Ana Pelosi

Ana Pelosi
Federal University of Ceará | UFC · Departamento de Letras Vernáculas

PhD Leeds University, UK. Post-Doc University of California at Santa Cruz, USA


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Ana Cristina Pelosi works at the Post-Graduate Programme in Linguistics, at the Federal University of Ceara, Brazil. Ana does research in Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor-Led Discourse Analysis and SAC applications in the analysis of metaphor emergence. Current research focus on conceptualizations of metaphors by victims of violence in Brazil's urban areas, and sense construction in focal groups by the emergence of systematic metaphors in discourse.


Publications (20)
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This paper investigates the nature of systematic metaphor as it emerges in the discourse produced after a silent reading activity, from a point of view that considers it as embodied and socioculturally situated, as well as the flow of attractors during the emergence of such metaphor. In this investigation, we are particularly interested in explaini...
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Esse trabalho, fruto de nossas pesquisas sobre leitura com base nos estudos sobre linguagem como SAC de Larsen-Freeman e Cameron (2008) e Cameron e Maslen (2010), tem como objetivo aprofundar os estudos dos processos que envolvem a linguagem como forma de interação ecológica e como eles são classificados dentro da visão sistêmica e complexa. Além d...
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Objetivamos descrever a trajetória discursiva, em espaços não lineares de interações em sites de notícias de mídias digitais, provocada pela temática COVID-19, e investigar as dinâmicas discursivas e cognitivas que emergem na produção e na compreensão das metáforas sistemáticas produzidas pelos leitores por meio de protocolos verbais. Para tanto, p...
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Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação descritiva da compreensão leitora com o objetivo de verificar como os processos cognitivos devem ser agenciados pelo professor durante a leitura de textos multissemióticos sobre a COVID-19 para desenvolver no aluno uma atitude metacognitiva. Embasamos nossa pesquisa nos trabalhos de Sánchez, Garcia e Rosales...
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Metaphor is here approached as a complex emergence which results from many internal and external factors such as those of a bio-psychological nature among others. Based on an embodied view which assumes that cognition results from "structural couplings that bring forth a world" (VARELA; THOMPSON; ROSCH,1993); it is assumed that socio-culturally sha...
Adversity-related metaphors Sometimes we feel imprisoned [tied], with tied hands, without being able to do anything. As vezes a gente se sente amarrados. De mãos atadas, sem ter como agir. This was the moment we felt blocked. E aí foi quando bloqueou. We are branded, marked. Nos somos marcados. Feeling empty Senir-se vazio Live this constant fight...
The expressions resilience and posttraumatic growth represent metaphorical concepts that are typically found in Euro-American contexts. Metaphors of severe adversity or trauma and the expressions of overcoming it vary across cultures—a lacuna, which has not been given much attention in the literature so far. This study aimed to explore the metaphor...
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Neste artigo a leitura é considerada como uma atividade cognitiva complexa com características de um subsistema que faz parte de um sistema dinâmico maior denominado linguagem. Nessa perspectiva, a leitura é vista como emergência complexa resultante da atuação de diversos fatores situados, tais como, intra e intersubjetivos, psicológicos, corpóreos...
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O artigo apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa que busca verificar como a linguagem figurada, especificamente a metafórica e a metonímica, presente em diferentes gêneros textuais tais como o literário (poema, fábula) e o jornalístico (artigo de opinião, crônica), contribui para a emergência e negociação de sentidos. A base teórico-metodológ...
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The present paper reports on partial findings of a major research project entitled Interdisciplinary project on social cognitive representations in the conceptualization of violence in urban Brazilian centers. It aims at providing some insight into an embodied and social-culturally situated concept of representation – a social cognitive representat...
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This paper reports on analyses of data gathered from discourse interactions of two focus groups of Brazilian university students (n = 11) as they talk about urban violence in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. The analytical procedure follows Cameron et al.’s (2009) metaphor-led discourse analysis which focuses on the role metaphor vehicles play in the emer...
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A cross-linguistic/cultural study of verbal metaphor compares responses to terrorism in the UK (N = 96) and to urban violence in Brazil (N = 11). Focus groups discussed how violence changes perceptions of risk, decisions of daily life, and attitudes to others. Metaphor vehicles were identified in transcribed data, then grouped together semantically...
A metáfora e a metonímia são recursos eminentemente humanos, presentes na linguagem da vida cotidiana, ambas consideradas estruturas de pensamento. No entanto, muitas vezes, essas manifestações misturam-se a ponto de não conseguirmos estabelecer de fato as fronteiras entre elas. Por isso objetivamos analisar a construção de metáforas e de metonímia...
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Este artigo apresenta, sob a ótica da análise do discurso à luz da metáfora, resultados parciais de análises sobre a influência que a mídia parece exercer sobre as falas de vítimas de violência urbana em Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil. Entendemos a metáfora como emergência dinâmica complexa, capaz de expressar sentimentos, valores, crenças e atitudes dos p...
Conference Paper
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In this paper the SOM is used in an exploratory analysis of transfer phenomena from first language (L1) to the second language (L2) related to word/lexical stress. The basic hypothesis tested is whether the parameterization of the speech signal of the learner’s utterances by standard signal processing techniques, such as Linear Predictive Coding (L...
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Partial findings of an on-going research concerned with obtaining a deeper understanding of the mental scenes construed for the DIFFICULTIES ARE BURDENS metaphor are presented. In order to do so, two experiments were run with forty participants, students of the University of California, at Santa Cruz, U. S. A. and Universidade Federal do Ceara, Bra...
The present paper presents a brief account of the nature and formation of categories. It also reports on some of the findings obtained by investigating the way native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese and American English organize their semantic categories. Eleven semantic categories taken from the Battig and Montague (1969) category response norms...


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