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Ana M. Petrović

Ana M. Petrović
Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts · Physical Geography

PhD in Biotechnical Sciences


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Ana is a researcher in the field of natural hazards with a focus on the torrential floods and hydrological extremes, looking for the international cooperation and projects.
Additional affiliations
September 2010 - December 2010
Saxon Regional Conservation Foundation, Germany
  • Research of the EU experience in the field of IRBM (Integrated River Basin Management) according to requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive and EU Flood Directive
March 2010 - August 2010
WWF Institute for Floodplain Ecology, Germany
  • Methodology of investigating the ecological status of the Danube
May 2011 - May 2013
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry
  • International bilateral project with Institute for Soil and Water Conservation of the Chinese Academy of Science „Integrated impacts assessment of soil and water conservation at regional scale“
December 2008 - October 2014
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry
Field of study
  • Ecological Engineering in Soil and Water Resources Protection
October 2007 - October 2008
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography
Field of study
  • Geospatial and Environmental Science
October 2002 - September 2007
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography
Field of study
  • Physical and Social Geography


Publications (43)
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Torrential floods are the natural hydrological hazards manifesting as a consequence of extreme rainfall episodes which have a quick response from the watersheds of small areas, steep slopes and intensive soil erosion. Taking in consideration the nature of torrential flood (sudden and destructive occurrence) and the fact they are the most frequent n...
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This paper deals with developing of hydrological flow model for the torrential watershed of the Topčiderska River, located in the Belgrade macro-region, in which torrential flood events have had destructive human and material consequences. The aim of the paper was to show that model, developed by hydrological software SHETRAN, is useful tool enabli...
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Torrential flood as a rainfall precipitation driven natural hazard occurs in the watershed that responds within several hours due to a rugged topography. The extraordinary torrential flood event from September 15 2014 in the Eastern Serbia with its severe consequences, widespread material damages and casualties, draw an attention of the Serbian pub...
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The Ljuboviđa watershed in Western Serbia with an area of 158 km² is frequently affected by torrential floods, which have devastating effects. The soil characteristics, land use patterns and rugged topography ensure the rapid generation of surface runoff during extreme rainfall events. The main focus of this work is to reconstruct the extreme torre...
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This research investigates the effects of land use/land cover (LULC) and demographical changes on runoff and erosion processes in the watersheds of border highlands in Serbia. It provides an interdisciplinary approach, linking demography (human geography) with physical geography (hydrology and geomorphology). (A) A predominant decrease in curve num...
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This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of flood frequency and a spatio-temporal characterization of historical torrential floods in the Šumadija region using water discharge datasets and documented events. A chronology of 344 recorded torrential flood events, spanning from 1929 to 2020, illustrates the region’s vulnerability, with a death tol...
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Studying the spatiotemporal precipitation characteristics in North Macedonia (1951-2010) is important as no spatially concurrent precipitation changes across the Balkan Peninsula have been identified. North Macedonia lies at the intersection between Mediterranean and continental climate zones and an improved understanding might help to better under...
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Days of torrential precipitation in June 2023 caused flooding in many parts of Serbia, forcing authorities to declare a state of emergency in 56 municipalities. That is why, the understanding the dynamics of torrential floods is crucial for scientific advancement and societal well-being. With increasing social and economic pressures on land use and...
Conference Paper
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At the present time, when on the one hand the energy needs of mankind are increasing and on the other hand the possibilities of using certain types of energy are decreasing, a thorough study of the current energy potentials is necessary so that they can possibly be used, taking into account their negative impact on the environment and human health....
Conference Paper
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It is known that the exposure component in the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) cycle has a key role in distinguishing natural hazards and disasters. In this paper we presented the flood exposure distribution in Serbia based on selected indicators (total population, built-up areas, protected areas and mineral resources) and developed methodology. For...
Conference Paper
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The processes of emigration, depopulation and deagrarization in hilly-mountainous border areas in Serbia have intensified in last several decades. These processes have resulted in land use changes which means that anthropogenic impact on environment has diminished so the agriculture areas have decreased and have made room to the other land use type...
Conference Paper
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The September torrential floods in 2014 in the Eastern Serbia were a real disaster for local residents in municipalities of Kladovo, Negotin and Majdanpek. Meteorological extreme event caused the hydrological extreme event which led to declaration of the emergency situation in all three municipalities. The combined method of Soil Conservation Servi...
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Torrential floods are the number one peril among the natural hazards occurring in Serbia. Floods of torrential character are a hydrological hazard of a sudden occurrence of maximal discharges and intense sediment transport in small watersheds. A torrential flood wave is a concentrated flow of severe destructive power as a consequence of interaction...
Conference Paper
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In the present study, 43 watersheds in Serbia and Bulgaria are taken for the morphometric analysis using digital elevation model in the environment of geographical information system. Statistical analysis, including correlation, regression and factor analysis is conducted with the following results and conclusions: (1) as evidenced in the correlati...
Conference Paper
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Torrential floods are hydrological natural hazards by nature of their occurrence, but with a high scale of severe damages to the facilities and infrastructure and a high number of casualties in human populated environment, they can become a natural disaster. In addition, they cause more or less significant environmental changes, such as geomorpholo...
The Western Balkans is a neologism coined to describe the countries of “ex-Yugoslavia (minus Slovenia and Croatia) plus Albania”. The region includes: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Albania. Western Balkan Countries (WBC) are located in Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe.
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One of the most vulnerable parts to natural hazards in Serbia is Kolubara river basin. In the past, during the period from 1929 to 2013, 121 torrential flood events in the Kolubara river basin were recorded which show that this territory is extremely vulnerable to the torrential floods. The extreme event which occurred in May 2014 causing the catas...
Floods are the most frequent natural catastrophic events worldwide (Berz et al. 2001; De Moel et al. 2009; Bissolli et al. 2011). In Serbia, the risk of torrential floods is the most common natural hazard, and a permanent threat of ecosystems, local and national economy, and social life (Kostadinov 1996; Dragićević et al. 2011). The average annual...
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In this chapter, published in Serbian the state of water resources in Serbia and their use are presented. In the introductory part is given a brief overview of the formation of the river network, the factors influencing the formation of runoff, as well as the basic indicators of water potential of Serbia and water usability. In the analysis of grou...
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The previous methodology of sampling and determining the suspended sediment con­cen­tration (SSC) in the rivers of Serbia is characterized by a number of disadvantages, so that any re­search of this kind has a large water management impact. In the largest number of hydrological stations in Serbia, daily SSC were obtained based on only one sampling,...
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According to the number of torrential watercourses, the frequency of occurrence and the consequences that have resulted in the past, torrential floods are the most frequent and disastrous natural hazards in Serbia. Since they are always followed by severe material damages and often casualties, the character of torrential flood events seems to be a...
Conference Paper
There is a general agreement among scientists in Serbia that torrential floods are the most frequent and disastrous natural hazards in our country. Fatal torrential floods from April and May in 2014 are the latest testimony about that. Torrential floods or flash floods are water related natural hazards which are triggered by intensive rainfall show...
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Phenomenon of torrential floods as the most destructive and the most frequent natural hazards in Serbia with serious socioeconomic, cultural and environmental consequences deserve special attention. In this paper, data collection strategy and data analysis with the aim of spatiotemporal characterization of the torrential flood phenomenon in the lar...
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Torrential floods are the most destructive and most frequent natural disasters in Serbia with severe social, economic, cultural, and environmental consequences that deserve special attention. This paper presents a datacollection strategy and data analysis in terms of spatial and temporal characterization of the torrential flood phenomenon in Serbia...
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Abstract: The amount of eroded material in the Republic of Serbia has decreased in the last few decades. The aim of this research is to analyse changes in soil erosion intensity in the Rasina watershed from 1971-2011 caused by factors including changes in land use, the population and number of households, migrations, and erosion control works. Due...
Riverine and torrential floods are the most significant natural hazards on the territory of Serbia. The potentially flooded area in Serbia with a 100-year return period is 15,198.07 km2 (17.2% of total area). Serbia is mostly threatened by the floods of small to medium-size torrential rivers mostly in late spring (from May to the end of June), a pe...
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Ерозија је један од видова деградације земљишта које се однедавно сматра необновљивим ресурсом. У зависности од степена развоја и друштвених односа у различитим земљама постојао је променљиви однос одговорности према проблему ерозије кроз време. У раду је дата анализа начина управљања, предузетих мера и радова и њихових резултата у 15 европских зем...
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In the last decade in particular, Serbia encountered the problems of drinking water supply, which influenced the perception of professional public about the water crisis but also started more intensive work on water resource perseverance as well as the implementation of European Water Directive. One of the main demands of the Directive focuses on i...


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