable protists was considerably higher in the buried soils (80 %) and fossil...
The fauna and morphology of heterotrophic flagellates isolated from rodent fossil burrows in frozen Late
Pleistocene deposits of the Kolyma Lowland were examined. The radiocarbon age of the burrows is about 32 to 28 thousand years. The samples were studied by light and electron microscopy methods. Thirty�two species from 12 taxonomic groups were id...
Permafrost is a unique environment, which is capable to protect microorganisms from the effect of adverse factors and to provide
their long-term preservation. This chapter represents an overview of the distribution and biodiversity of viable forms of
protozoa in the subsurface permafrost sediments of North-East Russia. A total of 200 samples of Arc...
Antarctic permafrost soils have not received as much geocryological and biological study as has been devoted to the ice sheet, though the permafrost is more stable and older and inhabited by more microbes. This makes these soils potentially more informative and a more significant microbial repository than ice sheets. Due to the stability of the sub...
Permafrost represents a stable environment that has allowed the prolonged survival of ancient microbial lineage at subzero temperature. Significant numbers, of viable ancient microorganisms and their metabolic end products are known to be present within the permafrost. They are the only organisms known to have retained viability over geological tim...
The conducted investigations (Late Pleistocene syncryogenic sediments in Eastern Arctic were chosen as object due to biota dating possibility) demonstrate ability of protozoa belonging to absolutely different macrotaxons for long-term (tens thousands years) viability retaining under permafrost sediments and buried in them soils conditions. Furtherm...
An algologically pure culture of the green alga Trebouxia, a phycobiont of cryptoendolithic lichens, was isolated from sandstone samples collected in the high-altitude polar regions of Antarctica. The absorption and second-derivative absorption spectra of acetone extract of the Antarctic phycobiont cells were studied in comparison with those of a T...
An algologically pure culture of the green alga Trebouxia, a phycobiont of cryptoendolithic lichens, was isolated from the sandstone samples collected in the high-altitude polar regions of Antarctica. The absorption and the second-derivative absorption spectra of the acetone extract of the Antarctic phycobiont cells were studied in comparison with...
54 strains of viable green algae and 26 strains of viable cyanobacteria
were recovered from 128 and 56 samples collected from Siberian and
Antarctic permafrost, respectively, with ages from modern to a few
million years old. Although species of unicellular green algae belonged
to Chlorococcales were subdominant inside permafrost, green algae
During the last decade a wide range of biological objects, which have preserved their viability for tens and hundreds of thousands of years, was found in the samples of permafrost sediments from North-East Eurasia. Among them are bacteria, fungi, algae, moss spores, seeds of higher plants, protists. Along with physiological mechanisms of cryoconser...
The algologically pure cultures of the green-brown cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. and three cyanobacteria of the genus Gloeocapsa, the blue-green Gloeocapsa sp.1, the brown Gloeocapsa sp.2, and the red-orange Gloeocapsa sp.3, were isolated from sandstones and rock fissures in the high-polar regions of Antarctica. These cyanobacteria are the m...
The algologically pure cultures of the green–brown cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsissp. and three cyanobacteria of the genus Gloeocapsa, the blue–green Gloeocapsa sp.1, the brown Gloeocapsa sp.2, and the red–orange Gloeocapsa sp.3, were isolated from sandstones and rock fissures in the high-polar regions of Antarctica. These cyanobacteria are the mo...