Alexander NewmanDeakin University
Alexander Newman
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July 2012 - December 2015
July 2004 - June 2012
Publications (170)
This article presents a systematic review of literature on workplace racial microaggressions. Increasingly, workplaces around the world have made concerted efforts to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workforces. However, racial discrimination is a social issue that continues to be endemic to the workplace—including, yet not limited...
This chapter reviews the literature on migrant entrepreneurship and distinguishes the term migrant entrepreneur from similar and overlapping constructs. It also examines the main theories used to understand the phenomenon of migrant entrepreneurship and the main findings from empirical work on migrant entrepreneurship.
Corruption is often seen as one of the root causes of pressing national and global challenges. The persisting stark national differences in corruption levels and their potential causes have thus attracted growing interest from international business scholars. The objective of this study was to reexamine key factors that predict levels of national c...
In the team context, leaders usually develop differentiated leader-member exchange relationships with employees, resulting in some employees having relatively inferior relationships with the leader than others. Nevertheless, how and when employees with low relative leader-member exchange (RLMX) relationships react toward the leader have been rarely...
Over the last two decades, ever-increasing numbers of refugees have left their home countries. As of 2022, around 27 million people were registered as refugees with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). While some consider refugees to be a burden on their host countries, there is growing evidence that they make significant cont...
Unethical behavior in organizations persists in many forms across industries and nations. What often unites these behaviors is an underlying motivation to benefit oneself, typically for financial reasons, and frequently at the expense of others. However, unethical behaviors are not only committed with selfish intentions. Sometimes, employees commit...
We review and synthesize over two decades of research on ethical culture in organizations, examining eighty-nine relevant scholarly works. Our article discusses the conceptualization of ethical culture in a cross-disciplinary space and its critical role in ethical decision-making. With a view to advancing future research, we analyze the antecedents...
The corridors of history are filled with examples of leaders whose enduring legacies are typified by self‐sacrifice for the greater good during difficult times. Over the last two decades, scholarly interest in self‐sacrificial leader behaviors has increased. In the present article, we conduct a systematic review of prior empirical findings to highl...
The purpose of this study was to address calls for and test efficacy of an app based, short term resilience intervention for individual benefit.
Three independent samples of participants were assessed to determine the efficacy of an employee focused resilience intervention. Study 1 includes a cross sectional val...
Drawing on job demands-resources theory, we propose that perceived red tape, as a hindrance job demand, triggers attitudinal and behavioral precursors of turnover in employees (turnover intentions and job search behaviors) by reducing their work engagement. In addition, we hypothesize that career adaptability, as a personal resource, buffers the de...
This study integrates human capital theory and research on organizational rewards to examine how one financial reward (i.e., pay level relative to the market average) and three non-financial rewards (i.e., job autonomy, growth opportunities, and team support) jointly influence employee retention in entrepreneurial new ventures. It also examines the...
The challenges faced by individuals and organizations during the COVID‐19 crisis have significantly changed how businesses operate. In response, how we think about organizational and vocational behavior research has shifted. Questions of how leaders manage their workforce, how workers manage their daily work demands, and how workers consider their...
Empirical research in the field of work and organizational psychology has typically adopted quantitative methods such as surveys or experiments. Comparatively less research has adopted qualitative methods such as interviewing. The aim and purpose of this article is to provide a practical guide for work and organizational psychology researchers, esp...
Short-term international mobility programs are being increasingly adopted by universities to achieve internationalisation, secure international accreditation and prepare graduates for global careers. A plethora of beneficial outcomes of student participation in short-term mobility education programs [Roy, A., A. Newman, T. Ellenberger, and A. Pyman...
Drawing on the dual process model of ideology and prejudice, the purpose of this paper is to examine whether, how and when a supervisor's Machiavellianism leads to subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision. In doing so, the authors also explore the mediating role of the supervisor's competitive world views and the moderating role of...
Business & Society
Special Issue Call for Papers
"Responsible Leadership Action for Business and Society: Addressing the Grand Societal Challenges of Our Time"
The goal of our SI is to align leadership studies with a business and society perspective considering the grand societal challenges of our time. It seeks to (1) revisit the study of leader...
Prior research examining the consequences of crises for small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures has typically applied a macro-perspective, focussing on the impact of crises on business organisations and the strategies they adopt in times of crisis. In this editorial, we review the articles that form part of our special issue on ‘Small Busines...
Given that entrepreneurs face substantial adversity in initiating and developing new ventures, a burgeoning stream of research has sought to understand the concept of entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience. To structure and synthesize what we know about entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience, we systematically review the empirical literature to p...
Scholars have investigated work behaviors that are intended to help others, yet at the same time violate societal values, norms, laws, or standards of proper conduct. We refer to these actions collectively as unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work. In this paper, we provide a critical review of the UPB literature. Our review makes several contr...
Despite growing work on the positive outcomes resulting from ambidextrous leadership, limited research has examined whether ambidextrous leadership always has desirable consequences on followers. In order to achieve explorative and exploitative innovation, ambidextrous leaders are required to perform two styles of leadership behaviors, namely openi...
Current theory and empirical findings often suggest a positive linear association between employees’ perceptions of training participation, and both their perceived organizational support (POS) and job performance. Drawing on a sample of 432 full-time employees, nested in 46 teams across seven organizations, we hypothesize and test (1) a curvilinea...
The present study examines the antecedents of the career adaptability of people from a refugee background. Drawing on career construction theory, it specifically examines whether openness to experience fosters career adaptability through enhancing career optimism. In addition, it examines whether family social support moderates the relationship bet...
The present study develops and tests an overreaching theoretical framework based on social exchange theory to examine the situations under which individuals with high levels of psychological entitlement are more or less likely to exhibit positive work attitudes and behaviors. In particular, we integrate perspectives from the team climate literature...
A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-021-09762-0
This study examines how weak and strong network ties of micro-entrepreneurs influence their entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and thereby micro-enterprise performance, in the informal sector of Sri Lanka. Using matched data from 635 micro-entrepreneurs and case officers employed by the government, structural equation modeling is employed to test the h...
Based on 214 primary studies (N = 196,300), the current study employed meta-analytical techniques to examine the antecedents and outcomes of authentic leadership, and whether cultural differences at the national level and research designs moderated the relationships between authentic leadership and all outcomes. Our findings revealed that leaders’...
The past few decades have witnessed numerous crises that have drawn increasing attention to the study of crisis leadership. However, research in this field remains fragmented and existing reviews often adopt a subjective approach to identify and synthesize the findings of relevant articles. These limitations make it difficult for scholars to apprec...
Employment underpins the successful resettlement and integration of refugees, and human resource (HR) professionals are integral to successful employee-employer relationships. Until recently research has largely over-looked the role of HR professionals in the recruitment and integration of employees at work. Reviewing the literature on refugee empl...
In the present study, we examine the reciprocal relationship between employees’ perceptions of workplace incivility and their deviant silence. We also explore the moderating role of moral attentiveness on the relationship between workplace incivility and deviant silence. Utilizing three‐waves of longitudinal data from 297 full‐time employees workin...
In this article, the co-editors of the Leadership and Ethics: Quantitative Analysis section of the journal outline some of the key issues about conducting quantitative research at the intersection of business, ethics, and leadership. They offer guidance for authors by explaining the types of papers that are often rejected and how to avoid some comm...
Originally conceptualized by Bandura (Person Soc Psychol Rev 3:193–209, 1999) as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their internal moral standards and behave unethically without feeling distress, moral disengagement has attracted the attention of management researchers in recent years. An increasing...
Online platforms such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) are increasingly used by researchers to collect survey and experimental data. Yet, such platforms often represent a tumultuous terrain for both researchers and reviewers. Researchers have to navigate the complexities of obtaining representative samples from online participant cohorts, ensuri...
This study examines how people from refugee and asylum‐seeking backgrounds draw on their social capital to develop their career adaptability. To examine this issue, we drew on interview data from twenty‐five people based in Melbourne, Australia, who have sought asylum between 2008 and 2016. The present study examines the influence of different dime...
For various reasons, research on vocational behavior often has to rely on self-report measures. Although it is well known that the exclusive use of self-report measures in a given study can pose major threats to the validity of that study, for example via common method variance (CMV) or endogeneity, we still have to witness a systematic literature...
While previous research has underlined entrepreneurial leadership as an effective style of leadership that promotes innovative behavior, little is known about the mechanisms by which CEOs’ entrepreneurial leadership practices influence the innovative behavior of employees. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study empirically examines whether...
A growing body of empirical work on the work–life interface in Asia has investigated the effects of various work–life constructs on work and non-work outcomes. However, scholars are also debating whether work-life constructs from the West must be conceptualized and operationalized differently when used in the Asian context. The present study review...
To advance understanding of leadership in the public sector, this article examines the link between accountability, rule‐following, political loyalty, and network governance approaches to leadership and employees' public service motivation (PSM) and individual job performance. Using a sample of 300 civil servants and their 64 managers in China, the...
While there is evidence that high performance work systems (HPWS) are related to positive employee attitudes, the underlying mechanism is not yet thoroughly understood. Similarly, though the benefits of employees’ psychological capital (PsyCap) in the workplace are well documented, little is known about the extent to which PsyCap stems from the con...
Drawing on social exchange theory, the present study seeks to understand how ethical leaders channel followers’ responses to positive treatment from the organization into a dutiful mindset, resulting in in-role and extra-role performance. Specifically, it examines the influence of perceived organizational support on both followers’ job performance...
The present study undertakes a comprehensive and critical review of the body of empirical work on entrepreneurial passion. In particular, we document how the “first generation” of research on entrepreneurial passion and work passion in entrepreneurs has gained growing attention in various sub‐fields of entrepreneurship research including entreprene...
Community citizenship behaviors (CCBs) of employees help organizations to promote a socially conscious image. However, there is still a significant gap in the knowledge as to how to foster CCBs amongst employees. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether ethical leadership, as a prosocial leadership approach, fosters CCBs amongst...
Repository includes data, metadata, and data analysis script for above publication. Abstract: The current study assessed the predictive validity of broad and narrow measures of personality, values, and cognitive ability on employee attitudes to workplace diversity. Australian working adults (N = 731; 66% female; mean age = 43, SD = 12) completed th...
This paper reports the most comprehensive meta-analytic examination of the relationship between leadership and both followers’ creative and innovative performance. Specifically, we examined 13 leadership variables (transformational, transactional, ethical, humble, leader-member exchange, benevolent, authoritarian, entrepreneurial, authentic, servan...
The current study assessed the predictive validity of broad and narrow measures of personality, values, and cognitive ability on employee attitudes to workplace diversity. Australian working adults (N = 731; 66% female; mean age = 43, SD = 12) completed the 200-item HEXACO Personality Inventory, Schwartz's Portrait Values Questionnaire, ACER measur...
Over the last two decades, we have witnessed growing empirical research on the concept of innovation climate at both the team and organizational levels. This article systematically reviews the literature surrounding the concept, focusing on its antecedents and outcomes, and empirical work where it has been treated as a moderator. Based on the revie...
This study examines the mediating effects of reflective moral attentiveness on the relationship between ethical leadership and subordinates' unethical pro‐organizational behavior (UPB). Based on two‐wave survey data obtained from 233 employees in 60 teams from Chinese government agencies, we found that ethical leadership was positively related to r...
This editorial outlines the articles included in the special thematic symposium on corporate social responsibility and employees and highlights their contributions to the literature. In doing so, it highlights the novel theoretical and empirical insights provided by the articles, how the articles inform and expand the methods and research designs r...
With increased emphasis being placed on entrepreneurial thinking and acting in today’s
careers, we have witnessed growing research on entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) over the
last two decades. The present study provides a systematic review of the literature on the
theoretical foundations, measurement, antecedents, and outcomes of ESE, and work...
A growing body of research explores human resource management practices that encourage employees to innovate. In this study, we examine the links between different sources of feedback (supervisor and coworker) and employees’ innovative behavior. Drawing on social exchange theory and the job demands‐resources theory, we first propose that work engag...
In an increasingly dynamic business environment, the concept of resilience is fundamental to understanding how employees successfully handle adversity. Yet, the operationalization of the concept, the factors which lead to its development, and how and why it influences outcomes of interest to organizations are issues still under debate in the litera...
This article systematically reviews empirical work on the antecedents and outcomes of career optimism. Based on a review of the 31 articles on career optimism spanning the last two decades (1998–2017), a framework which integrates findings from empirical work is developed, and a future research agenda presented. We highlight opportunities for empir...
In this research, we examine the relationship between employee psychological entitlement (PE) and employee willingness to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). We hypothesize that a high level of PE—the belief that one should receive desirable treatment irrespective of whether it is deserved—will increase the prevalence of this par...
The antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment (OC) have been studied extensively over the last three decades. While the majority of research has focused on the OC of employees working in organizations based in a single country or region, studies have also emerged examining the OC of employees working in multinational corporations (MNCs)...
Although the association between public service motivation (PSM) and job performance has received increased attention, there is limited knowledge of the mechanisms underlying its effects. Utilizing data from Chinese civil servants and their supervisors, the authors found that PSM results in higher levels of organizational identification and leads t...
In the current study, we aimed to extend the understanding of how and when leader–member exchange social comparison (LMXSC) influences followers’ work behaviour. Based on social exchange theory, we argue that felt obligation to one's leader is a mediator of the relationship between LMXSC and follower outcomes. Further, we posit that the relationshi...
In this article, we examine the mediating role played by affective and cognitive trust in chief executive officer (CEO) and intra-group trust, on the relationship between CEO participative leadership and the performance of the top management team (TMT) and its members within entrepreneurial new ventures. Drawing on four waves of multilevel, multi-s...
This study examines whether the exhibition of entrepreneurial leadership by CEOs within entrepreneurial ventures fosters higher levels of top management team performance and job performance of team members, and whether psychological safety explains such effects. Utilizing four waves of multisource, multilevel data from 262 team members across 56 to...
To move forward in their career journeys, individuals engage in career exploration by reflecting upon both personal (i.e., internal) and contextual (i.e., external) factors. The extent to which this exploration is effectively processed drives individuals' attitudes, behaviors, and other career- and work-related outcomes. Over the last two decades,...
Leadership is a key predictor of employee, team, and organizational creativity and innovation. Research in this area holds great promise for the development of intriguing theory and impactful policy implications, but only if empirical studies are conducted rigorously. In the current paper, we report a comprehensive review of a large number of empir...