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December 2006 - present
Publications (127)
An international consortium of radiocarbon laboratories has established the origin of the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany (Slovakia), because its age was not well known from previous investigations. In total, 13 samples of charcoal, wood, mortar, and plaster were analyzed. The ¹⁴ C results obtained from the different laboratories, as w...
Replacing long-lived, rarely disturbed vegetation with short-lived, frequently disturbed vegetation is a widespread phenomenon in the Anthropocene that can influence ecosystem functioning and soil development by reducing the abundance of deep roots. We explore how sources and fate of soil CO2 vary with organic substrate source, abundance of respiri...
Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 is the largest extant anteater, being distributed in most biomes from southern Central America and northern South America. Herein, we analyzed cranial and postcranial elements of three partial skeletons of M. tridactyla found submerged in Abismo Anhumas cave (Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil). The bones coll...
The Second International Mortar Dating Intercomparison Study (MODIS2) took place in 2020. Three mortar samples from different sites and chronologies were distributed among various research groups in form of bulk mortar and grain fraction smaller than 150 µm. This is the first time the Zagreb Radiocarbon Laboratory, with support of the Center of App...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258979.].
The timing for the evolution of the capacity to inscribe the landscape with rock art has global relevance. While this was an in-built capacity when Homo sapiens first colonized the Americas, the heterogeneous distribution of rock art shows that it was a facultative behavior arising under unknown socioecological conditions. Patagonia was the last re...
El Japón is a 16th century hamlet site in the marshlands of the southern Basin of Mexico in central Mesoamerica. Radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) dating and OxCal modeling of human bone collagen (n = 11) identifies a range of burials at El Japón cemetery from 1550–1650 cal. CE. The refined chronology identifies use of this rural settlement well after the onset...
Isotopic paleoecology (δ13c, δ18o) of mammals from the late Pleistocene–Holocene of Ituaçu, Bahia, Brazil. In this paper, the isotopic paleoecology (δ13C, δ18O) of fossils of the mammals Alouatta sp., Cebus sp., Myocastor coypus, Dicotyles tajacu, Tamandua tetradactyla, and Tapirus terrestris collected in Lapa do Bode cave, Ituaçu Municipality, Sta...
The Santa Elina rock shelter (Central Brazil) stands out with two human occupation layers with ground sloth fossil remains from the Late Pleistocene. Here, we explore the palaeontological aspect of this site. We update the taxonomic assignment of the ground sloth found in the shelter to Glossotherium phoenesis. Radiocarbon dating performed on bioap...
There is a consensus in the literature that radiocarbon dating performed on bioapatite often produces ages younger than dating performed on collagen. We propose a general regression that could be used to convert the bioapatite radiocarbon ages to the simulated ages on collagen in fossil samples worldwide. This general regression presents several go...
We inferred the annual isotopic diet (δ 13 C) of an individual of the giant ground sloth Eremotherium laurillardi found in Toca dos Ossos (Ourolândia, Bahia, Brazil) through the extension of its third inferior molar. This individual lived in the region at 40,779-39,617cal yr BP. One year of its life was recorded in a length of 67 mm in the tooth. T...
El Japón is a sixteenth century hamlet site occupying the marshlands of the southern Basin of Mexico in central Mesoamerica. Radiocarbon dating and OxCal modelling of human bone collagen (n=11) identifies a range of burials at El Japón cemetery from 1550–1650 cal. CE. The refined chronology identifies use of this rural settlement well after the ons...
Sediments along the Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) of North America have been the focus of numerous paleontological investigations and yielded a diverse array of vertebrate remains; yet the depositional environments associated with their preservation are poorly understood. In this study, we present a multidisciplinary analysis of the depositional env...
Circular shell rings along the South Atlantic Coast of North America are the remnants of some of the earliest villages that emerged during the Late Archaic (5000–3000 BP). Many of these villages, however, were abandoned during the Terminal Late Archaic (ca 3800–3000 BP). We combine Bayesian chronological modeling with mollusk shell geochemistry and...
Notiomastodon platensis was an endemic South American proboscidean, which could reach about six tons and had a mixed feeder diet with predominance of C4 grasses in Brazilian Intertropical Region (BIR). In the last decades, its feeding behavior has been rebuilt mainly through dental calculus, enamel microwear and stable isotope analyses. However, al...
This study presents isotopic analyses of Panthera onca from the late Pleistocene of the Brazilian Intertropical Region. This paper focuses on the paleoecology of this large cat and is of major importance to understand ecological niches in evolutionary time. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions were determined from the structural carbonate...
Circular shell rings along the Atlantic Coast of southeastern North America are the remnants of some of the earliest villages that emerged during the Late Archaic Period (5000 – 3000 BP). Many of these villages, however, were abandoned during the Terminal Late Archaic Period (ca 3800 – 3000 BP). Here, we combine Bayesian chronological modeling with...
In the late Pleistocene of two localities of Brazilian Intertropical Region (one in Bahia state, and another in Piauí state) lived meso-megamammals herbivores belonging, at least, to three guilds: mixed-feeders (Eremotherium laurillardi, indetermined Equidae, Glyptotherium sp., and Holmesina paulacoutoi), grazers (Notiomastodon platensis, Glyptothe...
We report the first radiocarbon datings and carbon (d 13 C) and oxygen (d 18 O) stable isotopes data to reconstruct the paleoecology of medium to large herbivorous mammals from late Quaternary of southwestern Amazon (Acre and Rondônia states, Brazil). AMS 14 C dates for Neochoerus sp. (29,072-27,713 Cal yr BP), Notiomastodon platensis (25,454-24,88...
Stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen of fossil specimens are widely used for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental inferences, and there has been an effort to better understand the isotopic paleoecology and chronology of herbivores that inhabited the Brazilian Intertropical Region during the late Quaternary. In the present work, new radiocarbon da...
Stable isotopes in enamel, dentin, and bone hydroxyapatite are an important tool in the investigation of the palaeoecology of extinct organisms and are applied as proxies for different environmental parameters (e.g. diet, temperature, guild) that assist in reconstitutions of past environments. Tooth and bone samples of late Pleistocene Toxodon plat...
RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es informar sobre la recuperación de seis tiestos en el área ubicada entre el extremo sur del Macizo del Deseado y el río Santa Cruz. Si bien se trata de un registro arqueológico poco abundante, constituye un aporte significativo al conocimiento sobre el uso de esta tecnología entre grupos cazadores-recolectores...
Stratigraphic records extending to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (57,000–29,000 cal yr BP) or older in Beringia are extremely rare. Three stratigraphic sections in interior western Alaska show near continuous sedimentological and environmental progressions extending from at least MIS 3, if not older, through MIS 1 (14,000 cal yr BP–present)....
We sampled individual growth rings from three ancient remnant bald cypress ( Taxodium distichum ) trees from a massive buried deposit at the mouth of the Altamaha River on the Georgia Coast to determine the best technique for radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) dating pretreatment. The results of our comparison of traditional ABA pretreatment and holocellulose and...
In the present study, the paleoecology (diet and niche width) of Late Quaternary megamammals that inhabited the Brazilian Intertropical Region (BIR) was assessed at two sites in the states of Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul. The δ13C analyses suggest a generalist diet for Notiomastodon platensis, Palaeolama major, Holmesina paulacoutoi and Glyptotheri...
C data from AMS measurements need to be corrected for isotopic fractionation using the δ¹³C values. Whether to use the δ¹³C values obtained from the AMS stable isotope measurements as they reflect any additional isotopic fractionation or to use Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) δ¹³C values due to their high precision and accuracy is the questi...
The fossils of Pleistocene megafauna are commonly found in tanks and cave deposits in the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. In general, studies on these materials have focused mainly on taxonomic aspects, but more recently, there has been an increase in paleoecological studies based on stable isotopes. The present paper describes fossils recover...
The Marota Cave (Andaraí municipality, Bahia, Brazil), located in the karst system of the Una – Utinga basin, Chapada Diamantina, is a cave of particular interest for the paleoecological understanding of the Brazilian Intertropical Region. In the present work, we present new records of the tapir Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758), the anteater Tam...
It is known that ¹² C beam transmission through the accelerator decreases at high beam currents. This effect depends on machine design and varies across different types of AMS instruments. For beam currents of about 100 μA, the effect is small on the 500 kV tandem CAMS unit, whereas beam saturation is observed for similar high beam currents on the...
In order to bridge the gap of knowledge in respect of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics of post-agricultural Luvisols during restoration, the study focused on alteration processes of functionally different SOM pools, 14 C ages, and C turnover rates in a chronosequential approach. The study comprises three Luvisol chronosequences of 37 years (North...
The Aqueduct is one of the city landmarks of Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. It was part of a water-supply system, with a total original length of about 10 km, while its surface remains are about 385 m long. The age of the Aqueduct is not known—several hypotheses place it to periods between the 6th and 16th centuries. Six mortar samples from d...
There are hundreds of preserved medieval buildings in the mountainous part of Ingushetia, including Christian churches, crypts, temples, sanctuaries, battle towers, and living buildings. The chronology of their construction period is still questioned, as there are no radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) dates published for these buildings and their dating is mainly...
In coastal and island archaeology, carbonate mollusk shells are often among the most abundant materials available for radiocarbon (14 C) dating. The marsh periwinkle (Littorina irrorata) is one of these such species, ubiquitously found along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States in both modern and archaeological contexts. This paper pre...
The Atlantic gray whale ( Eschrichtius robustus ) presents an interesting case study of climate related dispersal and extinction. While (limited) fossil records confirm its presence in the Atlantic up until the 18th Century, its abundance and distribution within the Eastern and Western basins are still not well understood. The discovery of presumed...
In order to evaluate effects of three land uses on isotopic compositions of CO 2 and O 2 of soil air to 5 m soil depth, a field study was conducted in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, located in the subtropical climate of the Southern Piedmont of South Carolina, USA. Soil gas reservoirs were installed in ecosystems with three different land u...
The Atlantic gray whale ( Eschrichtius robustus) presents an interesting case study of climate related dispersal and local extinction. While (limited) fossil records confirm its presence in the Atlantic until the 18th century, its abundance and distribution with the Eastern and Western basins are still not well understood. The discovery of presumed...
The Atlantic gray whale ( Eschrichtius robustus) presents an interesting case study of climate related dispersal and local extinction. While (limited) fossil records confirm its presence in the Atlantic until the 18th century, its abundance and distribution with the Eastern and Western basins are still not well understood. The discovery of presumed...
The Atlantic gray whale ( Eschrichtius robustus) presents an interesting case study of climate related dispersal and local extinction. While (limited) fossil records confirm its presence in the Atlantic until the 18th century, its abundance and distribution with the Eastern and Western basins are still not well understood. The discovery of presumed...
Biogeochemical analyses of eastern oysters ( Crassostrea virginica ) are frequently included in environmental monitoring and paleoecological studies because their shells and soft tissues record environmental and dietary signals. Carbon isotopes in the mineral phase of the shell are derived from ambient bicarbonate and dissolved inorganic carbon (DI...
Subaerial endolithic systems of the current extreme environments on Earth provide exclusive insight into emergence and development of soils in the Precambrian when due to various stresses on the surfaces of hard rocks the cryptic niches inside them were much more plausible habitats for organisms than epilithic ones. Using an actualistic approach we...
Archaeological investigations of the age and origins of marine shell beads are important for understanding the emergence and maintenance of long-distance trade networks in prehistory. In this paper we expand upon and re-examine the incremental carbon ( ¹⁴ C and δ ¹³ C) and oxygen (δ ¹⁸ O) isotope data from two Olivella biplicata shell beads from th...
The extinct megamammals Eremotherium laurillardi (weight 6550 kg), Notiomastodon platensis (w ¼ 6000 kg), Toxodon platensis (w ¼ 3090 kg), Valgipes bucklandi (w ¼ 980 kg) and Equus (Amerhippus) neogaeus (w ¼ 370 kg) are recorded for the late Pleistocene of the Brazilian Intertropical Region. In order to evaluate the isotopic paleoecology (feeding d...
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) is an ubiquitous estuarine shellfish taxon in eastern North America and one of the most abundant materials available for radiocarbon (14 C) dating. We examine spatiotemporal variability in carbon reservoir effects among pre-bomb oysters from Apalachicola Bay, USA, a river-influenced estuary on the northern Gul...
An assemblage of coatings in cryoaridic soils (Skeletic Cambisols Protocalcic) of southwestern Tyva is considered as a key block of soil memory, which is an intrasoil archive of landscape and climate changes in regional geosystems in the Holocene. The results of hierarchical macro-, meso-, and micromor-phological studies of a large assemblage of co...
This article discusses radiocarbon dating results for soils and soil-like systems in the East Antarctic oases, including Schirmacher, Thala Hills, and Larsemann Hills. The organic matter of endolithic and hypolithic systems, soils of wind shelters, and soils under moss-algae vegetation were dated along with micro- and macroprofiles. Organic matter...
Strombus alatus and Busycon sinistrum are large marine gastropods that are frequently recovered from archaeological contexts in southeastern North America. We previously proposed a reservoir age offset (ΔR) for B. sinistrum from the northern Gulf of Mexico region based on known-age pre-bomb 20th-century specimens. We also reported significant varia...
Radiocarbon ages were determined on different fractions extracted from buried paleosols in south-central Alaska as an experiment to establish best practices for analysis of low-organic-matter paleosols. Seven samples were collected from directly beneath tephra deposits to determine the eruption frequency of Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska. Soil develop...
The Healy’s Lucky Strike site in central Alaska has an exceptional Holocene loess-paleosol sequence that has afforded us the ability to look at variation in 14 C dating of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions in a high-latitude loess setting. Our work has focused on comparing the radiocarbon ages of charcoal and wood to base-soluble humic acids (HA)...
Beads manufactured from marine shells originating along the Pacific Coast have been found at numerous sites in the western United States. Because they were conveyed across substantial distances and widely exchanged during ethnographic times, researchers generally assume that shell beads were also traded prehistorically. By examining the spatial and...
Beads manufactured from marine shells originating along the Pacific Coast have been found at numerous sites in the western United States. Because they were conveyed across substantial distances and widely exchanged during ethnographic times, researchers generally assume that shell beads were also traded prehistorically. By examining the spatial and...
Corrected and modeled probability distributions for all AMS and conventional radiocarbon dates for Mound Key.
Marine dates were calibrated using Marine13 with a Delta R of -5 +/-20 and all terrestrial dates were calibrated using IntCal13 curve [65] in a simple phase model in OxCal [66]. All provenience information is provided in the first column an...
Combining atmospheric Δ14CO2 data sets from different networks or laboratories requires secure knowledge on their compatibility. In the present study, we compare Δ14CO2 results from the Heidelberg low-level counting (LLC) laboratory to 12 international accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) laboratories using distributed aliquots of five pure CO2 samp...
In this work are presented the results of isotopic analyses made on bone remains of human individuals (n= 6)
from the southern Puna of Argentina dated to the final Early Holocene (ca. 8230–8000 BP). They were found in
structures located in Peñas de las Trampas 1.1, a rockshelter at 3582 m.a.s.l. in Antofagasta de la Sierra, in
the southern Argentin...
The NEC 250 kV single stage AMS accelerator (SSAMS) was installed two years ago at the Center for Applied Isotope Studies (CAIS), University of Georgia. The accelerator is primarily being used for radiocarbon measurements to test the authenticity of natural and bio-based samples while all other samples such as geological, atmospheric, marine and ar...
This article presents radiocarbon data for known-age, pre-bomb marine gastropods, Busycon sinistrum and Strombus alatus, collected between AD 1924 and 1946 from nearshore environments of the Florida Panhandle, on the north¬ern Gulf of Mexico. Δ14C was measured in whole crushed juvenile specimens (n = 7) and terminal edges of adult specimens (n = 6)...
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been employed successfully to determine the ages of palaeosols from earthen mounds in the southeastern USA, providing archaeologists with a means of dating monument construction in the absence of carbonaceous materials and geologists with a setting for understanding factors that can affect the luminescenc...
This research addresses the stability of bioapatite and collagen fractions of AMS dated steppe bison (Bison priscus) teeth. Through the course of other research, 8 prehistoric bison molars were submitted for AMS dating of fractions of collagen extracted from the dentine of each tooth. Because the teeth were well preserved and collagen yields were r...
A 15th century Russian icon from the Novgorod region was analyzed using both dendrochronological and radiocarbon methods [liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)]. This orthodox icon represents the Mother of God (Dexiokratusa). Fine art experts attribute the icon to between the late 14th to the early 15th centuri...
This article presents the current advances in archeological research on
the Western Patagonian Channels, specifically the Chonos Archipelago
(43◦50’–46◦50’ S). Based on a large spatial scale, we aim to contribute
to the discussion of the dispersion and characteristics of the occupation
of the Pacific coast of southernmost South America. Results sho...
We employ a landscape perspective to the shell middens at Crystal River (8CI1) and Roberts Island (8CI41), Woodland period (ca. 1000 BC to AD 1000) mound centers on the west-central coast of Florida in the American Southeast. Specifically, we adopt Ingold’s (1993: 162) understanding of landscape as the physical incorporation of social life, with al...
A comparison was made between various radiocarbon measurement techniques for the purpose of quantifying each methods capability for the proper apportionment of biobase-derived additives to gasoline. Measurement techniques include 1. direct liquid scintillation counting, 2. carbon dioxide absorption followed by liquid scintillation counting, 3. conv...
a b s t r a c t We present a radiocarbon date (12,742e12,562 cal BP) for an Eremotherium laurillardi tooth found in Sergipe state, northeastern Brazil, which shows anthropogenic marks. Our result provides additional information and reinforces the hypothesis that humans was present in South America earlier than accepted currently, and interacted wit...
An elephant molar recovered from the Windhoek Zoo Park Gardens in 1961/1962, dating to 6991–7241 cal BP, is a rare specimen of Loxodonta africana zulu. Although pollen and diatom assemblages in the sediment suggest wetter conditions and more C4 grass during the elephant's life, a bioapatite δ13C estimate of its diet indicates that it fed predominan...
Caiman latirostris is a crocodilian reptile widely distributed in South America. The fossil records for this
species are limited in the continent and radiocarbon dating, plus isotope analysis, has not been performed
to the existing records, which prevent accurate paleoecological reconstructions. Thus, the present
study aimed to record the occurrenc...