Allan H.K. YuenYew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
Allan H.K. Yuen
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September 2019 - present
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
- Professor
- I am the President of the College
Publications (152)
The popularity of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has attracted worldwide research interest. This study aims to identify and summarize the research foci (e.g. themes, methods, contexts, etc.) and discuss the new directions and trends of MOOC research in the context of Mainland China.
A systematic review of t...
Based on Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory, our study examined the engagement of newly arrived children (NAC) with ICT and e-sports both at home and in school in the context of Hong Kong. Our in-depth case study of a Hong Kong secondary school revealed that the selected NAC typically came from disadvantaged school and immigrant family backgrounds....
Although numerous studies have revealed various mechanisms involved in users' technology acceptance behaviors, the literature lacks insights about distinct profiles of teenagers' e-learning technology acceptance and how these profiles are associated with teenagers' contextual backgrounds and continued technology use. This study fills this gap by un...
Although previous research into adults’ acceptance or continued use of technology has been extensive, there is a lack of research study that investigated e-learning systems acceptance and continuance of teenagers with different social backgrounds. This study aimed to explore the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural factors that motivate teenagers’...
A two-year longitudinal study has been conducted to explore the utilising factors of people with visual impairment using screen readers. A mixed-method research design was used; both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to explore the utilising factors. A framework from previous technology acceptance studies was adapted to explore the f...
In the abstract, the second “FG” in the sentence below should be “SG”: The sample was classified into three cultural groups: 203 first-generation immigrant students (FG), 354 second-generation immigrant students (FG), and 521 non-immigrant student (Native). Thus, the original sentence should be corrected as follows: The sample was classified into t...
Drawing on the technology acceptance model, the theory of reasoned action, and the expectation-confirmation model, an integrated model was proposed to explore teenagers’ learning management system (LMS) acceptance and continuance. Based on the data collected from a longitudinal survey of 1182 junior secondary students in Hong Kong, the results of s...
Learning management systems (LMSs) have been launched in universities and other schools. However, because the use of such technology in schools is relatively new in the blended context, it is essential to understand whether students will accept and continue to use it. In this study, longitudinal latent growth modelling was used to examine the relat...
This paper intends to investigate and explore the use of social media platforms that are specifically built for the art community. The study discussed the current creative practices in three existing social media platforms to discern the extent the platforms can support art related skills acquisition and communicate creativity among the art communi...
This paper explores how social media could be harnessed to enhance design students' learning experience in higher education and address the competency gap between academia and the creative industry. By analyzing the constraints to the use of social media in higher education, findings from this paper may assist instructors to overcome the challenges...
There is an increasing interest in understanding learners through biographical and ethnographic methods in order to gain a more holistic picture of how the various aspects of a learner's context and interactions outside of the formal learning spaces contribute to their learning behavior and outcomes. Given learners' pervasive use of digital technol...
Although previous research into technology acceptance has been conducted in organisational and higher education contexts on a range of technologies, no study has provided an understanding of junior school students' e-learning technologies acceptance via a longitudinal approach. This study proposed a two-stage model drawn from the technology accepta...
A Chinese version of the Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (OLSQ) was administered to 412 Hong Kong students of average ability and 374 students talented in mathematics (Grades 4–9, age 9–15 years). Data indicated that the Chinese OLSQ provides valid and reliable scores when used with these students.
The chapter analyses the various policies towards ICT in primary and secondary education from the perspective of Asian region, where it is the world’s most diverse region, and the most heterogeneous, especially for integrating and sustaining ICT across several domains, including education. Using the Knowledge Ladder framework, this chapter explores...
This study aims to explore and compare Hong Kong (HK) and Shenzhen primary students’ learning manage system (LMS) use and the factors affecting their LMS acceptance. The study was conducted in a mixed methods approach with a survey on 272 Grade five students first and focus group interviews with 16 of the survey students followed by. The results of...
With the effort of Hong Kong government to enrich e-learning resources, along with the increasing availability of ICT, students in Hong Kong are now living with a sophisticated range of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in every aspect of their daily life. Studies show that new arrival children (NAC) from Mainland China constitute the...
Our study examines digital equity in a cultural context. Many studies have used classic analytical variables such as socioeconomic status and gender to investigate the problem of unequal access to, and more recently differences in the use of, information and communication technology (ICT). The few studies that have explored cultural variables have...
A digital divide continues to be reported across and within nations, first as an access issue and second as an issue of effective usage. To address the latter issue, we argue that digital equity should not be conceptualized solely as a technical or resource related issue. We developed a conceptual framework based on cultural capital and parental me...
This study examined parental education, parental information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, and parenting style as predictors of adolescents' home Internet use and usage by employing relative importance analysis. Irrespective of adolescents' gender, the three most important predictors of learning-related Internet usage were maternal e...
A digital divide continues to be reported across and within nations, first as an access issue and second as an issue of effective usage. To address the latter issue, we argue that digital equity should not be conceptualized solely as a technical or resource related issue. We developed a conceptual framework based on cultural capital and parental me...
This study explores digital equity by examining gender and socioeconomic differences in students’ use of computers at home. It presents research findings of a territory-wide survey of 825 eighth-graders from 36 secondary schools in Hong Kong. Results of MANOVAs and ANOVAs indicate significant socioeconomic and gender effects on the home computing o...
Both educational data mining (EDM) and learning analytics (LA) focus on applying analytics and data mining techniques to extract useful information from large data sets. EDM is generally more interested in automated methods for discovery within the educational data while LA is relatively keen on applying human-led methods to understand the involved...
With the increased integration of technology in education process, teachers are challenged to personalize and create interactive learning environments to fulfill students’ needs. An understanding of how an individual’s preferred learning style interacts with the instructional medium presented is needed. This study examined the VARK (visual, aural,...
With the development of using tablets instead of traditional (nontouch screen) notebook computer in the classrooms, it is raised concern in education how to enhance the effectiveness of using tablets in teaching and learning. In this study, it provides a significant framework included four main obstacles of using tablet as a learning tool related t...
This study sets out to explore the potential of social media in facilitating designers to progress and enhance their professional development. This study starts with a review on the use of social media and current practices of designers. We then attempted to link the intersections between the design practices and how it may be enhanced with the hel...
This chapter aims to provide an introduction to the present edited volume. Saettler (2004) argues that educational technology is essentially the product of a great historical stream consisting of trial and error, long practice and imitation, and sporadic manifestations of unusual individual creativity and persuasion. A trace of the definitions of e...
This study used the framework of multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) to test the factorial invariance (configural, measurement, and structural invariance) of a newly developed three-factor, 17-item perceived information and communication technology (ICT) literacy scale (3F-PICTLS) across gender, which includes the three subscales of...
This study employed a revised model of theory of planned behavior (TPB), which synthesized perspective from social cognitive theory, to understand the unethical/risky online behaviors of adolescents. Two forms of unethical online behaviors, namely plagiarism and unauthorized acts were examined. A stratified random sample of 757 Secondary two studen...
This volume highlights key aspects of new media, knowledge practices and multiliteracies in communication and education, providing readers with a range of empirical findings, novel theories and applications. The reports also include best practices, case studies, innovative solutions and lessons learned with regard to three core fields: (1) New medi...
The influence of school or family on students’ development is widely recognized as essential. Cultural factors which affect students’ use of information and communication technology (ICT) need to be further explored. This research on digital divide analyzed the interview data from principals, teachers, and students from two Hong Kong junior seconda...
Book website: http://www.springer.com/book/978-981-287-208-1
Ma, W.W.K., Yuen, A.H.K., Park, J., Lau, W.W.F., & Deng, L. (Eds.). (2014). New media, knowledge practices and multiliteracies. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Note: HKAECT 2014 International Conference Proceedings, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 8-10 December, 2014.
Educators in the 21st century increasingly argue for the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) literacy and ask how it can be acquired formally and informally for effective participation in this highly technology-dependent society. There are, however, insufficient empirical measures to assess students’ ICT literacy. In this s...
The current generation of adolescents, who are generally described as digital natives, have greater access to and are greater consumers of information than previous generations. However, adolescents are notably at-risk when they are confronted with ethical decisions since they may lack the necessary knowledge and experiences to discern and make the...
This article reviews relevant literature that addresses the issue of self-regulated online mathematics learning for mathematically gifted students. The definition of self-regulated learning is explored, together with a discussion of its important role in online mathematics education. The evidence strongly supports the value of online learning as a...
In the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, gender imbalance has been commonplace. There are models that examined gender differences in programming performance and yet rarely have these models included the variables learning styles and programming environment as mediators between gender and programming performance. Drawi...
Teacher professional development has been considered as the most effective strategy to promote teacher change. However, this mostly presupposes that teacher professional development programmes can change teachers’ attitudes and beliefs, subsequently change classroom behaviours and practices, and ultimately improve student learning outcomes. This ar...
This study explored the influence of gender, religion, and parenting style on risky online behaviours in a sample of 825 Secondary 2 students in Hong Kong. Three risky online behaviours, namely, unauthorised acts (UNAC), internet stickiness (INST), and plagiarism (PLAG) were examined. It was found that males tended to be involved in more risky onli...
Web 2.0 technologies characterised by user participation and sharing have been used increasingly in academic environments. In such learning environments, it is critical to engage learners as active participants rather than passive consumers of online content. The present study attempts to conceptualise the participation issue central to blogs throu...
This study examined the effects of educational technology training workshops on perception changes of mathematics teachers. Three perceptions, namely, pedagogical orientation, efficacy, and liking in relation to technology integration, were explored in this study. Two research questions were addressed: Do educational technology training workshops a...
Plagiarism by students is a common and worldwide phenomenon with a significant impact on our society. Numerous studies on the pervasive nature of plagiarism among students have focused on the behavioral aspects of plagiarism and how to prevent it. Based on an empirical study of a sample of 463 eighth graders in Hong Kong, this article offers an ana...
The recent advance in cloud computing and mobile devices empowers many innovative e-learning systems or games with increased interactivity and improved features. In this paper, we consider an innovative framework of cloud-based e-learning games that can be assessed through mobile devices to enhance students' learning anytime and anywhere. Being mod...
The purpose of the study is to explore the perspectives of students, teachers, and parents in using Web 2.0 technologies.
This study is based on the focus group interview data collected from two groups of students, two groups of teachers, and one group of parents in a secondary school in Hong Kong.
Learning management systems (LMS) have been widely used in higher education for enhancing traditional classroom teaching. However, there is not such a model fully explains the interrelationships of the students, the teachers, and the external dimensions of factors affecting students and teachers in LMS adoption and use. This study aims to explore t...
Home has become an important landscape in children’s ICT practice and potentially influencing their attitude and attainment, attempt should be made to enter and explore the ‘secret garden’ of children’s ICT use at home. Yet, studies have shown that home computing agendas often have very little connection to that of the school curriculum. Findings o...
The success of academic blogs depends on the participation and engagement of students. Taking an exploratory approach, this study aims to develop a better understanding of the perceptions of student teachers towards academic blogging, and the factors that motivate them to write academic blogs voluntarily. Drawing on data gathered from questionnaire...
The advent of the twenty-first century has been accompanied by increasing rates of change in social, economic, and cultural practices, brought about by sophisticated advances in information and communication technologies (ICT). Worldwide, since the 1990s, these global changes have continued to provide the contextual backdrop for the strong impetus...
Classrooms are embedded inside schools and, in turn, embedded in larger, contextual units such as school districts all the way to an entire education system. We have examined ICT-using pedagogical innovations at the classroom level, in particular the features that characterize the innovations as different from “normal practice.” This section of the...
In Chap. 6, our aim was to gain some idea of the kinds of school-level characteristics that are most conducive to the implementation and integration of ICT-related pedagogical innovations. We found statistically significant associations between some of these characteristics and dimensions of innovativeness, indicating that contextual (ecological) f...
In the previous chapter, we analyzed the case studies of innovation according to a rubric developed on the basis of a six-dimensions framework for rating pedagogical innovativeness. So that we could identify how and in what ways the innovations differed from traditional pedagogical practices, our focus was on the ecological niches that these innova...
Innovation has become an increasingly important theme in education. Since the last decade of the twentieth century, systematic education reforms have mushroomed in many countries around the world. These reforms have led, in some of these cases, to deep changes in curricula, pedagogical activities, and the roles of teachers and learners. A major cha...
Leadership in its various forms is recognized as a key factor in any reform process. Building on the work presented in the previous chapters, we consider, in this chapter, leadership as an essential component of successful technology-supported curriculum and pedagogical innovation. We pay particular attention to a concept of leadership that goes be...
This is the first of three chapters that analyze and describe, from an ecological perspective, ICT-using pedagogical innovations at the classroom level. Using the metaphorical analogy for pedagogical practice as a species, we position pedagogical innovations as new varieties of species that have emerged through a process of “mutation.” The extent o...
Professional development of teachers involves working with individuals, understanding their needs, experiences, hopes, and goals, sharing, exchanging, and exploring practices, trialing new ways of doing things, and critically reflecting on models, factors, and practices that influence what happens in different education environments. In this chapte...
Knowledge Management (KM) can be used as an alternative strategy by schools to help teachers equipped with relevant skills to face the challenges to improve performance as its uses in commercial sectors. However, little research has been undertaken on how KM can be applied to school environment. To put KM into action, it is crucial to understand te...
Although online learning environments are perceived to facilitate knowledge sharing among individuals, various empirical studies
find that participants do not log on frequently or are reluctant to share ideas with others. It is thus crucial for educators
to understand when and how online knowledge sharing occurs. Prior model framework has been adap...
In the 21st century, the ubiquitous nature of technology today is evident and to a large extent, most of us benefit from the modern convenience brought about by technology. Yet to be technology literate, it is argued that learning to program still plays an important role. One area of research in programming concerns the identification of predictors...
Through focus group interview, this paper carried out a case study in a secondary school in Hong Kong on the use of Web 2.0
technologies among students, parents, and teachers. Findings suggest that there was no divide in terms of access and usage
but a divide of web 2.0 technologies use among them. In conclusion, our research team speculated the ro...
Despite the seemingly good prospects in the Information Technology (IT) industry, the expected number of students who are
interested in the relevant subjects has been limited. While numerous studies have explored the influence of various variables
on programming course participation and performance at a personal level, there have been few studies c...
Accompanying the emergence of blog technology as a dominant online publishing paradigm is a growing interest in its educational benefits and applications. This study sets out to develop an empirically grounded framework for educational blogging in the context of teacher education. A working framework was first proposed that highlights four areas: s...
E-learning is gaining popularity in the education community since it can either supplement traditional face-to-face teaching and learning or act as a pure instructional medium for distance education. This chapter presents an e-learning proposal to teach Integrated Humanities in secondary schools in Hong Kong. It first argues for the significance of...
The unique features and capabilities of online learning are built on the ability to connect to a wider range of learning resources and peer learners that benefit individual learners, such as through discussion forums, collaborative learning, and community building. The success of online learning thus depends on the participation, engagement, and so...
Blended learning is becoming increasingly popular in higher education. The purpose of this study is to explore the pedagogical use of ICT in a blended learning context. Focusing on teachers' and students' experience, we examined the following questions: What are the students' and teachers' experience in engaging with different blended learning mode...
This case study compares the data from two secondary schools and attempts to contribute to a better understanding of the construct of parental influence on children"s information and communication technology use at home. It identifies five components of parental influence: parents" information and communication technology (ICT) skills, parental mon...
Providing today's students with competitive skills-information literacy, problem-solving, communications-is an ongoing challenge requiring multiple levels of classroom and administrative support. Yet many institutions commit to technology initiatives without clear long-term goals or support structures, with the result that ideas that seem worthwhil...
In the form of e-learning systems, information and communication technology improves both access to and effectiveness of learning. However, recent studies have found that instructors and students are not always fully engaged in online activities. Other studies have found inconsistent results, with learner participation varying significantly across...
During our investigations reported in the previous two chapters, the role of the teacher emerged as the most critical ecological niche; we found that it significantly correlated with the other five dimensions of innovation. We also found that the teacher role was not necessarily innovative, even in the SITES-M2 innovation case studies. Further anal...
Education is organic: it involves actions of individuals, interacting with one another within different contexts and environments in homes, in urban centres and rural settings, in classrooms, schools, regions, countries, and the world. Ecology is a study of interactions between organisms and interactions of organisms with their environments. In thi...
In recent years, various educational researchers and theorists have promoted the study of educational institutions or systems as ecosystems (e.g., Bransford, Slowinski, Vye, & Mosborg, 2008; Davis, 2008; Lemke & Sabelli, 2008). The ecosystem provides a framework for studying educational change because it highlights the hierarchical relationship bet...
The gender digital divide has been widely discussed and researched over the years. Previous studies have focused on a number of factors such as computer attitude, computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy, and computer experience. This study empirically tested the sensitivity of a learning style instrument, the Gregorc Style Delineator (GSD), to gen...
A common underlying theme in education in the contemporary era is the need for change at all levels of education to prepare
citizens for life in the knowledge society. The knowledge society is characterized by increasing globalization, progressively
shorter half-lives of knowledge, the increasing importance of knowledge creation in sustaining devel...
The major achievement of most current qualitative data analysis software systems in social sciences has been the efficient code‐and‐retrieve abilities. Although such abilities greatly strengthen and assist the handling of qualitative data, they do not address the crucial tasks of theory construction as traditionally understood in qualitative resear...
Online learning has been getting popular in higher education. Key functionalities of online learning environment include the
access to a wider perspective of learning resources and the provision of social interactions between instructor-learners and
among learners-learners. Recent empirical findings in online learning have acknowledged the importan...
This study explores the role of academic blogs in supporting a group of preservice teachers while they became physically separated during the teaching practice. Underlying our study is an integrative approach that puts academic blogs alongside with other media in an attempt to discern their comparative strengths and limitations. In particular, acad...
This study looked at the types of blog consulted by 1,298 Primary 4 students in Hong Kong and whether such consultation influenced performance on standardised tests of Chinese and English reading comprehension. When students were asked if they consulted Chinese and English blogs, 42% said they looked at Chinese blogs and 19% said they looked at Eng...
It has been advocated that pedagogical content knowledge as well as subject matter knowledge are important for improving classroom instructions. To develop pedagogical content knowledge, it is argued that understanding of students’ mental representations of concepts is deemed necessary. Yet assessing and comparing mental model of each individual is...
The blended mode of learning has become increasingly popular in higher education. The purpose of this study is to explore the pedagogical use of ICT in a blended learning context. Focusing on teachers' and students' experiences in higher education, we examine the following questions: What are the teaching approaches on pedagogical use of ICT across...
Research into computer science education has spanned a broad range of topics. Learning to program is notably an area that has received much attention over the years since virtually every computer science program requires the mastery of programming skills and knowledge. This chapter aims to review four significant research strands of learning and te...
As a secondary analysis of SITES 2006, this paper aims to explore the school leadership factors that potentially affect teachers’
pedagogical orientations. The exploration is guided by four questions: (1) How do we describe school leadership factors? (2)
What are the principals’ perceptions about pedagogy and ICT use? (3) What are the teachers’ per...
The purpose of this paper is to compare the use of WebCT in support of online and blended learning in the Faculty of Architecture of a Hong Kong university.
Paper questionnaires are used to collect students' experiences, perceptions and attitudes towards the online course they have undertaken. Focus group interv...
Recent years have seen a shift in focus from assessment of learning to assessment for learning and the emergence of alternative assessment methods. However, the reliability and validity of these methods as assessment tools are still questionable. In this article, we investigated the predictive validity of measures of the Pathfinder Scaling Algorith...
Computer-mediated communication tools have been increasingly used to support face-to-face teaching. In this paper, we explore
the motivating and inhibiting factors that affect students’ participation in voluntary online discussions in a blended learning
context. Students’ online participation is conceptualized as a three-phase process: jumpstart o...
The course management system (CMS), as an evolving tool and innovation, is increasingly used to promote the quality, efficiency and flexibility of teaching and learning in higher education. This paper aims to examine students' experiences of CMSs across faculties at a comprehensive university in Hong Kong.
Fierce competition and constant changes have forced organizations to search for new ways to improve competitive advantage. Organizations and individuals are starting to understand and appreciate knowledge as the most valued asset in the emerging competitive environment. As a result, Knowledge Management (KM) through a variety of approaches and tech...
Computer programming has been taught in secondary schools for more than two decades. However, little is known about how students learn to program. From the curriculum implementation perspectives, learning style helps address the issue of learner differences, resulting in a shift from a teacher-centred approach to a learner-focused approach. This st...