Anastasia BanshchikovaInstitute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences · Center of History and Cultural Anthropology
Anastasia Banshchikova
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Historical memory of the slave trade and colonialism in modern Tanzania;
German colonial legacy in modern Tanzania;
history of Bagamoyo;
colonial photography and postcards from German East Africa
Publications (22)
The article deals with the display of colonial hierarchies in the shauri scene (in German colonial practice shauri was a council, a meeting of the administration of the colony and local residents, where the decisions of the administration were announced and brought to the attention of the population; a court and other meetings with the participatio...
This paper presents a case study of the perception of one cultural group (in this case, medieval) by members of another culture during a time of cultural differences and increasing conflict of interests. The focus is on the attitudes of European colonialists towards the Arab and Arabized minority that dominated East Africa prior to European coloniz...
This article examines the image of Julius Nyerere, the first president of independent Tanzania, among present-day citizens. Spotting of both the presence and persistence of his image in popular consciousness became an unexpected result of unrelated field research on the historical memory of 19th century slave trade and its influence on interethnic...
Memories of the so-called Arab slave trade are quite vivid in Tanzania. Those Tanzanians whose ancestors were enslaved or belonged to communities affected by the slave trade, as well as carriers of the oral history still tell about it. We present the results of recent field studies in Tanzania to reveal these memories of the slave trade and especia...
In recent decades, items of colonial photography, including those dedicated to German East Africa, have become the subject of research by historians and anthropologists. Many of the photographs eventually became postcards issued to introduce newly conquered territories to the citizens of the empire, to a lesser extent their population, culture and...
The article deals with the phenomenon of expressing colonialist concepts of racial and social hierarchy in German postcards, photographs and illustrations presenting German East Africa. The means of this expressing are shown, such as: tendentious selection of the main subject to depict; various compositional decisions placing the figures and elemen...
The paper deals with colonial representation of German East Africa in postcards, issued for exposure of conquered territories to the empire’s metropolis population. To the lesser degree they present peoples of distant land, their culture and life, concentrating more on (controversial) “achievements” brought by colonizers, like military stations, ch...
The chapter studies popular cultural memory and official (state-promoted) representations of the history of the Arab slave trade in East Africa and the Indian Ocean in the context of nation-building in the United Republic of Tanzania. The chapter is based on field evidence on different aspects of nation-building in Tanzania collected by the authors...
The article highlights the results of field research conducted in Tanzania from August 24 to September 14, 2018, focused on the historical memory of the Arab slave trade in East Africa and the Indian Ocean in the 19th century and its influence on the interethnic relations in the country nowadays. Structured and non-structured interviews (mostly in-...
The article highlights the results of field research conducted in Tanzania in 2018-2019, focused on the historical memory of the Arab slave trade in East Africa and the Indian Ocean in the 19th century and its influence on the interethnic relations in the country nowadays. Over 130 structured and non-structured interviews were done in Dar es Salaam...
The paper deals with interrelations of the illustrations and the text in narrating East African slave trade of the XIX century in modern Tanzanian school books. A visible modifying of historical reality is promoted in some history textbooks: the industrial revolution in Europe and its need in labor force (even in slave labor force on "plantations"...
2018-2019 гг. и посвященного воспоминаниям об арабской работорговле в Восточной Африке и в бассейне Индийского океана в XIX в., а также их влиянию на современные межэтниче-ские отношения в стране. Было собрано более 130 формальных и неформальных интервью в Дар-эс-Саламе, Багамойо, Каоле, Танге, Пангани и на Занзибаре. Респондентам задавались вопрос...
Глава, подготовленная по материалам двух сезонов полевого исследования, проведенного авторами в августе 2019 года в Объединенной Республике Танзании, посвящена восприятию и осмыслению арабской работорговли XIX в. в общественном сознании в контексте современных взаимоотношений между афротанзанийцами и аработанзанийцами, живущими в стране. Работа про...
В статье сравниваются примеры социальной рекламы из крупных африканских городов – билборды, посвященные борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИДом, Эболой и малярией. Выявляется разница в подходах к этим болезням: в передаваемых месседжах, используемых образах и эмоциональной нагрузке, реклама изучается с точки зрения эффективности «доставки сообщения» до зрителя. В случ...
Социальная реклама и ценности, которые ее авторы пытаются привить тому или иному обществу, является важным источником сведений о самом этом обществе, поскольку она дает представление о его проблемах и путях их разрешения в восприятии и рефлексии самого этого общества. По удачному определению, социальная реклама рекламирует не товар, а некоторое отн...
Editors In 'The Omnipresent Past', Bondarenko and Butovskaya have compiled a fascinating collection of papers exploring the variegated ways that the continent's rich and complex history-precolonial, colonial and postcolonial-continues to impact and sometimes to haunt the lives of contemporary Africans and persons of African descent. The volume comb...
The paper explores particular features of incomplete urbanization in Dar es Salam, Tanzania. It studies the lives of people, who have just moved into the big city, as well as the lives of the second or third-generation immigrants from countryside and rural districts. In the first part of the study these features are treated using the anthropologica...