Alexander Woll

Alexander Woll
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT · Institute of Sports Science


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Publications (512)
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Background Physical activity (PA) may have an impact on cognitive function. Machine learning (ML) techniques are increasingly used in dementia research, e.g., for diagnosis and risk stratification. Less is known about the value of ML for predicting cognitive decline in people with dementia (PwD). The aim of this study was to use an ML approach to i...
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With increasing age, motor performance declines. This decline is associated with less favorable health outcomes such as impaired activities of daily living, reduced quality of life, or increased mortality. Through regular assessment of motor performance, changes over time can be monitored, and targeted therapeutic programs and interventions may be...
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Background: Physical activity (PA) may have an impact on cognitive function. Machine learning (ML) techniques are increasingly used in dementia research, e.g., for diagnosis and risk stratification. Less is known about the value of ML for predicting cognitive decline in people with dementia (PwD). The aim of this study was to use an ML approach to...
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This study aimed to investigate the criterion validity of commonly used devices to assess maximalsprinting speed (MSS) in soccer. Thirty elite youth soccer players completed three trials of a 30-m sprinttest to assess MSS. All sprints were simultaneously captured via a radar gun (Stalker ATS II), timing gates (Smartspeed Pro, Fusion Sport), a magne...
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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Interviewstudie untersucht die Herausforderungen und Strategien der Leistungsbewertung im Sportunterricht. Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf den spezifischen Herausforderungen des kompetenzorientierten Unterrichts und den Methoden zur Fehlervermeidung. Insgesamt 17 Sportlehrpersonen aus Baden-Württemberg wurden hierzu intervi...
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Prefață Testul de motricitate digitală DigiMot descris în acest manual nu ar exista fără evenimentele din epidemiei COVID-19 în 2020 și efectele asociate. Ca multe alte lucruri în timpul pandemiei, a fost imposibil să se înregistreze capacitățile motrice din cauza restricțiilor de contact. Criza a oferit impulsul de a ne gândi la alte modalități ș...
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Objectives This study aimed to assess relationships of acute responses to short-format high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with the anaerobic speed reserve (ASR) of adolescent runners. Design Pre-post intervention design. Method Eighteen highly-trained youth runners (15.83 ± 0.86 years) underwent maximal sprinting speed (MSS) and maximal aero...
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Background and Aims Physical activity (PA) is associated with higher gait speed. We aimed to examine the associations between PA and change in spatial and temporal gait measures as well as fall risk in community‐dwelling individuals free of dementia. Methods Longitudinal study among 4173 individuals aged ≥50 years (mean age 71 years; 2078 males; m...
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Background The prevalence of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in the adult population is high and patients profit from individualized therapy approaches. Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) are upcoming digital interventions for behavior change. Objective This systematic review summarizes the features and effectiveness of existing JITAIs regardi...
Purpose Bikeability is an emerging concept that quantifies the perceived comfort and convenience of accessing important destinations by bike. Existing bikeability indices are limited to adults, single, large cities and use restricted GIS sources. The aims of this study are to (1) identify environment characteristics related for a bikeable neighbour...
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Background Physical activity interventions for people with dementia have shown promising effects in improving cognition and physical function or slowing disease-related decline. Immersive virtual reality (iVR), using head-mounted displays, facilitates realistic experiences by blurring the boundaries between VR and the real world. The use of iVR for...
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Comparing adherence to physical activity (PA) guidelines can be challenging due to the varying types of measurement and analysis methods used to quantify PA. Therefore, previous results of test–retest reliability, validity, and stability for self-reported (i.e., questionnaire and diary) and device-based measured (i.e., accelerometry with 10/60 s ep...
BACKGROUND Many mobile health (mHealth) apps focus on promoting physical activity (PA) and healthy eating (HE). However, there is limited empirical evidence regarding their effectiveness in initiating and sustaining behavior change, particularly among children and adolescents. Considering that behavior is influenced by social contexts, it is essent...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of socio-structural determinants of physical activity (PA) behavior in children and adolescents. We expected that socioeconomic status, social support, and physical environment influence PA directly while socioeconomic status also has an indirect influence via social support and physical environ...
Identifying success factors in football is of sporting and economic interest. However, research in this field for national teams and their competitions is rare despite the popularity of teams and events. Therefore, we analyze data for the UEFA EURO 2020 and, for comparison purposes, the previous tournament in 2016. To mitigate the challenges of per...
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the concurrent validity of a contact mat against force plates to measure jump height in countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) in professional soccer players. Methods: 23 male professional soccer players performed the CMJ and SJ, which were concurrently recorded using a portable contact mat (Smar...
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Verbundprojekt KuMuS-ProNeD im Rahmen des Kompetenzverbundes lernen:digital Die Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften gilt als eine der zentralen Herausforderungen der digita-len Transformation im Schulwesen. Um diese Herausforderung zu bearbeiten, bedarf es einer engen Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Akteursgruppen. Finanziert durch die Europäisch...
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Thron, M, Woll, A, Doller, L, Quittmann, OJ, Härtel, S, Ruf, L, and Altmann, S. Physiological and locomotor profiling enables to differentiate between sprinters, 400-m runners, and middle-distance runners. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2024—Different approaches exist for characterizing athletes, e.g., physiological and locomotor profiling. Th...
This chapter discusses potential applications of exoskeletons in the sports setting, including the use of exoskeletons as a diagnostic tool to assess human motor performance (e.g. strength, gait or proprioception). In order to ensure reliability and validity of such assessments, various limitations and challenges in the development of exoskeletons...
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Background Numerous smartphone apps are targeting physical activity (PA) and healthy eating (HE), but empirical evidence on their effectiveness for the initialization and maintenance of behavior change, especially in children and adolescents, is still limited. Social settings influence individual behavior; therefore, core settings such as the famil...
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Extensive extracurricular findings regarding the use of video analyses for the promotion of motor learning are contrasted by a limited number of studies on the implementation of video analyses in school teaching practice. As a consequence, methodological concepts for teaching practice are still lacking even though progress in digitization is also c...
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Objectives To examine the longitudinal associations between fitness and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in community-dwelling adults over 29 years of follow-up. Design Ongoing, population-based cohort study of adults aged ≥ 33 years at baseline residing in the city of Bad Schönborn, Germany. Methods The sample comprised 89 persons (41 females; mean age...
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In recent decades, the field of sports science has emerged as a discipline characte-rised by a substantial accumulation of data at the intersection of social and natural sciences. This wealth of data has contributed significantly to our understanding of human performance, training methods, health and well-being and other sport-related phenomena. Da...
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Green space may be an important physical activity facilitator for children and adolescents. However, to date, most studies focused on urban green space, and few studies investigated associations between green space and physical activity across urban and rural areas, which was the goal of this study. Data were obtained from a German cohort study, in...
Background: Little is known about the association between physical activity (PA) and cognitive trajectories in older adults. Objective: To examine the association between PA and change in memory, language, attention, visuospatial skills, and global cognition, and a potential impact of sex or Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 status. Methods: Longitudinal...
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Background Digital devices and applications (apps) are already being used in various areas of sport and health. However, digital media are rarely used for the education of students and physical education teachers. The use of digital media in physical education could increase the potential for health promotion through physical activity in schoolchil...
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Purpose Locomotor profiling using anaerobic speed reserve (ASR) enables insights into athletes’ physiological and neuromuscular contributing factors and prescription of high-intensity training beyond maximal aerobic speed (MAS). This systematic review aimed to determine the validity and reliability of different methods to assess the characteristics...
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Promoting active travel is key to achieving the sustainable development goals of sustainable communities, climate action, and health and well-being.Walking and non-motorized vehicle use (e.g., cycling, longboarding) are influenced by the perceptions of the neighborhood environment. However, most evidence is limited to studies conducted in urban are...
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Background: Technological devices can support nursing home employees; however, their perspective is not sufficiently studied. Our aims were thus to 1) examine affinity for technology and technology interaction and related sociodemographic confounders, as well as 2) detect possible requirements and boundary conditions relevant for the development an...
BACKGROUND Prevalence for knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is high and patients profit from individualized therapy approaches. Here, just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) are upcoming digital interventions for behavior change. OBJECTIVE This systematic summarizes the features and effectiveness of existing JITAIs regarding important parameters for...
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Background & aims Body composition (BC) changes with age and is associated with morbidity and mortality. A physically active lifestyle influences BC and represents an important predictor of successful aging. To emphasize this, the World Health Organization established activity recommendations for all age groups. We describe BC during adulthood usin...
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Sprint and jump performances represent performance-determining parameters in individual andteam sports. Fluctuations in performance depending on the daytime raise the question of the best time to train and compete. Given the scarce research on females, this study aimed to analyze the influence of daytime on sprint and jump performances and to inves...
Background and Purpose Physical activity (PA) can have a beneficial effect on cognitive and physical performance in individuals with dementia (IWD), including those residing in nursing homes. However, PA interventions in nursing homes are usually delivered using a group setting, which may limit the effectiveness of the intervention due to the heter...
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Background: Interdisciplinary cooperation among university actors and resulting intersectoral synergies are considered cornerstones in the process of incorporating health promotion practices in everyday university life in order to break down barriers and provide better access to health promotion services. To date, no network of a health-promoting...
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• Given the rising interest in assessing and improving curved-sprint performance in soccer, we conducted a pilot training intervention consisting of either 12 sessions of curved-sprint or linear-sprint training in amateur players • Based on previous studies and the principle of specificity, we expected mainly task-specific and only limited transfer...
Introduction Perceptions of the physical environment influence adolescents' active transport. However, it is unclear which characteristics of the environment are most important for adolescents' active transport and whether parents' and adolescents’ perceptions influence their active transport behavior differently. This systematic review synthesizes...
Two funding periods by the German Research Foundation have resulted in the first disciplinary repository for motor activity research data in sports science - MO|RE data. MO|RE data is aimed at sport scientists, researchers in related disciplines and practitioners such as teachers and educators who also work with or generate human motor performance...
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Purpose Various recommendations emphasize the importance of regular physical activity (PA) for building and maintaining health in adults as well as in children and adolescents. Using longitudinal data from the German MoMo study, this analysis aimed at investigating whether children who were more active over time were healthier eleven years later co...
Conference Paper
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Purpose Environment perceptions influence adolescents’ active transport. However, most studies focus on urban areas only and do not differentiate between walking and the use of non-motorized vehicles (NMV; e. g. cycling, skateboarding). Therefore, we aim to describe differences in perceived environment attributes across urbanicity levels and assess...
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Out of two funding periods by the German Research Foundation resulted the first disciplinary repository for sports science motor activity research data MO|RE data. MO|RE data addresses sports scientists, researchers from related disciplines and practitioners such as teachers and educators, which work with or generate human motor performance test da...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen wächst seit Jahren. Diese Studie untersucht das Ausmaß der Nutzung und Implementierung digitaler Lösungen im Bereich der Bewegungsförderung im Setting Pflege sowie die Technikaffinität und die Bereitschaft des Pflegepersonals zur Nutzung digitaler Lösungen. Ein weite...
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Background: The promotion of physical activity in individuals with dementia living in nursing homes is crucial for preserving physical and cognitive functions and the associated quality of life. Nevertheless, the implementation of physical activity programs in this setting is challenging, as the time and expertise of nursing home staff are limited....
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The aims of this study were (i) to compare the sprint times between linear-sprint (LS) and curved-sprint (CS) tests of different radii, and (ii) to examine the relationships between sprint times in these tests in soccer players. Nineteen elite youth male soccer players (age, 18.6 ± 0.6 years) completed an LS test and three CS tests with different r...
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Zusammenfassung Da internationale Vergleichsstudien zu digitalen Kompetenzen im Hinblick auf eine föderalistisch geprägte Bildungslandschaft zum Ausbildungsstand angehender Lehrkräfte nur eingeschränkt aussagekräftig sein können, bedarf es im Hinblick auf eine zielgerichtete Ausbildung bundesland- und fachspezifischer Untersuchungen unter Verwendun...
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BACKGROUND Numerous smartphone applications (apps) are targeting physical activity (PA) and/or healthy eating (HE), but empirical evidence on their effectiveness for initialization and maintenance of behavior change, especially in children and adolescents is still limited. Individuals’ behavior is embedded in social settings, therefore, core settin...
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Background Fitness has important implications for physical activity behavior and is associated with various health-related outcomes. It can be assessed through a test battery or a self-reported questionnaire. One example is the FFB-Mot (Funktionsfragebogen Motorik; engl. functional fitness questionnaire) which consist of 28 items to assess four com...
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Ever since the COVID‐19 pandemic, working from home (WFH) has emerged as a common alternative work environment, but the possible influence on daily physical behavior (PB) (i.e., physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB)) remains unclear. This study aimed to examine daily associations between PB and the work environment (i.e., WFH, working at...
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In soccer, the offensive style of play describes characteristic behavioral features of the players at team level during the offensive phase of matches. This study aimed to investigate the effect of offensive playing style (i.e., while in ball possession) on physical and technical match performance during offensive play as well as success-related fa...
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Growing evidence indicates that culture and education can influence cognitive constructs. Studies targeting Western and Asian populations have shown a positive relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive control in children; however, this association has yet to be explored in the Arab world. The current study aimed to investigate the relatio...
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This study assesses three factors that influence the quantification of children’s and adolescents’ physical activity (PA) using accelerometers: selection of (1) non-wear algorithm, (2) epoch length and (3) cut-points. A total of 1525 participants from MoMo wave 3 (2018–2022), aged 6–17 years, wore GT3X accelerometers (ActiGraph, LLC, Pensacola, FL,...
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Background Wearable technology is used by consumers and researchers worldwide for continuous activity monitoring in daily life. Results of high-quality laboratory-based validation studies enable us to make a guided decision on which study to rely on and which device to use. However, reviews in adults that focus on the quality of existing laboratory...
Poster im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportpädagogik am 08. Juni 2023 in Hamburg.
Poster im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des European College of Sport Science (ECSS) am 05. Juni 2023 in Paris, Frankreich.
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Manual of the digital motor performance test DigiMot. The DigiMot digital motor performance test described in this manual would not exist without the events with the COVID-19 infectious disease outbreak in the year 2020 and its associated impact. Like many activities during the pandemic, motor performance assessment was impossible due to contact...
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Der in diesem Manual beschriebene digitale Motoriktest DigiMot würde ohne die Ereignisse mit dem Ausbruch der Infektionskrankheit COVID-19 im Jahr 2020 und den damit verbundenen Auswirkungen nicht existieren. Wie so vieles während der Pandemie war auch die Erfassung der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit aufgrund der Kontaktbeschränkungen unmöglich. Di...
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To counteract low physical activity levels in children and adolescents, it is crucial to understand the relevant psychological processes that can promote physical activity in this age group. The Weiss-Harter model focuses on self-esteem as a central construct for physical activity promotion in youth, which mediates the effects of perceived competen...
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Background: We examined the longitudinal association between (change in) physical activity (PA) with new onset of five risk factors of metabolic syndrome among 657 middle-aged adults (mean age 44.1 (standard deviation (SD) 8.6) years) who were free of the respective outcome at baseline, in a longitudinal cohort study spanning over 29 years. Metho...
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Background The failure to scale-up and implement physical activity (PA) interventions in real world contexts, which were previously successful under controlled conditions, may be attributed to the different criteria of stakeholders and scientists in the selection process of available interventions. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate...
The purpose of this study is to investigate socio-structural predictors of active school transport (AST) change and to explore the stability and changes of transport modes during school transitions and into early adulthood in Germany. School transport mode, urbanicity level, socioeconomic status, and migration background were assessed in 624 childr...
Poster im Rahmen des 2. Netzwerktag Lehrkräftebildung am 30. März 2023 in Karlsruhe.
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Purpose.Locomotor profiling using anaerobic speed reserve (ASR) enables insights into athletes’ physiological and neuromuscular contributing factors and prescription of high-intensity training beyond maximal aerobic speed (MAS). Several methods have been developed to assess characteristics of ASR, i.e., methods to assess MAS and maximal sprinting s...
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Exoskeletons are a promising tool to support individuals with a decreased level of motor performance. Due to their built-in sensors, exoskeletons offer the possibility of continuously recording and assessing user data, for example, related to motor performance. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of studies that rely on using exoskele...
BACKGROUND The promotion of physical activity in individuals with dementia living in nursing homes is crucial for preserving physical and cognitive functions and the associated quality of life. Nevertheless, the implementation of physical activity programs in this setting is challenging, as the time and expertise of nursing home staff are limited....
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This study aimed to analyse the influence of effective playing time on physical match performance according to playing position in professional soccer. Official match data from 267 matches (3,731 single observations) during the 2018/2019 season of the German Bundesliga were used and the effective playing time (duration of play after subtracting the...
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sessions effectively improve aerobic fitness in children and adolescents in relatively short time. Circuit Training arrangements using highly intensive whole-body drills may reach similar results and may seem an appropriate training method for Physical Education settings. So far, only few studies compared the...
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Background In middle-aged and particularly older adults, body mass index (BMI) is associated with various health outcomes. We examined associations between physical activity (PA) and longitudinal BMI change in persons aged ≥ 50 years. Methods The sample included 5159 community-dwelling individuals aged ≥ 50 years (50.5% males, mean (SD) age 73.0 (...
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Schnelligkeit im Allgemeinen und Agilität im Speziellen stellen leistungsbestimmende Faktoren in zahlreichen Mannschaftssportarten dar. Agilität umfasst dabei nicht nur physische Komponenten wie Beschleunigungen und Richtungswechsel, sondern auch kognitive Komponenten wie Wahrnehmung, Antizipation und Entscheidungsfindung. Eine typische Aktion aus...
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The digital health sector is rapidly growing. With only 4% of publishers out of academic settings, it is under-represented in app development. The objective of this study is to assess the current state of app development with a systematic review and a survey within an exemplary academic setting along the following research questions: (Q1) Are softw...