Alessio MarraniCentro FERMI
Alessio Marrani
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January 2015 - present
December 2012 - October 2014
December 2010 - November 2012
January 2002 - March 2005
September 1996 - October 2001
Publications (215)
A bstract
Rotational Freudenthal duality (RFD) relates two extremal Kerr-Newman (KN) black holes (BHs) with different angular momenta and electric-magnetic charges, but with the same Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Through the Kerr/CFT correspondence (and its KN extension), a four-dimensional, asymptotically flat extremal KN BH is endowed with a dual t...
We construct explicitly a Kac-Moody algebra associated to SL$(2, \mathbb R)$ in two different but equivalent ways: either by identifying a Hilbert basis of $L^2($SL$(2, \mathbb R))$ or by the Plancherel Theorem. Central extensions and Hermitean differential operators are identified.
We construct a generalised notion of Kac-Moody algebras using smooth maps from the non-compact manifolds M= SL(2,R) and M= SL(2,R)/U(1) to a finite-dimensional simple Lie group G. This construction is achieved through two equivalent ways: by means of the Plancherel Theorem and by identifying a Hilbert basis within L2(M). We analyze the existence of...
We construct a generalised notion of Kac-Moody algebras using smooth maps from the non-compact manifolds ${\cal M}=$SL$(2,\mathbb R)$ and ${\cal M}=$ SL$(2,\mathbb R)/U(1)$ to a finite-dimensional simple Lie group $G$. This construction is achieved through two equivalent ways: by means of the Plancherel Theorem and by identifying a Hilbert basis wi...
We present a Veronese formulation of the octonionic and split-octonionic projective and hyperbolic planes. This formulation of the incidence planes highlights the relationship between the Veronese vectors and the rank-1 elements of the Albert algebras over octonions and split-octonions, yielding to a clear formulation of the relationship with the r...
A bstract
Freudenthal duality (FD) is a non-linear symmetry of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal dyonic black holes (BHs) in Maxwell-Einstein-scalar theories in four space-time dimensions realized as an anti-involutive map in the symplectic space of electric-magnetic BH charges. In this paper, we generalize FD to the class of rotating (sta...
The compact 16-dimensional Moufang plane, also known as the Cayley plane, has
traditionally been defined through the lens of octonionic geometry. In this study, we
present a novel approach, demonstrating that the Cayley plane can be defined in an
equally clean, straightforward and more economic way using two different division
and composition algeb...
We introduce the so-called Magic Star (MS) projection within the root lattice of finite-dimensional exceptional Lie algebras, and relate it to rank-3 simple and semi-simple Jordan algebras. By relying on the Bott periodicity of reality and conjugacy properties of spinor representations, we present the so-called Exceptional Periodicity (EP) algebras...
Within the extremal black hole attractors arising in ungauged \mathcal{N}≥2 𝒩 ≥ 2 -extended Maxwell Einstein supergravity theories in 3+1 3 + 1 space-time dimensions, we provide an overview of the stratification of the electric-magnetic charge representation space into “large” orbits and related “moduli spaces”, under the action of the (continuous...
We present a Veronese formulation of the octonionic and split-octonionic pro-jective and hyperbolic planes. This formulation of the incidence planes highlights the relationship between the Veronese vectors and the rank-1 elements of the Albert algebras over octonions and split-octonions, yielding to a clear formulation of the relationship with the...
This paper discusses the potential application of the Okubonions, i.e. the Okubo algebra O, within quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The Okubo algebra lacks a unit element and sits in the adjoint representation of its automorphism group SU(3)O, being fundamentally different from the better-known octonions O. A physical interpretation is proposed in whi...
In his study on the geometry of Lie groups, Rosenfeld postulated a strict relation between all real forms of exceptional Lie groups and the isometries of projective and hyperbolic spaces over the (rank-2) tensor product of Hurwitz algebras taken with appropriate conjugations. Unfortunately, the procedure carried out by Rosenfeld was not rigorous, s...
The compact 16-dimensional Moufang plane, also known as the Cayley plane, has traditionally been defined through the lens of octonionic geometry. In this study, we present a novel approach, demonstrating that the Cayley plane can be defined in an equally clean, straightforward and more economic way using two different division and composition algeb...
A bstract
Freudenthal duality is, as of now, the unique non-linear map on electric-magnetic (e.m.) charges which is a symmetry of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal black holes, displaying the Attractor Mechanism (possibly, up to some flat directions) in Maxwell-Einstein-scalar theories in four space-time dimensions and with non-trivial sym...
A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP11(2021)100
In this paper we classify the orbits of the group SL(3,F)^3 on the space F^3\otimes F^3\otimes F^3 for F=C and F=R. This is known as the classification of complex and real 3-qutrit states. We also give an overview of physical theories where these classifications are relevant.
We present three new coset manifolds named Dixon-Rosenfeld lines that are similar to Rosenfeld projective lines except over the Dixon algebra $\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{H}\otimes\mathbb{O}$. Three different Lie groups are found as isometry groups of these coset manifolds using Tits' formula. We demonstrate how Standard Model interactions with the Di...
In 26+1 space–time dimensions, we introduce a gravity theory whose massless spectrum can be acted upon by the Monster group when reduced to 25+1 dimensions. This theory generalizes M-theory in many respects, and we name it Monstrous M-theory, or M2-theory. Upon Kaluza–Klein reduction to 25+1 dimensions, the M2-theory spectrum irreducibly splits as...
Six-dimensional spinors with Spin(3,3) symmetry are utilized to efficiently encode three generations of matter. E8(−24) is shown to contain physically relevant subgroups with representations for GUT groups, spacetime symmetries, three generations of the standard model fermions, and Higgs bosons. Pati–Salam, SU(5), and Spin(10) grand unified theorie...
By Vinberg theory any homogeneous convex cone $\mathcal V$ may be realized as the cone of positive Hermitian matrices in a $T$-algebra of generalised matrices. The level hypersurfaces $\mathcal V_{q} \subset \mathcal V$ of homogeneous cubic polynomials $q$ with positive definite Hessian (symmetric) form $g_q := - \operatorname{Hess}(\log(q))|_{T \m...
By Vinberg theory any homogeneous convex cone V \mathscr {V} may be realised as the cone of positive Hermitian matrices in a T T -algebra of generalised matrices. The level hypersurfaces V q ⊂ V \mathscr {V}_{q} \subset \mathscr {V} of homogeneous cubic polynomials q q with positive definite Hessian (symmetric) form g ( q ) ≔ − Hess ( log ( q )...
Freudenthal duality is, as of now, the unique non-linear map on electric-magnetic (e.m.) charges which is a symmetry of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal black holes in Maxwell-Einstein-scalar theories in four space-time dimensions. In this paper, we present a consistent generalization of Freudenthal duality to near-extremal black holes, w...
In his study on the geometry of Lie groups, Rosenfeld postulated a strict relation between all real forms of exceptional Lie groups and the isometries of projective and hyperbolic spaces over the (rank-2) tensor product of Hurwitz algebras taken with appropriate conjugations. Unfortunately, the procedure carried out by Rosenfeld was not rigorous, s...
We present a deformation of the Okubic Albert algebra introduced by Elduque whose rank-1 idempotent elements are in biunivocal correspondence with points of the Okubic projective plane, thus extending to Okubic algebras the correspondence found by Jordan, Von Neumann, Wigner between the octonionic projective plane and the rank-3 Exceptional Jordan...
We classify states of four rebits, that is, we classify the orbits of the group Gˆ(R)=SL(2,R)4 in the space (R2)⊗4. This is the real analogon of the well-known SLOCC operations in quantum information theory. By constructing the Gˆ(R)-module (R2)⊗4 via a Z/2Z-grading of the simple split real Lie algebra of type D4, the orbits are divided into three...
A bstract
We study spontaneous scalarization of electrically charged extremal black holes in D ≥ 4 spacetime dimensions. Such a phenomenon is caused by the symmetry breaking due to quartic interactions of the scalar — Higgs potential and Stueckelberg interaction with electromagnetic and gravitational fields, characterized by the couplings a and b ,...
A bstract
We study extremal solutions arising in M-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds, focussing on non-BPS attractors for their importance in relation to the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC); M2 branes wrapped on two-cycles give rise to black holes, whereas M5 branes wrapped on four-cycles result in black strings. In the low-energy/fie...
Motivated by the recent interest in Lie algebraic and geometric structures arising from tensor products of division algebras and their relevance to high energy theoretical physics, we analyze generalized bioctonionic projective and hyperbolic planes. After giving a Veronese representation of the complexification of the Cayley plane [Formula: see te...
A bstract
We classify the critical points of the effective black hole potential which governs the attractor mechanism taking place at the horizon of static dyonic extremal black holes in $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2, D = 4 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity with U(1) Fayet-Iliopoulos gaugings. We use a manifestly symplectic covariant formalism, and we consid...
We study spontaneous scalarization of electrically charged extremal black holes in $D\geq 4$ spacetime dimensions. Such a phenomenon is caused by the symmetry breaking due to quartic interactions of the scalar -- Higgs potential and Stueckelberg interaction with electromagnetic and gravitational fields, characterized by the couplings $a$ and $b$, r...
In this work we present a useful way to introduce the octonionic projective and hyperbolic plane through the use of Veronese vectors. Then we focus on their relation with the exceptional Jordan algebra and show that the Veronese vectors are the rank-one elements of the algebra. We then study groups of motions over the octonionic plane recovering al...
Warm dark matter particles with masses in the keV range have been linked with the large group representations in gauge theories through a high number of species at decoupling. In this paper, we address WDM fermionic degrees of freedom from such representations. Bridging higher-dimensional particle physics theories with cosmology studies and astroph...
[abridged version] We study extremal solutions arising in M-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds, focussing on non-BPS attractors for their importance in relation to the Weak Gravity Conjecture. In the low-energy/field theory limit one obtains minimal N=2, D=5 supergravity coupled to Abelian vector multiplets. By making use of the effe...
We classify four qubit states under SLOCC operations, that is, we classify the orbits of the group SL(2,C)^4 on the Hilbert space H_4 = (C^2)^{\otimes 4}. We approach the classification by realising this representation as a symmetric space of maximal rank. We first describe general methods for classifying the orbits of such a space. We then apply t...
Motivated by the recent interest in Lie algebraic and geometric structures arising from tensor products of division algebras and their relevance to high energy theoretical physics, we analyze generalized bioctonionic projective and hyperbolic planes. After giving a Veronese representation of the complexification of the Cayley plane $\mathbb{O}P_{\m...
We classify states of four rebits, that is, we classify the orbits of the group $\widehat{G}(\mathbb R) = \mathrm{\mathop{SL}}(2,\mathbb R)^4$ in the space $(\mathbb R^2)^{\otimes 4}$. This is the real analogon of the well-known SLOCC operations in quantum information theory. By constructing the $\widehat{G}(\mathbb R)$-module $(\mathbb R^2)^{\otim...
In this work we present a useful way to introduce the octonionic projective and hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{O}P^{2}$ through the use of Veronese vectors. Then we focus on their relation with the exceptional Jordan algebra $\mathfrak{J}_{3}^{\mathbb{O}}$ and show that the Veronese vectors are the rank-one elements of the algebra. We then study groups...
We classify the critical points of the effective black hole potential which governs the attractor mechanism taking place at the horizon of static dyonic extremal black holes in N = 2, D = 4 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity with U (1) Fayet-Iliopoulos gaugings. We use a manifestly symplec-tic covariant formalism, and we consider both spherical and hype...
We introduce a quantum model for the universe at its early stages, formulating a mechanism for the expansion of space and matter from a quantum initial condition, with particle interactions and creation driven by algebraic extensions of the Kac–Moody Lie algebra e9. We investigate Kac–Moody and Borcherds algebras, and we propose a generalization th...
In our investigation on quantum gravity, we introduce an infinite dimensional complex Lie algebra gu that extends e9. It is defined through a symmetric Cartan matrix of a rank 12 Borcherds algebra. We turn gu into a Lie superalgebra sgu with no superpartners, in order to comply with the Pauli exclusion principle. There is a natural action of the Po...
A bstract
We consider Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and attractors in extremal BPS black holes of $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2, D = 4 ungauged supergravity obtained as reduction of minimal, matter-coupled D = 5 supergravity. They are generally expressed in terms of solutions to an inhomogeneous system of coupled quadratic equations, named BPS system , depe...
Warm dark matter particles with masses in the keV range have been linked with the large group representations in gauge theories through a high number of species at decoupling. In this paper, we address WDM fermionic degrees of freedom from such representations. Bridging higher-dimensional particle physics theories with cosmology studies and astroph...
We classify four qubit states under SLOCC operations, that is, we classify the orbits of the group $\mathrm{\mathop{SL}}(2,\mathbb{C})^4$ on the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_4 = (\mathbb{C}^2)^{\otimes 4}$. We approach the classification by realising this representation as a symmetric space of maximal rank. We first describe general methods for class...
A bstract
We consider the static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat BPS extremal black holes in ungauged N = 2 D = 4 supergravity theories, in which the scalar manifold of the vector multiplets is homogeneous. By a result of Shmakova on the BPS attractor equations, the entropy of this kind of black holes can be expressed only in terms o...
We consider the static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat BPS extremal black holes in ungauged N = 2 D = 4 supergravity theories, in which the scalar manifold of the vector multiplets is homogeneous. By a result of Shmakova on the BPS attractor equations, the entropy of this kind of black holes can be expressed only in terms of their el...
We introduce a quantum model for the Universe at its early stages, formulating a mechanism for the expansion of space and matter from a quantum initial condition, with particle interactions and creation driven by algebraic extensions of the Kac-Moody Lie algebra $\mathbf{e_9}$. We investigate Kac-Moody and Borcherds algebras, and we propose a gener...
In our investigation on quantum gravity, we introduce an infinite dimensional complex Lie algebra $\textbf{${\mathfrak g}_{\mathsf u}$}$ that extends $\mathbf{e_9}$. It is defined through a symmetric Cartan matrix of a rank 12 Borcherds algebra. We turn $\textbf{${\mathfrak g}_{\mathsf u}$}$ into a Lie superalgebra $\textbf{$\mathfrak {sg}_{\mathsf...
We introduce a quantum model for the Universe at its early stages, formulating a mechanism for the expansion of space and matter from a quantum initial
condition, with particle interactions and creation driven by algebraic extensions
of the Kac-Moody Lie algebra e9. We investigate Kac-Moody and Borcherds
algebras, and we propose a generalization th...
We consider Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and attractors in extremal BPS black holes of $\mathcal{N}=2$, $D=4$ ungauged supergravity obtained as reduction of minimal, matter-coupled $D=5$ supergravity. They are generally expressed in terms of solutions to an inhomogeneous system of coupled quadratic equations, named BPS system, depending on the cubic...
We define a $D=26+1$ Monstrous, purely bosonic M-theory, whose massless spectrum, of dimension $196,884$, is acted upon by the Monster group. Upon reduction to $D=25+1$, this gives rise to a plethora of non-supersymmetric, gravito-dilatonic theories, whose spectrum irreducibly splits under the Monster as $196,884=\mathbf{1}\oplus\mathbf{196,883}$,...
Bars and Sezgin have proposed a super Yang-Mills theory in D=s+t=11+3 space-time dimensions with an electric 3-brane that generalizes the 2-brane of M-theory. More recently, the authors found an infinite family of exceptional super Yang-Mills theories in D=(8n+3)+3 via the so-called Magic Star algebras. A particularly interesting case occurs in sig...
We describe various relations between Bhargava's higher composition laws, which generalise Gauss's original composition law on integral binary quadratic forms, and extremal black hole solutions appearing in string/M-theory and related models. The cornerstone of these correspondences is the identification of the charge cube of the STU black hole wit...
We consider the problem of determining the noncompact real forms of maximal reductive subalgebras of complex simple Lie algebras. We briefly describe two algorithms for this purpose that are taken from the literature. We discuss applications in theoretical physics of these embeddings. The supplementary material to this paper contains the tables of...
6D spacetime with $SO(3,3)$ symmetry is utilized to efficiently encode three generations of matter. The $\mathfrak{e}_{8(-24)}$ Lie algebra is broken to $\mathfrak{so}_{4,12}\oplus \bf{128}$, which separates bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. This generalizes a graviGUT model to a class of models that all contain three generations and Higgs...
With this paper we start a programme aiming at connecting two vast scientific areas: Jordan algebras and representation theory. Within representation theory, we focus on non-compact, real forms of semisimple Lie algebras and groups as well as on the modern theory of their induced representations, in which a central role is played by the parabolic s...
We determine and classify the electric-magnetic duality orbits of fluxes supporting asymptotically flat, extremal black branes in D = 4, 5, 6 space–time dimensions in the so-called nonsupersymmetric magic Maxwell–Einstein theories, which are consistent truncations of maximal supergravity and which can be related to Jordan algebras (and related Freu...
We give tables of noncompact real forms of maximal reductive subalgebras of complex simple Lie algebras of rank up to 8. These were obtained by computational methods that we briefly describe. We also discuss applications in theoretical physics of these embeddings.
We continue the study of Exceptional Periodicity and Magic Star algebras, which provide non-Lie, countably infinite chains of finite dimensional generalizations of exceptional Lie algebras. We analyze the graded algebraic structures arising in the Magic Star projection, as well as the Hermitian part of rank-3 Vinberg's matrix algebras (which we dub...
We introduce and start investigating the properties of a periodic countably infinite chain of finite-dimensional generalizations of the exceptional Lie algebras: each exceptional Lie algebra (but $\mathbf{g}_{2}$) is part of an infinite family of finite-dimensional algebras, which we name "Magic Star" algebras.
A bstract
We study General Freudenthal Transformations (GFT) on black hole solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar (super)gravity theories with global symmetry of type E 7 . GFT can be considered as a 2-parameter, a, b ∈ ℝ, generalisation of Freudenthal duality: $$ x\to {x}_F= ax+b\tilde{x} $$ x → x F = ax + b x ˜ , where x is the vector of the electr...
Bars and Sezgin have proposed a super Yang-Mills theory in $D=11+3$ space-time dimensions with an electric 3-brane that generalizes the 2-brane of M-theory. More recently, the authors found an infinite family of exceptional super Yang-Mills theories in $D=(8n+3)+3$ via the study of exceptional periodicity (EP). A particularly interesting case occur...
We determine and classify the electric-magnetic duality orbits of fluxes supporting asymptotically flat, extremal black branes in $D=4,5,6$ space-time dimensions in the so-called non-supersymmetric magic Maxwell-Einstein theories, which are consistent truncations of maximal supergravity and which can be related to Jordan algebras (and related Freud...
With this paper we start a project which connects two vast scientific areas: Jordan algebras and representation theory. Within representation theory, we focus on non-compact semisimple Lie algebras and groups and on the modern theory of their induced representations, in which a central role is played by the parabolic subalgebras and subgroups. The...
We study General Freudenthal Transformations (GFT) on black hole solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar (super)gravity theories with global symmetry of type $E_7$. GFT can be considered as a 2-parameter, $a, b\in {\mathbb R}$, generalisation of Freudenthal duality: $x\mapsto x_F= a x+b\tilde{x}$, where $x$ is the vector of the electromagnetic charges...
The vector space of symmetric matrices of size n has a natural map to a projective space of dimension 2^n-1 given by the principal minors. This map extends to the Lagrangian Grassmannian LG(n, 2n) and over the complex numbers the image is defined, as a set, by quartic equations. In case the characteristic of the field is two, it was observed that,...
A bstract
Supersymmetric theories with the same bosonic content but different fermions, aka twins , were thought to exist only for supergravity. Here we show that pairs of super conformal field theories, for example exotic $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 3 and $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 theories in D = 4 space-time dimensions, can also be twin. We provide evide...
Some time ago, Bars found D=11+3 supersymmetry and Sezgin proposed super Yang-Mills theory (SYM) in D=11+3. Using the “magic star” projection of e8(−24), we show that the geometric structure of SYM’s in 12+4 and 11+3 space-time dimensions descends to the affine symmetry of the space AdS4⊗S8. By reducing to transverse transformations along maximal e...
Supersymmetric theories with the same bosonic content but different fermions, aka \emph{twins}, were thought to exist only for supergravity. Here we show that pairs of super conformal field theories, for example exotic $\mathcal{N}=3$ and $\mathcal{N}=1$ theories in $D=4$ spacetime dimensions, can also be twin. We provide evidence from three differ...
We present a conformal isometry for static extremal black hole solutions in all four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theories with electromagnetic duality groups `of type $E_7$'. This includes, but is not limited to, all supergravity theories with $\mathcal{N}>2$ supersymmetry and all $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity theories with symmetric scalar...
Starting from the Jordan algebraic interpretation of the "Magic Star" embedding within the exceptional sequence of simple Lie algebras, we exploit the so-called spin factor embedding of rank-3 Jordan algebras and its consequences on the Jordan algebraic Lie symmetries, in order to provide another perspective on the origin of the "Exceptional Period...
We present a periodic infinite chain of finite generalisations of the exceptional structures, including the exceptional Lie algebra $\mathbf{e_8}$, the exceptional Jordan algebra (and pair) and the octonions. We will also argue on the nature of space-time and indicate how these algebraic structures may inspire a new way of going beyond the current...
Some time ago, Sezgin, Bars and Nishino have proposed super Yang-Mills theories (SYM's) in $D=11+3$ and beyond. Using the \textit{\textquotedblleft Magic Star"} projection of $\mathfrak{e}_{8(-24)}$, we show that the geometric structure of SYM's in $11+3$ and $12+4$ space-time dimensions is recovered from the affine symmetry of the space $AdS_{4}\o...
We establish duality between real forms of the quantum deformation of the four-dimensional orthogonal group studied by Fioresi et al. [Quantum Klein space and superspace, preprint (2017), arXiv:1705.01755] and the classification work made by Borowiec et al. [Basic quantizations of D = 4 Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic (4) symmetries,...
We establish duality between real forms of the quantum deformation of the 4-dimensional orthogonal group studied by Fioresi et al. and the classification work made by Borowiec et al.. Classically these real forms are the isometry groups of $\mathbb{R}^4$ equipped with Euclidean, Kleinian or Lorentzian metric. A general deformation, named $q$-linked...
We introduce the extended Freudenthal-Rosenfeld-Tits magic square based on the six composition algebras: reals $\mathbb{R}$, complexes $\mathbb{C}$, ternions $\mathbb{T}$, quaternions $\mathbb{H}$, sextonions $\mathbb{S}$ and octonions $\mathbb{O}$. The ternionic and sextonionic rows/columns of the magic square yield non-reductive Lie algebras, inc...
We calculate the entropy of a static extremal black hole in 4D gravity, non-linearly coupled to a massive Stueckelberg scalar. We find that the scalar field does not allow the black hole to be magnetically charged. We also show that the system can exhibit a phase transition due to electric charge variations. For spherical horizons, the critical poi...
Using a unified formulation of $\mathcal{N} = 1, 2, 4, 8$, super Yang-Mills theories in $D = 3$ spacetime dimensions with fields valued respectively in $\mathbb{R, C, H, O}$, it was shown that tensoring left and right multiplets yields a Freudenthal magic square of $D = 3$ supergravities. When tied in with the more familiar $\mathbb{R, C, H, O}$ de...
We present a periodic infinite chain of finite generalisations of the exceptional structures, including e8, the exceptional Jordan algebra (and pair), and the octonions. We demonstrate that the exceptional Jordan algebra is part of an infinite family of finite-dimensional matrix algebras (corresponding to a particular class of cubic Vinberg's T-alg...
We study the effect of Freudenthal duality on supersymmetric extremal black hole attractors in 𝒩 = 2, D = 4 ungauged supergravity. Freudenthal duality acts on the dyonic black hole charges as an anti-involution which keeps the black hole entropy and the critical points of the effective black hole potential invariant. We analyze its effect on the re...
We consider the nonsupersymmetric “magic” theories based on the split quaternion and the split complex division algebras. We show that these theories arise as “Ehlers” SL(2, ℝ) and SL(3, ℝ) truncations of the maximal supergravity theory, exploiting techniques related to the very-extended Kac–Moody algebras. We also generalize the procedure to other...
Using simple symmetry arguments we classify the ungauged $D=4$, $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity theories, coupled to both vector and hyper multiplets through homogeneous scalar manifolds, that can be built as the product of $\mathcal{N}=2$ and $\mathcal{N}=0$ matter-coupled Yang-Mills gauge theories. This includes all such supergravities with two isol...
Using simple symmetry arguments we classify the ungauged $D=4$, $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity theories, coupled to both vector and hyper multiplets through homogeneous scalar manifolds, that can be built as the product of $\mathcal{N}=2$ and $\mathcal{N}=0$ matter-coupled Yang-Mills gauge theories. This includes all such supergravities with two isol...
We introduce the extended Freudenthal-Rosenfeld-Tits magic square based on six algebras: the reals $\mathbb{R}$, complexes $\mathbb{C}$, ternions $\mathbb{T}$, quaternions $\mathbb{H}$, sextonions $\mathbb{S}$ and octonions $\mathbb{O}$. The ternionic and sextonionic rows/columns of the magic square yield non-reductive Lie algebras, including $\mat...
By exploiting suitably constrained Zorn matrices, we present a new construction of the algebra of sextonions (over the algebraically closed field \(\mathbb {C}\)). This allows for an explicit construction, in terms of Jordan pairs, of the non-semisimple Lie algebra \(\mathbf {e}_{\mathbf{7} \frac{\mathbf{1}}{\mathbf{2}}}\), intermediate between \(\...
We give an algebraic quantization, in the sense of quantum groups, of the complex Minkowski space, and we examine the real forms corresponding to the signatures (3, 1), (2, 2), (4, 0), constructing the corresponding quantum metrics and providing an explicit presentation of the quantized coordinate algebras. In particular, we focus on the Kleinian s...