Amine M. Benmehaia

Amine M. Benmehaia
Université de Biskra · Department of Agricultural Sciences



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October 2014 - November 2015
  • Research Assistant
September 2002 - November 2019
Higher National Agronomic School
Field of study
  • Agricultural and Food Economics


Publications (57)
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This paper analyzes the vertical relationship between growers and processors in the Algerian tomato processing industry. We use extensive data on production contract outcomes for processing tomato growers (including 3,740 coordinated contracts) to examine the performance of grower-processor vertical contracts. The results indicate that the tomato g...
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This paper examines aggregate supply response of 19 selected crops in Algerian agriculture during the 1966-2018 period by employing cointegration analysis and error correction model (ECM). It tests whether there has been a long-run equilibrium relationship between agricultural outputs and prices, besides a confirmation about the responsiveness of a...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between farm size and farm performance in Alge-ria. Unlike most previous studies, this preliminary study uses a large dataset comprising 26 735 farmers in Biskra region. Two farming sectors are considered, namely: date palm sector (typically a traditional farming sector) and greenhouse vegeta...
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Cereal crops hold a significant position in Algerian household consumption patterns, with specific implications for public policy priorities. Unfortunately, they are highly susceptible to the influence of climatic conditions. This study aims to empirically examine the relationship between cereal crop yields and climate change factors using time ser...
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Fairness and ethical values in agro-food chain lay at the center of the current debate on agro-food chain sustainability. The food labels may contain elements focused on agro-food chain management fairness practices. The objective of the present study is to explore what types of fairness agro-food companies value in the food products they commercia...
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Going through an era where sustainability and definitions of fairness have been extended and integrated into the agri-food chain, there is a need to understand, on a multi-dimensional and multinational level, the structure of agri-food value chain revenues and consumers’ intentions regarding necessity foods. The study analyzed 1,020 questionnaires...
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Since the independence, Algerian pattern of food consumption has experienced radical and profound changes. In order to study the response of food demand dynamics, a differential Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) has been estimated, which better explains consumers’ food structure in Algeria. The study is based on a time series of prices and calculat...
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In developing countries with uncertain institutional environments, ensuring fairness in contractual arrangements within food value chains is crucial to overcome modern challenges. This paper empirically investigates the vertical relationship between tomato growers and canneries in Algerian agriculture to assess the determinants of contractual perfo...
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يلخّص الأستاذ شولتز في هذا الكتاب كل أعماله وأفكاره التي استحقّ بها جائزة نوبل 1979. إذ أنّه يدرج فيه مجموعة المحاضرات التي ألقاها في جامعة كاليفورنيا إثر تلقّيه للجائزة وذلك بعرض أطروحاته ونظرياته للخمسين سنة الفارطة. ”ليس هنالك ثروة إلّا الانسان“ هذه العبارة قد تلخّص بشكل جيّد الفكرة الأساس لهذا الكتاب، والتي تعتبر أهم الأطروحات الأصيلة للمؤلف خل...
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This study addresses the urgent need to enhance food security in Algeria, exacerbated by nearby economic and geopolitical instabilities. It investigates six critical challenges, beginning with an overview of agricultural settings in Algeria. First, it questions the prioritization of strategic sectors, compelling a thorough reevaluation. Second, it...
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The aim of this study is to examine the structure of Algeria's industrial tomato sector, drawing lessons and highlighting the associated challenges. The study relies on comprehensive data, encompassing a substantial number of observations (up to 9 127) from the production and processing segments of the supply chain. The main findings reveal signifi...
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Tendencias económicas 54, afkar/ideas | Verano de 2024 Las nuevas regulaciones de la Unión Europea plantean desafíos a los países del Sur, que podrían optar por diversificar sus exportaciones agrícolas hacia las regiones emergentes.
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This study conducts a quantitative analysis of the date export sector in Algeria over a 19-year period, spanning from 2000 to 2018, utilizing data sourced from the different official organizations. The study explores the structure and dynamics of date exports, and further employs the gravity model as an econometric tool in order to identify key det...
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This study aims to provide insights into the adoption process of new irrigation technologies within a rural community situated in the Mitidja Plain, Algeria. The study employs the stated (direct) preferences approach to explain the various obstacles and motivations faced by irrigators when considering the adoption of water-saving irrigation techniq...
Conference Paper
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This presentation addresses the challenges faced by the industrial tomato sector in Algeria, which include mainly severe market concentration among processors, declining farmer participation, and inefficient regulatory frameworks. These issues threaten national food security by increasing reliance on imports. Establishing fair pricing mechanisms ar...
Conference Paper
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The food security situation is alarming in Algeria given the growing dependence on food (and non-food) imports and the challenges imposed by a changing environment. This study aims to empirically examine the determinants of food security in Algeria using cointegration techniques, and to determine the long-term and short-term relationships as well a...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technical efficiency of dairy cattle farms in Tizi Ouzou region as one of the main dairy basins in Algeria. To do so, a two-step analysis was applied. First, Data Envel-opment Analysis (DEA) was used to quantify the technical efficiency of dairy cattle farms. In the second step, a Tobit model to examine f...
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Irrigated agriculture in Algeria plays an essential role in the national economy and food security historically facing significant water scarcity challenges. This problem has intensified over time, with an average annual rainfall of 89 mm and a weighted rainfall index of 241.50 mm for agricultural land. Furthermore, with an average water endowment...
Conference Paper
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The specificity of meat consumption in Algeria is that it is omnipresent in the consumer bundle, maintaining a nearly constant share over time, highlighting its significance in the country's dietary habits. To analyze the dynamics of meat demand, a Differential Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model is employed, which offers a comprehensive unders...
Conference Paper
Irrigated agriculture in Algeria plays an essential role in the national economy and food security historically facing significant water scarcity challenges. This problem has intensified over time, with an average annual rainfall of 89 mm and a weighted rainfall index of 241.50 mm for agricultural land. Furthermore, with an average water endowment...
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هذا الكتاب هو الوحيد من نوعه الذي يتناول أحد أعقد المسائل في مجال الاقتصاد الزراعي، مفهوم المخاطر في الزراعة وإدارتها. كونه الوحيد من حيث أنّ هذا الموضوع يعالج من طرف الأكاديميين غالبًا باستعمال طرق صورية رياضية معقّدة بحكم طبيعتيه، أي أنه يستعمل أدوات علوم الإحصاء والاحتمالات في أعقد صورها، وكذا من حيث أسلوب الالقاء والكتابة. فقد استطاعت المؤلفة ب...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the structural emergence of private enterprises in the grain processing sector in Algeria. The data used comes from various sources, notably the statistics from the National Office of Statistics (ONS) covering the period 2006 to 2019, as well as statistical data collected by the Algeri...
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أثار هذا الكتاب جدلًا واسعًا في الأوساط الأكاديمية منذ الستينات القرن الماضي لأصالته وعمقه في تحليل القضايا الحساسة لظاهرة التنمية عمومًا (والزراعية خصوصًا) في شتى أرجاء العالم على الصعيد النظري والواقعي على حدّ سواء. تمت مراجعته ونقده بدراسات كاملة على ما لا يقل عن 70 دراسة منشورة، وهذا وحده يكفيه على أن يصنّف كأحد أهم الكتب في القرن العشرين، على...
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This paper employs threshold cointegration technique that allows for asymmetric adjustment towards a long-run equilibrium relationship in order to examine the relationship between international and domestic prices of wheat in Algeria. The short-run adjustments are also examined with asymmetric error correction models. The analysis is based on annua...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study is to analyze the evolution of the nominal rate of protection of cereals in Algeria due to the evolution of international prices and those explained by modifications of national prices decided by the government through public agricultural policies. The results obtained highlight the fluctuations in trends of the NRP for the t...
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This study aims to identify and analyze the major determinants that affect the adoption choice, rate and intensity of water-saving irrigation technologies (sprinkler and drip irrigation techniques) available in the western part of the irrigated perimeter of Mitidja Plain, Algeria. A sample of 136 farmers (28.75%) was randomly selected and surveyed...
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The aim of this study is to examine empirically the dependency issues of the wheat sector in Algeria on the international market, using time series and prediction techniques. The study investigates the adjustment process of supply to price disequilibria in order to assess the functioning of the wheat sector in domestic production and import sectors...
Conference Paper
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L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact des politiques agricoles sur l'évolution des disponibilités nationales en blé. L'étude utilise des données sur le blé dur et le blé tendre (superficie, production nationale, rendement, importations en grains, quantités collectées, quantités triturées et l'autoconsommation). La méthode d'analyse adopt...
Conference Paper
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L’objectif de cette étude est de présenter une analyse approfondie de l’évolution du système de soutien des prix et des marges des céréales en Algérie. L’étude utilise des données sur le blé dur, le blé tendre, l’orge et l’avoine (prix à la production et prix de cession) ainsi que celles sur les dérivés des blés : semoules (supérieur et extra), far...
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The pressure on water resources that Algeria encounters is due to the scarcity and the water demand increase by different sectors of activity. This induces managers to reconsider the traditional supply management approach. The new water policies aim to adopt water demand management by improving the efficiency of its use in the agricultural sector,...
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Cet article examine empiriquement la réponse de l'offre agrégée des producteurs de pomme de terre au cours de la période 1966-2018. Nous allons donc (i) vérifier l’existence d’une relation d'équilibre à long terme entre l’offre agricole et les prix des produits agricoles, et (ii) analyser la réactivité de l'offre de ce produit face à des incitation...
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This paper investigates Algeria’s export flows, with special reference to agricultural exports, through an econometric analysis. Based on the panel data, the gravity model approach has been used to estimate Algeria’s exports determinants through annual data covering the period 2001 to 2017 for 98 trading partners. The study also uses measures for e...
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In this study, the climatic determinants of cereal yield differentials in the eastern high plateaus of Algeria were explored and analyzed. Using panel data for five regions from the period 2000-2016, we analyzed the relationships between crop yield and two climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) for three major Algerian rainfed cereals:...
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Investment in water-saving technologies (WST) was always considered as a solution to manage water demand. Indeed, the adoption of these techniques allows the use of less water in the agricultural production process. Actually, the WST have been widely promoted in Algeria in the last two decades. However, little research exists to support popular cla...
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L’objet de notre thèse est de présenter quelques réflexions sur le processus de l’intégration verticale dans l’agriculture. La problématique de notre thèse est centrée sur les déterminants de ce processus dans le contexte de l’agriculture algérienne. Pour cela, nous étudions, d’une part les mécanismes contractuels qui incitent les fermiers à réalis...
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This article aims at analyzing Algerian farmers' choices of marketing channels in the date-palm supply chain. Five main marketing channels were investigated: local market, intermediaries, conditioning structure, processors contracting and complete integration. Primary data collected from a sample of 118 date farmers through a field survey in Biskra...
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of water-saving technologies (WST) through an investigation of its effect at the farm level. Indeed, the study attempts to estimate the economic value of WST use in Algerian farming, through the comparison of some farm performance indicators between WST adopters, drip irrigation system as a WST,...
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Cet article examine la nature de la distribution de la taille de la ferme dans l'agriculture algérienne, où la surface cultivée d'une ferme est utilisée comme une mesure de sa taille. À l'aide de deux ensembles de données exhaustives du Ministère de l'Agriculture (comprenant 20 810 exploitations de palmiers dattiers et 3 296 producteurs de tomates...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, a gravity model approach was employed to analyze the major factors that influence Algerian food exports to the entire trading partners (98 countries) for the period 2001-2017. In accordance with the panel data analysis with WLS regression method, more consistent results were obtained. The results indicate that there is an increased p...
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In the present study, time series for annual, monthly rainfall and number of rainy days per year were analysed to quantify spatial variability and temporal trends for 22 rainfall stations distributed in northeastern Algeria for the period 1978-2010. The Mann-Kendall test and the Sen's slope estimator were applied to assess the significance and magn...
Conference Paper
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Regarding the importance of date palm sector for local development, this study aims to explore and analyze empirically the main socioeconomic characteristics of date palm sector in Biskra region. The study uses an extensive micro-database containing 21,502 date palm farms. The economic aspect of date palm farm is reflected by two structural feature...
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This study aims to analyze the determinants of vertical integration (ownership and contract-ing) among peasant farmers in Northern Algeria. The choice of asset control is between ownership and a simple contracting. Thus, the integration of vertical stages of agricultural produc-tion leads to higher gross margins, influencesthe choice of marketing a...
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This paper analyses empirically the processing tomato market and contracting practice in Algeria. We use extensive data on production outcomes for processing tomato growers (including 3758 coordinated grower-processor contracts) to examine the performance of grower-processor contracts. The aim of this study is to characterize the empirical relevanc...
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This study aims to investigate the effect of main socioeconomic factors of technology adoption, with special reference to the role of assets specificity in farm management. The contribution of this study is largely empirical by testing some hypotheses in Algerian context. We investigate the determinants of technology asset control choices in the ag...
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This study aims to investigate the effect of main socioeconomic factors of technology adoption, with special reference to the role of assets specificity in farm management. The contribution of this study is largely empirical by testing some hypotheses in Algerian context. We investigate the determinants of technology asset control choices in the ag...
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The Algerian agricultural sector faces a continuous process of institutional change, which has important consequences on farmers' decision of organizational choices in farming. One of consistent ways to understand this process, and to support related policy making, is by analyzing the determinants of vertical integration of agricultural production....
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This paper examines the empirical factors determining vertical integration in the food manufacturing industry in Algeria. In this research, we focus on the effects of food industry structure, transaction costs, and several market conditions. We use data for the period of 16 years (2000- 2015) to estimate a linear regression model. Through an econom...
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This study aims to analyze the determinants and patterns of the on-farm diversification among the agricultural producers in Algeria. The study uses a sample of agricultural producers randomly and proportionally selected from Northern Algeria and the data obtained was analyzed using three adequate regression models. Results indicate that, on the tec...
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This study was carried out at the ITAF Station at Medjez Eddchiche Region (Skikda, Algeria) in order to examine the inter-varietal differences in grapevine bud fertility and grape fruit quality, between local and introduced grapevine cultivars grown under sub-humid environment in Algeria. Eighteen grapevine cultivars were studied through the princi...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this research is to conduct a contemporary appraisal for the determinants of the farm structure in the agricultural sector. The contribution of this study is essentially empirical and focuses on generating testable hypotheses on the economic organization of the Algerian agriculture. To reach this aim, first of all, the determinants o...
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This paper analyzes farmers' decision to transact with the cooperatives, i.e., the propensity to cooperate. We aim to empirically analyze the driving factors affecting both cooperative membership and purchasing decisions of farmers in Algeria. The survey data was conducted within the National Program of Research including 625 sampled farmers. The s...
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This study tested a model that attempts to describe the influence of ownership structure on willingness of firms to innovate. We empirically examine the relationship between ownership structure and innovation across firms. Results based on data related to a set of 130 food manufacturing firms advance that the nature of ownership affects the firm's...
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This study tested a model that attempts to describe the influence of cognitive capacity on willingness to innovate differences between firms. We empirically examine the cognitive capacity – innovation relationship across firms. Results based on data from a set of 130 food manufacturing firms suggested that cognitive capacity affects positively the...
Conference Paper
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Our research paper sheds light on the effect of selected mechanisms of corporate governance of food companies on its innovation level. The study is conducted on a sample of firms in a segment of the beverage sector in Algeria, studying the influence of the ownership structure (forms, nature, the commitment of owners and the Board of Directors, as c...
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Cette recherche apporte un éclairage sur l’effet de certains mécanismes de la gouvernance d’entreprise agroalimentaire sur son niveau d’innovation. Notre étude est menée sur un échantillon de 44 entreprises d’un segment de la filière boissons (69,2 %), en étudiant l’influence de la structure de propriété (sa forme, sa nature, l’engagement de propri...


Question (1)
Having the required time-series data and in order to analyze food demand system in a country (the aggregate level), How to implement regression procedures in one of following models: LES, DDS, AIDS or LA/AIDS?
I am open for collaboration


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