Anamaria Feier

Anamaria Feier
Polytechnic University of Timişoara · Department of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Associate Professor and coordinator of the Welding Team from the Department of Materials Engineering and Manufacturing


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Additional affiliations
February 2022 - present
Polytechnic University of Timişoara
  • Associate Professor
  • Lecturer and coordinator of the Welding Team from the Department of Materials Engineering and Manufacturing. With over 90 scientific publications, reviewer for several journals and conferences (e.g., Journal for Research of Material and structures, Scientific Journals of Poznan University of Technology series of „Organization and Management, SGEM Vienna Green 2020, MDPI) and also involved in over 20 Romanian/EU funded research programs (e.g., UEFISCDI, Erasmus+, FP7, MEN).
February 2018 - February 2022
Polytechnic University of Timişoara
  • Lecturer
May 2014 - present
Romanian Welding Society
  • Lecturer
September 2010 - October 2013
Polytechnic University of Timişoara
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering


Publications (130)
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are the new computer technologies to create a simulated environment in the field of automotive. Virtual Reality can create for its users an experience that simulates the real environment in the field of automotive and creates a 3D image. Instead of having a screen in front of them, users interact with...
In the past years, human factor (ergonomics) has assumed a point of crucial importance in engineering, design, development, service and maintenance sectors of industrial products and welding is a big part of this. In this paper, it will be presented the principals aspects and recommendations regarding ergonomics in welding sectors and also will be...
The concept of Industry 4.0 is highlighting that high-speed mobile internet, artificial intelligence, big data analytics and cloud technology are very likely to develop in all sectors of industry technologies between 2020 and 2022. The companies are already looking into machine learning, augmented reality, and additive manufacturing for considerabl...
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People is changing. Technology is changing. Economy is changing. Society is changing. Education is changig. In the Industry 4.0 the digitalization and VR, AR, CPS, IoT, ICT, AI assures higher precisions, higher productivity, mass customisation, less waste, and less pollution and contributes to the society change. All the applied and ready to apply...
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The present work deals with the transferability of Friction Riveting joining technology from laboratory equipment to adapted in-house, low-cost machinery. A G13 drilling machine was modified for the requirements of the selected joining technique, and joints were performed using polyethermide plates and AA2024 aluminum alloy rivets of 6 mm diameter....
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Această lucrare abordează necesitatea colaborării între proiectant și specialistul sudor, examinând mai multe aspecte conforme cu standardele europene. Acestea includ alegerea claselor de calitate, controlul vizual al sudurilor, relațiile dintre acestea, precum și utilizarea tablelor groase și a oțelurilor de înaltă rezistență. În procesul de fabri...
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In this research, the effects of heating cycles that are performed correctly and excessively—well above the limitations given by the steel manufacturer—on flame straightening are assessed and analyzed. The paper focuses on the microstructural changes caused by the overheating during the flame straightening process. To create geometrical changes in...
The paper presents a case study from the automotive industry, namely a part made of Inconel 713C and 18/8 L stainless steel and further focuses on the study and analysis the applicability of the WIG process in the automotive industry. The WIG process chosen for the joining of the two components and all the steps from pre-assembly to the examination...
Scopul principal al acestei lucrări a fost analiza efectelor tipului de gaz protector în corelație cu valorile optime ale parametrilor de sudare, în vederea obținerii proprietăților mecanice adecvate ale îmbinărilor sudate fabricate din oțelul S31803. Îmbinarea cap la cap din oțel inoxidabil duplex a fost realizată prin sudare cu sârmă tubulară cu...
Lucrarea prezintă un studiu de caz din industria auto, studiu care pune în evidență toate etapele obținerii unei îmbinări sudate prin lipire prin retopire cu element cald. Studiul va prezenta etapele realizării îmbinării prin lipire a celor 2 componente. Îmbinarea obținută este realizată prin lipirea unui circuit flexibil de un circuit PBC printr-u...
The article will explore a potential additive manufacturing approach for combining two distinct thermoplastics, ABS and PMMA. The obtained piece can be produced up of two parts: the lower half is made of ABS, while the upper part is based on PMMA. Given that the assembly is meant to be used on an automobile's exterior, it must be resilient to air a...
Conference Paper
Lucrarea de fată umărește implementarea si pilotarea unui sistem de management integrat compatibil AS9100 în industria aeronautică, cu accent pe asigurarea calității proceselor de îmbinare ale materialelor compozite. Datorită impactului ridicat asupra produsului final, sistemul de management al calității trebuie sa urmărească îndeaproape atât proce...
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The paper presents the development of a new platform that represents a robotic arm system, useful and appropriate for the Additive Manufacturing applications. The main objective of this work was to explore the feasibility of integrating the off-the-shelf (COTS) Additive Manufacturing technologies and the six-degree-of-freedom industrial robotic arm...
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The paper presents the conceptualization and realization of a novel platform for additive manu-facturing, an industrial robot arm-based system for additive manufacturing applications. Tradi-tional 3D printers, especially those employing fused deposition modelling (FDM) processes, are restricted to depositing material in a single toolpath plane (e.g...
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This paper presents experimental investigations on the solid-state joint of 3 mm sheets of AlMg3 alloy with X2CrNiMo17-12-2 stainless steel. The study presents a dissimilar joint that was made in a solid state using a modified milling cutter. The study highlights the possibility of using this type of joint in a naval field. The paper presents all t...
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The paper presents a CNC component manufacturing process using the WAAM process. The study depicts all the execution steps of a component from the CAD drawing, deposition procedure (technological parameters, times, layers, etc.), examination, and economic calculation. The manufacturing of this component using WAAM is more advantageous given the fac...
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Plastics have a wide use in almost all economic areas, their appearance and use has emerged as a necessity to reduce the consumption of natural products and thus decrease the impact on the environment. In the automotive field, a wide range of plastic products are used due to the additional advantage of weight saving and the production rate of large...
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. In a few decades, titanium has gone from being used almost exclusively in top-secret aerospace projects to being used in the construction of custom car parts. Thanks to its incredibly high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance, titanium will be used even more extensively in the future. There are various ways of joining titan...
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Considering thermal environment aspects have a major impact not only on occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance but also on the productivity and satisfaction of the workers, the aim of the case study was to assess the thermal comfort of a group of 33 workers in an automotive industry company, starting with collecting data about the therma...
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Since the beginning of the current millennium, various professional organizations, research institutes, scientific papers in journals and various conferences around the world, address the issue of maintenance, generically speaking, both theoretically, directly or tangentially and by examples of benefits in industry for various production processes,...
Conference Paper
The aim of this case study is to determine the values of microclimate parameters and their effects on the health of employees in the automotive component manufacturing industry. During the study data were collected from several areas of the factory: production, production lines, workbenches (operation), warehouse, prototype laboratory, rest area an...
The paper includes theoretical and practical information that has accumulated over time, but also proposes several solutions in terms of work equipment, workload and environment, as well as with regard to the workers, all with the aim of preventing accidents at work on construction sites. More specifically, the aim is to identify appropriate collec...
Conference Paper
This paper proposes the MEvAR method as an update of occupational risk assessment methods based on new legislative, technological and management system requirements. As a novelty, the approach to certainties, a broader interpretation of the dangers that complement the areas not sufficient covered by the analysis of the professional risks, elements...
Conference Paper
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Industria siderurgică a îmbunătățit continuu în ultimele două decenii calitatea oțelului producând oțeluri de marcă din ce în ce mai ridicată S355, S490, S690 (HSS - High Strength Steels). Aplicarea oțelurilor moderne de înaltă rezistență, împreună cu tablele de grosimi mari oferă constructorilor posibilitatea de a realiza structuri sustenabile, ec...
Conference Paper
Lucrarea va prezenta etapele de proiectare a unei tehnologii de obținerea a unui produs în contextul fabricatiei aditive. Articolul va prezenta mai multe produse realizate prin diferite procedee specifice fabricatiei aditive, deasemenea va pune în evidență câteva reguli de proiectare a tehnologiei în domeniul fabricației aditive. Produsele prezenta...
Conference Paper
Construcția modulară a structurilor de poduri este acum o tehnică recunoscută în multe țări și este utilizată frecvent. Mai ales în alte ţări europene şi SUA, un număr mare de poduri noi, sunt deja executate în construcţie bazată pe segmente. Apariția unor materiale noi, eficiente, a unor procedee de sudare inovative, complexitatea noilor standarde...
Conference Paper
Rezumat O problema specifica programelor de formare a personalului de coordonare a sudarii in conformitate cu cerințele sistemului armonizat de calificare la nivel internațional, respectiv european este durata relativ îndelungata a programului de pregătire, coroborata cu cerințele de prezenta efectiva a cursanților la orele prevăzute in curriculum....
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Nowadays, new products are wanted to reach the final consumer as soon as possible, at the lowest possible costs and in the shortest possible time. This time limitation puts its mark on all the stages necessary for product development, implicitly on the stage of their conception. Given the need for products that require assembly, of major importance...
An important aspect that defines the product design and development process relates to the identification and collection of market needs or the definition by the customer of a set of specifications transformed into design and functional parameters. In most cases, new product development in the industrial environment involves creating an updated ver...
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The stresses distribution can be easily determined in the cross-section of the elements but in a joint, the distribution of stresses is more complicated. Its complexity is also increased if stiffeners are added to the joint and if the connecting bolts are not positioned in a regular configuration. An aluminium cantilever with a two bolts connection...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, new products are wanted to reach the final consumer as soon as possible, at the lowest possible costs and in the shortest possible time. This time limitation puts its mark on all the stages necessary for product development, implicitly on the stage of their conception. Given the need for products that require assembly, of major importance...
Tehnologiile de fabricație aditivă evoluează într-un ritm rapid, cu dezvoltarea de imprimante 3D. Prin urmare, bazele de date legate de informații din domeniul fabricației aditive ar trebui să fie actualizate constant cu noi informații la nivel de România. Fabricarea Aditivă este încă în curs de dezvoltare în Romania și, prin urmare, acest studiu d...
Conference Paper
The theme of the paper was chosen from the desire to participate in the Virtual Exhibition "Art in Welding" within the conference "Welding 2021" organized in April 2021 in Resita and further to the Exhibition of Welded Art in the 74th General Assembly of IIW from Genoa. The model of the first welded bridge in Romania was made according to the techn...
Conference Paper
With the new Eurocodes standards new tendencies in the construction of the welded steel and composite bridges appeared. The development of the highway network in our country, leads to the need of many new bridges, from small spans to important structures with large spans. The choice of material, the use of thick steel plates, together with fatigue...
Conference Paper
The paper presents the challenges that Industry 4.0 raises for the workforce and its education, as well as the conclusions of an analysis conducted on behalf of the 2021 World Economic Forum on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 global recession on the workforce. The existing challenges at European level in the training and qualificat...
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This contribution is the third (and last) part of the paper on the fatigue calculation of steel structures in accordance with the European Standards covering a sensitive area: highway and motorway bridges.The development of the highway network in our country, leads to the need to build a large number of bridges, from small spans to important bridge...
In the past years, human factor (ergonomics) has assumed a point of crucial importance in engineering, design, development, service and maintenance sectors of industrial products and welding is a big part of this. In this paper, it will be presented the principals aspects and recommendations regarding ergonomics in welding sectors and also will be...
The paper aims to put in evidence the residual stresses caused by the welding process at VFT beams. Thus, the joining of the two plate of the beam was made by MAG welding, and the deflection and precambering that appear in the VFT beams were followed. Knowing the deflection caused by welding process results the necessity of precambering, deflection...
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In the second part of the paper the fatigue assessment of crane girders, with two examples and some conclusions is presented. The calculation is performed both in the welds and in the base material. The simplified calculation according to the European Standard is also shown. Keywords: fatigue calculation, rolling girder, overhead cranes
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The purpose of this case study is to determine the level of vibration exposure on people that work in the automotive industry. A component assembly factory from the automotive industry was chosen as the study topic. The examined environment consisted of significant areas of the factory. During the study, data were collected from 4 areas of the fact...
We are in a new stage of industrialization. Following the analysis of several definitions and interpretations, Smart Manufacturing, a term used in the USA for the next stage of industrialization, mainly refers to the use of information and technological communication to which is added the ability to analyze massive amounts of data in order to impro...
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Sudarea este un procedeu special, ceea ce impune o supraveghere continuă a proceselor de sudare, sarcina care trebuie asigurată de un coordonator al sudării. Pentru cazul unor cerințe de calitate pentru sudare de nivel specific coordonarea sudării poate fi asigurată de o persoana având calificarea de tehnolog sudor internațional/european. Lucrarea...
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The emergence of new efficient materials, the high demands on the quality of the welded joints, while ensuring their safety in operation, outstanding aesthetic forms, the complexity of the new European welding standards, the pressure of the short execution times, had as result the adoption of modern solutions for steel and composite bridges. Durabi...
We are currently in the midst of a fourth wave of technological growth and the development of an industrial technology known as Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 can be broken down into three major paradigms: smart product, smart machine and augmented operator. through which the factory operations are digital, which could imply and will put into operation...
Conference Paper
Conceptul celei de a patra revoluții industriale (Industry 4.0) este inclus în programele strategice de dezvoltare ale unor țări dezvoltate din Europa, America și Asia. Domeniul Industry 4.0 este promovat foarte intens de companiile multinaționale localizate în România (Siemens, Bosch, FESTO, Vodafone, Hella etc.). Articolul de față își propune o a...
Weldability involves two aspects: welding behavior of components and safety in operation. The two aspects will be reduced to the mechanical characteristics of the elements and to the chemical composition. In the case of steel reinforcing rebar's, it is reduces to the percentage of Cech (carbon equivalent) and to the mechanical characteristics: the...
Apariția unor materiale noi, eficiente, a unor procedee de sudare inovative, complexitatea noilor standarde europene din domeniul sudării, cerințele ridicate referitoare la calitatea îmbinărilor sudate, concomitent cu asigurarea siguranței acestora în exploatare, formele estetice tot mai deosebite, presiunea termenelor scurte de execuție conduc la...
The paper will try to evidence the importance and the role of the Welded Structural Designer and explain also the critical joints to the dynamically loaded welded structures susceptible to fatigue. In case of the important structures the decision of the Welded Structural Designer is essential, because his decision allows the change the type of join...
Existing old structures are, in most cases, dismantled. Taking into account the technical state of the structure, it is possible to analyze a reuse solution. Re-use of existing structures is a real concept linked to sustainability. When old structures are no longer able to meet current needs, the reuse concept can provide them with a second life in...
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The elaboration of a methodology for determining the acceptability of detected cracks/flaws in a structure has a major practical importance in the overall assessment and life integrity of a structure. The relation given by fracture mechanics links a parameter which describes the stress intensity at a crack tip to a material characteristic – fractur...
Conference Paper
The history of the welded steel structures in Romania and in the world is the starting point for the construction of mega-steel structures for nowadays. In order to understand the way of the welded steel structures is achieved, we need to know the history of the welded steel structures in each country and especially in our country. The paper will p...
Conference Paper
Constructive details of welded steel industrial structures involve critical areas in the structure. A welded steel structure behaves differently toward a steel structure made of laminated steel profiles in a pervasive corrosive environment. Details of the joining of the steel elements must correspond primarily to the strength of the welded steel st...
The problem of corrosion for old steel bridges in operation is often solved by direct replacement of elements or structure. Only a few studies have been done to determine the efforts influenced by corrosion in those elements. In general, it is considered that a corroded element has exceeded the bearing capacity and should be replaced, but if the co...
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Structures have a life cycle; when structures reach the end of their design life, there are some possibilities to maintain the structures in use: renewal, rehabilitation or reconstruction. These operations must be correlated to environmental sustainability [1]. This concept helps to save the need for new materials and resources.The re-using concept...
Lucrarea prezintă unele aspecte practice referitoare la calculul sudurilor in colt și sintetizează câteva concluzii cu privire la calculul lor, studiile sunt exemplificate pentru o sudura in colț la un guseu. De asemenea se prezintă unele observații legate de calculul tensiunilor in sudura in colt conform cu standardul SR EN 1993-2:2007 si o sugest...
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Many steel structures erected at the end of the XIX and begin ofthe XX-centuries still are in function. Some of these structures,particularly bridges, have already achieved an age of ninety,hundred or even more years and are still in operation afterdamages, several phases of repair and strengthening. Replacementwith new structures raises financial,...
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On the Mures River there are some representative historical steel bridges built at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. They are located in important emplacements being an emblematical symbol for the local community. One of these structures – the bridge in Săvârşin - was successfully rehabilitated, being an example of a diffic...
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The old historical steel bridge in Lipova on the Mureş River in the Danube basin, has a special position in the middle of the town connecting the two historical parts of the city. On the South, the old historical center of the town is located. The rehabilitation of the bridge now a pedestrian one, will give a new life for the structure having a con...
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At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the construction of communication roads registered an important development. In this period a remarkable series of steel bridges were built, some of them being in present in operation. The paper presents the current technical condition of the bridges in the lower Tisa...
From 1st of July 2014 the use of SR-EN-1090 is mandatory. The EN 1090 standards are European standards that regulate the fabrication and assembly of steel and aluminum structures, affecting all companies manufacturing steel structures and establishing all the rules that steel plants and execution companies have to implement in order to carry out a...
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A Duplex treatment consisting in gas nitriding followed by PAPAVD deposition of TiAlN has been proposed as a solution for improving the corrosion behaviour of EN 42CrMo4 steel. The corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution was evaluated by linear polarization. It was found that the Duplex treated samples exhibited better corrosion resistance and t...