Alex VasquezInternational College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine · Administration, Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Alex Vasquez
D.O., N.D., D.C. (USA), F.A.C.N.
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Specialty in clinical nutrition and functional medicine, especially for metabolic disorders and autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. 3 doctorates, 14+ books, and 100+ articles. International lecturer.
Additional affiliations
January 2013 - present
International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine
- Managing Director
September 2004 - present
Biotics Research Corporation
- Researcher, Lecturer
September 2000 - March 2001

Independent Researcher
- Adjunct Professor, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Radiology
July 2006 - May 2010
September 1996 - September 1999

Independent Researcher
Field of study
- Naturopathic Medicine
Publications (52)
"Administrative Anarchy in American Academia" provides a shocking, sobering, saddening, and solution-oriented first-person view from inside the current state of corruption and deregulation in American academia, specifically but not exclusively inside America's chiropractic colleges that are increasingly rebranding themselves as so-called "health sc...
Overview: You know the controlled narrative has succeeded (and the entire educational system has failed) when people hoard toilet paper for a respiratory infection and avoid Corona beer for fear of a coronavirus. As we have seen in 2020, a “controlled narrative” is one that directs peoples’ thinking to illogical or ineffective actions; controlled n...
Editorial "Vitamins Against Viruses: Implausible Pro-Vaccine Publications Contrasted Against Ignored Public Health Campaigns and Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials" from Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2019 June + some contextualization within my other publications on nutrition, immunomodulation, and microbiome modification
Full video: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/fibromyalgia2019
Abstract: In this 2-hour presentation, Dr Vasquez provides an overview of fibromyalgia, its cause and clinical treatment. This summarizing presentation is based on Dr Vasquez's previous publications on fibromyalgia, starting with the clinical monograph commissioned by the Institute for Functio...
This compilation document contains the following articles/excerpts:
1. Vasquez A. Scotland's public health programs and trends improving nutritional status should be considered when discussing HPV trends [rapid response]. BMJ.com/content/365/bmj.l1375/rr-4 2019 Apr
2. Vasquez A. Unified Antiviral Strategy published by ICHNFM. International Journal...
Video transcript: "“Hello everyone, Dr. Alex Vasquez here, and today I'm going to start a different series of videos, and this time the conversation is going to focus around journal editing and writing. I'm calling this “Editing and Writing Tips #1”, and I'm going to start with a few of my own perspectives and experiences, then I'll talk about a fe...
Authors of a meta-analysis recently published in JAMA Cardiology concluded that omega-3 fatty acids have no significant association with fatal or nonfatal coronary heart disease or any major vascular events. This critical review examines participant profile, intervention dosage, bioavailability of intervention, and duration of therapy for the cited...
The next step in reestablishing credibility seams to us honesty and recognizing we all share a common goal of the health and wellness of the human community and the planet. Everyone agrees that the current healthcare system, despite its many incredible successes, is also showing its limitations and is no longer sustainable. We believe the solution...
Various cultures since time immemorial have marked and celebrated the winter solstice with celebrations, meals with friends and family, and time away from work; transitioning from one calendar year to the next has given people pause and a moment to reflect on the events that happened in the past year and what might be anticipated in the next. Refle...
Video Critique of "Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals for CVD Prevention and Treatment " in Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2018
Hello everyone, Dr. Alex Vasquez here with a quick video on this JAMA commentary, which was recently published on April 18th, 2018 as “Another Nail in the Coffin for Fish Oil Supplements.”
JAMA has been publishing a blitzkrieg of anti-nutrition articles this year, and of course America's corporate media is recycling this misinformation for million...
Vasquez A. Review of JAMA Cardiology’s 2018 “Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use with Cardiovascular Disease Risks”. Video presentation (http://www.ichnfm.org/jama2018n3) and official transcript (https://www.academia.edu/35935996) 2018 February.
Mitochondrial dysfunction has been identified as one of the principal causes of bioenergetic decline. Although there is no single silver bullet or an exact combination of substances or supplements that will unfailingly resuscitate all aspects of failing mitochondria, it has been reported that a number of nutrients, supplements and prescription subs...
Organic abnormalities with neuroinflammatory and psychiatric consequences involving abnormal kynurenine and purine metabolism, neurotransmitter and cytokine imbalances, and altered levels of nutrients and metabolites are noted in autism, and many of these abnormalities—specifically including increased intestinal permeability, microbial metabolites,...
This brief ebook substantiates the "biological plausibility" that gastrointestinal dysbiosis contributes significantly to the autistic phenotype. The first section is an edited, cited and embellished transcript from a post-graduate continuing medical education (CME) presentation; the second section provides additional citations and justification re...
Without providing any data to support their conclusion that the intervention changed a single microbe or metabolite from the gut microbiota, the authors assert that, “This dietary microbiome intervention has the potential to improve physical and emotional wellbeing in the general population but also to be investigated as a treatment option for indi...
See http://www.ichnfm.org/d for update 23 Feb 2017 -- Addressing the problem: Too many studies using vitamin D (cholecalciferol) have used vitamin D in 1) doses that are inadequate, 2) for durations that are inadequate, and thus these studies are therapeutically underpowered, tending to lead to lackluster or negative (inefficacious) results, thereb...
Faulty methodology leads to inaccurate and/or misleading conclusions that—rather than advancing science and patient care—actually retards advancement, adds confusion to the scientific literature, and—especially in the case of so-called “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) and functional medicine—leaves the entire field open to easy attack...
2016 IJHNFM: International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (Dr Vasquez, ed; et al.)
"Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Volume 1: Essential Knowledge for Safe Action and Effective Treatment" (2016) updates and extends the previous Inflammation Mastery / Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 (2014); this 2-volume work is also published in the single volume of "Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition" (2016). This work is...
"Alex is the master of painful conditions and metabolic treatments." Public comment by an award-winning neurosurgeon and functional medicine practitioner, 2016 "I love this course and your approach to the material. I am learning so much. Each article you assigned was strategically chosen and offered support and insight. I was pleasantly surprised b...
The Colorful and Definitive Guide Toward Health and Vitality and away from the Boredom, Risks, Costs, and Inefficacy of Endless Analgesia, Immunosuppression, and Polypharmacy: Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Microbiome & Dysbiosis, Functional Inflammology, Pain Management, Integrative Rheumatology, Nutritional Im...
ICHNFM.ORG • InflammationMastery.com/pain Purpose and audience Purpose and audience Purpose and audience Purpose and audience: : : : This book is written to provide essential information to doctors and patients dealing with chronic pain generally, migraine and fibromyalgia specifically. The information is also relevant for cluster headache, myofasc...
Building upon previous reviews in this Journal, this new review discusses advances in our understanding of natural/nonpharmacologic treatments for disorders of pain and inflammation by extending the information detailed in Part 6, discussing the role of the microbiome and dysbiosis in musculoskeletal disorders of persistent pain and inflammation. F...
ABSTRACT Introduction Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is unique in nutritional science for its impressive safety, low cost, and wide range of clinical applications. The breadth of its clinical applications provides evidence of the importance of this nutrient/hormone in a wide range of physiologic functions, including calcium absorption and bone health...
The priority is to understand the role of dysbiosis in clinical disease; patients are suffering day-by-day and hour-by-hour because of microbial colonization, bacterial allergy, reactive arthritis, systemic inflammation, fibromyalgia, insulin resistance, neurocognitive impairments, autoimmunity, and other manifestations of dysbiosis. The basic scie...
Rather than viewing viral infections in a manner that is phenomenalistic and enigmatic, and therefore unwieldy, leading to clumsy prevention and treatment strategies, we should deconstruct the complexity of the infectious process. Doing so – at least in the manner that I have described – gives us four areas upon which we can focus our efforts: 1) t...
AntiViral Strategies and Immune Nutrition provides doctors, nurses, and the general public with access to proven clinical protocols to improve immunity and fight infections, especially viral infections. This completely updated and re-organized outline is updated from Dr Vasquez’s previous versions published in 2009 and the most recent previous vers...
Functional Medicine Rheumatology, Edition 3.5 is designed to accompany the recently updated Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 as the most recent version of Dr Vasquez's previous Integrative Rheumatology, Edition 3. This volume is not meant to be used as a stand-alone reference because it does not contain the full details of the patient assessments,...
Naturopathic Rheumatology and Integrative Inflammology—Edition 3.5 combines the recently updated Functional Inflammology and Dr Vasquez’s previous Integrative Rheumatology into a new colorized updated textbook of 900 pages. This work is the culmination of several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez’s many years of clinical exper...
Dysbiosis in Human Disease: Pathogenic and Therapeutic Considerations in Diseases of Sustained Inflammation
A Three-Part Learning System of Text, Slides, and Video excerpted from Functional Inflammology Volume 1
This is an excerpt—focusing on dysbiosis—from Functional Inflammology: Introduction to Clinical N...
Gustafson C, Vasquez A. Alex Vasquez, DC, ND, DO, FACN: Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the Emerging “Mitochondrial Medicine” Interview by Craig Gustafson. Integrative Medicine 2013: 12(4); 20-24
In this article published in 2011, Dr Vasquez reviews his previously published "5-part Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean Diet" originally published in 2004 and 2005. Five years later in 2016, this article was reprinted in Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine. This diet plan was also reviewed at the 2013 International Conference on...
Hypovitaminosis D appears to be on the rise in young children, with implications for skeletal and overall health.
The objective of the study was to compare the safety and efficacy of vitamin D2 daily, vitamin D2 weekly, and vitamin D3 daily, combined with supplemental calcium, in raising serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and lowering PTH concentr...
EDITOR—The study by Porthouse et al had two major design flaws.1 Firstly, the dose of vitamin D (800 IU per day) is subphysiological and therefore subtherapeutic. Secondly, their use of “self report” as a measure of compliance is unreliable.
The dose of vitamin D at 800 IU daily was not determined …
hen patients and doctors think of osteopo- rosis, calcium immediately comes to mind. bBones contain calcium, and, therefore, take calcium to protect your bones,Q is the battle cry that we hear most often from doctors, government agencies, and media sources. This commentary will provide a story of osteopo- rosis beyond calcium, which is one that pra...