Alexander Damián-Parizaca

Alexander Damián-Parizaca
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Alexander verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Wisconsin–Madison | UW · Department of Botany

Systematics of Neotropical Vanilla (Orchidaceae)


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Publications (38)
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A new species of Epidendrum from southern Peru is described and illustrated. Epidendrum yanatilense is similar to Ecua- dorian E. pucunoënse, but differs in the small habit; non-resupinate flowers; small flowers; sepals oblong-lanceolate; petals apex rounded; 3-lobed lip and; two calli, large, laminar, rhomboid, leaning inwards, without mid-rib in...
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Liparis aphylla G.A.Romero & Garay was previously known only from two herbarium specimens collected in 1945 and 1977 in Ecuador and Colombia, respectively. This little-known species is hereby reported for the first time for Peru. An updated description, line illustration, color photographs and distribution map of L. aphylla, as well as an identific...
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The evaluation covered a total of 18 transects in 6 ranges of altitude from 2400 to 3000 m. in a mountane forest of “Sector San Alberto” at the National Park Yanachaga Chemillen. In each range were installed 3 trails of 2 x 50 m. covering a total area of 0.18 Ha. We achieved recording 470 individuals in 25 species and 14 genera, of which five has s...
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Stelis peruviana from the cloud forest of Yanatile, Cusco, Peru is described and illustrated. This new species is most similar to Stelis spathuliformis, from which it differs by its yellow flowers, shorter lanceolate sepals, and wider, shorter, obovate lip with irregular margins. Information on its habitat, phenology, and conservation status, as we...
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Esta investigación buscó realizar la valoración económica de la reserva de carbono en la biomasa aérea (RCBA) en dos tipos de cobertura vegetal en el Área de Conservación Regional Bosque Nublado Amaru-Huachocolpa-Chihuana (ACRBNA), Huancavelica, Perú. Para ello, se estimó la biomasa aérea en dos parcelas de 0.5 ha establecidas en un bosque de monta...
Conference Paper
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The biodiversity of the Neotropics presents an excellent opportunity to study different evolutionary phenomena. Vanilla show promise as a system to test these processes. Despite their unique characteristics, including a wide floral diversity and specialization in complex ecological interactions, many aspects of the evolution, taxonomy, and ecology...
Conference Paper
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The diversification of angiosperms poses an intriguing evolutionary puzzle that has been attributed to the origin of the flower. Pollinator-mediated selection stands as a key force driving the astonishing diversity of floral forms observed in angiosperms, but its role in the diversification of Urticalean rosids has been neglected. Utilizing the Mor...
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In this study, a new species of Vanilla from French Guiana is described with detailed illustrations, photographs, and distribution. Vanilla cameroniana honors Kenneth M. Cameron, a distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for his contributions to our understanding of the subfamily Vanilloideae. The new species is placed withi...
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Liparis altomayoënsis sp. nov. is described, illustrated, and tentatively assigned to the Neotropical section Decumbentes on the basis of its branching, prostrate rhizomes and upright stems bearing several leaves. Vegetatively, the new species is distinguished by its short, upward stems bearing 3–6 leaves, these with undulate, translucent margins a...
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A new species of Epidendrum from the northern Peruvian department of Amazonas belonging to the Incomptum group is described and illustrated. Epidendrum olorteguii is similar to E. tamaense but is easily distinguished by having the flowers green to yellow or rarely ivory white, the sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the petals narrow...
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Vanilla andina, a new species belonging to subgen. Vanilla, is described and illustrated based on living material from Peru and Ecuador. The new species is similar to V. armoriquensis but can be easily distinguished by the prominent parallel callus, longitudinal narrow keels that extend above the middle of the lip and broadly obtuse to emarginate m...
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A new species of Opilionanthe, viz O. magdalenae, from the montane forest of Perú is described and illustrated. Opilionanthe magdalenae is the second species of the genus and is distinguished from its congener O. manningii by its narrow leaves (only 0.7 mm wide), reddish flowers with petals about half the length of the sepals, and a lip with rounded...
The Peruvian flora, represented by 19147 species of vascular plants, is considered to be as one of the most diverse worldwide, being Orchidaceae the largest family in the country with 2173 species recognized so far. However, despite its taxonomic importance, the last comprehensive study to orchids was published in 1970 and the latest checklist was...
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Seven new synonyms are proposed in the orchid genus Fernandezia: F. brevicon-nata(Schltr.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. luerorum Ormerod), F. gracillima(C. Schweinf.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. unduaviae Ormerod), F. parvifolia(Lindl.) M.W. Chase (syn. F. parvifolia var. cajamarcae Ormerod, F. nunezii Ormerod, F. pastinaca Ormerod), F. tenuis(Schltr.) M.W. Chase (...
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We describe and illustrate Catasetum kamatawara from the Loreto Department of the Amazonian wetlands in Peru. An extensive comparison with several related species is presented including Catasetum cotylicheilum which is morphologically close to our species but differs mainly in having a three-lobed labellum with a three-dentate apex formed by its ob...
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Despite the long-standing cultural importance and botanical interest in Vanilla, many taxa belonging to the genus remain poorly understood. Vanilla species generally have broad geographical and ecological distributions. Most species are found in multiple countries, while local endemics are rare. Many names proposed in the eighteen and nineteenth ce...
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Solenocentrum oblongum from southern Peru is described and illustrated, representing the first record of this genus for the country. It is similar to Bolivian S. lueri, but can be distinguished by its oblong, sub-pandurate labellum (vs. triangular to sagittate) with rounded base (vs. sagittate), glabrous margins (vs. densely ciliate) and slender ob...
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Crossoglossa puipuiensis Damián & Mitidieri (Orchidaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Peru. It differs from C. steinii by having an orbicular (vs. ovate to ovate–elliptic) labellum bearing at its base two, erect, subquadrate to rectangular (vs. prostrate, lanceolate to ovate) calli. Crossoglossa neirynckiana and C. dalessandr...
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La vainilla aromática empleada en todo el mundo proviene de los frutos de especies del género Vanilla, uno de los grupos de orquídeas de mayor interés comercial. Se caracteriza por presentar un hábito hemiepifito con tallos lianescentes y un labelo generalmente con un callo penicillado central y adnado parcialmente a la columna y con frutos a veces...
La diversidad taxonómica del género Galeandra en el Perú se ha dicho ser por mucho tiempo de 6-8 especies. Sin embargo, varios de los registros que se usaron para validar dichos números, se basaron en registros informales más no en especímenes de herbario u observaciones detalladas. Este es el caso de G. beyrichii reportada por una comunicación per...
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Vanilla armoriquensis, a new species belonging to subgen. Vanilla, is described and illustrated based on living material from Peru. The new species is similar to V. costaricensis but can be easily distinguished by the larger sepals and petals, and a lip with a well-developed triangular apex, bearing a callus with prominent, broad keels, that has an...
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A new species of Liparis sect. Decumbentes, Liparis sessilis Damián, Salazar & Rimarachín, sp. nov is described and illustrated from Amazonas (Perú), including color photographs, a detailed comparison and an identification key to all the species of Liparis sect. Decumbentes. In addition, we report Liparis brachystalix Rchb.f. for the first time for...
Ficus sirensis is described from Ucayali, northern Peru, and a new country record for F. macrosyce Pittier is given. Diagnostic features of both species are illustrated and a taxonomic key of Ficus sect. Pharmacosycea subsect. Petenenses from Peru is presented.
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A new species of Phragmipedium section Lorifolia, P. cabrejosii, is described and illustrated from Peru, and its affinities are discussed. It is mainly compared with P. caricinum, from which it is distinguished by the simple inflorescence, the elliptic dorsal sepal, that is apically white, the shorter, apically twisted pale yellow petals tinged wit...
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Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis Damian sp. nova (Orchidaceae : Pleurothallidinae), a new species from Amazonas, Peru, is proposed. It is similar in overall morphology to the Ecuadorian C. molleturoi. However, C. chachapoyensis is distinguished by its shorter ramicauls, larger resupinate flowers and 3-lobed, callose-free lip with a pair of cavities ab...
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Vanilla yanesha Damián, a new orchid species from Pasco, Peru is proposed. It is similar in overall morphology to V. mexicana Mill. However, V. yanesha is distinguished from the latter by its larger leaves, shorter inflorescence and labellum with a rounded middle lobe with 5–7 low, brownish keels. A line drawing and habitat information are provided...
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A taxonomic synopsis of Peruvian Palmorchis with six accepted species is provided including four new species (P. blancae, P. liberolabellata, P. loretana and P. yavarensis) and a new record previously reported only for Ecuador (P. imuyaensis). This overview is the result of a review of local herbaria, taxonomic literature, and a field study of the...
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A taxonomic synopsis of Peruvian Acianthera including 35 accepted species is presented. An artificial key and maps for known localities from all these species are also included. Acianthera berlinensis and Acianthera marleniae are described and illustrated as new species based on specimens collected in the Peruvian regions of Amazonas and Cajamarca,...
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Two new Acianthera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) species from Peru are described, Acianthera rodolfo-vasquezii and Acianthera ruizii. A line drawing, and distribution and habitat information are provided for each species, as well as a comparison with morphologically similar species.
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The first species of the genus Pteroglossa is recorded from Peru. Pteroglossa acalcarata, a new orchid species from the eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes, is described and illustrated. It is similar in overall floral morphology to Pteroglossa macrantha, which is its closest relative according to a phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of...
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Three new species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Northern Peru are described here. Each species is illustrated with a line drawing, also a photograph for each one is presented. For each species information about distribution, habitat, and a comparison with similar taxa is given. The new species are named as Lepanthes pseudoprofu...
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The Orchidaceae family  is the most diverse plant group of the Peruvian flora (> 2800 species). The aim of the present study was to investigate the alpha diversity of Orchidaceae family in the Amarakaeri Reserve (Sector Setapo) Madre de Dios. In addition, it was established the conservation status and represents over 70% of all vascular epiphytes....
Conference Paper
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Fotos de A Damian P. Producido por: Robin Foster, T. Wachter, J. Philipp, con apoyo de Connie Keller y Andrew Mellon Foundation. © Alexander Damian Parizaca [] Laboratorio de cultivo in vitro de Tejidos Vegetales (LID-UPCH. © Science & Education, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL 60605 USA. [] [rrc@field...
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Las orquídeas representan más el 80% de todos las epifitas vasculares. Asimismo, cumplen un rol fundamental en la dinámica de los bosques tropicales. El Perú cuenta con una amplia diversidad de esta familia (aprox. 2,800 especies). En la selva sur del país existen importantes referencias de esta diversidad, como es el caso del Santuario Histórico d...


Questions (9)
Hola! I'm having some issues interpreting 22.1 and 22.2 articles. From what I've read if the type species of a subdivision of a genus is NOT "listed" in the autonym subdivision, then that makes that group not validly published.
For example, if I have among the binomials LISTED under Protea subgen. latina sect. dubia, Protea ficticia (type species of Protea subgen. latina), that would make Protea subgen. latina sect. dubia invalid. The correct name should be Protea subgen. latina sect. latina.
When dealing with these articles is it enough that the binomial was "listed" to these to apply?
The Shenzen Code in his several articles treats the way botanists should move around nomenclature. It is interesting to read all the several examples that the Code brings for each case. However, there is nothing (as far as I´ve read) that states what to do when the description does not fit the features of the holotype designated. In other words, a name could be rejected when the description or diagnosis does not resemble what is seen on the holotype designated?. I mean (again), what happens when someone decides to propose a name based on a description and diagnosis with invented features that are obviously not found on the holotype designated?! any thoughts?
Hello colleagues! im actually revising some Peruvian Stelis (Orchidaceae) and I encounter with a confusing issue. Maybe someone here could help me. On his latest work, Luer described S. miranda a newly species from Colombia. His notes mention its resemble with three Bolivian species: S. antennata, S. saltatrix and S. ballatrix. Here comes the problem! I was unable to find any reference to the last two species mentioned. Apparently S. saltatrix or S. ballatrix non-exist either on Tropicos or IPNI. Does anyone know where this two species were published?
Hi guys,
im looking for some photos of Palmorchis lobulata (Orchidaceae) to include on an article which im working, any help?
Thanks a lot!!
I'm currently revising a Stelis (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae), and i noticed that represents a new species. However, the area where i took the photo have been deforested (....). I´ve tried to find it on nearby locations without any success. So, any suggestions?
Does anyone knows which is the best way to rehydrate orchid flowers?
Hi! i was wondering if anyone can help me to translate this latin phrase to english: "superne usque ad medium fere leviter bicostato". Thanks!!!
I'm currently working on this genus, i appreciate any help,


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