Ana T Mosquera-EspinosaPontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali · Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas
Ana T Mosquera-Espinosa
Doctor of Engineering
Ing. Agrónoma, Protección de Cultivos M.Sc., Suelos Ph.D.
Microbiología Agrícola, MIPE de Vanilla, Hongos Micorrízicos
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Publications (67)
Vanilla is an economically important crop for low-lying humid tropicalregions, but cultivated plants face serious phytosanitary problems. Fusariumwilt is a devastating disease affecting vanilla crops, caused by the fungalpathogens Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae (Fov) and F. oxysporumf. sp. radicis-vanillae (Forv), part of the F. oxysporum speci...
During a nematode survey conducted in commercial cut flower operations in the Andean region of Bogotá savannah, in Colombia, two species of root-lesion nematodes were detected in the rhizospheres of Chrysanthemum sp. and Alstroemeria sp. These populations were used for morphological and molecular analyses. Morphological and morphometric analyses sh...
Este artículo trata sobre microorganismossolubilizadores de fosfato - MSF, haciendo énfasis en bacterias - BSF, y compila información basada en resultados de investigación, que plantea la disponibilidad de fosforo en la rizosfera de las plantas por actividad del microbioma asociado, tomando como caso de estudio BSF en cultivos de café a nivel mundi...
El presente manuscrito proporciona información detallada de la relación entre orquídeas y hongos benéficos que participan de su nutrición, dicho de manera técnica las micorrizas orquidioides, destacando la importancia de estos hongos en la conservación y adaptación de las orquídeas. Se presentan los procedimientos claves, desde la observación en ca...
Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae (Fov), is a disease that results in significant losses in commercial vanilla production. The genera Ceratobasidium (Ceratobasidiaceae) and Tulasnella (Tulasnellaceae), which are often reported as mutualistic symbionts in orchids, belong to the form genus Rhizoctonia, a paraphyle...
El control biológico es una opción potencial y sostenible para tratar las problemáticas de producción y rendimiento de cultivos afectados por insectos o microorganismos patógenos. En el cultivo de vainilla, la obtención del aroma natural presente en sus frutos está limitada, principalmente, por enfermedades bióticas que afectan la planta en cultivo...
Este poster describe un protocolo sencillo para la obtención de plantulas in vitro de Vanilla planifolia a partir de explantes nodales
Pratylenchus is one of the most limiting nematodes of Musaceae production in the world. Knowledge of the nematode species is one of the requirements for its management in the field. This study aimed to identify up to the species level Pratylenchus populations associated with plantain and banana crops in the states of Caldas, Quindío, and Valle del...
Biological control is a potential and sustainable option to deal with crop production and yield problems affected by insects or pathogenic microorganisms. In vanilla crop, obtaining the natural scent present in its fruits is limited, mainly by diseases that affect commercial crops. The main disease of vanilla crop is root and stem rot (RSR), caused...
La interacción biótica entre plantas y hongos endófitos fortalece la capacidad adaptativa de los hospederos frente a perturbaciones del ambiente, y confiere a los microorganismos asociados beneficios de nutrición y protección. Estudios asociados a hongos endófitos reportan su presencia en la mayor diversidad de plantas existentes. En diferentes pla...
Vanilla is an economically important crop for low-lying humid tropical regions. World demand for natural vanilla is increasing, but cultivated plants face serious phytosanitary problems. The disease known as Fusarium wilt is mainly related to the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae, and for its management, the pathogen–host relationship must...
The production of Musa AAB Simmonds (plantain) and M. acuminata AAA (banana) is threatened by different plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) worldwide. Main PPN such as Radopholus similis, Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., Rotylenchulus reniformis, and Helicotylenchus spp. may cause yield losses up to 80%. Most of these nematodes have a wide host ran...
To characterize and to conserve ex situ the diversity of cultivable Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi (OMF) present in roots of adult plants of Cattleya quadricolor Lindl, as a resource for symbiotic germination for
population restoration actions in this threatened species
Artículo científico, recibido para publicación en junio14/2021; aceptado en junio 25/2021 Resumen En Colombia la uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) como frutal de clima frio moderado ha venido aumentado sus áreas de siembra, debido a la alta demanda internacional por ser considerada una fruta exótica. Lo anterior, la ubica como el tercer producto agríc...
The biotic interaction between plants and endophytic fungi strengthens the adaptive capacity of the hosts against environmental disturbances, and confers nutrition and protection benefits to the associated microorganisms. Studies associated with endophytic fungi report their presence in the greatest diversity of existing plants. In hosts such as Ca...
Cattleya quadricolor Lindl. is an endemic Colombian orchid, geographically distributed in the upper inter-Andean valley of the Cauca River. Its natural habitat is tropical dry forest, a highly fragmented ecosystem due to the intensification of livestock and agriculture. Cattleya quadricolor is nationally categorized as Endangered in the Wild (EN) d...
Artículo científico, recibido para publicación en Mayo 15/2021; aceptado en Mayo 26/2021 Resumen Los nematodos fitoparásitos reducen la producción de plátano y ba-nano hasta en un 80% en campos altamente infestados. Con el propósi-to de conocer los géneros de nematodos fitoparásitos con mayor im-portancia actual y sus posibles interrelaciones en pl...
Vanilla, conservación in situ, ex situ, circa situ
Los problemas fitosanitarios inducidos por nematodos, siempre se han desestimado en la
producción agrícola y forestal. Lo anterior radica principalmente, porque la sintomatología
observada se confunde con la afección por otros patógenos, o por alteraciones fisiológicas como
deficiencias nutricionales. A esto se suma, que se realiza un incorrecto di...
In Colombia, identification of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN's) native species is of great importance for pest management programs. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify EPNs and their bacterial symbiont in the department of Cauca-Colombia and then evaluate the susceptibility of two Hass avocado (Persea americana) pests to the EPNs is...
In total, 10 populations of Helicotylenchus associated with Musa spp., six from Colombia, and four from Brazil were identified to the species level. Morphological and morphometric data were recorded for each population, performed a principal components analysis (PCA), a conglomerate, along with consensus sequences of D2 to D3 expansion segment of t...
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are one of the most destructive plant-parasitic nematodes of Musa spp. around the world. The objective of this study was to identify species of Meloidogyne associated with plantain (Musa AAB Simmonds) and banana (Musa acuminata AAA) crops from Colombia in different zones of Valle del Cauca, Quindío, Risaralda,...
Three populations, two from Colombia and one from Brazil, of Rotylenchulus reniformis associated with banana and plantain, were characterized using morphological, morphometric, and molecular methods. Morphometric data from these populations were similar to type and reference populations of R. reniformis. Partial sequences of both D2-D3 rDNA and mit...
La Estrella Fluvial de Inírida está localizada hacia el norte de la región de amazonia, en la zona de transición entre los bosques húmedos tropicales de la Amazonia y las sabanas de los llanos de la Orinoquia. La región hace parte del Escudo Guayanés, una zona geológica con origen el precámbrico, hace más de mil millones de años. Los ecosistemas qu...
Premise of the study:
Oeceoclades maculata is a naturalized, invasive, terrestrial orchid in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the neotropics. We asked whether its success might be partly explained by its mycorrhizal associations, hypothesizing a relationship with many fungal partners or with one widely distributed partner.
Oeceoclades macul...
The natural vanilla essence is obtained principally from the fruits of the species Vanilla planifolia, a member of the Vanilla aromatic clade, and native to the neo-tropics. Colombia is an important center of diversity for the genus with 22 Vanilla species reported, of which 18 belong to the aromatic clade. Colombian native Vanilla species comprise...
La agricultura en la actualidad tiene el reto de suplir la demanda existente por alimentos a nivel mundial, como también, proporcionar un desarrollo sostenible para la humanidad. Para el presente trabajo el modelo escogido fue café, generando la hipótesis que al utilizar abonos orgánicos para la fertilización del cultivo, se obtendría igual o mejor...
Fitonematodos asociados a Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtn., Solanum quitoense Lam. y Daucus carota L. en el Departamento de Boyacá, Colombia Plant parasitic nematodes associated with Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtn., Solanum quitoense Lam. and Daucus carota L. in Boyacá, Colombia Resumen Los frutales y hortalizas en zonas de clima frio moderado...
Today, the agricultural sciences face the double challenge of meeting the increasing global food demand and ensuring a sustainable development for humanity. In this study we focused on the coffee production system, evaluating the hypothesis of whether, in the region of the study, the use of organic fertilizers for this crop offers equivalent or bet...
Los frutales y hortalizas en zonas de clima frio moderado, suplen parte de la demanda alimentaria del país. Sin embargo, el mayor limitante para su producción son los problemas por patógenos y parásitos. Los fitonematodos ocasionan pérdidas hasta del 100% por los complejos patológicos que inducen. Estudios publicados para Colombia, no incluyen repo...
Para su germinación, las orquídeas dependen de hongos micorrízicos y muchas de las características únicas de estas plantas están asociadas con el hongo que las coloniza. En este trabajo se evaluó la germinación de semillas de la orquídea Comparettia falcata en condiciones de laboratorio utilizando los métodos simbióticos: dos hongos micorrízicos de...
Variación temporal en la colonización de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares de Bactris gasipaes Kunth en Buenaventura, Colombia. Abstract The peach palm Bactris gasipaes is an important tropical agricultural crop cultivated for the fruits and heart of palm. We evaluated the levels of root colonization, soil spore count and morphotypes of arbuscular m...
En Colombia existe una amplia diversidad de especies de orquídeas (cerca de 3.500 especies), muchas aún no descritas. También, dentro de la diversidad se incluyen los hongos micorrízicos del género-forma Rhizoctonia y sus teleomorfos en los géneros Thanatephorus, Sebacina, Ceratobasidium y Tulasnella. En algunas orquídeas terrestres de zonas templa...
Orchid mycorrhizae are unique interactions in the plant kingdom involving all the orchids and a variety of fungi including Rhizoctonia. Orchids are one of the most charismatic plant families and include at least 20,000 species widely appreciated by specialist growers and scientists. They also include Vanilla, source of one of the most traded spices...
Ceratobasidium includes orchid mycorrhizal symbionts, plant pathogens and biocontrol agents of soilborne plant pathogens. It is not known to what extent members of the first guild also can participate in the others. Ceratobasidium spp. were isolated from roots of Colombian orchids and identified by phylogeny based on nrITS sequences. Phylogenetic g...
The genus Vanilla (Orchidaceae) is of economic interest as the source of the natural vanilla fragrance, derived principally from cultivated plants of the species V. planifolia. The clade of fragrant species (V. subgenus Xanata, section Xanata) has a natural distribution in the Neotropics. Work in this research group has identified populations of te...
The peach palm or chontaduro (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) is the principal crop of the rainforest agroecosytems of the Colombian Pacific coast. This region is poorly referenced in the scientific literature despite its high biodiversity and agroecological importance. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify up to the level of genus, fungi from...
Diversity of Mycorrhizal FungiDistribution of MycorrhizaeFunctional Specificity of Mycorrhizal Fungi of VanillaCan Mycorrhizal Fungi Protect Vanilla Plants from Pathogens?References
Resumen Las orquídeas se caracterizan por su relación micorrízica obligada para la germinación de las semillas. El micosimbionte es principalmente del género-forma Rhizoctonia, al igual que sus teleomorfos de los géneros Ceratobasidium, Tulasnella, Thanatephorus y Sebacina. En Colombia hasta la fecha son muy pocos los reportes sobre hongos micorríz...
Orchids require a mycorrhizal relationship for seed germination. Many mycorrhizal fungi are in the form-genus Rhizoctonia, with teleomorphs in the genera Ceratobasidium, Tulasnella, Thanatephorus and Sebacina. So far there are very few reports of orchid mycorrhizal fungi in Colombia. The objectives of the present study were to isolate mycorrhizal f...
Tables. Printout. Thesis (M.S.)--Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 74-80).