Alisa GladysevaMykolas Romeris University
Alisa Gladyseva
Lithuanian independent researcher of Ukrainian origin is urgently interested in collaborating with universities
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https://academija2.wixsite.com/AlisaGladyseva currently is in Vilnius University,the Spanish Philology.
She does independent research in Codicology: Voynich manuscript,Sanskrit and Jewish Ancient texts.Research: 'analysis and deciphering manuscripts'.'The whole text of the Voynich manuscript is deciphered'.' Studying cryptography of Tehillim coded text', Sanskrit Proto-signs paleography.'Research of Sanskrit coded texts'.
The reader is invited to experience the joy appreciating of decoding the WHOLE Voynich manuscript which has eluded understanding for more than 500 years! It is a well- documented text-dissertation of 700 pages for degree gaining with extensive end-notes of step-by-step deciphering and morphological proving,that it was written in medieval Galician (Galician-Portuguese).
Additional affiliations
September 2018 - October 2024
Publications (50)
This scientific work describes the absolutely new way of deciphering Jewish Ancient texts. Fashioned as high-innovative research, analyzing of Tehillim coded text, investigation into Tehillim corresponding texts to the coded Jewish Ancient texts.
The linguistic basis of the text, index and analysis.
Department of Spanish Philology, Vilnius University.The first print is a limited-edition, non-commercial, nonprofit, dedicated to science
popularization proposals for foreign editors, publishers and research academic s...
Gladyševa, A. (2021). The majuscule letter T in the decipherment of the Voynich manuscript with an entomological zoomorphic implication for the definition of the morphological part of the plant-raiz-root throughout the whole text, as well as other medieval Galician words. Calodema, 1000: 1-3.
Abstract: Despite all the research projects which othe...
International Conference on Research in Science. Alisa Gladyseva
of the research book DECIPHERING THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT BY ALISA GLADYŠEVA. The linguistic basis of the text, index...
Link to the article: https://riftp.editic.net/index.php/riftp/article/view/39/39
Esta investigación está dedicada a la influencia filosófica hermética de la obra La gitanilla de Cervantes. Debido a muchos tipos diferentes de alegorías literarias que existen en los manuscritos del Siglo de Oro, este trabajo se centra en las alegorías inte...
Alisa Gladyseva's research is the most read from Philology department of Vilnius University, October, 2024
The most read researcher from department
Alisa Gladsyeva the most read researcher from Vilnius University department
This study investigates the profound impact of Ancient Greek Hermetic knowledge, particularly the alchemical writings of Zosimos of Panopolis (circa late 3rd to early 4th century CE), on the medieval English Hermetic tradition and its literary corpus. Zosimos, an essential figure in the history of Hermetic philosophy and early alchemy,...
This study investigates the profound impact of Ancient Greek Hermetic knowledge, particularly the alchemical writings of Zosimos of Panopolis (circa late 3rd to early 4th century CE), on the medieval English Hermetic tradition and its literary corpus. Zosimos, an essential figure in the history of Hermetic philosophy and early alchemy,...
Despite all the unsuccessful decipherment research methods that others have tried to apply, there was no solution in reading the Voynich manuscript. This research describes recent successful decoding methodology from the very doorway to deciphering the whole Voynich manuscript. In particular, the investigation of background information and detailed...
Despite all the unsuccessful decipherment research methods that others have tried to apply, there was no solution in reading the Voynich manuscript.
This research describes recent successful decoding methodology from the very doorway to deciphering the whole Voynich manuscript. In particular, the investigation of background information and detaile...
Despite all the unsuccessful decipherment research methods that others have tried to apply, there was no solution in reading the Voynich manuscript. This research describes recent successful decoding methodology from the very doorway to deciphering the whole Voynich manuscript. In particular, the investigation of background information and detailed...
The most read article from the department of Vilnius University
ResearchGate scientific award to Alisa Gladyseva as The most read research from Vilnius University department 2023 08 08
Contributions to the International Conference
on Research in Science.
28-29 July 2023
Collected Papers:
Aspects of Ancient Greek Hermetic Knowledge in the Voynich Manuscript MS 408
Aspectos del conocimiento hermético griego antiguo en el manuscrito Voynich MS 408
Senovės Graikijos hermetinių žinių aspektai Vojničio rankraštyj...
Contributions to the International Conference
on Research in Science.
28-29 July 2023
Collected Papers:
Aspects of Ancient Greek Hermetic Knowledge in the Voynich Manuscript MS 408
Aspectos del conocimiento hermético griego antiguo en el manuscrito Voynich MS 408
Senovės Graikijos hermetinių žinių aspektai Vojničio rankrašty...
Aspectos del conocimiento hermético griego antiguo en el manuscrito Voynich MS 408 Senovės Graikijos hermetinių žinių aspektai Vojničio rankraštyje MS 408 Abstract: The Voynich manuscript could not be read for more than 500 years, and after deciphering it thanks to the Lavanda keyword, it became possible to read the entire text that was written in...
The first time in the world ! Reading of Deciphered Voynich Manuscript: All Botanical Texts. ALISA GLADYSEVA............................................................................................................@voynich_manuscript https://youtu.be/VYzotR1HxDw
Lectura del manuscr...
The first time in the world ! Reading of Deciphered Voynich Manuscript: All Botanical Texts.International Conference on Research in Science
Vilnius, Lithuania:
@voynich_manuscript https://youtu.be/VYzotR1HxDw
Lectura del manuscrito Voynich descifrado: todos los textos botánicos.
Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology
Researchgate award to Alisa Gladyseva for 20,000 readings
Contributions to the International Conference on Research in Science.
VILNIUS, LITHUANIA. 7-9 October 2022
The Voynich Manuscript: An Index to the Nomenclature of All Plants with an Analysis of Their Etymological Origin and Primary Sources in Ancient Greek Botanical Manuscripts.
1 Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology
A bilingual edition.
Abstract: ........................................................................................................................
The Voynich manuscript could not be read for more than 500 years, and after deciphering it thanks to the Lavanda keyword, it became possible to read the entire text that was written in medieval Gal...
The Voynich Manuscript (MS 408) has long intrigued scholars due to its cryptic script and elaborate botanical illustrations. Through a comprehensive linguistic analysis, I have successfully deciphered the plant names and demonstrated their connections to ancient Greek botanical manuscripts. This essay presents the results of this innovative study,...
La situación sanitaria actual ha reforzado la incertidumbre en todos los niveles de la sociedad; en nuestros entornos se reconoce cada vez con mayor certeza que nos encontramos en medio de una crisis que se acentúa conforme avanzan los días; sin embargo, comprender la realidad desde situaciones críticas nos distancian del azar -del que también se h...
Resumen Esta investigación está dedicada a la influencia filosófica hermética de la obra La gitanilla de Cervantes. Debido a muchos tipos diferentes de alegorías literarias que existen en los manuscritos del Siglo de Oro, este trabajo se centra en las alegorías intertextuales de la interpretación hermética a nivel de alegorías con juegos de palabra...
The Voynich manuscript could not be read for more than 500 years, and after deciphering it thanks to the Lavanda keyword, it became possible to read the entire text that was written in medieval Galician. In this conference presentation, the complete texts of the pages will be read, generally of botanical origin. Some other strategies that helped ma...
VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT IS DECODED. International Conference on Research in Science. ALISA GLADYSEVA.
The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British code breakers, but nobody of them could decipher it. Step-by-step deciphering and proving every word, that was written in in medieva...
This paper presents an achievement in the field of cryptography: the complete decipherment of the Voynich Manuscript. After years of research and innovative approaches, this study represents successful decoding of the Voynich Manuscript, which has eluded cryptographers for centuries and is now accessible to scholars and the general public. The Voyn...
Voynich_Alisa_Gladyseva2018.ttf Patent on the fonts of the real (deciphered) alphabet of the Voynich Manuscript.Copyright: ©2018-2020 ALISA GLADYSEVA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
En el presente estudio describo y analizo dos objetivos, el primero es sobre la oposición y la equivalencia del algoritmo de codificación del manuscrito Voynich con los métodos conocidos de cifrado del período medieval. Según los resultados de mi investigación innovadora del manuscrito Voynich, este fue escrito en gallego medieval (gallego-portugué...
Un sistema criptográfico basado en la sustitución homofónica en el poema hermético De rerum natura de Titus Lucretius Carus (99 a. C.-55 a. C.)' RESUMEN En el presente estudio describo, analizo un sistema criptográfico basado en la sustitución homofónica en el poema hermético De rerum natura de Titus Lucretius Carus (99 a. C.-55 a. C.) '
This scientific work describes the absolutely new way of deciphering a cryptographic system based on homophonic substitution in the hermetic poem 'De rerum natura' by Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC – c. 55 BC) . Research years: 2019
A cryptographic system based on homophonic substitution in the hermetic poem 'De rerum natura' by Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC – c. 55 BC)
This scientific work describes the absolutely new way of deciphering a cryptographic system based on homophonic substitution in the hermetic poem 'De rerum natura' by Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC-c. 55 BC).
It is a preprint of a book "Deciphering of the WHOLE text of the Voynich Manuscript by Alisa Gladyseva", research years © 2015-2020 Alisa Gladyseva. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from the copyright holder.
The first print...
This scientific work describes the absolutely new way of deciphering a cryptographic system based on homophonic substitution in the hermetic poem 'De rerum natura' by Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC-c. 55 BC). Introduction:
The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British code breakers, but nobody of them could decipher it. So in this unique book, the reader is invited to experience the joy appreciating of decoding the WHOLE Voynich manuscript which has eluded understanding for more than 500 years!...
The reader is invited to experience the joy appreciating of decoding the WHOLE Voynich manuscript which has eluded understanding for more than 500 years! It is a well- documented text -of 700 pages for degree gaining with extensive endnotes of step-by-step deciphering and proving every word, that was written in in medieval Galician (Galician-Portug...
The reader is invited to experience the joy appreciating of decoding the WHOLE Voynich manuscript which has eluded understanding for more than 500 years! It is a well- documented text of 500 pages for degree gaining with extensive endnotes of step-by-step deciphering and morphological proving...
The key to a decipherment of the Voynich Manuscript was a plant Lavandula.
Analyzing the text of the Voynich Manuscript was found paleography of its characters:‘L’ ‘A’ ‘V’ ‘A’ N’ ‘D’.
It was made possible to the conception of decipherment: to find out the whole alphabet, with the help of other names of plants, as well as the language: medieval Gali...
The primary methodology for deciphering the Voynich code focused on identifying
genuine plant names. It is noteworthy that in the initial stages of deciphering the
entire Voynich manuscript, the cipher algorithm remained entirely unknown and
was only revealed af...
Gladyševa A. 2019 Falling Walls Lab Lithuania at EHU. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) alongside with the German Embassy in Vilnius, the Goethe-Institut, the European Humanities University (EHU) and the Federal Foreign Office of GermanyVilnius, (Lietuva), gegužės 16 d. Conference paper
Questions (2)
Due to the coronavirus, some research journals have been out of print since 2019. I am looking for scientific journals to quickly publish various articles (linguistic, historical) on decipherment the entire text of the Voynich manuscript.
Why are researchers still writing pseudo-studies of the Voynich Manuscript with pseudo-translations such as (for example, shedy qokeedy), instead of just asking for the real translation which is obvious, since the deciphered text is absolutely obvious? How, in an age of hoax news, to provide real research results without of possibility that somebody will plagiar it?