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I'm working at the Tarragona, Independent Researcher, as amateur,doing research in Paleontology, mainly in fossil decapods, as well as general fossils of Tarragona Province. My current project is 'Study of decapod faunas of the Cretaceous Garraf Basin, Zona d'Enllaç, and Maestrat Basin.
But also working on fossil crabs from around the world... :)
As an amateur, I would like to be a geologist to understand the earth and a biologist to understand life.
Publications (118)
A new species of a fossil brachyuran decapod crustacean, Kromtitis lluisprietoi sp.
nov. (Dynomenidae, Paradynomeninae), from the Lutetian (middle Eocene) outcrops of
Alicante province (Spain), is described. Kromtitis is a genus of dynomenid crabs, known only from the fossil record, characterized by a dorsal carapace with areolate morphology, with...
A new decapod brachyuran, Maurocarpilius binodosus n. gen., n. sp. (Carpiliidae Ortmann, 1893), from the Ait Ouarhitane Formation (early Eocene, Ypresian) of Tamalout (Ouarzazate, Morocco) is described herein. This is the first record of a decapod from the Eocene of Morocco formally reported, and represents an addition to the large record of carpil...
Recovery of two specimens of leucosioid crabs in Langhian (middle Miocene) strata at Vilafranca del Penedès
(Alt Penedès, Catalonia) and a re-examination of another leucosioid from the palaeontological collections of the
Vinseum (Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia) have led us to consider all of these as conspecific with Iphiculus
eliasi Hyžný & Gro...
A new species of Dynomene from the Priabonian (Upper Eocene) of the central Pyrenees in Aragón (Spain) is described as the first record of the genus from the Iberian Peninsula. The new species reveals close similarities to other dromioid species described from the Priabonian of Hungary. The panopeid Eoacantholobulus oscensis Ossó & Domínguez, 2017,...
A new species of etyid crab, Etyus tresgalloi, is recorded from outcrops of Aptian
sedimentary rocks at Cuchía (Cantabria, northern Spain). The dorsal carapace of the sole specimen recovered possesses sufficient diagnostic characters such as general carapace outline and, in particular, configuration of branchial grooves, to allow it to be assigned...
Two decapod (Arthropoda: Malacostraca: Decapoda) assemblages from two newly discovered localities near Torreblanca (Castelló, Valencian Country, Spain), situated in the Orpesa Sub-basin of the Maestrat Basin, are described. The first assemblage exhibits a diverse fauna of lobsters, including erymoids, glypheoids and nephropoids
representatives of f...
A new genus, Pyrenicola, is proposed to accommodate Xanthilites macrodactylus Van Straelen, 1924 from the Thanetian of Haute Garonne (France), and X. macrodactylus pyrenaicus Artal and Vía, 1989 from the Ypresian of Aragon (Spain), as well as clarify their relationships with the morphologically close Litoricola Woodward, 1873, where both are curren...
Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum
A new species of Distefania Checchia-Rispoli, 1917, is described from the upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Picofrentes Formation, of the Iberian Inner Castilian Platform in Guadalajara Province (Spain). Distefania buerai nov. sp. represents the third formal record of fossil decapod crustacean, and the seco...
Large-sized extinct crab specimens recovered from Waitoetoe beach, North Island, New Zealand form the basis for a new species of ‘Southern Giant Crab’, Pseudocarcinus karlraubenheimeri n. sp. The specimens originate from the upper Miocene Urenui Formation (approximately 8.8 myr) of the Taranaki Basin, in which a series of volcanoes of the Mohakatin...
A new fossil taxon assigned to the family Pseudoziidae, Osonacarcinus n. gen. is recorded from outcrops of Lutetian age of regions of the Barcelona and Girona provinces (Catalonia). The new taxon is compared with distinct present and fossil genera assigned to the family, mainly with all the species of the genus Euryozius. The current pseudoziid fos...
A new specimen of the mid-Cretaceous portunoid Eogeryon elegius, preserving complete fronto-orbital features, confirms the preliminary interpretations that were made based on the holotype and complemented with pictures and a cast of a second specimen unavailable for study. The particular fronto-orbital pattern of Eogeryon elegius, can be considered...
Palaeocene crabs are rare globally; crab faunules at this era are mostly described from reefal environments, and little is reported about non-reefal environments.
A new raninoid crab is described and formally named from Thanetian (upper Palaeocene) non-reefal deeper water deposits of Boussens, southern France. The new species is assigned to the ge...
Es descriu un palmell d’un propodi dret d’un crustaci anomur procedent dels nivells del Pliensbaquià (Juràssic Inferior) de la Formació Es Cosconar, dins els relleus centrals de l’illa de Mallorca. Les característiques morfològiques del propodi permeten assignar-lo al gènere Schobertella (Schobertellidae, Paguroidea). La troballa representa el prim...
A highly diverse decapod crustacean fauna is described from the classic Aptian outcrop of Cal Cassanyes (Castellet i la Gornal) in Catalonia. Although decapod crustaceans are a minor component of the rich invertebrate assemblages at that locality, the just over fifty specimens collected comprise sixteen taxa assignable to the Macrura, Anomura and B...
The systematic placement of the iconic fossil crab, Lathahypossia aculeata (Busulini, Tessier & Visentin, 1984) (formerly in Titanocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards, 1864), from the Eocene of Italy is revised. The examination of two specimens that had the ventral and subcephalic features well preserved has allowed us to better understand the morphology of...
New findings of crustacean decapod brachyurans from the Rupelian period (lower Oligocene) in Iran are presented in this study. In particular, Lophoranina sp. and Palaeocarpilius cf. P. rugifer Stoliczka, 1871, from the Rupelian strata were found in two previously unexplored localities, Abshar and Vezg near Yasuj in the southwestern region of Iran....
Eubrachyurans, or ‘higher’ true crabs, are the most speciose group of decapod crustaceans and have a rich fossil record extending into the Early Cretaceous. However, most extant families are first found in the fossil record in the Palaeogene, and particularly in the Eocene. Unfortunately, fossils of many early eubrachyuran groups are often fragment...
“La col·lecció paleontològica del Museu d’Història
de Tarragona”
In the present work, we report the discovery of several carapaces of Zanthopsis sp. from the Lower Eocene of Central Iran, which represent the easternmost record of the genus. In addition, we discuss on the similarities of the different species and/or morphotypes of the genus, and conclude that the European species could be ascribed to the “Zanthop...
Representatives of the family Synaxidae, commonly referred to as furry lobsters, are rare constituents of modern-day marine communities, while their fossil record suggests that they were more common in the past, in reefal settings during the Late Jurassic across Europe, from where at least three species have been recorded to date. An overview of al...
NEMUS revista de l'ateneu de natura Article
Un nouvel assemblage de décapodes du Rupélien (Oligocène inférieur) du Bassin aquitain recueilli dans les affleu-rements de Gaas (Landes, France) est décrit ici pour la première fois. Malgré la nature fragmentaire des restes, au moins six taxons différents ont été reconnus au niveau familial ou générique....
NEMUS revista de l’ateneu de natura.
El present treball és una aproximació a la paleontologia de la ciutat de Tarragona i a la col·lecció dipositada al museu d’Història de Tarragona. Es reporta un conjunt faunístic de l’Albià (Cretaci Inferior), de la Formació Montmell, recuperat en els anys setanta a l’antiga pedrera del Sanatori de la Salut, anom...
A new necrocarcinid crab, Necrocarcinus christinae, is described from the Cenomanian deposits (Woodbine Formation) of Irving, Texas. Only a handful of decapod species are known from this formation but N. christinae sp. nov. remarkably represents the third palaeocorystoid crab. The size of the sole specimen known is much larger than usual for the ge...
Lower and upper Aptian decapod crustacean faunules from the Isle of Wight, UK, are described and compared.
The access to a new collection of decapod crustaceans collected from the middle-late Miocene ‘Faluns’, and examination of new specimens available, have allowed to expand the previous compilations by Couffon (1908) and Ossó & Gagnaison (2019), elevating to nineteen the species reported, representatives of seventeen genera and fourteen families. Squa...
Since its first description in 1960, the brachyuran crab genus Pleolobites was restricted to the Eocene (Ypresian) strata of Ivory Coast. Here, we report newly collected specimens that indicate its presence in the Paleocene (Thanetian) of Togo. This monotypic genus has been classified within various higher taxa, including Portunidae, Macropipidae,...
A new reef-associated decapod assemblage from one locality of the Messinian (late Miocene) of the Alicante province (Spain) is described herein. This assemblage is similar to other Messinian reef-associated fauna from different localities of the circum-Mediterranean area. Surprisingly, Aethra stalennyii, an aethrid crab is reported from the same ou...
We describe a new species of homolid crab from the Ypresian (early Eocene) Roda Formation of Huesca province (Aragon, Spain). In spite of the fragmentary condition of the sole specimen, some preserved frontal elements, and in particular the complete left cheliped, allow inclusion it within the genus Paromola Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason and Alcock, 189...
NEMUS 11 (2021). Crabs recovered from marly strata of the upper Roda Formation (Ypresian) at Isàvena (Huesca, Aragón), and the Ypresian of Lleida (Catalonia), exhibit a clear set of characteristics, mainly in chelipeds and dorsal cara-pace that favour assignment to the superfamily Portunoidea, and confirm a close relationship with the family Portun...
NEMUS 11 (2021)
Resum: El descobriment de Cantabroxanthus loredoensis en els nivells d’espongiaris del Campanià mitjà de Cantàbria (Espanya), incrementa el nombre de decàpodes braquiürs recuperats en els afloraments de la línia costanera de Cantàbria. El nou gènere és ubicat dins la família Feldmanniidae (Etyoidea) en base a les similituds amb el g...
NEMUS 11 (2021)
L’estudi d’uns exemplars de crustacis decàpodes recuperats en el Priabonià (Eocè tardà) del Moianès (Catalunya) permet descriure un nou gènere i una nova espècie, Moianella cervantesi, i al mateix temps, en vista de la semblança morfològica amb el gènere Montezumella, prèviament inclosa en Cheiragonidae, es proposa una nova...
NEMUS 11 (2021)
Es descriu un decàpode nou Heterotremata (Brachyura) procedent del Cenomanià tardà de Condemios de Arriba (Guadalajara, Espanya). Les afinitats amb els portunoïdeus basals que presenta el nou tàxon suggereixen que la ubicació en Portunoidea és apropiada. Les comparacions amb tots els Eubrachyura del Cretaci coneguts actualme...
NEMUS 11 (2021)
La troballa de noves restes de crustacis decàpodes en els nivells bartonians i priabonians de dos coneguts afloraments de la formació Calcàries de Castle Hayne (Eocè) del comtat de Pender (Carolina del Nord, EUA), ens permet descriure un gènere nou i una espècie nova de decàpode, Pilummede penderensis. Al mateix temps, s’assignen a...
The detailed preparation of remains of the paguroid Eocalcinus eocenicus Vía Boada, 1959, from the middle Eocene of Central Catalonia, has revealed for the first time the, hitherto unknown, right chela of this hermit crab. A diagnosis is provided herein. Based on the new data, Eocalci-nus eocenicus is herein transferred to the family Calcinidae.
The access to a new collection of decapod crustaceans collected from the middle-late Miocene ‘Faluns’, and examination of new specimens available, have allowed to expand the previous
compilations by Couffon (1908) and Ossó & Gagnaison (2019), elevating to nineteen the species reported, representatives of seventeen genera and fourteen famil...
A new genus and new species of decapod brachyuran, Cuchiadromites jadeae, is recorded and described herein from the Lower Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Patrocinio Formation (Deshayesites forbesi Ammonite Zone) of the coastal cliffs near Cuchía (Cantabria, Spain). Cuchiadromites jadeae gen. et sp. nov., is the fourth species of brachyuran recovered in t...
Les faluns miocènes du bassin de Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyant-sous-le-Lude (Anjou-Touraine, France) sont connus pour leur richesse en fossiles et, principalement, en restes d’invertébrés marins. Parmi ce cortège, les fossiles de crustacés décapodes sont présents mais principalement représentés par des restes fragmentaires : débris de pinces et de cara...
Examination of the thoracic sternum and pleonal elements of a new male specimen of Pyreneplax basaensis
Ossó, Domínguez & Artal, 2014 from the upper Eocene of northern Spain confirms its assignment to the family
Vultocinidae Ng & Manuel-Santos, 2007 and reveals the presence of an old lineage (Pyreneplax and possible
allies) that appeared during the...
Specimens of the fossil lobster Atherfieldastacus rapax, recovered in the surroundings of Alcanar (el Montsià, Catalonia) are reported herein. This is the same species described originally in the lower Valanginian of Germany, and also recently in the Barremian of the neighboring Maestrat (País Valencià), which has a wide geographical and temporal d...
A new decapod brachyuran, Maurocarpilius bispinosus n. gen., n. sp. (Carpiliidae Ortmann, 1893), from the Ait Ouarhitane Formation (early Eocene,Ypresian) of Tamalout (Ouarzazate, Morocco) is described herein. This is the first record of a decapod from the Eocene of Morocco formally reported, and represents an addition to the large record of carpil...
Recovery of new samples of Montezumella amenosi Vía, 1959 and Moianella cervantesi Ossó & Domínguez, 2013, with preserved cephalic appendages and ventral features, now allows for new and complete revision of Montezumellidae, an extinct eubrachyuran family that appeared in the Middle Eocene and lived until the Neogene. New data on antennular
and ant...
Pyreneplax Ossó, Domínguez & Artal, 2014, was erected to accommodate P. basaensis from the Priabonian (late Eocene) levels of Yebra de Basa, in the Central Pyrenees of Huesca (Aragón, Spain). Based on the strongly similarities of its dorsal and ventral morphology with Vultocinus anfractus Ng and Manuel-Santos, 2007, Pyreneplax was placed within Vul...
7th Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Decapods Crustaceans. Book of Abstracts, pp. 64, 65.
A detailed report of the decapod crustaceans discovered in the Middle-Late Miocene outcrops of the ‘Faluns’ of Anjou-Touraine (West of France) is here presented. The Couffon’s compendium (1908) is reviewed, and the systematics updated. A total of seven genera and eight species of eubrachyuran crabs, undetermined chelae, and one anomuran species, ar...
Despite the rich fossil record of decapod crustaceans in Florida, there are still several stratigraphic intervals for which almost no fossil decapods have been reported. Here we document the occurrence of two species of eubrachyuran crabs from the Pliocene Pinecrest Member of the Tamiami Formation, Sarasota County, based on complete and well preser...
Two palaeocorystoid crab species, Cenocorystes libbyae n. sp. and Cenomanocarcinus cf. robertsi Feldmann, Schweitzer, Baltzly, Bennett, Jones, Mathias, Weaver and Yost, 2013, are recorded from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Peedee Formation at Rocky Point in Pender County (North Carolina). The new species of Cenocorystes represents the first...
descriuen dues dents de cocodril dels afloraments del Serraval·lià-Tortonià inferior (Miocè mitjà-superior, conca del Camp) de cala Fonda (Tarragona, Catalunya). Les troballes de restes de cocodrils, sobretot dents, són relativament freqüents, tot i que no són abundants, en els afloraments del Miocè marí de la conca del Camp i en els de l’extrem su...
A new species of the genus Aethra (A. stalennyii n. sp.) from the Badenian (middle Miocene) reef frameworks of the Maksymivka quarry in the Medobory Hills, near Ternopil (Ukraine) is described herein. Aethra stalennyii n. sp. represents the first fossil occurrence of the genus known to date. Aethra stalennyii n. sp. inhabited a very similar habitat...
During fieldwork in a small outcrop of the lower Aptian Margas de Forcall Formation at La Cova del Vidre, hitherto known as the type locality of the anomuran Pagurus avellanedai, new decapod crustacean material has been recovered. In this newly recovered lot, two undescribed species of brachyuran have been recognised; there are here described as Ra...
New records of Late Cretaceous cenomanocarcinid crabs are presented. A single, isolated carapace from the middle Santonian of Austria exhibits several distinct features, including a smooth posterolateral margin, and absence of two conical inflations in the intestinal region on both sides of the axial ridge that do not reach the posterior margin. Ba...
A decapod crustacean faunule is reported from the middle Miocene strata cropping out near Murchas (Granada Basin, southern Spain). The association consists of the brachyuran crab Portunus monspeliensis and primarily the axiidean shrimp Eucalliax sp. Based on calcareous nannoplankton, the age of the association is estimated to be late Langhian (MNN5...
Es descriu per primera vegada una pua del gènere Hemidiadema Agassiz, 1846, pertanyent a l'espècie H. batalleri, Clément, 2015 de l'Aptià inferior de la subconca del Perelló (el Baix Ebre, Catalunya). Es comparen les mides de la nova mostra de H. batalleri amb
les mides del treball original de descripció. S'esmena en part i es completa la dia...
Eoacantholobulus oscensis n. gen, n. sp. is proposed to accommodate the decapods recovered in
the early Priabonian outcrops of the central Pyrenees of Aragón (Spain). The strong similarities
with the extant genera Acantholobulus Felder & Martin, 2003 and Rhithropanopeus Rathbun,
1898 that the new taxon presents allow us, after detailed comparisons,...
Two species of Cenomanocarcinus (Cenomanocarcinidae) from the late Albian and Turonian of Spain are reported herein, increasing the number of Iberian Cenomanocarcinus species. Likewise, Necrocarcinus woodwardii (Necrocarcinidae) is reported for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula and constitutes the southernmost record for the species. As well,...
Three specimens of the lobster “Meyeria rapax”, which represent the first record of this species in Spain, were collected in the Artoles Formation cropping out in the surroundings of the town of Ares del Maestrat in the Maestrat Basin. Microfacies and paleontological analyses of the sedimentary succession containing the fossil lobsters allow us to...
Magyarcarcinidae is proposed as a new family to accommodate the genus Magyarcarcinus. A new species, Magyarcarcinus yebraensis is erected after specimens from Bartonian levels of the Margas de Arguís Formation at Yebra de Basa (Aragón, N Spain). A detailed comparison with all the Goneplacoidea families and related taxa is presented. Relationship be...
Discovery of new material from two previously known outcrops in the Bartonian and Priabonian levels of the Castle Hayne Limestone Formation (Eocene) of Pender County (North Carolina, USA), permits the description of a new decapod genus and species, Pilummede penderensis, and the assignation to it of specimens from the same outcrops, hitherto descri...
La troballa d’Eogeryon elegius en nivells del Cenomanià superior de Condemios de Arriba (província de Guadalajara) és excepcional. Malgrat la seva edat, Eogeryon elegius és sense cap dubte un Heterotremata (Eubrachyura) molt avançat. Les comparacions amb tots els Heterotremata coneguts del Cretaci i amb formes terciàries i actuals, ens indiquen que...
The current work shows the Mesozoic stratigraphy of the southwestern part of the Garraf Massif and
reports for the first time an Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) cephalopod assemblage from the surroundings
of the town of el Vendrell. The Mesozoic outcrops to the east of el Vendrell primarily consist of
carbonate rocks of Kimmeridgian-Berriasian age, which...
A new species of Prosopidae, Rathbunopon viai n. sp., is herein described, based on two specimens collected from lower Aptian deposits of Cuchía, Northern Spain. Examination of this new material allows us to garner a better understanding of the phylogeny and systematics of this genus during the Early Cretaceous. Additionally, the second occurrence...
In the present paper we report on several new occurrences of decapod Portunus monspeliensis A. Milne Edwards,
1860 from Miocene beds of eastern Slovenia, i. e. from the already known locality Šentilj in the northeastern Štajerska
region and additional new local