Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka

Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka
Nicolaus Copernicus University | umk · Department of Law and State Theory


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Associate professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Previously a legal clerk at the Constitutional Court of Poland (2008-2017). re:constitution fellow 2019/20. research interests: constitutional theory, rule of law, comparative constitutional law, European constitutionalism, jurisprudence, political philosophy


Publications (29)
Idea sądownictwa konstytucyjnego wciąż jest przedmiotem sporów na płaszczyźnie nauki prawa i filozofii polityki, a także w sferze czysto politycznej. Przynajmniej częściowo wynika to ze specyfiki czy wręcz tytułowej „osobliwości” judicial review. Opowiedzenie się za sądową kontrolą konstytucyjności bądź przeciw niej wiąże się z określoną wizją kons...
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This paper examines recent case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) concerning the right to a fair trial, with a particular focus on cases arising from the Polish rule of law crisis that began in 2015. It begins by outlining the constitutional standard for the right to a fair tri...
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Contemporary cities should be developed based on concepts grounded in ecology and sustainable development. The eco-city is one of such concepts which emphasises the role of hydrological resources, especially small-scale retention, in environmentally-and user-friendly spatial development. Pro-environmental concepts are manifested mainly as provision...
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The global COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns have had a significant impact on urban areas and their residents. We study the public perception of the lockdown measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in two socially and spatially different districts in Rome: Sallustiano and Centocelle. We answer two research questions: Wa...
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Comparative research of the case-law of constitutional courts concerning the membership of a given state in the EU (referred to in the article as “European” case-law of constitutional courts) requires taking into account various contexts in which this case-law is involved. The aim of this article is to indicate and analyze the most important of the...
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A discernible rift between the rhetoric of political constitutionalism and the real policy of authoritarian populists – The rhetoric focused on political constitutionalism and popular sovereignty as a façade and a utilitarian argument justifying the introduction of counter-constitutional changes through statute laws – Captured apex courts turned in...
Conference Paper
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The Polish constitutional imaginary is an eclectic set of ideas, often contradicting or potentially conflicting with each other. This feature is partly the result of the complexity of Polish history, the leitmotif of which has revolved around regaining and maintaining independence for several centuries. This chapter analyses the relationship betwee...
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25-ta rocznica wejścia w życie Konstytucji jest dobrą okazją do postawienia pytania czy (i jak) integracja europejska zmieniła polski konstytucjonalizm. W artykule zwracam uwagę na proces kształtowania treści art. 90 w trakcie prac ustrojodawczych. Wskazuję, że żmudnie wypracowywany kompromis w tym zakresie był następstwem zróżnicowanych postaw par...
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The dynamic development of judicial review of the constitutionality of laws in the second half of the twentieth century is reflected in contemporary theories of judicial review. They go beyond the original axis of the dispute over the legitimacy of judicial review, which was shaped by the counter-majoritarian dilemma, and often become more nuanced....
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Freedom of assembly is one of the fundamental rights that form the backbone of democracy. It guarantees people the right to public and peaceful assembly, enabling them to express their own views and bring some influence to bear upon social and political processes. The purpose of this article is to analyse the legal measures introduced in Poland as...
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In Poland, significant changes have occurred since 2015, consisting in the gradual dismantling of the existing separation of power and the subordination of judiciary power to executive power. The purpose of this chapter is to assess the systemic changes that have affected the Constitutional Tribunal. The author claims that these changes should be c...
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Charakterystyczny dla współczesnego dyskursu o konstytucjonalizmie zabieg etykietowania (labelling) doprowadził do powstania gęstej dżungli "przymiotni-kowych konstytucjonalizmów", wykraczających poza klasyczny liberalny para-dygmat. Tworzone koncepcje zmierzają do sprecyzowania zmian zachodzących w prawie publicznym oraz jego otoczeniu politycznym...
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Right-wing populist constitutionalism in Poland – defined as a descriptive approach to changing the role of the constitution – has nothing to do with popular constitutionalism. Criticism of PiS against the judicial review in Poland has been directed solely at the ‘former’ liberal juristocracy. Having been taken over, the Constitutional Tribunal has...
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Since 2015, a rule of law crisis has been intensifying in Poland. The ruling party has sought and partially succeeded to capture the most important judicial bodies through laws that contradict constitutional and European standards. The covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the rule of law, specifically in the unconstitutional decisions taken...
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One of the two basic genres of ancient drama is tragedy – fate thwarts all the intentions and actions of the main protagonist, leading him to his doom. In such terms does the governing coalition in Poland attempt to present what befell the presidential elections in Poland – just a few days before the elections, the leaders of the two coalition part...
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Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Poland’s government is refusing to announce an emergency state, presumably in order to go ahead with the Presidential election on 10 May. Instead, the ruling coalition in Poland has been presenting increasingly controversial proposals aimed at ensuring that the country’s PiS-aligned President will remain in of...
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Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o granice dopuszczalności zmian Konstytucji RP z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. Celem opracowania jest przede wszystkim ustalenie, czy w obowiązującym akcie konstytucyjnym można znaleźć wewnętrzne ograniczenia dla tzw. ustrojodawcy wtórnego, a więc podmiotu dokonującego zmian w treści konstytucji (...
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The question of the application and impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU ('Charter') in quotidian practice of human rights protection and review is a strategic one. Given the predominantly decentralised effects of EU law and with the due account to the wide interpretation of the scope of the Charter's application (Art. 51(1)) prese...
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Is a soft law instrument the right object of assessment in a situation where most commentators on the ongoing rule of law crisis summarise previous EU actions with the statement: too late, too long, too mild? This piece offers a look at the July blueprint for action as a political declaration which provides important general statements regarding th...
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Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe zmiany, którym uległa kontrola konstytucyjności prawa w państwach europejskich. Wskazano, że w ramach tzw. kelsenowskiego modelu sądownictwa konstytucyjnego w wielu państwach, w tym w Austrii, dokonywano licznych modyfikacji dotyczących zakresu kompetencji sądów konstytucyjnych, rodzajów oraz skutków prawnych ich orze...
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The paper deals with the changes in the centralized (Kelsenian) model of constitutional review resulting from a state’s membership of the EU, which unequivocally demonstrates the decomposition of the classic paradigm of constitutional judiciary. The main point raised in the paper is that European integration has fundamentally influenced on the four...
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Ongoing discussions on the need to amend the effective Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 or to enact a new Fundamental Law have made the question on the limits of permitted modifications of system-related decisions to become increasingly pertinent also in the context of Polish constitutional law. The question posed above natura...
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This article concerns constitutional problems related to the implementation of EU directives seen from both the legal and comparative perspectives. The directives are a source of law which share a number of characteristic features that significantly affect and determine the specificity of Member States' constitutional review of the directives as we...
The history of the Polish Constitutional Court ( Trybunal Konstytucyjny , hereinafter: the CC) shows that it has been one of the most respected constitutional organs. Although the CC has ruled on many controversial cases, and its case-law sometimes has been heavily criticized, until 2015, it had never become the object of a direct political attack....
The main purpose of the preliminary ruling procedure is to prevent divergences in judicial decisions applying European Union (EU) law and to ensure the uniform interpretation of EU legal provisions across Member States. The procedure, introduced in the Founding Treaties, has provided a platform for the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereaf...


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