Alexey Melechin

Alexey Melechin
Kola Science Centre · Laboratory of flora and vegetation PABGI



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July 2005 - April 2015
Kola Science Centre
  • Researcher


Publications (28)
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An information system supporting a convenient tool storage, organization, integration, visualization and analysis of data on the biodiversity of cyanoprokaryotes and lichens has been developed. The system allows you to add herbarium data or published material, to make publicly available the information on sample collections, learn about the literat...
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Stereocaulon leucophaeopsis and S. tornense are reported new to Russia from the Murmansk region. Their habitats are characterized and the differences from similar species are discussed.
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The lichenometric dating of masonry in the area of Kandalaksha city was carried out. For more accurate dating, the reference sites with known age (70 years) were laid in Pechenga district (Murmansk region). According to our calculations, the age of masonry was in the range of 60 to 80 years, that is consistent with dendrochronology data (75 years).
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We report 86 latest significant records of 54 species of vascular plants, mosses, lichens and fungi in Murmansk Region of Russia. Significant records denote the presence of some species protected in Russia or Murmansk Region, those new to protected areas, other rare species previously known from very few localities, northernmost records in Europe,...
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European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) is a highly polymorphic species, but the wider scale diversity and distribution of sympatric morphs in subarctic lakes of northwestern Russia has not been recently studied and analyzed. The aim of the present study was to investigate diversity and distribution of whitefish morphs in different sized lakes and...
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Сбор морфологических данных рыб в полевых условиях обычно сопряжен со значительными трудностями и занимает много времени. Метод цифровой фотографии с дальнейшей компьютерной обработкой в настоящее время широко применяется в биологии и облегчает получение морфологических данных у рыб. В статье даются рекомендации по получению качественной цифровой ф...
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The lichen species Calvitimela talayana (Tephromelataceae, Lecanorales) is rarely collected worldwide but seems to have a broad and northern circumpolar distribution. It is here reported as new to Fennoscandia. The collection was made on siliceous rocks in alpine to arctic boulderfields at massif Lovozerskie gory on the Kola peninsula (Murmansk obl...
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Приводятся сведения о 88 значимых находках 57 видов сосудистых растений, печеночников, лишайников и грибов, сделанных в последние годы в Мурманской области. К значимым находкам отнесены виды, впервые выявленные в регионе, охраняемые в России и/или Мурманской области, новые для отдельных ООПТ, прочие редкие виды, обычно известные в области не более...
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The article provides relevant information on red-list species records of lichens, mosses, liverworts, and vascular plants from three Nature Monuments - Aikuaivenchorr Gorge, Kriptogrammovoe Gorge, and Juksporrlak. In total, 7 nationally (Nardia breidleri (Limpr.) Lindb., Encalypta brevipes Schljakov, Tetrodontium repandum (Funck) Schwägr., Arnica f...
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Here we describe Cryptogamic Russian Information System (CRIS), a web service cataloguing the biodiversity of cryptogams: cyanobacteria, fungi (including lichens), and bryophytes. CRIS incorporates a wide spectrum of data types, allowing for greater ease of use. It is possible to print the labels for herbarium collections, to input literature refer...
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In the Khibiny Mts. there are three nature monuments established in 1980, as suggested by staff of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute. These areas attracted the attention of botanists during the 20th and the 21st centuries; however, the description of their plant cover was absent in the literature. The article briefly describes the vegetat...
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The studies of cryptogams in the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF) within Murmansk Region are reviewed and summarized. This territory, important in terms of biodiversity conservation, encompasses 13 operating protected areas, yet remains insufficiently studied. At first, since the mid-19th century, Finnish scientists played the key role in detecting...
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Two species, Gyalecta biformis and Gyalidea diaphana, collected in the Murmansk region, are reported as new to Russia.
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New species: Acarospora cervina (Ach.) A.Massal., Acarospora moenium (Vain.) Räsänen, Acarospora schorica Vodop., Anaptychia desertorum (Rupr.) Poelt, Bacidia arnoldiana Körb., Bacidia egenula (Nyl.) Arnold, Biatora carneoalbida (Müll. Arg.) Coppins, Biatoridium monasteriense J. Lahm. ex Körb., Caloplaca ahtii Søchting, Caloplaca diphyodes (Nyl.) J...
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One new (Stereocaulon nanodes) and eight rare species are reported from Svalbard
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Summary The 3 lichen species new to Russia (Absconditella annexa, A. trivialis and Ainoa mooreana) and 3 species new to Murmansk region (Absconditella sphagnorum, Catillaria chalybea and Psilolechia clavulifera) from Lapland Reserve are listed
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Коллективная монография “Ловозерский район” продолжает серию “Памятники природы и достопримечательные объекты Мурманской области”. Она обобщает сведения по особенностям географо-экономического положения, истории освоения, геологии, растительного и животного мира, а также по памятникам природы и истории, достопримечательным местам и рекреационным ре...
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New localities of 5 redlisted hepatics (Haplomitrium hookeri (Sm.) Nees, Crossocalyx hellerianus (Nees ex Lindenb.) Meyl., Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth., Tritomaria exsectiformis (Breidl.) Schiffn. ex Loeske, Prasanthus suecicus (Gottsche) Lindb.) and 5 redlisted lichens ( Aspicilia mastrucata (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr., Aspilidea myrinii (Fr.) Hafell...
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The genus Maronella and species Maronella laricina are reported for the first time from Russia. Micarea lutulata is reported for the second time from Russia. The distinguishing characters between Maronella and Biatorella are summarized. The notes on ecology and distribution of the species are given


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