Amilton Arruda

Amilton Arruda
PPGD/UFPE · Design


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Publications (80)
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To help mitigate climate change, it is essential to consider the importance of façade glazing in promoting energy efficiency and thermal comfort. This article carries out a qualitative analysis of two projects, starting with the identification of the envelopes as a starting point, followed by the choice of glass typologies and, finally, a comparati...
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This research is bioinspired by the leaf-rolling mechanism observed in Ammophila arenaria grass. This organism exhibits a bending behavior in response to adverse environmental conditions. We used bimetal, a smart material composed of two layers with distinct expansion coefficients, providing a bending behavior triggered by heat, mimicking the organ...
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This article addresses innovation, entrepreneurship and design management, aiming to investigate how it could contribute to the maintenance of the innovative character of startup companies. A brief survey was made on the importance of design in organizations. The timeline with the main developments from the 1950s to the present day, revealed that d...
The development of new materials is crucial for the advancement of engineering, architecture, and design fields. This is because new materials can offer significant benefits compared to traditional materials in terms of their structural, physical, and chemical properties. In architecture and design, new materials can be used to create more durable,...
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The biodesign approach is believed to prioritize research and eco-performance metrics over creating bioinspired shapes and materials. This paper explores Agave’s strategies for achieving lightness and strength. A bioinspired process was developed, considering the following steps: biologically based study involving microscopic observations of natura...
Conference Paper
In architecture and design, new materials can be used to create more durable, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing products that are lighter and stronger. Through biomimetics, this study analyzed 4 tropical fruit structures - orange, passion fruit, cocoa and pomegranate - to generate a new structure with damping and energy dissipation properties...
Conference Paper
The main objective of this article was to investigate, through the visual perception of consumers, the perceived environmental value of packaging, considering the ability of the type of material used to improve communication. For this, it used methods inherent to the area of Design and Machine Learning, in which Phase 1 consisted of the development...
Conference Paper
Biomimicry is a method of transferring natural strategies developed over millions of years of evolution into new practical applications. The identified biological principles are abstracted and used to solve problems with the aid of technological tools. Based on a biomimetic bottom- up approach, the present study regards the development of new ortho...
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Este artigo visa demonstrar o método de pesquisa das estruturas naturais aplicado pelo professor Amilton Arruda na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco/BRA, sob uma ótica acadêmica, descrevendo e apresentando algumas técnicas para essa interpretação da forma natural através dos seguintes passos: Representação Fotográfica, Descrição Verbal, Esquematiz...
Conference Paper
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This Case Study presents analysis on the development of the BUGA Fiber Pavilion 2019 held at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. This institution has tradition in bio-inspired projects since the research carried out by architect Frei Otto and, more recently, through the ICD (Institute of Computational Design and Construction) has been conductin...
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RESUMO O presente artigo expõe uma discussão sobre a estética da sustentabilidade aplicada em produtos industriais como forma de comunicar aos consumidores o valor ambiental agregado. Aborda a percepção do público como recurso para investigar quais e como os aspectos visuais estéticos podem ser adotados para caracterizar produtos ecologicamente cor...
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This research seeks to understand which elements are responsible for the mechanical properties of Agave sisalana and how these properties can conform to lightweight, resilient structures and materials for bio-inspired additive manufacturing processes with the possibility of design innovation and sustainability through of multidisciplinary research...
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La función formal-estética está relacionada con la experiencia de impresiones sensoriales de elementos formales-morfología, en la que la relación entre el objeto y el usuario se da a nivel de procesos sensoriales. Esto es posible porque las cosas materiales hablan de sí mismas en términos de su configuración, lo que permite diseñar objetos que evoc...
La bioinspiración en las estrategias de diseño de la naturaleza alineadas con la fabricación digital, tienen gran relevancia para la resolución de problemas con un enfoque en la aplicación sistemática de información biológica para la emulación de elementos naturales. Actualmente, las posibilidades están dadas por las últimas tecnologías, sistemas d...
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El conocimiento actual demuestra la expansión de las propuestas de las fachadas receptivas recurriendo a enfoques biomiméticos, investigación de materiales y diseño algorítmico. Este trabajo recoge las tendencias en materiales y tecnologías que contribuyen al control térmico y ambiental de los edificios a favor de la sostenibilidad. Analizamos once...
Este Cuaderno ofrece la oportunidad de revisar la evolución del proyecto bioinspirado a la luz del estado actual del arte, en el que se ubican las aportaciones propuestas, que constituyen los resultados de este camino evolutivo pero también una oportunidad para prefigurar los distintos caminos que conducen al futuro. En la historia de la cultura de...
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The current knowledge demonstrates the expansion of responsive facades’ propositions resorting to biomimetic approaches, materials research, and algorithmic design. This work comprises trends in materials and technologies that contribute to the thermal and environmental control of buildings in favor of sustainability. We analysed eleven facades and...
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Recently, many companies and academic laboratories have emerged formulating new materials of biological origin for use in artifacts, in response to a scenario of unsustainability. This work aimed to investigate institutions that developed biomaterials, focusing on those that had real applications. In this sense, through social networks, several rep...
Este Cuaderno ofrece la oportunidad de revisar la evolución del proyecto bioinspirado a la luz del estado actual del arte, en el que se ubican las aportaciones propuestas, que constituyen los resultados de este camino evolutivo pero también una oportunidad para prefigurar los distintos caminos que conducen al futuro. En la historia de la cultura de...
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The aim of our study was to apply a biomimetic approach, inspired by the Ammophila arenaria. This organism possesses a reversible leaf opening and closing mechanism that responds to water and salt stress (hydronastic movement). We adopted a problem-based biomimetic methodology in three stages: (i) two observation studies; (ii) how to abstract and d...
Conference Paper
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The work presents the results of the virtual co-creation session, held during a biomimetic abstraction stage, with multidisciplinary participants, to propose concepts for the development of cobogó adaptable to different climatic conditions, based on the analogy with Ammophila arenaria. Cobogó is a breeze block, a symbol of modern Brazilian architec...
Conference Paper
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This article aims to identify the characteristics related to the morphology of bioinspired artifacts. Therefore, as an evaluative theoretical parameter, he described the morphological patterns recurring in nature and related them to the analyzed artifacts, trying to understand which ones were also recurrent in these artifacts. Through the investiga...
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Desde 1972 a área de Design está presente na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. No entanto, o Departamento de Design [dDESIGN] foi criado apenas em 1997, sendo o seu grupo de professores oriundos dos departamentos de Desenho e de Teoria da Arte e Expressão Artística do Centro de Artes e Comunicação. Tais departamentos foram, no passado, responsáve...
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This research aims to present the Buckminster Fuller geodesics in a contemporary context through a new hotel model, detailed by the case of the Ecocamp Hotel (CHILE), a pioneer in the construction of hotel rooms with geodetic domes incorporating aspects of local culture, sustainable development of the environment, and also, linking concepts of envi...
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Innovation has been an important word in business in recent years. Associated with a number of highly profitable business models, gives entrepreneurs a challenge that goes beyond the definition of “promoting something new”. Continuous innovation - with positive results, relevant social impact and opportunities and balancing risks - is one of the gr...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this paper is to development a systematic literature review about the different strategies of nastic movements in plants, from the morphological, physiological and behavioral point of view. Nastic movements comprise kinetic reactions in response to environmental stimuli, which are not dependent on the direction of the stimulus. The resea...
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O presente artigo expõe uma discussão sobre a estética da sustentabilidade aplicada em produtos industriais como forma de comunicar aos consumidores o valor ambiental agregado. Aborda a percepção do público como recurso para investigar quais e como os aspectos visuais estéticos podem ser adotados para caracterizar produtos ecologicamente corretos,...
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30 autores para homenajear a Carmelo Di Bartolo, sobre Bió nica y Diseño. Ado Francisco Eduardo Sesti de Azevedo | Miguel Ángel Mila | Maria Daniela Candia Carnevali | Fabrice Vanden Broeck | Tomàs Dorta | Massimo Lumini | Jimena Alarcón Castro | Marina Nova Amilton José Vieira de Arruda | Pedro Maria Lozano Crespo | Giulio Ceppi | Silvia Pizzocar...
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Estudar, utilizar, imitar e adaptar aspectos estruturais, geométricos e funcionais da natureza, tem sido um processo que sempre há guiado a humanidade na busca de informações e conhecimentos. A Biônica, Biodesign e Biomimética, como ferramenta de projetação, tem sempre se pautado neste objetivo de ao "imitar a natureza", fazê-lo com obediência, res...
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Matérias-primas são fundamentais para fabricação de artefatos diversos. Porém, a crescente demanda por recursos naturais finitos para extrair matérias-primas contribui significativamente para a degradação ambiental. A substituição de materiais sintéticos por produtos naturais vêm ganhando espaço, como por exemplo, fibras lignocelulósicas. Dentre as...
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Os estudos de novas propriedades materiais, a sustentabilidade e o resíduo com input processual são temáticas em evidência na agenda do design industrial. Nesse contexto, o artigo objetiva apresentar o Material Driven Design, método que aborda os materiais seguindo o processo de transformação, tendo como ponto de partida uma determinada matéria pri...
Conference Paper
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This article aims to make better known the advantages of geodesic domes, also highlighting ergonomic aspects of the built environment, such as thermal comfort, light and acoustic, accessibility and environmental perception of these structures; according to information provided by the Buckminster Fuller Institute and research and analysis done by co...
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The contemporary world, marked by competitiveness, demands that companies and managers are increasingly able to understand the market and offer products and services that not only meet the needs, but also try to exceed expectations. In this context, emerges the idea that companies should design not only goods, but Product-Service Systems, which enc...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, innovation has been an important word in the business world, but in the universe of companies known as startups, innovation is a primary condition. Young entrepreneurs want their small businesses to win scale and agility in the consumer market with its creative and disruptive ideas. However, because they are different companies tha...
Conference Paper
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The classical methods of design, based on linear sequences, logic, rigid and vertical, analogous to the exact sciences, aimed to justify and establish the traditional models of disseminated industrial production through technological hegemony of the central countries. This led to a special kind of development, it has proven unsustainable, because i...
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Ao longo da história é possível constatar artefatos de inspiração biológica em diferentes períodos, e em diversas áreas, como a ciência, tecnologia, arquitetura, arte, design, engenharia, dentre outras. Isto tem gerado uma série de pesquisas e projetos que utilizam analogias biológicas com uma abordagem de caráter sustentável e ecológica, condizent...
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This paper aims to demonstrate how Biomimicry collaborates in the creation of new eco-efficient and innovative materials through the analysis of some examples, such as the hydrophobic and self-cleaning materials based on the Lotus plant, giving rise to paints and coatings that do not They do not wet or get dirty; Hydrodynamic materials based on the...
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This paper aims to demonstrate how Biomimicry collaborates in the creation of new eco-efficient and innovative materials through the analysis of some examples, such as the hydrophobic and self-cleaning materials based on the Lotus plant, giving rise to paints and coatings that do not They do not wet or get dirty; Hydrodynamic materials based on the...
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Entrevista prof. Amilton Arruda, PhD - UFPE
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Em um contexto de alta competitividade e escassez de recursos, a busca da criação de modelos de negócio sustentáveis é fundamental para que organizações se destaquem e tenham longevidade no mercado. Tal ideal deve estar presente em tudo que a envolve, incluindo seus processos e produtos. O presente artigo visa refletir sobre o poder da adoção da ab...
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Este artigo se refere a uma revisão teórica sobre a valorização do Design, território e sustentabilidade, que são ferramentas fundamentais na formação de Arranjos Produtivos e Inovadores Locais, sendo delimitados num território (espaço geográfico) impregnado de aspectos simbólicos e identidades culturais. Quando se fala em design sustentável no set...
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This article explains the concepts of city and urban practices—phenomena of urban activity—that directly influence the deployment of street furniture and, above all, the importance given to them by the population, with regard to its true functions, identity, meaning (symbology), uses and appropriations. It is vitally important for the study also un...
Conference Paper
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Over the past decade, one can observe a steady growth in the use of terms such as Place Branding, Nation Branding, Destination Branding and City Branding. Both in academic research and in the practical applications in large cities management and urban spaces, this new paradigm takes shape and, along with it, the need for definitions and concepts, m...
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As the Industrial Revolution took place and steam driven machines emerged in the 18th century, the Industrial Age began and cities became the core of industrial and populational growth. That phenomena occurred as the job opportunities and quality of life increasingly developed away from the countryside, with the arrival of electricity and invention...
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En los últimos 60 años, el rápido aumento de la densidad de población en grandes centros urbanos hizo proliferar los modelos de construcción verticales, por lo que una prioridad y tendencia establecida. Sin embargo, esto ha provocado un profundo cambio en el paisaje de las ciudades, de la que emergen de manera exponencial y sin planificación urbana...
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Food sector became industrialized like every other sector during industrial revolution. But this system is not suitable for increasing demand of food. Moreover, half of the world is suffering from hunger while great amount of food products become useless and garbage. It's obvious that this system is highly unsustainable. From the user's perspective...
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This paper analyzes how the strategy focusing on design-driven innovation can help startups in creating design concepts or business innovators to promote the growth of such companies so sustainable in its market, where competition is fierce and full. As much as there is an understanding and recognition of the importance of design as a management to...
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People have been consuming alcoholic beverages for thousands of years, making them part of happy and traditional moments in many cultures. As a result, a lot of brands emerged producing different kinds of drinks and a powerful market was created. To captivate new customers and keep pleasing current users these brands have to amaze them not only wit...
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This article analyzes the fashion production and consumption practices according to the guidelines of the approach ‘cradle to cradle’ of McDonough and Braungart (2013) and sustainable methods based on social innovation proposed by Ezio Manzini [3]. Describes the challenges towards sustainable development of garment enterprises through the case stud...
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O projeto Container Bike consiste no desenvolvimento de um conceito que contempla a bicicleta como alternativa de transporte para a mobilidade urbana, por meio de um sistema simples e acessível de aluguel de bicicletas, adequado às características locais de várias cidades brasileiras. Os containers industriais, cada vez mais contemplados na arquite...
Conference Paper
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As marcas buscam a cada dia aumentarem o seu Market Share e a conquista de cada consumidor é importante para esse objetivo. Percebendo a sua importância, os usuários tornam-se cada vez mais difíceis de serem conquistados e exigem das marcas muito mais do que a qualidade do produto. Estabelecer uma interação emocional e projetar experiências de cone...


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