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Publications (98)
Nel 2012, l'allora Museo di Antropologia dell'Università di Padova iniziava un progetto di open research con Arc-Team s.r.l., ditta privata specializzata in servizi per l'archeologia e per i beni culturali. Il progetto consisteva essenzialmente nella ricostruzione craniofacciale del famoso fossile di Australopithecus africanus noto con il nome di "...
Mais uma vez a técnica de deformação anatômica se mostrou útil na aproximação facial de hominídeos extintos, uma vez que supre a ausência de marcadores de espessura de tecido mole, indisponíveis para o gênero/espécie Homo floresiensis. A composição de um modelo resultante da interpolação de dois análogos modernos oferece ao público geral uma versão...
O presente capítulo apresenta a comparação de 29 modelos digitalizados em 6 programas de fotogrametria diferentes, de modo a analisar a precisão da digitalização versus o modelo original.
A fotogrametria é uma das tecnologias mais populares no contexto de documentação tridimensional. Mas, se por um lado se apresenta como uma alternativa de baixo custo frente aos caríssimos scanners 3D, por outro não oferece uma opção universal e acessível de redi-mensionamento automático dos objetos digitalizados. Neste capí-tulo o leitor conhecerá...
Il lago di Tovel, uno dei più bei laghi dell'intero arco alpino, rimane incastonato in una valle facente parte del Gruppo di Brenta, ed è delimitato a sud dalla valle di Santa Maria della Flavona che si inerpica fino al passo del Grostè, mentre a occidente è dominato dall'incombente e severo trittico costituito dalle cime della Pietra Grande, di Va...
The paper proposed herein presents three events organized in 2018 and tries to find a common thread through these experiences. Two of these events were organized thanks to the collaboration between Trentino Alto Adige Wiki and Arc-Team, while the third was conceived and organized by Open History Map, an association based in Bologna. The three event...
This article summarizes the experience of Arc-Team in working with real-time 3D open software and hardware. This overview describes the research, experiments and professional use of this technology in the field of archaeology. The first part of the article focuses on the FLOSS RGBDemo, describing the software, some preliminary tests and some exampl...
Technical report of the summer-school in physical anthropology - S. Anna di Sopramonte (Italy - Trentino) - 2019.
This paper is the technical report about the recording of the bathymetry of Lake S. Colomba (Trentino - Italy). The data has been valued under an archaeological aspect, in order obtain more information on the chronology of the formation of the lake. The current hypothesis is that the lake submerged, in the late Middle Ages, some ancient shafts for...
The 2014–2018 commemorative years of the centenary have spawned an abundance of diverse cultural and scientific initiatives along the south-western front of the First World War. The post-war search for human remains of the fallen ran parallel to the recycling of raw materials. After the Second World War, private collecting began along the front, co...
O presente capítulo tem por objetivo discorrer acerca do uso de vídeos disponíveis na plataforma YouTube para a digitalização de cenas tridimensionais através da fotogrametria implementada no add-on OrtogOnBlender.
Relazione tecnica sulla seconda esplorazione speleoarcheologica del bus dela Spia (Sporminore - TN).
This article describes the results of the excavation in S. Alessandro (Riva del Garda, Trentino - Italy).
In 2012, during the restoration work of Church of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian in Selva di Levico (TN – Italy), a particular stratigraphic deposit has been discovered. The archaeological investigations led to the partial excavation of a dry-walled structure, related to a stratigraphic deposit derived from the accumulation of black microlayers. Than...
A short article on a local newspaper, describing the archaeological site of Colle S. Martino near the town of Vervò (Trentino - Italy).
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview about the development and use of Open Hardware devices in archaeology and their operative use in extreme conditions. The state of the art will be analysed basing on the experience of the company Arc-Team, which, in 2006, started a new branch of research, informally called "Archeorobotics", in orde...
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview about the development and use of Open Hardware devices in archaeology and their operative use in extreme conditions. The state of the art will be analysed basing on the experience of the company Arc-Team, which, in 2006, started a new branch of research, informally called "Archeorobotics", in orde...
This paper is the technical report of the speleoarchaeological exploration of the natural cave known as the "Bus de la Spia" (EN "Spy's whole"), near the town of Sporminore (TN - Italya).
This paper is the technical report regarding the Forensic Facial Reconstruction of St. Catherine of Genua.
This article is an overview about archaeology in Val di Non (Trentino, Italy), from neolithic to the late Roman period. It was published for the exhibition "Le 5 chiavi gotiche", held in Cles (Trentino, Italy) in 2019. It represents the short version of a longer paper written with more authors for a book not yet published.
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview about the development and use of Open Hardware devices in archaeology and their operative use in extreme conditions. The state of the art will be analysed basing on the experience of the company Arc-Team, which, in 2006, started a new branch of research, informally called "Archeorobotics". The res...
Underwater archaeology is probably one of the most complex branches of our discipline, due to the fact that, more than in other specific fields (e.g. speleoarchaeology, glacial archaeology, etc.), the traditional and well tested methodologies have to be adapted to the peculiar characteristics of the area under examination. This paper tries to descr...
Il presente contributo riporta lo stato dell’arte degli studi archeologici sul sito della Villa dei Nonii Arrii presso Castel Toblino. Le analisi sono state effettuate mediante un approccio multiscalare, dalla piccola alla grande scala, contemplando operazioni di archeologia aerea (telerilevamento), archeologia digitale (integrazione, gestione e...
Il presente contributo riporta lo stato dell’arte degli studi archeologici sul sito della Villa dei Nonii Arrii presso Castel Toblino. Le analisi sono state effettuate mediante un approccio multiscalare, dalla piccola alla grande scala, contemplando operazioni di archeologia aerea (telerilevamento), archeologia digitale (integrazione, gestione...
This contribution summarizes the multiple uses of 3D web technologies in commercial archaeology. Considering the breadth of this topic, we will describe each different branch of these technologies with the example of case studies based on work of the Italian company Arc-Team. Our overview begins with 3D visualization for scientific purposes, showin...
Underwater archaeology is probably one of the most complex branch of our discipline, due to the fact that, more than in other specific fields (e.g. speleoarchaeology, glacial archaeology, etc…), the traditional and well tested methodologies have to be adapted to the peculiar characteristics of the area under examination. This paper tries to describ...
Il presente articolo ha per scopo principale quello di analizzare la Grande Guerra da un punto di vista archeologico, introducendo dunque il lettore al concetto fondamentale di Archeologia del Conflitto per poi passare a considerare la realtà della Valle di Non sotto l'aspetto di questa disciplina specialistica.
Il presente articolo ha per scopo principale quello di analizzare la Grande Guerra da un punto di vista archeologico, introducendo dunque il lettore al concetto fondamentale di Archeologia del Conflitto per poi passare a considerare la realtà della Valle di Non sotto l'aspetto di questa disciplina specialistica. Il primo capitolo sarà dunque dedica...
The chapters reports methodologies and results of the archaeological project about the World War 1 front-line on the eastern part of Lake Garda. This research integrates the historical study about the same argument, using modern conflict archaeology, military archaeology and battlefield archaeology techniques.
BOOK a cura di / eds.: Marta Arzarello, Federica Fontana, Marco Peresani, Carlo Peretto, Ursula Thun Hohenstein
In 2007, after several reports and thanks to the interest of the then mayor of Ossana Luciano Dell’Eva, the Soprintendenza per i beni culturali (Ufficio beni archeologici) della Provincia autonoma di Trento commissioned the company Arc-Team to perform an archaeological survey at “la Pinza” near Cusiano. The following year, basing on the positive ou...
Landscape transformations along the high alpine front line of WW1 from 1918 until today, seen from the archaeological point of view
Since the excavation is considered as the most destructive process in archeology, the last decade has seen a growing commitment in developing systems able to document and analyze the record in real time. Indeed, the strategy applied to field work represents the most sensitive point for the cognitive processes, being subject to possible influence of...
Abstract: ArcheoROV is a joint project carried on by Arc-Team, society which operates n the field of archeology and cultural heritage, and WitLab, one of the main FabLab in Italy, located in Rovereto (TN). The research focuses on the development of an Open Hardware ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle), specifically designed for archaeological...
Abstract: The exploration of the underwater forest of the lake Tovel (Italy – TN) started in 2005, thanks to the effort of Prof. Tiziano Camagna. Since the beginning Arc-Team supported the mission from the point of view of underwater archeology, using most of the FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) of the archaeological GNU/Linux distributi...
Abstract: ArcheoROV is a joint project carried on by Arc-Team, society which operates n the field of archeology and cultural heritage, and WitLab, one of the main FabLab in Italy, located in Rovereto (TN). The research focuses on the development of an Open Hardware ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle), specifically designed for archaeological...
Abstract: In most of the archaeological recording sheet systems used around the world, one of the critical issue often recognized by the professionals is connected with the difficulties in describing the soil matrix (which is composed by sediment smaller than 2 mm) respect the simpler observations which characterize the soil skeleton, being this co...
Il progetto ArcheoROV nasce dalla collaborazione tra Arc-Team, ditta che opera nel campo dell'archeologia e dei beni culturali, e WitLab, uno dei principali FabLab italiani, con sede a Rovereto (TN). Scopo della ricerca è la prototipazione e lo sviluppo di un ROV open hardware (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle), specificatamente disegnato per s...
Il presente contributo intende illustrare i risultati della ricerca archeologica sulla foresta sommersa del Lago di Tovel, progetto che ha preso avvio nel 2005 ed è tuttora in corso di svolgimento. Dopo un primo inquadramento geografico del sito in esame, si esporranno brevemente le tappe che hanno segnato la progressiva scoperta del patrimonio som...
Nella compilazione delle schede US (Unità Stratigrafica) si riscontra spesso il problema del definire con parametri certi la componente fine di uno strato (la matrice). Il presente contributo vuole pertanto presentare l'esperienza di Arc-Team nel tentare di risolvere questa problematica, attraverso lo sviluppo di un applicativo open source, geTText...
Finds from thawing névés and ice fields were discovered at the Langgrubenjoch (3017 m a. s. l.) between Matscher- and Schnalstal in the southern Ötztal Alps. The finds are predominantly made up of wooden parts, many of which are fragments of boards and show tool marks. First radiocarbon and dendro dates reveal artefacts dating back to the Copper Pe...
This paper presents the open source exhibition "Facce. I molti volti della storia umana" ("Facce. The many aspect of human history"), which was held in Padua in 2014.
Con il presente contributo, si intendono illustrare i risultati dello scavo archeologico all'interno della chiesa di S. Giovanni a Massimeno (TN), che ha restituito, oltre alle fasi legate all'edificio di culto, un contesto stratigrafico connesso ad un abitato protostorico, datato, in base ad un'analisi tipo-cornologica dei resti ceramici, alla sec...
This paper aims to present the preliminary results regarding the stratigraphic record found during an excavation in Riva del Garda (Viale Cattoni). The complex deposit owes its origin to a natural catastrophic event, probably a large debris flow, caused by a flood of the near stream Varone. The analysis of the single layers observed in the four sec...
This contribution intend to propose a summary of the ten-year experience of Arc-Team in archaeological professional excavations, focusing primarily on the use of open tools (free and open source software and hardware) and on the concept of Open Research, through the exchange of data, knowledge (know-how) and informations.
Con il presente con...
The old castle of "Torre Sicconi" was founded in 1201 by the Caldonazzo's Family over the hill (Monte Rive) which rises above the village. In 1385 the fortress has been severely damaged during the conflict against enemy troops from Vicenza and Verona. Despite the siege the castle was partially rebuilt in the same place. During the XVI century polit...
Questo articolo parte dall'analisi degli scavi presso la villa romana di Torre di Pordenone (Friuli Venezia Giulia) per presentare un progetto di valorizzazione turistica attraverso la Realtà Aumentata. Il contributo si conclude con la descrizione del'implementazione della terza dimensione nel gestionale archeologico RAPTOR, partendo dalla ricostru...
The human and hominin faces are the protagonists and, at the same time, the leitmotif of the exhibition “FACCE. I molti volti della storia umana”, that will set up in Padua at the Centro culturale Altinate/San Gaetano starting in October 2014. They get the opportunity to present to the public, in a special exhibition, some of the most significant f...
With this article we would like to present the analysis regarding a case of study of “open research”: the Taung Project. The primary target of this scientific work has been the craniofacial reconstruction of the famous “Taung Child”, an hominid belonging to the species australopitecus africanus, whose fossilized skull has been described in 1925 by...