Alzbeta Michalikova

Alzbeta Michalikova
Matej Bel University · Department of Computer Science


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Publications (41)
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Air pollution in cities and the possibilities of reducing this pollution represent one of the most important factors that today's society has to deal with. This paper focuses on a systemic approach to traffic emissions with their relation to meteorological conditions, analyzing the effect of weather on the quantity and dispersion of traffic emissio...
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25 years ago, in [7], it was proved that the Hauber's law is an intuitionistic fuzzy tautology. In this case, the used implication was the standard intuitionistic fuzzy one. In the present paper, we check which intuitionistic fuzzy implications, defined during these 25 years, satisfy the Hauber's law as a tautology and which if them – as an intuiti...
The research presented in this paper is motivated by possibilities of using fuzzy equivalence relations to classify the data into the specific classes. We try to improve these results with the use of intuitionistic fuzzy equivalence relations. We define the basic structures and their properties, which are used in the paper. Then we present the data...
In [6], G. Klir and B. Yuan named after J. Łukasiewicz the implication p \rightarrow q = min(1, p+q). In a series of papers, 198 different intuitionistic fuzzy implications have been introduced, and their basic properties have been studied. Here we introduce six new implications which are modifications of Łukasiewicz’s intuitionistic fuzzy implicat...
Intuitionistic fuzzy sets are mathematical structures which could be, together with operations, relations and functions defined on them, applied in many different spheres. In this paper, the distance functions defined on intuitionistic fuzzy sets are used to solve the problem of classification of images. Our specific problem is that we need to clas...
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Ganoderma is a cosmopolitan genus of wood-decaying basidiomycetous macrofungi that can rot the roots and/or lower trunk. Among the standing trees, their presence often indicates that a hazard assessment may be necessary. These bracket fungi are commonly known for the crust-like upper surfaces of their basidiocarps and formation of white rot. Six sp...
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V tomto článku sa venujeme sumarizácií všetkých aktivít, ktoré sa pod patronátom IT Akadémie odohrávali na katedre informatiky FPV UMB v Banskej Bystrici. V uplynulom náročnom období, poznačenom pandémiou koronavírusu vzniklo v spolupráci s ďalšími informatickými pracoviskami na Slovensku množstvo inovatívnych metodík pre ZŠ a SŠ, niekoľko uče...
Some MV-algebras generated by families of fuzzy sets are considered. On the fuzzy MV-algebras a representation theorem is presented as well as a theorem of an invariant state in the case that the basic set is a locally compact topological group.
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In this paper, the problem of classification of images is discussed. Our specific problem is that we need to classify tire images into selected classes. The classes are characterized by some patterns. In the first step images are represented as the vectors. Then the membership and non-membership value to each coordinate of the vector is calculated...
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The Haar measure on invariant state for fuzzy sets is constructed in a locally compact space. Moreover, the invariant state is studied on MV-algebra generated by a family of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, important as well as from the theoretical point of view as from the applications.
Very well known and important is the theory of the existence and uniqueness of measures invariant under a shift on a group (so-called Haar measure) in some groups. It was studied in many spaces and transformations. Such measure m is defined on a family \(\mathcal {F}\) of sets and such that \(m(T^{-1}(A))=m(A)\) for any \(A\in \mathcal {F}.\) In th...
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In the paper, an application of the InterCriteria Analysis (ICA) approach to data about university rankings in the Slovak Republic for the years 2009–2015 is presented. The aim is to analyse the correlations between the criteria and find the dependencies between the faculties used in the ranking system. The ICA approach helps us to monitor the beha...
This contribution summarizes the theory of differential calculus on \(\textit{IF}\) sets. First the definition of the function is given. Then the absolute value and limit of the function are defined and the properties of these functions are studied. By using the limit of the function the derivative of the function is define and Lagrange mean value...
Tire tread prints, being common type of evidence at crime scene, contain useful information for the investigator. To determine the brand or manufacturer of a tire related to the tread, database of tire treads is required. It can be built using thousands of tire photographs available in many existing web shops. To build such a database tire photogra...
Conference Paper
Reliable database of image samples is crucial for image recognition system development. One of rich sources of such data is the Internet. In this paper we describe a system, which collects specific image data from certain web pages. This image data will serve as samples for automatic recognition system. Collecting of image data is performed automat...
Starting with a descriptive characterization of probability on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, different formulations of continuity are presented. The main instrument is a Cignoli representation theorem on IF probabilities by classical Kolmogorovian probabilities.
In previous research the differential calculus for the functions defined on IF-sets was studied. Then there was the natural question if it is possible to define also definitive integral on this structure. In this paper the properties of definitive integral defined on IF-sets are studied.
Conference Paper
Digital literacy includes the ability to understand the information and use it in various formats from various sources presented by modern information and communication technologies. It is known that different regions of the country have different value of digital literacy index. The state tends to support the development of digital literacy in com...
Conference Paper
The thesis is focused on Digital Literacy Index modeling by neuro-fuzzy systems in various Slovak municipalities. Basic terms related to the problem are clarified and characteristic of fuzzy inference system and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is also described. The main result of this thesis is creation of the program for computing Digital L...
In this paper the set ℱ of all IF sets is embedded into an ℓ-group. Two new functions, the absolute value and the limit of the function are defined and their properties are studied.
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Effect algebras and D-posets are equivalent systems important in quantum structures. In the paper an independent sequence of observables is defined in such a way that a very general version of the central limit theorem may be proved.
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In this paper the set F of all IF sets is embedded to an lscr-group. By using the previous researches on the calculus of IF sets the theory of derivative is construct and the properties of derivative on the lscr-group are studied.
Conference Paper
The main result of the paper is a submeasure extension theorem. As a domain a multivalued algebra is considered and the range is an lattice ordered group with some properties.
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In this paper an outer measure on IF-sets is studied as a mapping to the set of all compact subintervals of the unit interval. We characterize the properties of the outer measure by the help of the properties of functions given by the edges of the intervals. Then there are defined measurable elements and there is proved that the family of measurabl...
In this paper we study an outer measure on MV -algebras. In Section 1 the definition of MV -algebra and Mundici theorem are remind. In Section 2 there is defined an outer measure, measurable elements and there is proved Choquet lema for this structure. In conclusion some properties of measurable elements are resumed.
In this paper we study an outer measure on F-sets with values in a complete Abelian l-group. First we introduce a G-valued measure on F-sets. Then we define attributes of an outer measure and we find an expression of this outer measure


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