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Skills and Expertise
Publications (139)
This book discusses the determinants of peatland fires. The intended factors are divided into two, namely intentional factors and unintentional factors. For factors deliberately caused by the farming system with the culture and traditional ways of the local population, the cost of burning peat land is cheaper, faster, and more practical, land owner...
This study aims to analyze the application of the marketing mix in enhancing customer satisfaction in the Riau Garden Food Court, Pekanbaru. Using a qualitative method with a grounded theory approach, the research involved 14 informants, including culinary business owners and customers. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and docu...
This research is a type of quantitative method research that aims to determine the effect of poverty on the level of education of the next generation of families in West Rangsang District, Meranti Islands Regency. This study took variables consisting of independent variables, namely poverty, and the dependent variable, namely the level of education...
The Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve has unique species and diverse animals whose populations and habitats need to be protected. The location of the reserve also serves as a source of water for the community and prevents floods, landslides, and erosion. Before designation as a wildlife reserve, the forest served as a source of livelihood...
This research was conducted to develop a public education model in an effort to prevent peatland fires in Indonesia.
This research uses qualitative and quantitative data obtained through a participatory rural appraisal approach. The approach taken is group-oriented to collect information from local communities....
IDE untuk menghimpun pemikiran para doktor,
khususnya disiplin ilmu pertanian, melalui tulisan
atau karya ilmiah mereka dan kemudian diterbitkan
menjadi sebuah buku, muncul di pikiran saya sekitar
tiga tahun lalu. Munculnya gagasan ini terutama
setelah mencermati ternyata doktor bidang pertanian
di Riau terus bertambah cukup signifikan. Keberadaan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi home industry usaha terasi dalam membangun kemandirian ekonomi pedesaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan melibatkan pelaku usaha, local supplier, dan pemerintah desa sebagai informan. Metode yang digunakan adalah grounded theory dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui...
Pengembangan usaha merupakan kunci penting bagi kesuksesan pengusaha dalam memperluas cabang usaha dan meningkatkan keuntungan. Mie Sagu Berkah menghadapi berbagai tantangan seperti operasi rumah tangga, strategi pemasaran yang kurang, dan persaingan tinggi. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengembangan usaha Mie Sagu Berkah dan penerapan bauran pemas...
This study aims to investigate the problems small-scale oil palm plantations in Indonesia’s forest areas face and the government policies addressing them.
Survey and data collection were used to determine the socioeconomic, environmental, legal and governance problems related to the development of smallholder pl...
This brief guide to preparing research proposals will help students and young researchers to obtain reading material as a simple guide to improve their ability to write research proposals. This guide is summarized from previously published research methodology books. The guide summary can be used by students or young researchers in the same field o...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran modal usaha dalam pengembangan bisnis siswa. Kemudian penelitian ini bertujuan melihat dampak modal usaha terhadap pengembangan bisnis tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan data yang relevan, penelitian ini menggun...
This textbook provides knowledge about Human and Natural Resource Economics with the material presented divided into five sections. The first part is Human Resources and Technology. This material presents the role of education and training, human health, and the role of technology in increasing production. The second part discusses Natural Resource...
Disaster studies are interesting studies that will always require dynamic changes, but local governments must be able to provide good policies. With system replication, disasters are downstream but must be accompanied by upstream problems which become the basis for being resolved early. With the policy of separating government affairs in responding...
The oil palm industry is a strategic and leading sector of agriculture that is developing in Indonesia. Riau is a province in this country that has quite large natural resources in the plantation with the largest contribution being oil palm. This study aims to determine the form of economic transformation based on superior commodities through the d...
This study aims to formulate blended learning lecture activities based on lecturer assessments and student assessments of the Economics Education Study Program, FKIP, University of Riau. The background of this research is the use of blended learning models that will be used in lecture activities. This study uses a type of quantitative research. Thi...
The problem in this study is the low financial literacy and the high influence of peers which have an impact on the consumptive behavior of economic education students. This study aims to determine whether there is influence of financial literacy and peers on consumptive behavior in students of the economics education study program. This research w...
This study aims to determine the effect of service quality on purchasing decisions at Minimarket 212 Mart, Tampan District. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with a total sample of 90 people. The data collection instrument used in this study was a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used...
The pandemic's negative impact on SMEs' performance have been particularly felt as a result of changes in consumer behavior. Therefore, strategic actions are required to accelerate the growth of SMEs in the post-pandemic era. Based on the Dynamic Capabilities Theory, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of financial technology, innovatio...
An important global issue is the harm that businesses are posing to the environment. However, the impact of small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) operations on the environment often goes unnoticed, and their willingness to adopt green innovations is limited. Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors influencing the adoption of green...
This article is a study of the institutional governance of farmers in Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency using the concept of Society 5.0 and the governance paradigm for analysis in peat area studies. This study aims to determine the form of institutional governance of smallholder agriculture in peat areas and determine the truth of the influen...
Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest is one of the customary forests in the Riau Province. The existence of Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest is crucial for the surrounding communities as this forest serves as a watershed area for clean water sources and maintains ecological balance. One of its significant roles is its ability to absorb CO2 to reduce gree...
This research aims to analyze the multiplier effect of small-scale oil palm plantations and the welfare of the community in rural areas during the first cycle. This developmental research conducted in Indonesia's largest oil plantation area, the Riau Province. Data were collected from farmers using the rapid rural appraisal technique through partic...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15413.].
The study's overarching objective is to examine how learning technology is being used to include local history in Indonesian history classrooms. Well-known for its ability to help students better understand national history by incorporating local perspectives. This research employed a meta-analysis based on a systematic review. The research's journ...
Disaster risk reduction is a significant focus on sustainable development. One way to reduce disaster risk is through disaster education. Through disaster education, disaster knowledge and disaster mitigation knowledge will be obtained. This research is a preliminary study of didactic transposition in disaster education. The method used in this stu...
Computational Thinking (CT) merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang mesti dikuasai peserta didik pada abad 21. CT sudah banyak diteliti oleh dunia, tidak terkecuali negara Indonesia. Penelitian ini fokus melihat kemampuan CT dalam proses pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat penelitian CT yang terdahulu dalam proses pembela...
Peatlands in Riau, Sumatra were relatively untouched by development or deforestation until at least the beginning of the 1970s. But today these landscapes are seriously degraded, with fires breaking out almost every year. Why and how has it come to this? This study attempts to make clear the relationships between the establishment of timber plantat...
This study aims toanalyze student learning activities using wordwall-based learning media, this research was carried out at PGRI Pekanbaru High School in class X social studies. This study used an experimental approach with the One Group Pretest Posttest Design model. Data obtained through data on student learning activities were obtained through q...
Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining and protecting environmental sustainability, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the development of oil palm farmers as well as the productivity of oil palm plantations. The policy aspect of considering sustainable development is...
This study aims to describe the management of oil palm plantations in Riau Province using a qualitative method. The Nvivo 12 Plus software was used to analyze the data, which came from the results of interviews with each of the important actors. The results of this study showed that the social and legal aspects of managing oil palm plantations (37....
The development of the creative economy of the creative industry has currently faced challenges and obstacles, in the midst of the challenges of an increasingly global economy, one of the potentials of the creative economy is a community group in coastal areas, a mangrove group in Pangkalan Jambi Village, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, existing...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan STEM terintegrasi model pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada setiap jenjang pendidikan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah meta analisis. Meta analisis adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara merangkum, mengkaji, dan menganalisis data dari beberapa penelitian yang telah d...
The purpose of this study is to determine the existing conditions of the plasma nucleus partnership pattern implementation in the oil palm plantation industry and the factors affecting its development in Riau Province. It was carried out using a qualitative method that explores various patterns of nucleus-plasma partnerships. Data analysis using th...
Pengembangan ternak ruminansia terintegrasi yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan memperkenalkan, mengaplikasikan, dan pendampingan teknik pembuatan pakan ternak jerami amoniasi dan fermentasi. Tujuan akhir yang diharapkan adalah menjadikan Desa Koto Simandolak menjadi desa mandiri berbasis peternakan. Secara persisten masyarakat di Desa Koto Simandolak...
Manggrove merupakan salah satu sumberdaya yang memiliki fungsi ekonomi, ekologi, dan fungsi fisik di wilayah pesisir. Sebagai salah satu ekosistem yang perlu perhatian khusus bagi kita semua. Manggrove dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai aspek sosial, ekonomi, lingkungan, dan budaya masyarakat. Terkait dengan lingkungan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pence...
Kesadaran masyarakat suku pedalaman terhadap arti pendidikan anak sebenarnya merupakan manifestasi kesungguhan masyarakat sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam meningkatkan sumber
daya manusia. Akan tetapi, peranan yang demikian belum diikuti penciptaan hubungan kerja sama yang baik atas dasar kedudukan yang sama dan dengan penuh kesadaran akan arti penti...
Riau sebagai provinsi dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit terluas di Indonesia, memiliki catatan penting di mana 1.896.662 ha atau 45,48% dari total luas tutupan sawit terindikasi dalam kawasan hutan dan hampir merata di seluruh kabupaten kota di Riau, antara lain yaitu: Rokan Hilir (392.916 ha), Rokan Hulu (241.355 ha), Kampar (168.144 ha), Bengkalis (...
Palm oil is a commodity with considerable potential, in contributing to profits for Riau Province. Oil palm plantations that grow in Riau Province are owned by several companies and have grown into smallholder plantations. This means that the situation of Palm Oil Commodities in Riau Province is the primary supplier of economic value. On the other...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya perilaku menunda untuk mengerjakan atau menyelesaikan tugas oleh beberapa mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau. Hal itu terjadi dikarenakan motivasi yang ada dalam diri beberapa mahasiswa tersebut berada pada tingkat yang rendah, sehingga mereka melakukan penundaan terhadap pekerjaan atau tugas y...
This study aims to analyze the leadership management applied by the Principal of the 010 Laboy Jaya State Elementary School in teacher development, the inhibiting factors in the implementation of the leadership management of the 010 Laboy Jaya State Elementary School Principal in the development of teachers, and the solutions adoptedin overcoming t...
The influence of the globalization era can decrease the sense of nationalism, and it can be seen from the students in Indonesia. School is one of the institutions that can be used to develop the sense of nationalism in the younger generation, for example through the civic education and also other school activities. In terms of improving teachers’ p...
Komitmen kerja guru SLB diidentifikasi dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor meliputi karakteristik. Seorang guru harus memiliki jiwa yang resilien terlebih dahulu karena harus menjadi contoh utama untuk siswa supaya berjiwa tangguh. Guru SLB harus mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam berbagai lingkungan sosial dan menjalin komunikasi yang efektif dengan...
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini untuk penerapan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan melalui kedisiplinan, kejujuran, kekeluargaan dan tanggung jawab di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 004 Pulau Terap Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar serta untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dan program pendidikan karakter dal...
Pelalawan District has several natural attractiveness and indigenous knowledge potentially to be developed as ecotourism. The community-based ecotourism management (CBEM) by utilize indigenous knowledge as a part of tourist attractions is one of ways to improve environmental ethics and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). This paper was pr...
Riau Province is known as an area rich in forest resources. Most of the forest area is used for industrial plantation forest management. The existence of this industrial plantation forest also supports the forest product processing industry and other industries. This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of industrial plantation f...
p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dominannya pendidikan petani yang masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan perkebunan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah petani di Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu yang terdir...
Artikel ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor Penentu yang mempengaruhi tingkat motivasi belajar siswa SMA Negeri Kecamatan Tambang, yang ditentukan oleh faktor aspirasi, kemampuan siswa, kondisi siswa dan lingkungan belajar. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Data tersebut dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner dan dokumen. Populas...
Bengkalis' economy has continued to contract since 2012. This is due to its very high dependence on oil and gas. It is necessary to develop other sectors that have high potential, such as oil palm plantations and the CPO processing industry which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Taking into account the complexities and pro...
Buku ini berisikan kajian tema-tema sosial ekonomi masyarakat lahan basah, paparan dan teori lingkungan dan ilmu dasar di lahan basah, serta kebencanaan di lahan basah. Paparan kajian-kajian tersebut merupakan hasil studi dan penelitian serta rekomendasi peneliti Universitas Riau (Unri) untuk pengelolaan lahan basah yang lebih ecofriendly dan terja...
Kuantan Singingi Regency is one of the ruminant-producing districts in Riau Province. Koto Simandolak Village, located in Benai District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, the majority of the people work as farmers. Generally, farmers in Koto Simandolak Village cultivate livestock traditionally, namely by releasing them to the wild. This condition causes s...
Ecotourism management of North Mareje Mountain Forest Area (NMMFA) is one of ways to achieved
sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Central Lombok District. The lack of ecotourism economics value
information causes investment for its development runs relative slowly. This study aims to valuate and evaluate
the economics value of ecotourism develo...
A collection of research abstracts that have been published in international journals is the work of a Riau University lecturer in 2017-2018. In each abstract, a citation of the article is also presented, so that readers can easily trace the source of the article.
The market value of a public company reflects the expectations of investors. It is influenced by many factors, both internal and external to the company. This study aims to analyze whether intellectual capital moderates the effect of the debt-to-equity ratio and earnings per share on the market value of equity. A set of historical data was collecte...
The rapid economic development in Bengkalis District has reported disrupted environmental balance. Such as mangrove forest damage, due to the intensification of wetland conversion, which is based on the emergence of industrialization. Implementing community-based mangrove forest management (CBMFM) with a carbon credit system is potential way to red...
The development of the agricultural sector for coastal communities, especially on peatland plays an important role in the structure of the regional economy. In Riau province, there are potential peatlands of approximately 64% of the total land area, that support the local people's lives, especially for agriculture. These peatlands also have various...
Riau Province has smallholder oil palm plantations located in forest areas. Land conflicts in the area consist of vertical conflicts and horizontal conflicts. Land conflicts hinder the sustainability of oil palm plantations. This study identifies the sustainability status of smallholder oil palm plantations using the index values of the ecological...
Buku ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang matakuliah Ekonomi Pembangunan yang terbagi menjadi tiga komponen, yaitu bagian pertama tentang Teori dan Pandangan Tentang Ekonomi Pembangunan, bagian kedua tentang Model dan Strategi Pembangunan Ekonomi di Pedesaan, dan bagian ketiga berkaitan dengan lembaga ekonomi di pedesaan yaitu Koperasi Perannya dalam...
Buku Metodologi Penelitian ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari Buku Ajar sebelumnya. Buku ini ditulis dengan maksud untuk melengkapi kegiatan belajar mengajar agar mahasiswa dapat memahami materi kuliah yang terkait dengan penelitian ilmiah. Pada edisi revisi terjadi perubahan pada beberapa bagian bab 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, dan 9. Lampiran menyajikan contoh p...
Keberadaan lahan gambut memiliki peranan yang sangat penting baik dalam lingkup lokal, regional maupun global. Lahan gambut disamping memiliki fungsi ekologis juga memiliki fungsi ekonomi dan sosial budaya. Fungsi ekologis yang diperankan lahan gambut diantaranya menjaga keanekaragaman hayati, penyimpan karbon, penghasil oksigen dan pengelolaan air...
Countries in the world including Indonesia agreed to continue development by carrying out the concept of Sustainable Development Goals. Many environmental problems that occur in Indonesia and the world are the result of activities carried out by companies and by households. These cause a development system that is needed not only to pay attention a...
Ecological restoration of peatlands leads to the destruction of peatland ecosystems caused by human activities, whether intentional or not. As a result of the damage caused various kinds of problems such as land fires. Tanjung Leban Village is one of the villages with a fairly high rate of fire, especially in 2012, 2013, and 2015. Many burnt lands...
Riau is an Indonesian province known for its large plantations. The plantation business makes the most significant contribution to the fiscal revenues of the province. This paper aims to innovate rural economy through the sustainable development of superior commodities in the plantation sub-sector of agriculture. Specifically, multi-criteria analys...
This study aims to determine the feasibility of palm-based agroforestry as an alternative to critical land improvement. The scope studied is closer to the biophysical aspects. To achieve the main objectives, they are structured as follows: Identifying critical lands in the Koto Panjang Hydro-electrical Power Plant (HEPP) Catchment Area, Assessing l...
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the performance of teachers in learning SMP Negeri in Bengkalis Regency. The population sample in this study is amounted to 56 people. They are all teachers who are Civil Servants who teach at Bengkalis Regency Public Junior High Schools consisting of Public Junior High Schools in Bukit Batu Dis...
Renewable energy from solar cells is a type of alternative energy for consumers, especially those far from electricity, and saves electrical energy. This research developed an innovative tool for portable solar power generators as a source of energy, which stores electrical energy in two ways, namely solar cells and transformers. Furthermore, this...
This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge on the entrepreneurial interest of students of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau. The population used in this study were students of economic education class 2017, 2018, and 2019. Data collection techniques were carried out by means...
This book is a collection of abstracts from Riau University lecturer articles published in international journals in 2020
This book is a collection of abstracts from Riau University lecturer articles published in international journals in 2019
This study aims to obtain the strategy for education services marketing by applying the 7Ps concept (product, price, promotion, place, people, process and physical evidence) of the educational services marketing mix in the Integrated Islamic Senior High School. This study used a descriptive qualitative method, and data was collected through documen...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan BUMDes di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lesung. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kekuatan pengelolaan BUMDes di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lesung sudah baik, motivasi yang tinggi oleh anggota untuk berbisnis, SDM cukup banyak karena di pedesaan, sarana dan prasarana gratis yang digunakan BUMDes, lokasi...
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk materi kuliah Metodologi Penelitian Ilmiah
Pedoman ringkat untuk memulai penulisan proposal penelitian ilmiah. Bahan ini disiapkan untuk peneliti pemula atau untuk mahasiswa S1, S2, dan S3
Oil palm is a very common commodity in rural communities of Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia, and the farming activities in these areas create a high multiplier effect and increase welfare. However, the expansion of oil palm areas puts pressure on forests and resources. The research was carried out through a survey using the developmental research...
The purpose of this study is to analyze strategies for controlling potential environmental impacts as a result of developing oil palm plantations.
Research sites in the first year have been carried out in potential areas for the development of oil palm plantations, both through plasma through Badan Usaha Milik N...
The research objective is to determine the impact of certification on teacher performance in the learning process in an effort to improve the quality of learning and the quality of education in the school environment. To find out the impacts of the implementation of the government policy on teacher performance, a special test was conducted, compari...
A region’s economic growth depends on the development policies based on the wealth determined from the potential of human, institutional and local resources. Furthermore, tThe development needs to link primary sectors with future processing to increase agricultural products’ added value and marketing competitiveness. This study develops an innovati...
Business performance is one of the entrepreneurial behavior benchmarks. Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are required to have dynamic capabilities and strategies that can seize opportunities and improve the market. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of adaptability and entrepreneurial orientation on business performance through inno...
Renewable energy from solar cells is a type of alternative energy for consumers, especially those far from electricity, and saves electrical energy. This research developed an innovative tool for portable solar power generators as a source of energy, which stores electrical energy in two ways, namely solar cells and transformers. Furthermore, this...
The research aims at analysing uncontrolled social behaviour impact of self-management scheme on Oil Palm Plantation Sustainability in Riau Province, Indonesia. The method used in this research is a survey method. Data of the research were collected through questionnaires filled in by people involving in oil palm plantation as respondents of this r...
The food carrying capacity of smallholder oil palm plantations as an indicator of the performance of ecosystem services can be seen from the carrying capacity of actual and potential food. The carrying capacity of potential food is calculated based on indirect food potential while the carrying capacity of actual food is calculated based on the avai...
Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi merupakan daerah produsen komoditi karet alam terbesar di Provinsi Riau. Sejumlah besar gabungan kelompok tani (GAPOKTAN) karet di beberapa desa dan didukung oleh pemerintah daerah sudah membentuk Asosiasi Petani Karet Kuantan Singingi (APKARKUSI), untuk melakukan pengendalian kualitas dan pelelangan bahan olah karet (bok...
The majority of regions in Riau Province are coastal areas and many communities live on land that is dominated by peat. Peat ecosystems have unique characteristics, as they are classified as wetland areas, while also possessing regions of terrestrial land. Poor maintenance of these ecosystems can cause a variety of issues such as forest fires, drou...