Alois Herzig

Alois Herzig
University of Vienna | UniWien · Department für Limnologie


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Publications (69)
Suppl information about: Map of coring sites in Lake Neusiedl, Fallout radionuclide concentrations in the core taken from Lake Neusiedl, Radiometric chronology of the core collected from Lake Neusiedl. List of the diatom taxa occurring with RA ≥0.05% in at least one sediment sample that were used for the NMDS analyses and the reconstruction of la...
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Lake Neusiedl, the largest steppe lake in Europe, is particularly sensitive to climate variations due to its extreme shallowness (zmax = 1.8 m) and low ratio of catchment to lake area (3.5 : 1). Changes in water budget, salinity and turbidity have key implications for the lake’s ecology and management. Here, we present a multi-proxy palaeolimnologi...
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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologisch-hygienischen Wasserqualität des Neusiedler Sees. Am Beginn steht ein historischer Abriss über die Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Monitorings. Es folgt eine statistische Analyse mikrobiologischer Langzeitdaten (1992 bis 2013) und deren Verknüpfu...
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To minimize the risk of negative consequences for public health from fecal pollution in lakes, the continuous surveillance of microbiological water quality parameters, alongside other environmental variables, is necessary at defined bathing sites. Such routine surveillance may prove insufficient to elucidate the main drivers of fecal pollution in a...
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In order to elucidate the main predictors of Vibrio cholerae dynamics and to estimate the risk of V.cholerae related diseases, a recently developed direct detection approach based on FISH and solid phase cytometry (CARD-FISH/SPC) was applied in comparison to cultivation for water samples from the lake Neusiedler See, Austria and three shallow alkal...
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Lakes Dendi, Wonchi and Ziqualla are among the few remnants of undisturbed crater lakes in the central highlands of Ethiopia, and have never been investigated reliably owing to seclusion and inaccessibility. As the lakes offer a pristine environment in a beautiful landscape and are located in the vicinity of the capital city Addis Ababa, they are h...
Tropocyclops simplex abundance, diel distribution and the impact of the planktivore fish Stolothrissa tanganicae on the T. simplex population were studied at a deep-water site in Kigoma Bay, Lake Tanganyika during the wet period (October 2008–February 2009). The top 40 m were examined using discrete depth samples, filtered through a 40-μm mesh. Ovi...
Fish avoidance behaviour in the trawl mouth at night was investigated in the extremely shallow and turbid Lake Neusiedl in Austria. To evaluate fish reactions, a fixed frame benthic trawl with three electricity modes (without electricity, with continuous electricity and with interrupted electricity) was used and the captured fish abundances, biomas...
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The palaeolimnological reconstruction of secular evolution of Euroepan Lakes with key socio-economical relevance respect to large (climate change) and local scale (land use, tourism) environmental changes, represents one of the objectives of the project EuLakes (European Lakes Under Environmental Stressors, Supporting lake governance to mitigate th...
Conference Paper
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The palaeolimnological reconstruction of secular evolution of Euroepan Lakes with key socio-economical relevance respect to large (climate change) and local scale (land use, tourism) environmental changes, represents one of the objectives of the project EuLakes (European Lakes Under Environmental Stressors, Supporting lake governance to mitigate th...
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Carotenoids are protective pigments present in many aquatic organisms that reduce the photooxidative stress induced by short-wavelenght solar radiation, yet increase their susceptibility to predators. Arctodiaptomus spinosus, a calanoid copepod typically found in many fishless shallow soda lakes, shows large between-lake differences in pigmentation...
Results of RDA showing significant explanatory variables for the variability in carotenoid concentrations in copepods for all lakes together. Within the RDA, the minimal sets of statistically significant (P<0.05) explanatory environmental variables were determined for carotenoids in females and males. (DOCX)
Mean value and range for selected environmental variables, as well as concentrations of carotenoids and MAAs in copepods from the four lakes. (DOCX)
Results from multivariate PERMANOVA analysis for differences in environmental conditions between ‘dark’ and ‘white’ groups of lakes, dates, and lakes within each group. Environmental variables in the analysis were the same as in the PCA (Fig. 2). Secchi depth, TSS, and Chl a were log-transformed; and all data were centered and standardized prior to...
Results from univariate PERMANOVA analysis for differences in copepod carotenoid concentrations between ‘dark’ and ‘white’ groups of lakes, female and male copepods, dates, and lakes within each group. Data was 4√ transformed, centered and standardized prior to analysis. A, carotenoid concentration normalized to dry weight; B, carotenoids per indiv...
Carotenoid concentrations (µg [mg DW]−1) reported for different lakes and copepod species. (DOCX)
Geographical coordinates of the study sites. (DOCX)
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Vibrio cholerae is a human pathogen and natural inhabitant of aquatic environments. Serogroups O1/O139 have been associated with epidemic cholera, while non-O1/non-O139 serogroups usually cause human disease other than classical cholera. V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 from the Neusiedler See, a large Central European lake, have caused ear and wound in...
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In Europe, the effects of global warming are expected to be particularly acute in areas exposed to a more extreme continental climate. The climate change scenarios summarized in Chapter 2, this volume, suggest that the average summer temperatures in some areas of Central Europe could increase by as much as 6°C by 2071–2100. The associated projectio...
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In the last 40 years, the shallow steppe lake, Neusiedler See, was ice covered between 0 and 97 days. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) as well as the Mediterranean Oscillation affected the lake and its conditions during winter. Both climate indices correlated negatively with the duration of ice cover and the timing of ice-out. Average winter ph...
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To date, little is known about the pH-stimulated mineralization of organic matter in aquatic environments. In this study, we investigated biodegradation processes in alkaline waters. Study site is a large shallow soda lake in Central Europe (Neusiedler See/Ferto). The decomposition rate of plant litter was measured as a function of pH by incubating...
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Species composition, abundance, and spatial distribution of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton were studied in Lake Ziway from late April to early July 2004. A total of 49 rotifer species was recorded, with Anuraeopsis fissa, Brachionus angularis, Filinia novaezealandiae, and Trichocerca ruttneri being numerically dominant. Variation in abundance w...
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Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains have caused several cases of ear, wound, and blood infections, including one lethal case of septicemia in Austria, during recent years. All of these cases had a history of local recreational activities in the large eastern Austrian lake Neusiedler See. Thus, a monitoring program was started to investigate the...
Moderately saline soda lakes harbor extremely abundant and fast growing bacterial communities. An interesting phenomenon of an explosive bacterial growth in shallow soda lakes in Eastern Austria after dilution with rainwater, concomitantly with a significant decrease in temperature was observed in a former study. In the present study, we tried to i...
Leptodiaptomus sicilis (S. A. Forbes 1882) in Pyramid Lake, Alberta, Canada, has only one main generation per year. A small summer generation probably does not survive. Adults may persist for 7 to 12 months, and individual copepods may live for up to 17 months. Retardation of the development of copepodid C4 and C 5 seems to be food linked. The high...
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The influence of temperature on the embryonic development of three European cyprinid fishes, Abramis brama, Chalcalburnus chalcoides mento and Vimba vimba, was studied with respect to hatching efficiency and the functional relationship with the duration of development. The functional dependance of the duration of development on temperature is well...
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The eel population in Neusiedler See has been maintained by regular massive stocking since 1958. After the establishment of the National Park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel in 1993, eel stocking was prohibited and the population, together with the specific parasites of eels, was predicted to decline to extinction within 10 years. This investigation was u...
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Data from a long-term study of the intestinal helminth parasite community of eels, Anguilla anguilla, stocked into the shallow eutrophic Neusiedler See, Austria, were collected over an 8 year period (1994-2001). In total, 720 eels from 2 sampling sites were examined. The parasite community showed characteristics similar to those in the natural eel...
About this book This volume reflects the latest developments in the research of a global community of rotifer researchers, who came together at Illmitz, Austria in 2003. Contributions are manifold and span fields from phylogeny and evolution of the phylum Rotifera to practical aspects of aquaculture and ecotoxicology. Major issues include phylogeny...
Botulinum neurotoxin C1 (BoNt C1) and its corresponding gene were detected in seven aquatic habitats covering a range of low (LR) to high risk (HR) avian. botulism outbreak areas during a study period of 10 months. Toxin and gene in sediment and avian faecal samples were analysed before (in situ) and after cultivation (in. vitro) by a newly adapted...
Botulinum neurotoxin C1 (BoNt C1) and its corresponding gene were detected in seven aquatic habitats covering a range of low (LR) to high risk (HR) avian botulism outbreak areas during a study period of 10 months. Toxin and gene in sediment and avian faecal samples were analysed before (in situ) and after cultivation (in vitro) by a newly adapted E...
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Wild birds are an important nonpoint source of fecal contamination of surface waters, but their contribution to fecal pollution is mostly difficult to estimate. Thus, to evaluate the relation between feces production and input of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) into aquatic environments by wild waterfowl, we introduced a new holistic approach for ev...
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Dilute soda lakes are among the world's most productive environments and are usually dominated by dense blooms of cyanobacteria. Up to now, there has been little information available on heterotrophic bacterial abundance, production, and their controlling factors in these ecosystems. In the present study the main environmental factors responsible f...
Diel changes in bacterial and cyanobacterial numbers, as well as heterotrophic bacterial production, were examined in two shallow alkaline pools, harbouring dense populations of cyanobacteria (up to 1100 x 109 cells l-1) and bacteria (up to 500 x 109 cells l-1). Together with the recorded bacterial production rates (925 micro gC l-1x h-1), these va...
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In batch culture experiments with natural bacerial assemblages collected from a humic-rich lake (Lake Neusiedl, Austria), labile organic nitrogen containing model substrates (alanine [Ala], an aliphatic amino acid, tryptophan [Trp], an aromatic amino acid, and bovine serum albumin [BSA], as protein) were added to 0.2 pm filtered lake water prior to...
Botulism is one of the most important bird diseases world-wide and is caused by the intoxication with Botulinum-Neurotoxin-C1 (BoNt-C1), which is produced by toxigenic clostridia under appropriate conditions. Avian botulism leads regularly to large losses among the migrating bird populations breeding and resting at the saltwater pools of the Austri...
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In batch culture experiments with natural bacerial assemblages collected from a humic-rich lake (Lake Neusiedl, Austria), labile organic nitrogen containing model substrates (alanine [Ala], an aliphatic amino acid, tryptophan [Trp], an aromatic amino acid, and bovine serum albumin [BSA], as protein) were added to 0.2 μm filtered lake water prior to...
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The icefish Neosalanx pseudotaihuensis(Salangidae) is a small (to 70mm TL), transparent fish that occurs naturally in central and eastern China. It is commercially important in many lakes and reservoirs, and recently has been introduced into other waters. However, very little is known about its biology including growth. In this paper we studied the...
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The seasonal dynamics in bacterioplankton abundance and production were studied at 3 characteristic stations (open water, large pond within the reed belt and within the reed Phragmites australis) in the shallow Lake Neusiedl, Austria, and related to phytoplankton primary production and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DOC concentrations ranged from...
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In an attempt to assess bacterioplankton production and growth yieldunder low temperature conditions and to compare bacterioplankton withphytoplankton production in the ice-covered water column of the shallowNeusiedler See, outdoor measurements under near in situ conditions wereperformed during the winter of 1995/96. During the investigation period...
In a humic-rich, Shallow lake (Lake Neusicdl), the seasonal dynamics of the humic and the nonhumic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were investigated and the photochemical oxygen consumption rates of these DOC fractions exposed to surface solar radiation levels were compared with that of the bulk DOC and bacterial respiration. Furthermore, bacterial...
Pelecus cultratus (razor fish), a cyprinid fish, has become a dominant species in Neusiedler See. Gut content analyses of 400 specimens collected in 1989 and 1990 showed that Pelecus fed mainly on large zooplankton (Diaphanosoma, Leptodora and Arctodiaptomus), although their diet also included Insecta (larvae, pupae and adults) and Arachnida (spide...
The effects of a submerged macrophyte (Potamogeton pectinatus), turbidity (produced by 50 mg l–1 kaolin), and their combination on the feeding rate of young razor fish (Pelecus cultratus (L.)) were studied in the laboratory. Young razor fish showed preference for Copepoda in most of the simulated habitats. Razor fish fed more efficiently in the abs...
In the Neusiedler See, Leptodora kindti appeared in the plankton in April/May; the growing season lasted until November. Its optimum conditions prevailed during the summer months, when densities of >500 ind. m−3 were recorded. First, males appeared by the mid/end of August, while maximum resting egg production occurred in September. At temperatures...
Neusiedler See, a shallow alkaline lake, has become increasingly eutrophic; this enrichment improved the nutritive situation of the herbivorous zooplankton leading to a higher standing stock. A multiple regression analysis of the long-term development of the crustacean plankton indicates that abiotic factors (i.e. wind, temperature) have the most i...
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The essential component of management strategies for the conservation of lake biota is a reasonably complete understanding of the factors and processes regulating the composition, organization and dynamics of the com- munities. One aspect of the habitat quality is the trophic state, which can be defined on the basis of, e.g. nutrient content, prima...
Leptodora kindti is a very efficient invertebrate predator. Its searching mode of preying is tactile. The setae of the first thoracic limb act as mechanoreceptors, the other thoracic limbs, thorax and head together form the shape of an open basket in which after encounter the prey is pushed in by the aid of the first thoracic limbs and the furca. I...
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Data are presented on nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biovolume development, zooplankton composition and population dynamics, and fish from a deep, stratifying, alpine lake (Mondsee, Austria) during a three-year period between 1982 and 1984. Development of the phytoplankton is closely related to structuring events of the physico-chemical env...
In Neusiedler See, a shallow alkaline lake with fluctuating water level and salinity, four species of Hexarthra occur: H. mira, H. fennica, H. jenkinae (occasional) and H. polyodonta. The analysis of longterm data reveals a general phenological pattern which does not change from year to year. They first occur in May, develop a maximum in June/July,...
Short-term species succession, and long-term community development, of planktonic rotifer populations of the temperate zone and factors influencing species' abundance (ie., physical and chemical limitations, food and exploitative competition, mechanical interference competition, predation, parasitism) are described and discussed. The long-term deve...
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Respiration rates of the resting eggs of Leptodora kindti and Bythotrephes longimanus were measured in the laboratory at temperatures between 2.4 and 6.2 C. Results are used to explore the relationships between the duration of dormancy and egg size in the natural habitat.
The embryonic development times of four planktonic rotifers from Neusiedlersee (Austria) (Rhinoglena fertensis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Keratella quadrata and Polyarthra dolichoptera) were determined at constant temperatures ranging from 0.6 C to 10.5 C. Development times decreased with increasing temperatures. The curvilinear relationship between...
The embryonic development times of six planktonic freshwater copepods from Austrian waters (Eudiaptomus gracilis, Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, Arctodiaptomus spinosus, Mixodiaptomus kupelwieseri, Cyclops abyssorum, Mesocyclops leuckarti) were determined at constant temperatures ranging from 1.4C to 27.3C. In most experiments the hatching success was...
Some information, based upon a ten years study, is given on the ecology of Rhinoglena fertensis, a cold stenothermic rotifer. The largest numbers were always found during winter months under ice. A remarkable increase in population density is recorded throughout the investigation and is explained by the good quality of the food supply and a paralle...
Between May 1970 and May 1972 the total standing crop of planktonic crustaceans was highest in summer (288–693 ind. x103m-3), whilst winter values varied from 8 to 58 ind. x103m-3. The dominant species are Arctodiaptomus spinosus Daday and Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liven. For Arctodiaptomus 4–5 generations per year were found, resting stages were nev...
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The Neusiedler See is situated at the lowest point of the Small Hungarian Plain, in a basin without outlet, at about 113 metres above sea level and with a surface area of about 320 km 2 . East of the lake extends the Seewinkel plain with an area of about 450 km 2 . For the National Park the meadowlands, created through use for traditional haymaking...


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