Alfredo Pereira Junior

Alfredo Pereira Junior
Alfredo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Alfredo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
São Paulo State University | Unesp · Graduate Program in Philosophy

PHD, Livre-Docente
Proposing a Science of the Feeling Capacity: "Sentiomics", and a Metaphysics of Consciousness: "Qualiomics"


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My current fields of research are: Philosophy of Science (Neuroscience, Public Administration), Physiological Psychology, Astrocytes and Consciousness . I also developed the philosophical theory "Triple Aspect Monism". My complete curriculum in Portuguese language is monthly updated at:
Additional affiliations
June 2019 - December 2019
Goldsmiths University of London
  • Researcher
May 2015 - June 2015
University of Pavia
  • Researcher
  • Working with Massimo Pregnolato on a series of papers. Funded by FAPESP and UNESP.
May 2013 - July 2013
University of Zurich
  • Researcher
  • Funded by FAPESP and UNESP. Working with Dietrich Lehmann on the book The Unity of Brain, Mind and World, and Visiting Researcher at the Center for the Study of Subjectivity - Univ. of Copenhagen, with Claudia Carrara-Augustenborg.


Publications (330)
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Resumo: Trata-se, o presente texto, de uma entrevista concedida pelo Prof. Dr. Alfredo Pereira Jr. ao Dr. Leonardo Ferreira Almada, por ocasião da chamada para publicação de entrevistas com distintas/os filósofas/os brasileiras/os. Atendendo ao objetivo da chamada da revista Trans/Form/Ação, buscou-se realizar uma entrevista em que um professor dou...
Introdução Este pequeno livro trata dos esforços de uma pessoa anônima de promover mudanças no modo de vida ocidental, não só para este lado do planeta ficar a par com os avanços do oriente, como também para se reduzir a desigualdade social crescente e melhorar as condições de vida do povo no continente americano, o 'Novo Mundo'. Com exceção do últ...
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Resumo: Esse diálogo entre Ronald e Alfredo toca em temas centrais da filosofia da ciência, com uma ênfase especial na integração de conceitos de consciência, energia, e o papel da mente no universo. A conversa explora as fronteiras entre o fisicalismo, a filosofia aristotélica, e o monismo neutro, abrindo novas perspectivas para a compreensão de f...
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Resumo: Esse diálogo entre Ronald e Alfredo toca em temas centrais da filosofia da ciência, com uma ênfase especial na integração de conceitos de consciência, energia, e o papel da mente no universo. A conversa explora as fronteiras entre o fisicalismo, a filosofia aristotélica, e o monismo neutro, abrindo novas perspectivas para a compreensão de f...
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Resumo: Trata-se, o presente texto, de uma entrevista conferida pelo Prof. Dr. Alfredo Pereira Jr. ao Dr. Leonardo Ferreira Almada, por ocasião da chamada para publicação de entrevistas com distintas/os filósofas/os brasileiras/os. Atendendo ao objetivo da chamada da revista Trans/Form/Ação, buscamos realizar uma entrevista em que um professor dout...
Conference Paper
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1-"Vivencia do Ser" aqui se refere ao sentir, isto é, a tudo a que se aplica o verbo "sentir", como sentir o cheiro de uma flor (Heiddeger, 1956), o sabor de uma bebida; a estados afetivos e emocionais, como sentir alegria ou tristeza, o "sentimento de conhecer" (Burton, 2008), a atribuição de significado à linguagem e a elaboração de um "sentido d...
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Assuming that conscious experience happens in the first-person perspective the study of its contents cannot be made by using the methods of empirical and formal quantitative sciences, since singular qualitative personal experiences remain outside their scope. Departing from the concept of Sentient Consciousness advanced in the ontology of Triple-As...
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Assuming that conscious experience happens in the first-person perspective (Nagel, 1974), the study of its contents cannot be made by using the methods of empirical or formal quantitative sciences, since qualitative personal experiences ("secondary qualities") are not allowed in them, except as linguistic registers in the so-called 'qualitative' ap...
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Triple-Aspect Monism is an Interdisciplinary Ontology in which, departing from both personal and scientific experiences, I have claimed that there are three necessary conditions for consciousness: the Matter that composes our living body, the Information that affords us the experience of a world, and Sentience, the capacity of feeling, that affords...
Conference Paper
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Minhas pesquisas em Filosofia da Neurociência deram origem ao Monismo de Triplo Aspecto (MTA), uma Ontologia Interdisciplinar em que identifiquei, a partir da experiência pessoal (na perspectiva de primeira pessoa; Nagel, 1974), combinada com uma revisão extensa de resultados científicos (na perspectiva de terceira pessoa; Nagel, 1974), os três asp...
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Resumo: Proponho que o estudo das Formas aristotélicas possa ser feito tanto na perspectiva científica, no âmbito da Biofísica, compondo a ciência intitulada Sentiômica, quanto na perspectiva das experiências de primeira pessoa, compondo a metafísica das qualidades, intitulada Qualiômica. Esta última seria uma área não científica, própria à Metafís...
he current economic, military, sanitary and environmental crisis urges for new political initiatives towards the route that leads to qualifed economic development and ecosystem stability, making possible the long-term continu- ity of human life in the planet. Thomas Piketty’s diagnosis on the increase of economic inequality in most countries (Pi...
How do ideologies contribute to the guidance of political practice today? To answer this question, first, it is necessary to identify the main ideological fields that shape current forms of governments and the consequences of their adoption. In this chapter, we briefly review the ideas and theories that moved the contemporary political arena (Conse...
We depart from a brief review of the history of cooperativism worldwide, particularly in Brazil. We show the conceptual framing of genuine cooperation and solidarity, listing the Brazilian-related existing organizations with movements of popular self-organization and solidary economy. As Brazilian examples, we highlight the cases of three types of...
The implementation of information technology systems for democratic government in several countries opens new possibilities for the interaction between the people and the public administration. The “fourth republican power” (the press and, today, other types of mass media) has been progressively replaced by privately managed social networks, in the...
The promotion of human development in sovereign countries, under an elected democratic government, can greatly benefit from information technology tools to direct monetary flows from the State’s financial system (Treasury, Central Bank, Sovereign and Green Funds, Public Banks) to the social infrastructure. Besides the regulatory framework and polic...
Currently, the planet experiences a multifactorial economic, sanitary, military, epistemological, and ecological crisis that demands new efforts to overcome structural problems of the society. The proposal of a Bioethics of Governance (BG) addresses the challenge, from all countries and ideological colors, to cope with the crisis and its problems,...
Conference Paper
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Minhas pesquisas em Filosofia da Neurociência deram origem ao Monismo de Triplo Aspecto (MTA), uma Ontologia Interdisciplinar em que identifiquei, a partir da experiência pessoal (na perspectiva de primeira pessoa; Nagel, 1974), combinada com uma revisão extensa de resultados científicos (na perspectiva de terceira pessoa; Nagel, 1974), os três asp...
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Resumo: Apresento um conceito de Deus como sendo relativo ao Sentido do Ser Uno que constitui o processo da realidade, ou melhor, como sendo o Destino no qual este Ser realiza sua essência, que é a unidade na diversidade de aspectos e acontecimentos singulares que constituem o processo de Vir-a-Ser. Este conceito se contrapõe aos mais comuns, a sab...
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Resumo: A sentiência, definida como a capacidade inconsciente de se ter experiência consciente do sentir, é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas, em sistemas vivos. O processo de sentir pode ser estudado em duas modalidades: a) identificação empírica e análise dos padrões temporais universais que caracter...
Conference Paper
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(Text in Portuguese) Abstract: Economic and social inequality is not a phenomenon of nature or a divine design. The generation of inequality (division of social classes) is determined by human relations in the processes of production and consumption. The reproduction of inequality depends on how the sovereign state creates and distributes money. My...
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Introduction to the Metaphysics of Triple-Aspect Monism as a branch of Post-Modern Metaphysics. Presentation in Portuguese language.
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Resumo: Partindo da ontologia interdisciplinar intitulada Monismo de Triplo Aspecto, procuro mostrar como operam determinantes biológicos inconscientes da vida mental, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de organização material e informacional. A consideração destes determinantes seria necessária, mas não suficiente, para se entender a vida pessoal, pois...
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The new science called Sentiomics aims to identify the dynamic patterns that endow living systems with the capacity to feel and become conscious. One of the most promising fields of investigation in Sentiomics is the development and ‘education’ of human brain organoids to become sentient and useful for the promotion of human health in the (also new...
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Assuming that conscious experience happens in the first-person perspective the study of its contents cannot be made by using the methods of empirical and formal quantitative sciences, since singular qualitative personal experiences remain outside their scope. Departing from the concept of Sentient Consciousness advanced in the ontology of Triple-As...
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In this chapter I review the ontology and metaphysics of Triple Aspect Monism (TAM) and its application to the interpretation of conscious experience in the philosophy of neuroscience. Departing from a metaphysical speculation about the Monist foundation of the three aspects (Matter, Information and Feeling), I review several topics of my interdisc...
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The Online Workshop on Theories of Consciousness (OWTC), a set of live online (text only) discussions carried out in 2009 at the site, was an attempt to organize and find minimal agreement on the epistemological bases for scientific and philosophical research on the Theory of Consciousness. This paper covers the guidelines I proposed to...
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(Presentation in Portuguese language) We have approached the concept of Sentience, in reference to universal dynamic patterns (temporal frequency, amplitude and phase modulated waveforms) intrinsic to the activity of conscious beings. We call Sentiomics the science responsible for the identification and preservation of these patterns, a task to be...
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The projection of conscious content is a central feature of Max Velmans' Theory of Consciousness, implying that conscious experiences are built within a conversation of minds and worlds, in which they form a "reflexive" unity-as stated in his Reflexive Monism. What are the neurobiological structures and functions that make possible the experience o...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Enquanto a vivência consciente, na perspectiva de primeira pessoa, é singular e não abordável conforme as regras do método científico, o conhecimento "objetivo", na perspectiva de terceira pessoa, se confunde com a própria ciência, em sua versão moderna. Seria possível abordar os padrões dinâmicos do inconsciente, que geram as experiências...
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A teoria dos dois sistemas (Kahneman, 2011), em suas várias vertentes, assume que a tomada de decisão humana é baseada em dois sistemas cognitivos: um que é automático, rápido, agindo com mínimo esforço cognitivo, intuitivo (no sentido de Morewedge & Kahneman, 2010), e majoritariamente inconsciente; e outro que é reflexivo, lento, atuando com inten...
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Submitted to the SCRIPTA journal (Brazil) The Online Workshop on Theories of Consciousness (OWTC), a set of live online (text only) discussions carried in 2009 at the site, was an attempt to organize and find minimal agreement on the epistemological bases for the scientific and philosophical research on the Theory of Consciousness. This...
Sentience, defined as the capacity of feeling, for example, to experience basic sensations such as hunger, thirst and other types of qualitative mental states, is a psychobiological phenomenon that involves dynamic patterns of electrochemical (below 1Hz) and electromagnetic (above 1Hz) waves in living systems. The science we have called Sentiomics...
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Parto de uma distinção entre o conceito antropológico (Feuerbach, 1841) ou sociológico de Deus, que se identifica com valores que são socialmente atribuídos pelas pessoas ao ser divino, como Bondade, Justiça, Saúde, etc.., e o conceito cosmológico de Deus, como origem do espaço, do tempo e da realidade natural, que seria transcendente à experiência...
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Abstract Sentience, defined as the capacity of feeling, for example, to experience basic sensations such as hunger, thirst and other types of qualitative mental states, is a psychobiological phenomenon that involves dynamic patterns of electrochemical (below 1Hz) and electromagnetic (above 1Hz) waves in living systems. The science we have called Se...
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This is didatic presentation in Portuguese language, with the basics of Information Theory for philosophy students.
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Kahneman's theory of two systems assumes that human decision making in Economy is based on two cognitive systems, one that is automatic, intuitive and mostly unconscious, and one that is reflexive, rational and fully conscious. The authors consider Kahneman's approach incomplete and limited in accounting for the creativity of embodied agents graspi...
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(Este artigo faz parte de um projeto da Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp. Trata-se do Dossiê Filosofia Autoral, a ser publicado em 2022.) A sentiência, definida como a capacidade de se ter experiência de sensações básicas como fome e sede, calor e frio, é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas...
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I discuss some concepts advanced for the understanding of the complex dynamics of brain functions, and relate them to approaches in affective, cognitive and action neurosciences. These functions involve neuro-glial interactions in a dynamic system that receives sensory signals from the outside of the central nervous system, processes information in...
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Resumo: A sentiência, definida como a capacidade de sentir (por exemplo, ter experiência de sensações básicas como fome e sede, calor e frio), é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas, em sistemas vivos, tanto em animais quanto em plantas. O processo de sentir pode ser estudado em duas modalidades: a) Ident...
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I discuss some concepts advanced for the understanding of the complex dynamics of brain function, and relate them to approaches in affective, cognitive and action neurosciences. These processes involve neuro-glial interactions, forming a dynamic system that receives sensory signals from the outside of the Central Nervous System, and control muscles...
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In this target paper, I focus on the concept of sentience in relation to the theory of consciousness and to practice in the medical sciences, neurology, and psychiatry, regarding both diagnostics and therapy. Following authors in this field, I distinguish two modalities of consciousness: sentience, in the sense of being awake and capable of fe...
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Sentience is defined as the capacity of feeling that — according to the target paper in this journal issue — is biologically marked by the presence of ionic waves in neural tissue and the ‘lactate shuttle’ that provides fuel for the increase in wave amplitudes during wakefulness. Conscious experiences are proposed to be dyna mic and relational phe...
Here I summarize the theory of consciousness that is proposed in the target taper and that is translated there into various implications for medical practice, and then I go on to reply to each commentary on, and criticism of, both the theory and its translation. The criticisms are mostly based on the understanding that I equate sentience and homeos...
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A ação de governar traz consigo, intrinsecamente, atos de valoração, que podem ser a favor ou contra a preservação e promoção da vida - tanto da vida do povo quanto das outras espécies que habitam o ecossistema no qual a sociedade humana se insere. No âmbito dos governos autocráticos e mesmo na democracia representativa, notamos a ausência de forma...
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To be presented in a Round Table at the 15th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COGNITION AND MUSICAL ARTS (SIMCAM 15) May 28th 2021 Abstract: I present the proposal for a Science of the Feeling Capacity (Sentiomics) and indicate the relevance of musical forms in this branch of research Sentiomics is done from the perspective of a third person - the scien...
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Journal of Consciousness Studies - Special Issue on "Sentience and Consciousness" Target Paper and Technical Paper by Alfredo Pereira Jr. Edited by Karina J. Linnell and Leonardo F. Almada Preface by Antonio and Hanna Damásio This file contains the replies to 12 commentaries by the author of the Target Paper
Background Contemporary living conditions present opportunities that promote obesity. In addition, traditional nutritional intervention have been considered inefficient, and there is a demand for the development and evaluation of strategies not based on the traditional paradigm of diets. Aim The aim of this study is to describe the Food and Nutrit...
Conference Paper
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(Text in Portuguese) To address the issue of economic value in the capitalist society and in the process of overcoming the cyclical crises of this system, I initially elaborate on three categories of popular existence (Survival, Support and Satisfaction), taking them as a reference for the concept of Social Value. Based on that, I discuss the propo...
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Resumo: Abordo neste trabalho a epistemologia da Teoria da Consciência, propondo que esta área de estudos se torne uma disciplina filosófica de interesse para a fundamentação conceitual das neurociências (cognitiva, afetiva, da ação) e psicologias (cognitiva, da emoção e do comportamento). Faço breve revisão conceitual e histórica da constituição d...
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A Teoria dos Dois Sistemas, proposta por Kahneman (2011), pressupõe que a tomada de decisão no contexto econômico se baseia em dois sistemas, um que é automático, intuitivo e principalmente inconsciente e outro reflexivo, racional e totalmente consciente. Consideramos a abordagem kahnemaniana incompleta na medida em que a concepção dos sistemas 1 e...
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Kahneman's theory of two systems assumes that human decision-making in Economy is based on two cognitive systems, one that is automatic, intuitive and mostly unconscious , and one that is reflexive, rational and fully conscious. We consider his approach incomplete and limited in accounting for the creativity of embodied agents grasping the opportun...
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The promotion of human development in sovereign countries, under a popular democratic government, can benefit from an information technology tool to direct the monetary flow from the State's Central Bank to the people. CBDC can be used to promote the creation of cooperative and sustainable productive enterprises, while inducing effective demand by...
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Abstract: At the transition from quiescence to propagating waves recorded in isolated retinas, a circular electric current closes in the extracellular matrix; this circular current creates a magnetic torus flow that, when entering quiescent tissue in front of the wave, recruits elements and when leaving behind, helps to build the absolute refractor...
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Com base em diagrama geométrico plano e espacial da geometria analítica cartesiana, como modo de representação de fenômenos no campo da linguagem e da psicologia, procura-se apresentar um modelo lógico e diagramático das relações entre Indivíduo-Sociedade e Natureza-Cultura. Trata-se uma formalização abstrata relativamente simplificada dos fenômeno...
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Segundo Debrun (2018), o processo de Auto-Organização (AO) requer a livre e espontânea interação entre os componentes de um sistema, gerando um novo padrão de funcionamento. O dinheiro é uma poderosa ferramenta para a auto-organização social; sua origem se relaciona intimamente com a origem do Estado, classes sociais e instituições regulatórias do...
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[Conference given in Portuguese language] Abstract The induction of human development is a major goal of popular democratic governments in sovereign countries. Public debt, corruption, inflation and credit intermediation are obstacles to providing money for the production and consumption of goods. Here I review recent discussions of monetary and fi...
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Com base no Monismo de Triplo Aspecto, ontologia interdisciplinar para a qual a realidade se constitui em três aspectos (Material, Informacional e Sentiente) derivados de um Ser Primitivo (“Energia”, entendida como a potencialidade e o poder de geração de tudo o que existe), tenho desenvolvido a Teoria Projetiva da Consciência, na qual o domínio da...
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In this target paper, I focus on the concept of sentience in relation to the theory of consciousness and to practice in the medical sciences, neurology and psychiatry, regarding both diagnostics and therapy. Following authors in this field, I distinguish two modalities of consciousness: sentience, in the sense of being awake and capable of feeling...
Resumo: A Teoria dos Dois Sistemas, proposta por Kahneman (2011), pressupõe que a tomada de decisão no contexto econômico se baseia em dois sistemas, um que é automático, intuitivo e principalmente inconsciente e outro reflexivo, racional e totalmente consciente. Consideramos a abordagem kahnemaniana incompleta na medida em que a concepção dos sist...
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This seminar was presented 12/06/2020 and corresponds to the summary of a paper submitted to a good journal
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Talk to be given in the Philosophy Program of São Paulo State University (UNESP) September 6, 2020
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Some people (including the author) feel dizzy during the downward accelerated phase of the Virtual Reality Roller Coaster (VRRC) ride. In this integrative and constructive review, I investigate the causes of the phenomenon, by raising three questions: 1) What is the neurobiological correlate of the dizziness experience? 2) Why is dizziness experien...
This chapter describes three classical-quantum interfaces in living neural tissue supporting conscious functions. The first is activation of the glutamatergic synapse, leading to memory formation, by means of the binding of calcium ions entering NMDA channels with calmodulin receptors and kinases. The second is the coupling of calcium ions with neg...
[Paper in Portuguese] In the second half of the 20th century, the concepts of Self-Organization and Information came to be used in the explanation of complex biological phenomena, from two approaches: in Physical Chemistry, with Ilya Prigogine and associates, and in the interdisciplinary context formed by Information Theory, Systems Theory (propose...
(Paper in Portuguese) Abstract: Lucid dreaming is an experience that occurs to some people, when they become aware that they are dreaming, during the dream itself. In this situation, they can take voluntary steps to test the limits of the dream and compare it with the agency experience they have while awake. These procedures, combined with neurosc...
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At the transition from quiescence to propagating waves recorded in isolated retinas, a circular electric current closes in the extracellular matrix; this circular current creates a magnetic torus that, when entering quiescent tissue in front of the wave, recruits elements and when leaving behind, helps to build the absolute refractory state. The wa...
Resumo: Segundo Debrun (1996), o processo de Auto-Organização (AO) requer a livre e espontânea interação entre os componentes de um sistema, gerando um novo padrão de funcionamento. O dinheiro é uma poderosa ferramenta para a auto-organização social; sua origem se relaciona intimamente com a origem do Estado, classes sociais e instituições regulató...
RESUMO: Neste ensaio trato dos caminhos para implantação de um paradigma econômico ecológico no Brasil, partindo da constatação de que nossa trajetória política têm favorecido propostas contrárias. Vislumbro, a partir de uma futura mudança nos rumos políticos, e alterações na legislação do sistema financeiro, a possibilidade de financiamento de pro...
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[English Text] Assuming the existence of universal dynamic patterns (amplitude-modulated waveforms) intrinsic to the activity of sentient beings, we introduce Sentionics, the program of identification and preservation of these patterns. We also present the Biobit Project in the Amazon forest, as an example of Sentionics. The project aims to capture...
Conference Paper
Resumo: No Séc. XXI, o desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação possibilita novas formas de operações monetárias e maior acesso à comunicação por meio da Internet, o que aumenta a interatividade social. Entretanto, o impacto desta tecnologia não necesariamente favorece o processo social, uma vez que as políticas monetárias são conduzidas no sent...
"O ser primitivo e a experiência consciente no monismo de triplo aspecto" tem a autoria de Alfredo Pereira Júnior e Edilene de Souza Leite. Os autores partem de trabalhos anteriores nos quais o chamado Monismo de Triplo Aspecto (MTA) é apresentado e, mediante tal pressuposição, discutem a possibilidade de derivação dos três aspectos fundamentais da...
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RESUMO: nas últimas décadas, a temática da consciência tem atraído atenção de pesquisadores em filosofia da mente, e em diversas disciplinas científicas e tecnológicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma revisão das principais escalas e métodos de avaliação do nível de consciência utilizados na área da saúde, no âmbito internacional, tendo...
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Lecture given at Goldsmiths, University of London - 18 December 2019 Abstract: The concept of money in the digital era is a hot topic of debate in the philosophy of economics, with implications for cognitive psychology, information and computation sciences, and cultural studies. I depart from the Projective Theory of Consciousness (Pereira Jr., 201...
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Perhaps every science must start with metaphor and end with algebra; and perhaps without the Metaphor there would never have been any algebra. (Max Black, 1962) O vago é "vertical", a precisão é "horizontal". (Ruyer, 1974) 1-Considerações iniciais Com base em diagrama geométrico plano e espacial, da geometria analítica cartesiana, como modo de repr...
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Empirical and theoretical developments in Psychophysiology support a concept of the Experiential Continuum, applied to the ontogenetic and phylogenetic scales. Recent discoveries about plant sensitivity support the attribution of Sentience, “the minimal capacity (italics by APJ) to have subjective experience of the qualities associated with externa...
How the Brain Works This is my new diagram of neural function. The green boxes appear earlier in phylogeny, being present in plants. Homeostasis in the green sub-system is related to sensation, feeling and emotion. The blue boxes appear in animals with neurons, as mollusks and insects. The orange boxes subsystem appears in animals with blood circul...
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The present article is limited to research studies focused on understanding the phenomenon and construction of the concept of ‘Self.’ When we look at one’s experience of the Self, as a whole, it involves various components associated with different aspects like self-identification, self-location and the sense of the existence of oneself or the sens...
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Progress in the understanding of how the human brain works led to the formation of three scientific interdisciplinary areas: Cognitive, Affective and Action Neurosciences. Since this achievement, understanding of the integration of perception, cognition, affect, and action control became a major goal for theories of conscious experience. The Projec...
Conference Paper
In Portuguese and English: Resumo: Com base no Monismo de Triplo Aspecto, ontologia interdisciplinar para a qual a realidade se constitui em três aspectos (Material, Informacional e Sentiente) derivados de um Ser Primitivo ("Energia", entendida como a potencialidade e o poder de geração de tudo o que existe), tenho desenvolvido a Teoria Projetiva...
In this commentary to Henry Stapp’s target paper, I defend a view alternative to both von Neumann’s methodological Dualism, and Stapp’s choice of Idealist metaphysics. I argue for a Monist metaphysical thesis, claiming that the observed physical systems and the observers who study them originate from a common “neutral” source (neither material nor...
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Resumo: Apresentamos uma proposta de construção e teste de protótipo de dispositivo termodinâmico a ser acoplado ao coletor de escapamento de motores automotivos movidos a etanol hidratado, visando aumentar o rendimento obtido com este combustível. Pretendemos valorizar, por meio do avanço tecnológico, o uso do etanol combustível, recurso econômico...
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Resumo: Qual o mecanismo que leva o Estado brasileiro, de modo semelhante a outros Estados nacionais, a contrair uma dívida pública impagável? Qual o peso do sistema previdenciário nesta dívida? Em que medida o endividamento público compromete a efetivação dos direitos humanos no país, em particular o direito à aposentadoria? Apresento aqui uma aná...
[Paper submitted to a special issue of Activitas Nervosa Superior: Brain, Mind and Cognition, dedicated to Henry Stapp´s work]. In this commentary to Stapp's target paper, I defend a view alternative to von Neumann´s methodological Dualism, and Stapp's choice of Idealist metaphysics.
Apresentação Este número especial de Trans/Form/Ação é dedicado ao tema "cons-ciência", trazendo um amplo espectro de abordagens do fenômeno que con-temporaneamente se tornou alvo do interesse de investigadores em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Procuramos aqui ilustrar e tratar sistematicamente os principais enfoques filosóficos oferecidos no reco...
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(This work was submitted as invited chapter to a book organized by Dr. Carlos Maldonado, Univ. El Bosque - Rosario - Argentina). Introduction: The progress of plant sciences, with the discovery of complex signaling mechanisms that guide the plant’s adaptation to changing environments, has led many researchers to propose that plants are cognitive sy...
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No Século XXI, ao constatar o impacto ambiental das ações humanas potencializadas pela tecnociência, a comunidade científica tem se preocupado em identificar condutas destrutivas e construtivas frente ao processo de vida terrestre, formulando então o Problema da Sustentabilidade. Para a Bioética, esta reflexão propicia a oportunidade de proposição...
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Para se avaliar o papel das plantas na qualidade de vida humana, é preciso entender os tipos de interação que ocorrem entre humanos e plantas , no processo perceptivo e na ação adaptativa. Uma explicação a respeito da negligência frente ao papel das plantas (a “cegueira botânica”) pode ser encontrada no processo de evolução humana: com a emergência...
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Resumo: Realizamos aqui uma análise filosófica de conceitos econômicos e apresentamos uma proposta de abordagem prática das questões levantadas. O Valor Econômico é definido em relação às trocas econômicas efetivas, atuais ou potenciais, enquanto o Valor Social é definido em relação às ações de promoção das pessoas, ou seja, ao desenvolvimento huma...
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The development of the interdisciplinary areas of Cognitive, Affective and Action Neurosciences contributes to the identification of neurobiological bases of conscious experience. The structure of consciousness was philosophically conceived a century ago (Husserl, 1913) as consisting of a subjective pole, the bearer of experiences, and an objective...
Complex system studies are a growing area of central importance to a wide range of disciplines, ranging from physics to politics and beyond. Adopting this interdisciplinary approach, Systems, Self-Organisation and Information presents and discusses a range of ground-breaking research in complex systems theory. Building upon foundational concepts,...
We conducted a philosophical analysis of economic concepts and presented a proposal for a practical approach to the issues. Economic Value is defined in relation to potential or actual economic exchanges, while Social Value is defined in relation to actions to promote people, that is, human development. In the capitalist society, there is a dissoci...
Lucid dreaming is an experience that occurs to some people, when they become aware that they are dreaming, during the dream itself. In this situation, they can take voluntary steps to test the limits of the dream and compare it with the agency experience they have while awake. These procedures, combined with neuroscientific studies, allow us to dis...
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Introdução Neste breve documento, registro uma proposta de estratégia de emissão de moeda para financiar programas sociais e pagamento de aposentadorias no Brasil, que é garantidamente não inflacionária, e tem ainda a vantagem de evitar a sonegação de impostos. O "I-Real", conforme a proposta aqui originalmente formulada, é uma moeda digital emitid...


Questions (30)
Recent discovery suggests that Energy can manifest itself non-locally:
This month the Baltimore Declaration (1) appeared, claiming that "We must be alert to any possibility that organoids could develop forms or aspects of consciousness and mitigate and safeguard against this".
In my perspective (2), there is an interesting side and a foolishness in the Baltimore Declaration. The interesting side is that of ethics in technological research (3). I am against the Frankenstein artifacts that mix biological tissue with machines. Foolishness is wanting to avoid consciousness. Since the organoid is truly biological, not a Frankenstein (there are experiments with both types, purely cellular and cell-machine hybrid), and interacting properly with the environment, it is not possible to prevent it from becoming conscious.


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