Ali Keleş

Ali Keleş


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Publications (37)
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The current study was based on the macrofungi collected from Baykan (Siirt) district between 2011 and 2012. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 88 species belonging to 56 families were identified. Nine taxa belong to Ascomycota and 79 to Basidiomycota. In the region, the most abundant order is Agaricales, the most abundant families are Aga...
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The study was mainly based on macrofungi samples collected from Kop Mount within the boundaries of Bayburt and Erzurum province between 2010 and 2011. Together with some previously presented taxa, a total of 88 macrofungi species belonging to 63 genera, 30 families, eight orders within classes Agaricomycetes, Leotiomycetes and Pezizomycetes have be...
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Chlorophyllum hortense (Murrill) Vellinga is reported as a new record from Turkey, based on the identification of the samples collected from Rize province. A brief description of the species is provided together with the photographs, related to the macroscopy and microscopy.
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Clavulinopsis fusiformis (Sowerby) Corner. is reported for the first time for the mycobiota of Turkey. This species is the fourth member of the genus Clavulinopsis Overeem in Turkey and characterized by its yellow and fasciculated fruit bodies, ellipsoid to subglobose or globose, one to multi-guttulate basidiospores with a distinct apiculus, and th...
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This study was carried out the macrofungi samples collected from Çamburnu Nature Park (Sürmene/Trabzon). As a result of field and laboratory studies, 109 macromycete species belonging to four classes, 12 orders, 41 families and 64 genera within Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were determined. The species are presented in alphabetical order together wi...
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The study was based on macrofungi samples collected from Gürpınar district of Van province between 2015 and 2017. As a result of field and laboratory studies 94 macrofungi species belonging to 49 genera, 27 families, seven orders and three classes within Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were determined. The list of the determined taxa are presented tog...
Conference Paper
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Makromantarlar, tarih öncesi devirlerden beri insanların besinsel ve tıbbi özelliklerinden faydalandığı doğal bir kaynak olmuştur. Bitkisel gıdalara oranla daha yüksek protein içeriğine sahip olan mantarlar, sürekli artan dünya nüfusunun besinsel ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesinde önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Doğal yenen makromantarlardan azami fayd...
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Suillelus genus is represented by 20 species which are generally edible. In the present study, specimens of Suillelus genus (Suillellus amygdalinus) were collected from Hakkari province, in 2014 and recorded for the first from Turkey. Short depiction and the photographs of the determined species was given and discussed briefly. Özet: 20 türle temsi...
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This study was carried out on wild edible macrofungi samples, collected within the boundaries of Gürpınar (Van) district between 2016 and 2017. As a result of necessary investigations related to macro and micromorphologies of the samples, 36 wild edible macrofungi species belonging to 11 families and 4 orders were determined. Eight of them belong t...
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The small agaric, Mycena ustalis Aronsen & Maas Geest. (Mycenaceae), is given as new record from Turkey. The macro and micromorphological photographs of the species and a brief description of the species are provided.
Three ascomycetous macrofungi-Hymenoscyphus kathiae, Parascutellinia violacea, and Scutellinia crinita- are recorded for the first time from Turkey, with P. violacea serving also the first record of the genus for the country. The species are described briefly and accompanied by photographs illustrating their macro- and micro-morphologies.
This study was based on three macromycete samples collected during field studies carried out to determine the macrofungal biodiversity of Of and Çamburnu districts of Trabzon province (Turkey). As a result of necessary investigations, Pluteus variabilicolor Babos (Pluteaceae), Coprinopsis urticicola (Berk. & Broome) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo (Ps...
The study was based on three basidiomycetous macroycete samples, collected from Trabzon and Erzincan provinces between 2013-2014, and aims to make a contribution to the mycomycota of Turkey by adding new records. The ecological characteristics of the fruit bodies were recorded and macro photographs of them were taken at their natural habitats. Then...
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In this study Morchella prava Dewsbury, Moncalvo, J.D. Moore & M. Kuo was presented as a new record for the mycobiota of Turkey. This is an edible macrofungus species and has potential economic value. A short description, the images of macro and the micro morphologies of the species are provided.
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The present study was carried out on macrofungi growing in Karagöl-Sahara National Park (Şavşat-Artvin/Turkey) area. Macrofungi specimens were coll ected during field studies between the years of 2008 and 2010. The ecological and morphological features of the specimens and information on macrofungi known by local people were recorded. According to...
The present research was conducted on macrofungi collected from Kop Mountain (Erzurum-Bayburt) between the years of 2010 and 2011. The colorful photographs of macrofungi in the natural habitat were taken and their morphological and ecological features were determined and the information on macrofungi given by local people was recorded. According to...
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Four members of Hypocrea Fr. (Hypocrea alni Jaklitsch, Hypocrea gelatinosa (Tode) Fr., Hypocrea lixii Pat., Hypocrea nybergiana T. Ulvinen & H.L. Chamb), are given for the first time from Turkey. Including the previously recorded Hypocrea leucopus (P. Karst.) H.L. Chamb, an identification key was prepared for Turkish Hypocrea. Short descriptions of...
Conference Paper
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During routine field trips carried out to determine the macrofungal diversity of Dernekpazarı (Trabzon) district, a saprophytic scutellinoid macrofungi sample was collected. As a result of necessary macro and micromorphological investigations it was identified as Scutellinia setosa (Nees) Kuntze (Pyronemataceae). Tracing the current literature on m...
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The current study was based on the macrofungi collected from Hani (Diyarbakır) district between 2009 and 2010. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 102 species belonging to 28 families were identified. Fifteen taxa belong to Ascomycota and 87 to Basidiomycota. All the species determined except for Ciboria amentacea are new records for the s...
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This study was conducted on the macrofungi specimens collected from Ayder high plateau (Rize) between 2001 and 2004. As a result 127 macrofungi taxa belonging to 11 orders, 40 families and 69 genera within the divisions Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, were identified. Three of them, Spooneromyces helveticus Breitenbach & Krazlin, Cortinarius odorifer...
Conference Paper
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Makrofunguslar, Fungi aleminin Ascomycota ve Basidiomycota bölümlerine ait çıplak gözle gözlenebilen makroskobik mantarları içermektedirler. Günümüze kadar Dünya genelinde 21.500 civarında makroskobik mantar taksonu tanımlanmıştır ancak tür sayısının yaklaşık 53.000-110.000 olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Avrupa kıtasında tanımlanan sayı 15.000 civarın...
Edible and Poisonous Macrofungi determined in Baykan District (Siirt/Turkey),
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Contributions to Macrofungi of Van province
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The effect of methanol extracts of 10 macrofungi was evaluated on grain germination of maize (Zea mays L.). Germination percentage, radicle and plumule length and the level of carbohydrates and fatty acids were measured. Fungal metabolites inhibited germination up to 90.96%, plumule (97.77%) and radicle (92.83%) development. Plumule and radicle len...
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Three coprinoid macrofungi taxa, Coprinus xerophilus Bogart (Agaricaceae), Coprinellus heterothrix (Kühner) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo, and Coprinopsis stercorea (Fr.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo (Psathyrellaceae), are given as new records for Turkey.
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The study was conducted on the macrofungi specimens collected from Genç district (Bingöl-Turkey) between 2006-2009 to determine the macromycota of the region. Seventy eight taxa belonging to 23 families in Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes classes were identified. Agaricaceae, Tricholomataceae and Strophariaceae are the most crowded families in the re...
Some macrofungi specimens were collected from Gümüşhane province between 2001 and 2003. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 105 taxa belonging to 2 classes and 24 families were identified. These taxa are presented in a list. Of the 105 taxa, 14 are new records for the mycoflora of Turkey.


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