Alicia Ruiz-Gutiérrez

Alicia Ruiz-Gutiérrez
University of Cantabria | UNICAN · Department of Historial Sciences

PhD in Ancient History (UC-Universidad de Cantabria, 1993)


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Professor of Ancient History in the UC (2018 - present). BA in Geography and History (1987). PhD in Ancient History (1993). Profesora Titular de Universidad (2000-2018). Profesora Titular Interina de Escuela Universitaria (1998-2000). Assistant Professor of Ancient History (1993-1997). Spanish Predoctoral Fellowship in the UC and Université de Toulouse 2 (1988-1991). Spanish Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Institut Ausonius – Université de Bordeaux 3 (1998-2000).


Publications (75)
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AHIR Se presenta una lucerna inédita, resultado de un hallazgo submarino en la Bahía de Santander. La antigüedad de la pieza ha sido confirmada mediante una prueba de datación por termoluminiscencia. Desde antiguo en varios sitios del litoral de la Bahía de Santander y en su cuenca marina se han hallado restos romanos. Estos han sido puestos en rel...
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Roman rule greatly transformed the communities settled in the eastern Cantabrian Sea, a mountainous and isolated region within the province of Hispania citerior. Various literary sources, inscriptions and archaeological sites allow us to analyse the role played by the cities in the organisation of the territory, the development of the seaports and...
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Les prospections aériens et géophysiques effectués à Arce-Mirapérezont permis de déterminer le périmètre de Deobriga, ainsi que de découvrir des traces de son urbanisme réticulaire, systèmes défensifs et bâtiments.
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This article presents the final part of a senatus consultum preserved in a small fragment of a bronze plaque from Moratalla (Murcia, Spain). Although only the last eight lines of the inscription remain and even they are incomplete, the phrase ob civis servatos and the explicit reference to a senatus consultum allow us to relate the inscription to t...
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This article presents the first results of a research project based on the application of non-invasive archaeological survey techniques in Deobriga. The aerial and geophysical (magnetic) survey work carried out in the summer of 2021 has made possible to document remains of streets and new buildings of this Roman city, located in Arce-Mirapérez. The...
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La base de données MIGRA a été lancée en 2014 dans le cadre du programme de recherche HAR2013-40762-P. Son enrichissement est aujourd’hui l’objectif principal du projet "Un imperio en movimiento: Web-SIG epigráfica y análisis histórico de la circulación de personas en el Occidente romano - HAR2017-84711-P".
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The aim of this work is to explore patterns of female mobility in Roman times through the study of epigraphic sources. A selection of Latin inscriptions will allow us to illustrate the most common reasons to travel and how they were made visible in Roman society. The work shows that women journeys and changes of domicile used to take place in the f...
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El libro aborda el estudio de las inscripciones humanísticas en la península ibérica y su evolución a través de los principales programas epigráficos que se desarrollan en España y Portugal durante los siglos XVI y XVII, en el contexto de los diferentes usos políticos de las escrituras de aparato en el Renacimiento, que impulsaron las monarquías qu...
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This study analyses a milestone of emperor Decius, which has been found in Cordovilla de Aguilar, in the North of Palencia province (Spain). The reading of the inscription complements that one from another milestone of Decius located in Rebolledo (Valdeolea, Cantabria), which was part of the same road. This route linked Segisamo with portus Blendiu...
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The poster reports evidence of treponemal infection observed on an isolated young adult skull radiocarbon dated to the early modern period (16th to 17th century AD). The skull (with no teeth preserved) was recovered from a burial pit containing the bones of other individuals at the excavated monastery of Santa Maria de Fresno del Río (Cantabria, Sp...
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Pliny the Elder mentions four portus in the north of Hispania citerior, they all located in the territory of present-day Cantabria: Portus Amanum/Flaviobriga (Castro Urdiales), Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium (Santander), Portus Blendium (Suances) y Portus Vereasuecae (San Vicente de la Barquera). The aim of this paper is to explain the reasons of...
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This paper analyzes the development of the Cantabric sea ports in the Roman periode. Fishing, mining and trading seem to have been the most important economic activities in this area. The combination of sea and land routes improved communication, once the territory was pacified after the Augustan wars in Spain. The ceramics show short-and long-dist...
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The paper analyzes the circumstances and purpose of Germanicus’ trip to Egypt in the winter of the year 19. The different versions of Tacitus and Suetonius are contrasted with the information provided by the papyri and other historical sources, such as the ostrakon Louvre 9004. The study highlights the tense relations between Tiberius and his adopt...
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In the mid-seventeenth century, Juan Tamayo de Salazar made known in his work Martyrologium Hispanum a Roman inscription presumably found in the Cantabrian town of Santoña. It is a dedication to the Emperor Caracalla made by some navicularii who used to trade in Cantabria. A century later, Enrique Flórez questioned the authenticity of the inscripti...
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La epigrafía es una fuente de información privilegiada a la hora de evaluar el impacto que tuvieron los viajes, las migraciones y en general los movimientos de población en la sociedad romana; no en vano, las investigaciones centradas en la movilidad geográfica se han basado principalmente en las inscripciones de individuos que se encontraban fuera...
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En el mundo romano la residencia no fue una condición necesaria para el disfrute de la ciudadanía, ni un medio posible para obtenerla. A pesar de que desde finales de la República la movilidad geográfica fue en aumento y con ella el número de personas que residían de forma temporal o definitiva en comunidades extranjeras, el principio de adscripció...
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This study analyses the mentions to women in the Geography of Strabo, including the controversial passage about Cantabrian gynaecocracy. The analysis of these texts shows a bigger feminine presence when the Greek geographer describes peoples with very different customs from the Greco-Roman model of civilisation. In these cases, the otherness is emp...
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El objetivo de este artículo ha sido la revisita de esta rica epigrafía de Monte Cildá poniendo el foco en un tema difícil y controvertido como es la cuestión cronológica. Muchas de las inscripciones analizadas tienen la ventaja de situarse en una época en la que el florecimiento de ciertos talleres lapidarios coincidió con una tendencia, nunca gen...
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MIGRA is the acronym of a Geographic Information System (GIS) connected to an epigraphic database, designed to analyse and map geographic mobility between cities in the Roman Empire. The development of this tool is the main objective of the research project “Movilidad, arraigo y registro epigráfico de la memoria en la Hispania romana: estudio histó...
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This paper provides an update of Roman epigraphy in Cantabria with the research in the last fourteen years. Four new discoveries in this period are reviewed here: a dedicatory to Iuppiter, a probable property mark on stone, a new terminus Augustalis and a fragment of a monumental inscription. There are also new interpretations of epigraphs already...
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EX OFFICINA HISPANA. Cuadernos de la SECAH. © EDICIONES DE LA ERGÁSTULA, S.L. © EX OFFICINA HISPANA. Sociedad de estudios de la cerámica antigua en Hispania (S.E.C.A.H.). Los originales publicados en las ediciones impresa y electrónica de esta Revista son propiedad de la editorial, siendo necesario citar la procedencia en cualquier reproducción par...
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The patera of silver that was found in Otañes is analysed as an evidence of an aquatic sanctuary that could have been located in the territory of Flaviobriga and, more precisely, near the Roman route that from Pisoraca facilitated the access to this port city of the Cantabrian coast.
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In spite of its difficult quantification, the migration of Italic people to the Iberian Peninsula represented a factor of economic change in the centuries II and I before our era. The sources reflect, in addition to the Roman colonization, other migratory processes of temporary or final nature. The consequences of the varied ways of geographic mobi...
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PEREGRE DEFVNCTI: some remarks on repatriation of human remains and dedication of cenotaphs in roman spain (1 st-3 rd centuries ad) Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la repatriación de restos humanos y la de-dicación de cenotafios en la Hispania romana durante el Alto Imperio. La investigación está basada en los epígrafes funerarios...
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En el contexto de un mundo globalizado como el actual, con movimientos migratorios a gran escala y millones de desplazamientos diarios, surge una reflexión sobre el papel que han desempeñado a lo largo de la historia las distintas formas de movilidad geográfica. En el punto de mira de las Ciencias Sociales se encuentran procesos tales como la integ...
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(Jean-Pierre Bost, dir.), L’eau: usages, risques et représentations dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule et le Nord de la péninsule Ibérique, de la fin de l’âge du Fer à l’Antiquité tardive (IIe s. a.C. – VIe s. p.C.). Aquitania Supplément 21, SALDVIE Hors Série, Société de Borda, Supplément au Bulletin, Bordeaux, 2012, pp. 349-365.
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Le « castro » de La Campana offre un des exemples les plus anciens de fortification dans la région de la Cantabrie. Le système défensif est composé de remparts, de remblais et de fossés situés sur les flancs les plus accessibles de l’enceinte. Il s’agit d’un village fortifié en hauteur de la Première Âge du Fer. Des fouilles archéologiques ont appo...
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This article offers a general interpretation of Iuliobriga’s forum, emphasizing its characteristics and peculiarities from the information obtained in the latest archaeological research. It focuses on the results of an excavation made in 2004 inside the church of Santa María in Retortillo. This archaeological dig has allowed us to broaden the view...
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Monte Cildá is an illustrating example of the process of reoccupation and fortification of depopulated castros in Late Roman Spain. In this article we study the physical characteristics of the Monte Cildá wall, providing arguments to determine its date. We also discuss the possible military function of this walled site, placing it in its geographic...
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In the Epigraphy of the Roman Spain we find references to eleven trades related to the work of diverse metals: gold, silver, bronze, iron and lead. The study of seventeen catalogued inscriptions allows to estimate, among other things, the level of specialization of the craftsmen and his social-juridical category, being able to observe the abundance...
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The paper gives an overview on the Cantabrian seaboard in the historical period between Caesar and the Flavian emperors. Three main stages can be distinguished: a) from Caesar to Augustus, characterized by a weak and unequal Roman control along the territory; b) from Augustus to Vespasian, when the whole northen fringe of Hispania was unified under...
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This article is intended to present a Roman lamp of bronze, which was obtained from a rescue excavation in Castro Urdiales (Cantabria). This piece can be identified with the type known as Loeschcke XX, very well represented in the sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum , dated to the second half of the first century and the beginning of the second centur...


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