Alexandra Lux

Alexandra Lux
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre | BiK-F



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January 2000 - present
Institute for Social-Ecological Research
  • Co-Head of Research Hub & Member of the Executive Board


Publications (120)
Real-world labs aim to enhance societal impacts and advance sustainability transformations. Based on the empirical analysis of 48 urban research projects and six in-depth case studies, we present a systematization of these impacts and their connections, and provide key principles on how to design real-world lab projects to encourage sustainability...
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The decline of insect abundance and richness has been documented for decades and has received increased attention in recent years. In 2017, a study by Hallmann and colleagues on insect biomasses in German nature protected areas received a great deal of attention and provided the impetus for the creation of the project Diversity of Insects in Nature...
Technical Report
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While transdisciplinary knowledge production is increasingly gaining traction in academic and policy environments, initiating and guiding such approaches is not straightforward and comes with challenges. These challenges concern, among other things, methodological and practical difficulties that arise in the ‘fuzzy reality’ of doing transdisciplina...
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Während Klimaforschung lange als rein naturwissenschaftliches Unterfangen galt, wird sie zunehmend auch in den Sozialwissenschaften betrieben. Die Popularisierung in und außerhalb der Wissenschaft hat dabei nicht nur zu neuen Problembezügen geführt, sondern auch eine wachsende Unübersichtlichkeit produziert: Es ist ein Bedarf entstanden, disziplinä...
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In recent years, the decline of insect biodiversity and the imminent loss of provided ecosystem functions and services has received public attention and raised the demand for political action. The complex, multi-causal contributors to insect decline require a broad interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach that addresses ecological and social a...
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Während Klimaforschung lange als rein naturwissenschaftliches Unterfangen galt, wird sie zunehmend auch in den Sozialwissenschaften betrieben. Die Popularisierung in und außerhalb der Wissenschaft hat dabei nicht nur zu neuen Problembezügen geführt, sondern auch eine wachsende Unübersichtlichkeit produziert: Es ist ein Bedarf entstanden, disziplinä...
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Unsere Gesellschaft befindet sich an der Schwelle zu einem Zeitalter der Bioökonomie, deren konkrete Ausgestaltung in vielen Bereichen noch gesellschaftlich ausgehandelt werden muss. Die in verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen möglichen biotechnologischen Produkte und Verfahren sowie Rohstoffe und Materialien sind vielfältig und bieten zugleich Chanc...
Technical Report
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Das Verbundprojekt „BioKompass - Kommunikation und Partizipation für die gesell- schaftliche Transformation zur Bioökonomie“ zielte darauf, Transformationsprozesse hin zu einer Bioökonomie, das heißt, einer nachhaltigen, biobasierten und an natürlichen Kreisläufen orientierten Wirtschaftsweise zu unterstützen. Gesellschaftlich wie wissenschaftlich...
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Insect declines and biodiversity loss have attracted much attention in recent years, but lack of comprehensive data, conflicting interests among stakeholders and insufficient policy guidance hinder progress in preserving biodiversity. The project DINA (Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas) investigates insect communities in 21 nature rese...
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Sozial-ökologische Transformationen können nur gelingen, wenn wir sie als gemeinsame Gestaltungsaufgabe verstehen. Doch wie kann gemeinsames Handeln gefördert werden, wenn die Vorstellungen von einem „guten Leben“ so unterschiedlich sind? Die hier vorgestellten Gestaltungsprinzipien sollen transdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Orientierung ge...
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Social-ecological transformations can only succeed if we understand them as a joint task of shaping the future. But how can joint action be fostered when ideas of the "good life" differ so much? The principles of shaping presented here aim to provide orientation for transdisciplinary sustainability research in order to find answers to complex quest...
Technical Report
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Der wissenschaftliche Befund eines flächenhaften Insektenrückgangs hat eine ge-sellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Ursachen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten, insbesondere in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis, ausgelöst. Diese Studie arbeitet die zentralen Themenstränge im Diskurs um den Insektenschutz in der agrarischen Kultur-landschaft Deutschland...
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Seitens der Politik wird vermehrt die Frage gestellt, inwieweit die Wissenschaft in der Lage ist, Wissen zur Verfügung zu stellen, das zur Lösung drängender gesellschaftlicher Probleme beiträgt. Auch die Wirksamkeit transdisziplinärer Ansätze steht auf dem Prüfstand.
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Transdisciplinary research (TDR) seeks to address real-world problems and aims to be socially transformative. This normative objective extends beyond particular TDR projects, as real-world problems are embedded in concrete contexts but, at the same time, are also related to wider societal challenges that are not restricted to one context. Therefore...
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Transdisciplinary sustainability research aims to mitigate or to solve complex societal problems and advance the production of scientific knowledge. Reflexive approaches to transdisciplinary research processes are outlined to systematically strengthen the potential for societal effectiveness. So far, it is rare to find empirically based analyses of...
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Research and policy processes in many fields, such as sustainability and health, are increasingly relying on transdisciplinary cooperation among a multitude of governmental, nongovernmental, and private actors from local to global levels. In the absence of hierarchical chains of command, multistakeholder governance may accommodate conflicting or di...
Both citizen science and transdisciplinary sustainability research involve nonacademic actors in the production of knowledge while seeking to contribute to sustainability transitions, albeit in different ways. From citizen science, transdisciplinary researchers can learn about the multiple ways of engaging knowledge holders, and producing and shari...
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The aim of EKLIPSE is to develop a mechanism to inform European-scale policy on biodiversity and related environmental challenges. This paper considers two fundamental aspects of the decisionsupport mechanism being developed by EKLIPSE: 1) the engagement of relevant actors from science, policy and society to jointly identify evidence for decision m...
The service provision of drinking water and the disposal of waste water are severely challenged by changing framework conditions. Although service providers necessitate systematic information regarding sustainability risks, no available management tool accounts for them comprehensively. In the context of the project NaCoSi ‘Ensuring Sustainability...
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Ecosystem services (ES) are defined as the interdependencies between society and nature. Despite several years of conceptual discussions, some challenges of the ES concept are far from being resolved. In particular, the usefulness of the concept for nature protection is questioned, and a strong critique is expressed concerning its contribution towa...
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In order to combat hunger and feed a growing world population, adapt to climate change and reduce environmental impacts of unsustainable farming practices, the need for a paradigm shift in agriculture has increasingly been expressed over the past decades. Different approaches are widely discussed which often leads to controversial debates among act...
While high resolution spatial variables contribute to a good fit of spatially-explicit deforestation models, socio-economic processes are often beyond the scope of these models. Such a low level of interest in the socio-economic dimension of deforestation limits the relevancy of these models for decision making and may be the cause of their failure...
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In 2010, there was a bold commitment to take action in halting global biodiversity loss by 2020. Now, half way through the Convention on Biological Diversity strategic plan 2011–2020, the success of the mission is under discussion. With the Twelfth Conference of the Parties attesting a lack of action, attention is now focused on the science–policy...
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Responding to different questions generated by biodiversity and ecosystem services policy or management requires different forms of knowledge (e.g. scientific, experiential) and knowledge synthesis. Additionally, synthesis methods need to be appropriate to policy context (e.g. question types, budget, timeframe, output type, required scientific rigo...
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Science–policy-interfaces (SPIs) are expected to go beyond the linear model of scientific policy advice through creating spaces for exchange and dialogue between ‘policy’ and ‘knowledge’. Given that most environmental issues require inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, SPIs must take into account a variety of knowledge types, views and interest...
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Der Erfolg transdisziplinärer Forschung misst sich daran, ob die angestrebten gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen erzielt werden können. Welche Methoden, Instrumente und konzeptionellen Herangehensweisen dafür geeignet sind, untersucht das Forschungsprojekt TransImpact, indem es abgeschlossene transdisziplinäre Projekte auswertet. Außerdem will das Projek...
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Klimawandel, demographische Veränderungen, steigende Energiepreise, politische Rahmensetzungen und rechtliche Zielvorgaben erfordern eine Neuausrichtung der siedlungswasserwirtschaftlichen Leistungserbringung. Ziel ist, die Siedlungswasserwirtschaft nachhaltig und zukunftsfähig zu gestalten. Das vorliegende Papier skizziert zum Thema „Instandhaltun...
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Climate and biodiversity change can have negative or unexpected social, economic or ecological effects. The Knowledge Flow Paper at hand is dealing with the question what potentials concepts of risk might have for climate related biodiversity research with respect to the synthesis of the results as well as regarding their communication within socie...
Technical Report
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Climate change poses one of present days’ biggest threats : its numerous effects on nature, society and econo my are frequently investigated and measures to mitigate climate change as well as to adapt to its impacts have increased in importance. While the impact of climate change on biodiversity has been the object of study for some time, th...
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1. Based on studies on specific countries already on hand and on the actual networks for export orientation and also using the published long-term scenarios dealing with the global water situation, a look was taken at how the preconditions for success for the German water industry can be improved and how the existing innovation potentials can be be...
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In der Aktionslinie Umwelttech des Hessischen Wirtschaftsministeriums werden die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationskraft der hessischen Wasser- und Abwasserbranche gefördert. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Kompetenzatlas Wassertechnologie und Wassermanagement Hessen unter Beteiligung des ISOE entwickelt. Darin werden alle hessischen Unternehmen...
Conference Paper
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Tropical marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs, provide a wealth of biodiversity and ecosystem services (ESS). However, many reefs are already severely affected by the results of climate change, i.e. large-scale coral bleaching followed by coral die-off due to elevated sea surface temperatures. This leads to severe changes in the ecological a...
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The chief goal of problem-oriented discourse field analysis is to determine which stocks of knowledge within a discourse field can become ‘contested knowledge’ for various actors within the field due to their different interpretations of the knowledge claims at hand. The focus is on knowledge conflicts as practical problems facing actors in the fie...
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The CuveWaters project relates the alignment and implementation of innovative water technologies to an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Cuvelai-Etosha-Basin, which lies in Central Northern Namibia. The aim here is to improve inhabitants’ living conditions by means of appropriate technical schemes and measures – particularly with...
This paper presents main findings of a feasibility study for a joint transdisciplinary project to strengthen the implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the Cuvelai Basin, northern Namibia. The region is characterised by seasonal alterations of droughts and heavy rainfall, mostly saline groundwater and a lack of permanent...
Conference Paper
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The paper introduces into a social-ecological perspective of population dynamics, focusing on structural relationships and mutual interactions between demographic changes and transformations of supply systems for water, food, energy, etc. Demographic changes, e.g. population growth or decline, urbanization and migration processes, changes in popula...
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The dynamic interaction between population and water is usually discussed in the context of development issues in Third World countries, but rarely analysed for northern, industrialised countries. Nevertheless, the improvement of a supply system’s ability to adapt to demographic changes poses challenges for industrialised countries as well, and gen...
Mainstream economics has not yet fully responded to the challenges of sustainable development. The interactions between socio-economic and ecological systems require a transdisciplinary and solution-oriented approach, which is significantly different practice for most economists. We introduce the concept of "socio-ecological transformations" and in...
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Mainstream economics has not yet fully responded to the challenges of sustainable development. The interactions between socio-economic and ecological systems require a transdisciplinary and solutionoriented approach, which is significantly different practice for most economists.We introduce the concept of “socio-ecological transformations” and inve...
Regional Distinctions and Similarities – Consequences for design of an IWRM
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1 Ausgangssituation Das Projekt "Sozial-ökologische Regulation netzgebundener Infrastruktursysteme" wird im BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt "Sozial-ökologische Forschung" als Verbundprojekt gefördert. Am Forschungsverbund netWORKS sind neben dem Institut für sozial- ökologische Forschung (ISOE) und dem Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), die das P...
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Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von den Diskussionen um Privatisierung und Liberalisierung in der Wasserwirtschaft der letzten Jahre werden im folgenden Beitrag ausgewählte Problemfel- der illustriert, die aufgrund der starken Polarisierung im Diskurs nicht auf die Agenda kommen. Mit der Bewertung von Durchleitungsmodellen und Benchmarking-Systemen werd...


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