Alexander Akulov

Alexander Akulov
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University · Department of Mycology and Plant Resistance



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Associate Professor, PhD (Biology), Honored Educator of Ukraine, V.N. Karasin National University of Kharkiv (Department of Mycology and Plant Resistance): from Dec. 2009 till now Curator of Mycological Herbarium CWU (Myc), V.N. Karasin National University of Kharkiv (Department of Mycology and Plant Resistance): from Sept. 2000 till now
Additional affiliations
  • I teach a range of disciplines in the University of Kharkiv: General Mycology
  • Applied Mycology
  • General Systematics


Publications (81)
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Abstract: Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Leuconeurospora bharatiensis from accumulated snow sediment sample. Argentina, Pseudocercospora quetri on leaf spots of Luma apiculata. Australia, Polychaetomyces verrucosus on submerged decaying wood in sea water, Ustilaginoidea co...
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Baobabopsis sabindy in leaves of Eragrostis spartinoides, Cortinarius magentiguttatus among deep leaf litter, Laurobasidium azarandamiae from uredinium of Puccinia alyxiae on Alyxia buxifolia, Marasmius pseudoelegans on well-rotted twigs and l...
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina, Neocamarosporium halophilum in leaf spots of Atriplex undulata. Australia, Aschersonia merianiae on scale insect (Coccoidea), Curvularia huamulaniae isolated from air, Hevansia mainiae on dead spider, Ophiocordyceps poecilometigena on Poecilom...
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina, Neocamarosporium halophilum in leaf spots of Atriplex undulata. Australia, Aschersonia merianiae on scale insect (Coccoidea), Curvularia huamulaniae isolated from air, Hevansia mainiae on dead spider, Ophiocordyceps poecilometigena on Poecilom...
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Atheniella lauri De la Peña-Lastra, A. Mateos, Pérez-de-Greg. & Plaza, sp. nov. on the bark of fallen trees of Laurus nobilis
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Geoglossum azoricum A. Mateos, De la Peña-Lastra & Plaza, sp. nov. on mossy areas of laurel forest areas planted with Cryptomeria japonica. Fungal Planet description sheets - Persoonia: 1549
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Three new genera, six new species, three combinations, six epitypes, and 25 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera: Neoleptodontidium (based on Neoleptodontidium aquaticum), and Nothoramularia (based on Nothoramularia ragnhildianicola). New species: Acremonium aquaticum (from cooling pad water, U...
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This paper provides outlines for Bionectriaceae, Calcarisporiaceae, Hypocreaceae, Nectriaceae, Tilachlidiaceae, Ijuhyaceae, Stromatonectriaceae and Xanthonectriaceae with taxonomic treatments. We provide up-to-date DNA sequence-based phylogenies including combined gene analysis of ITS, LSU, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 for Hypocreales and accept 17 families...
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina , Colletotrichum araujiae on leaves, stems and fruits of Araujia hortorum . Australia , Agaricus pateritonsus on soil, Curvularia fraserae on dying leaf of Bothriochloa insculpta , Curvularia millisiae from yellowing leaf tips of Cyperus aromat...
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Acrogenospora stellata De la Peña-Lastra, A. Mateos & Quijada, sp. nov. Fungal Planet 1436 – Persoonia 49, 2022: 261– 350
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Anteaglonium lusitanicum A. Mateos, S. De la Peña-Lastra & M. Serrano, sp. nov. on decaying wood of Prunus lusitanica subsp. lusitanica
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia , Agaricus albofoetidus , Agaricus aureoelephanti and Agaricus parviumbrus on soil, Fusarium ramsdenii from stem cankers of Araucaria cunninghamii , Keissleriella sporoboli from stem of Sporobolus natalensis , Leptosphaerulina queenslandica and...
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Agaricus albofoetidus, Agaricus aureoelephanti and Agaricus parviumbrus on soil, Fusarium ramsdenii from stem cankers of Araucaria cunninghamii, Keissleriella sporoboli from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Leptosphaerulina queenslandica and Pes...
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Seven Fusarium species complexes are treated, namely F. aywerte species complex (FASC) (two species), F. buharicum species complex (FBSC) (five species), F. burgessii species complex (FBURSC) (three species), F. camptoceras species complex (FCAMSC) (three species), F. chlamydosporum species complex (FCSC) (eight species), F. citricola species compl...
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Колективна монографія підготовлена в межах виконання науково-дослідної теми «Географія Сумської області: особливості природи, соціально-економічного розвитку та раціонального природокористування» (державний реєстраційний номер 0117U004980). Видання орієнтоване на науковців, викладачів, аспірантів і студентів закладів вищої освіти, працівників орган...
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Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely a very broad concept of the genus Fusarium was proposed. In doing so, however, a significant body of data that supports distin...
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Перший випуск цієї серії містить результати ботанічних, мікологічних та зоологічних досліджень, що здійснювалися на території Ржищівської міської об’єднаної територіальної громади на базі Екологічної дослідницької станції «Глибокі Балики» у перший рік її функціонування. Одним із ключових завдань цієї роботи є створення прецеденту ґрунтовної інвента...
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An order, family and genus are validated, seven new genera, 35 new species, two new combinations, two epitypes, two lectotypes, and 17 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Validated order, family and genus: Superstratomycetales and Superstratomycetaceae (based on Superstratomyces). New genera: Haudseptori...
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Seven new genera, 26 new species, 10 new combinations, two epitypes, one new name, and 20 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera are: Italiofungus (based on Italiofungus phillyreae ) on leaves of Phillyrea latifolia (Italy); Neolamproconium (based on Neolamproconium silvestre ) on branch of Tilia...
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Cladosporium arenosum from marine sediment sand. Argentina, Kosmimatamyces alatophylus (incl. Kosmimatamyces gen. nov.) from soil. Australia, Aspergillus banksianus, Aspergillus kumbius, Aspergillus luteorubrus, Aspergillus malvicolor and Asp...
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The diversity of yeasts has grown rapidly as the discovery of new species has benefited from intensified sampling and largely improved identification techniques. An environmental study typically reports the isolation of yeast species, some of which are new to science. Rare species represented by a few isolates often do not result in a taxonomic des...
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One order, seven families, 28 new genera, 72 new species, 13 new combinations, four epitypes, and interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Pseudorobillardaceae is introduced for Pseudorobillarda (based on P. phragmitis). New genera include: Jeremyomyces (based on J. labinae) on twigs of Salix alba (Germany);...
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Fruiting bodies collected in the field during the vegetation period in different developmental stages and mycelial cultures of 50 representatives of xylariaceous fungi were tested for antimicrobial and nematicidal activities, and 50 of their characteristic metabolites were studied for comparison. Furthermore, analytical HPLC profiling using diode a...
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This paper represents the second contribution in the Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) series. The series provides morphological descriptions and information regarding the pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms for the treated genera. In addition, primary and secondary DNA barcodes for the currently accepted species are inlcuded....
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This study introduces two new families, one new genus, 22 new species, 10 new combinations, four epitypes, and 16 interesting new host and / or geographical records. Cylindriaceae (based on Cylindrium elongatum) is introduced as new family, with three new combinations. Xyladictyochaetaceae (based on Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica) is introduced to acc...
Aim Aphyllophoroid fungi are associated with plants, either using plants as a resource (as parasites or decomposers) or as symbionts (as mycorrhizal partners). In spite of their strong association with plants, it is unknown how much plant distributions determine their biogeographical patterns compared with environmental factors such as climate and...
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Background: Fungi play crucial roles in ecosystems and are among the species-richest organism groups on Earth. However, knowledge on their occurrence lags behind the data for animals and plants. Recent analyses of fungal occurrence data from Western, Central and Northern Europe provided important insights into response of fungi to global warming....
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The annotated checklist of fungi and fungus-like organisms, recorded in the Homilsha Forests National Park, Eastern Ukraine, is given. The list includes 1469 species and infraspecific taxa belonging to 10 Phyla of Fungi, Amoebozoa, Stramenopiles, Rhizaria and Discoba. For species studied by the authors of this checklist, names are accompanied by sp...
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During 2016 a rare gasteroid fungus Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers. was found twice in the Kharkiv Forest-steppe. The first finding was registered in the National Nature Park «Homilsha Forests» (Zmiiv district), the second – from upland areas of ravine forest near Dvorichna town, on lands projected for inclusion to the National Nature Park «Dvo...
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As a result of the National Nature Park "Oleshkivski Pisky" microbiota study, 112 species of fungi and fungi-like protists were found: 18 species are slime molds, 1 – Zygomycota, 32 – Ascomycota and 61 – Basidiomycota representatives. Among them 14 species are fungicolous, 2 – myxomyceticulous and 1 – lichenicolous. Fungicolous species Hypomyces al...
Conference Paper
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New data about 57 species of fungi from Marmarosh massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve are presented. Among them the most interesting findings are Byssostilbe stilbigera (Berk. et Broome) Petch, Capitotricha rubi (Bres.) Baral, Cladosporium exobasidii var. exobasidii Jaap, Cryptadelphia abietis Réblová et Seifert, Dendrostilbella mycophila (P...
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The genus Allantonectria is synonymised with Thyronectria, based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic considerations. Investigations of types and fresh collections revealed that Tubercularia concentrica is an earlier name for Sphaeria (syn. Allantonectria) miltina and is thus combined in Thyronectria. Allantonectria yuccae is recognised as a...
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The paper reports first records of new for Ukraine genus and species of fungicolous fungi, Immotthia atrograna (Cooke & Ellis) M.E. Barr. All collections were made in old-growth forests within protected areas in the Ukrainian Carpathians during recent mycological surveys. The fungus was found to be associated with two xylariaceous species, Annulohy...
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The article provides information an about a worldwide rare species of fungicolous fungi Letendraea helminthicola (Berk. et Broome) Weese ex Petch, recently found by the author on the territory of the National Nature Park “Skolivsky Beskydy” (Skole area, Lviv region, Carpathians, Ukraine). This fungus sporulates on the conidiomata of Helminthosporiu...
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Non-lichenized ostropalean fungi have been poorly studied in Ukraine. The paper contains data on a new for Ukraine and worldwide rare species Schizoxylon centaureae Bres., found on the territory of Regional Landscape Park ‘Tiligulsky’. Characteristic features of this species include filiform spores, which disintegrate onto fragments, and its associ...
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Annotated checklists of fungi based on field surveys during two mycological conferences held at Zvenigorod Biological Station (Moscow Region, south boreal zone) and data on macromycetes’ cultures obtained are presented in the book. In total it contains data on 627 species of asco- and basidiomycetes and provided with 138 color photos. В сборнике пр...
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One hundred and fifty fungal species were revealed by us in the “Trekhizbenskyi Step” division of the Luhansk Nature Reserve. Of them, 52 species are those belonging to Ascomycota and 98 to Basidiomycota. All the species are reported from the research area for the first time. Eleven species are recorded in Ukraine for the first time. The records of...
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As a result of critical study, 15 species of the Leccinum genus are reported for Ukraine. Leccinum aurantiacum, L. pseudoscabrum, L. scabrum, and L. versipelle are found to be common species. Leccinum crocipodium, L. duriusculum, L. holopus, and L. vulpinum have each up to 15 records. Leccinum albostipitatum, L. melaneum, L. palustre, L. piceinum,...
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As a result of critical study, 15 species of the Leccinum genus are reported for Ukraine. Leccinum aurantiacum, L. pseudoscabrum, L. scabrum, and L. versipelle are found to be common species. Leccinum crocipodium, L. duriusculum, L. holopus, and L. vulpinum have each up to 15 records. Leccinum albostipitatum, L. melaneum, L. palustre, L. piceinum,...
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The new data on four rare representatives of the genus Tremella are given in the paper. The phenomenon of mycoparasitism among the heterobasidiomycetes is briefly discussed. The detailed descriptions and original illustrations of four species (Tremella giraffa, T. obscura, T. penetrans, T. polyporina) are given.
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The results of studying the diversity of aphyllophoroid fungi in „Kreidova flora” branch of the Ukrainian Steppe Nature Reserve of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Donetsk region, Ukraine) are presented. As a result, one hundred and forty one species of aphyllophoroid fungi were recorded in „Kreidova flora” territory. Among them, 125 specie...
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The present paper deals with new records of the heterobasidioid fungi Dacrymyces ovisporus Bref. and Tremella diaporthicola Ginns et M.N.L. Lefebvre in Europe. The taxonomical status of these species is considered and detailed descriptions and illustrations of specimens are given.
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The paper contains information about four species of fungicolous hyphomycetes: Acrodontium crateriforme (J.F.H. Beyma) de Hoog, A. hydnicola (Peck) de Hoog, Nodulisporium cecidiogenes Jørg. Koch and Rhinotrichella globulifera G. Arnaud ex de Hoog. The detailed descriptions and original illustrations, and also some ecological features for these spec...
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The paper is devoted to a new find of heterobasidioid fungus Leucogloea compressa in Europe. The taxonomical status of this species is considered and the detailed descriptions and illustrations of specimen are given.
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There are presented new records of coprophilous Ascomycota representatives collected in the Crimea in 2008–2009. Characters of their morphology, ecology, taxonomy and localities in Ukraine are discussed. Delitschia marchalii Berl. & Vogl. in Sacc., Lasiobolus intermedius J.L.Bezerra & Kimbr., Phomatospora minutissima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) N. Lund...
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The article is devoted to the finding of the coprophilous anamorphic fungus Mycosylva setosa Udagawa & Furuya on the Ukraine. Till now it was known from single find from Japan. The detailed descriptions and original illustrations of specimen are given; some ecological properties of this species are discussed.
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A study of the representatives of the ecological group «fungicolous fungi» among heterobasidiomycetes in Ukraine has revealed three new taxa for the territory (Colacogloea peniophorae, Helicogloea farinacea and Filobasidiella lutea). The detailed descriptions and original illustrations of specimens arc given in the paper.
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The article is devoted to the finding of the coprophilous anamorphic fungus Mycosylva setosa Udagawa et Furuya on the Ukraine. Till now it was known from single find from Japan. The detailed descriptions and original illustrations of specimen are given; some ecological properties of this species are discussed.
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Three new species of Xylaria, X. lepidota, X. primorskensis and X. sibirica were collected from Primorsky Territory in Russian Far East and neighboring areas. Xylaria primorskensis is a species with erect, stipitate stromata, whereas X. lepidota and X. sibirica produce stunted, sessile stromata. Cultures were obtained from X. primorskensis and X. s...
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The book deals with fungal diversity of the nature reserves and national nature parks of the part of Ukraine situated to the east of the Dniepro river . In total 2183 species of fungi were recorded for the investigated region (Myxomycetes – 159, Erysiphales – 88, other Ascomycetes – 498, Mitosporic fungi – 356, Uredinales – 164, other basidiomycete...
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Species in the Botryosphaeriaceae are common plant pathogens and saprobes found on a variety of mainly woody hosts. Teleomorphs typically have hyaline, aseptate ascospores. However, some have been reported with brown ascospores and their taxonomic status is uncertain. A multi-gene approach (SSU, ITS, LSU, EF1-alpha and beta-tubulin) was used to res...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) is a serious disease of pines (Pinus spp.), with a worldwide distribution. It is caused by the ascomycete fungi Dothistroma septosporum (teleomorph: Mycosphaerella pini) and Dothistroma pini (teleomorph unknown). Recently, DNB was found on Pinus peuce in Austria, Pinus pallasiana in Ukraine and the European part of s...
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One of the most serious needle diseases that affect pines (Pinus spp.) is Dothistroma needle blight (DNB). Two species of fungi are responsible for causing this disease (Barnes et al. 2004). These are Dothistroma septosporum (teleomorph: Mycosphaerella pini) that has a worldwide distribution and infects a wide range of Pinus spp. and D. pini (teleo...
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The checklist of boletoid fungi based on of literature, examined collections and and own findings includes 96 species. In the given work the modern phylogenetic treatment of Boletales E.-J. Gilbert is accepted. According this point of view besides the traditional boletes genera (Boletus L. ex Fr., Leccinum S.F. Gray, Paxillus Fr., Suillus S.F. Gray...
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Construction of prognostic system of organic world is required for modern taxonomy. However, it is impossible in the scope of the prevalent at present phylogenetic approach. Ecomorpheme is the system constructed on the basis of similarity criteria considering general rules of wild nature development and it has a prognostic potential. Intraditional...
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Main stages of development of megataxonomy (the science of organic world dividing into large taxa) are considered. Prerequisites and first results of "revolution in megataxonomy" (cardinal reorganization during last years) are analyzed. Matter of "revolution" is considered: changing of main megataxonomic criteria from morpho-physiological to cytolo...
First two microscopic protostelids (Ceratiomyxella tahitiensis L. S. Olive and Schizoplasmodiopsis pseudoendospora L. S. Olive, G. W. Martin, Stoian.) were recorded for Ukraine. The moist chamber culture method was employed to collect both species. C. tahitiensis was found on the bark of Acer negundo collected in the oak forest, on the east slope o...


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