Aline RemaelUniversity of Antwerp | UA · Translation and Interpreting
Aline Remael
Dr. In Germanic Languages
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Publications (46)
La traducción continúa reinventándose a sí misma. Diferentes actores humanos y actantes no humanos impulsan este cambio, generando nuevas formas de traducción y perfiles profesionales diversos. La Traducción Audiovisual (AVT) y los Estudios de Traducción Audiovisual (AVTS) siempre han estado en el centro de estos desarrollos: la AVT ha sido impulsa...
The exponential growth of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) in the last three decades has consolidated its place as an area of study within Translation Studies (TS). However, AVT is still a young domain currently exploring a number of different lines of inquiry without a specific methodological and theoretical framework. This volume discusses the advan...
Translation revision is an important step in the translation workflow. However, translation revision competence remains ill-defined. After identifying what is understood by 'revision' in a translation context and discussing the theoretical translation revision competence (TRC) model previously designed by the authors, this article analyses and inte...
Quality-assessment models for live interlingual subtitling are virtually non-existent. In this study we investigate whether and to what extent existing models from related translation modes, more specifically the Named Entity Recognition (NER) model for intralingual live subtitling, provide a good starting point. Having conducted a survey of the ma...
Although translation revision plays a crucial role in the production of high-quality translations, research into translation revision competence (TRC) is relatively new and underdeveloped compared with research into translation competence. This article addresses that gap by focusing on the validation of the TRC model developed by Robert, Remael, an...
Translation revision (TR) is an important step in the translation workflow. However, translation revision competence (TRC) remains an ill-defined concept. This article addresses that gap by operationalizing the TR concept and by presenting a theoretical TRC model. Subsequently, the article analyses and interprets the results of an empirical pilot s...
Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are central to translation practice and research today, as is translation revision, which, today, is increasingly seen as an integral part of quality monitoring. Revision is also explicitly mentioned as a quality requirement in the European Standard for Translation Services EN 15 038, issued by the Eu...
Recent research on the reception of interlingual subtitling revealed that it is
cognitively effective: watching a subtitled film results in a good understanding of the film
content, it does not require a significant tradeoff between image processing and text processing,
and it leads to a good performance in the recognition of the words and expressi...
EST Congress presentation
Filmic allusions, and especially different types of visual allusions, have become a staple of many film genres today. However, a systematic methodology for studying such allusions in film appears not to have been developed. The present study makes use of terminology and concepts from literary studies to analyse how specific references or markers in...
Recent developments in Translation Studies and translation practice have not only led to a profusion of approaches, but also to the development of new text forms and translation modes. Media Accessibility, particularly audio description (AD) and subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH), is an example of such a ‘new’ mode. SDH has been evol...
Compared with research into translation competence (TC), which has been on the increase and has seen rapid developments since the 1990s, research into translation revision competence (TRC) is much newer and less developed as a major line of investigation. The aim of this article is (1) to construct a provisional TRC model, and (2) to provide concre...
Special issue: Traducción, Ideología y Poderen la Ficción Audiovisual.
This article investigates whether the integration of a domain-specific, bilingual glossary supports audiovisual translators of documentaries in terms of translation process time and terminological errors. After a short review of issues typical of documentary translation and a discussion of the use of translation-memory software in general, the refe...
This article investigates by means of an experiment, whether the integration of a domain-specific, bilingual glossary helps professional translators reduce translation process time and terminological errors in the translation of documentaries. It also examines the way these translators use the glossary. Special attention is devoted to the methodolo...
This article aims to explore the complex issue of multimodal cohesion in audiovisual texts and their translations. It focuses on the analysis of Dutch multilingual audio-described films that combine audio description (AD) with audio subtitling (AST), a type of audiovisual translation (AVT) that raises many issues relevant to multimodal cohesion ana...
This article demonstrates the way in which subtitles that follow current subtitling norms in Flanders strengthen mainstream film stories’ already streamlined narratives. The subtitles enhance but impoverish the characterization of the films, also enhancing their underlying ideology, while censoring a few critical voices in the process. A brief surv...
This article explores whether the so-called new “cinema of attractions”, with its supposed focus on visual effects to the detriment of storytelling, requires a specific approach to audio-description (AD). After some thoughts on film narrative in this type of cinema and the way in which it incorporates special effects, selected scenes with AD from t...
Audio description (AD) is a narrative technique which provides complementary information regarding the where, who, what and how of any audiovisual content. It translates the visuals into words. The principal function of this ad hoc narrative is to make audiovisual content available to all: be it a guided city tour of Barcelona, a 3D film, or a Pica...
There is a strong trend towards multilingualism in Flemish and Dutch films today. In order to make such films accessible for a blind and visually impaired audience, the audio description (AD), which supplies the information from the visuals that cannot be accessed by this target audience, must be combined with audio subtitling (AST), for the transl...
This third volume in the Media for All series offers a diverse selection of articles which bear testimony to the vigour and versatility of research and developments in audiovisual translation and media accessibility. The collection reflects the critical impact of new technologies on AVT, media accessibility and consumer behaviour and shows the sign...
This article aims to outline the issues involved in the production and reception of film sound with a view to identifying its challenges for audio-description (AD). It thereby hopes to provide insights into the way in which a careful analysis and integration of film sound and sound effects are required for the production of coherence in AD, if it i...
This article aims to outline the issues involved in the production and reception of film sound with a view to identifying its challenges for audio-description (AD). It thereby hopes to provide insights into the way in which a careful analysis and integration of film sound and sound effects are required for the production of coherence in AD...
In the wake of pioneering countries such as the United Kingdom, a second wave of countries is now starting to provide AD. Although AD is relatively new we can say that it has already acquired some form of ‘tenure’ within the broader field of Audiovisual Translation (AVT). AD bears some obvious resemblances with other forms of text production and ot...
As a meaningful manifestation of how institutionalized the discipline has become, the new Handbook of Translation Studies is most welcome. It joins the other signs of maturation such as Summer Schools, the development of academic curricula, historical surveys, journals, book series, textbooks, terminologies, bibliographies and encyclopedias.
The H...
Speech technology has made it possible to use speech recognition for simultaneous subtitling of live television broadcasts via the technique of respeaking. Despite the considerable prior research into the quality of live subtitling using speech recognition, little research has focused on the quantitative aspects of subtitles. Although live subtitle...
This paper focuses on a relatively new and much discussed phenomenon on Flemish television: The practice of intralingual subtitling of Dutch, i.e. Dutch subtitling of native speakers of (varieties of) Dutch. Our study investigates the linguistic determinants of intralingual subtitling and subsequently confronts actual subtitling practice with viewe...
Este artigo examina como edição e três tipos de tradução audiovisual são combinados para produzir as versões de três documentários de língua inglesa, transmitidos pelo canal VRT-Canvas (da televisão pública flamenga) em 2002 e 2003. Os dois documentários da BBC, Chasing Saddam’s Weapons e Road to War lidam com a guerra no Iraque, o documentário da...
La audiodescripción se está introduciendo progresivamente en los productos audiovisuales y esto tiene como resultado por una parte la necesidad de formar a los futuros audiodescriptores y, por otra parte, formar a los formadores con unas herramientas adecuadas para enseñar cómo audiodescribir. No cabe la menor que como documento de partida para la...
This book, a first in its kind, offers a survey of the present state of affairs in media accessibility research and practice. It focuses on professional practices which are relative newcomers within the field of audiovisual translation and media studies, namely, audio description for the blind and visua...
The purpose of this paper is to describe the so-called fansubs, a different type of subtitling carried out by amateur translators. The first part of this study covers both the people and phases involved in the fansubbing process from beginning to end. The second section focuses on the legality and ethics of fansubs. The third part pays attention to...