Aleksandar MaksimovićInstitute for Scientific Research and Development Brcko district BiH
Aleksandar Maksimović
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- Head of Department
Publications (41)
To promote the development of rural areas, it is essential to implement collaborative initiatives, with tourism being one of them. Tourism significantly contributes to the economic growth of a country. Unfortunately, rural areas have faced a decline in recent decades. Hence, it is crucial to foster tourism as a means to develop these regions. This...
This research is focused to identifying the most suitable plum variety for establishing a new orchard, aiming to achieve optimal outcomes. To accomplish this goal, multi-criteria decision-making model has been developed striving to support decision-making process. The gained results are based on experience of experts engaged in assessment of certai...
Raising an orchard is a long-term investment and it is necessary to plan for all possibilities. The choice of the system of planting, tree distance, selection of varieties and planting materials must be carefully considered to ensure maximum production. Selection of the appropriate varieties of fruit is the most important problem fruit growers are...
The research objectives presented in this paper are to assess the current state of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s rural tourism offer and to recommend a course of action for its development based on the model’s data that was gathered from subject-matter experts. In this paper, the multicriteria analysis method DEX (Decision EXpert) was utilized to assess...
The conducted research represents empirical study of the multidimensional relationship between supply chain practice and performance. In the supply chain practice, the focus is on customer, customer relationship and information sharing. This research shows what type of impact has the practice on supply chain performance. Supply chain performance is...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (abbreviated BiH) has great potential for fruit production. BiH has over 1.5 million hectares of agricultural land. In addition, there are excellent climatic conditions for growing fruit. However, although there is a long tradition of fruit production in BiH, this production must be improved. This paper provides guidance on m...
The conducted research represents empirical study of the multidimensional relationship between supply chain practice and performance. In the supply chain practice, the focus is on customer, customer relationship and information sharing. This research shows what type of impact has the practice on supply chain performance. Supply chain performance is...
Many scholars perceive price competitiveness as a highly relevant element of tourism competitiveness in improving tourism performance. We focused our research interest specifically to understand whether price competitiveness is an important policy instrument in attracting international tourists and their spending. Our empirical study focused on how...
The choice of the appropriate variety of fruit is one of the most important factors in establishing new orchards. It is necessary to choose the variety that will give the best results in meeting the investment goals. This paper offered an innovative decision support model for plum variety selection, based on expert decision making and fuzzy logic....
This paper presents an empirical study of multidimensional relations in e-learning. The research is focused on students’ satisfaction with the usage of e-learning. Data for this survey were collected on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. By using random sample method, eleven higher education institutions in BIH were selected and the survey qu...
Agroturizam kao pojam nije novijeg datuma, počeo se razvijati početkom 20. stoljeća. Glavni razlog uvođenja agroturizma je poboljšanje prihoda i životnog standarda ruralnog stanovništva. Cilj ovog rada je procijeniti održivu agroturističku ponudu u BiH i na temelju nje dati smjernice za poboljšanje konkurentnosti ove vrste turizma u BiH. U tu svrhu...
Every organization needs to invest in order for it to grow, and investments are made through projects. Thus, investment management is performed by applying project management techniques. Different project management software programs are used to manage multiple projects. There is a lot of project management software on the market, and four pieces o...
This paper explores ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an important element of rural and cultural tourism. The attractiveness of natural and cultural heritage is very important for sustainable rural tourism development. In order to improve the process of decision making to enable the sustainable development of ethno-villages, a multi-crite...
In order for a tourist to visit a location, it has to be attractive. Destination attractiveness can be examined in several ways. One of them is offered by this study, which has examined destination attractiveness based on resources available in certain rural settlements. Based on a case study carried out in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegov...
For investment decisions to be made in tourism sector, it is necessary to determine tourism potential on the first place. Tourism potential is the ability of a particular location to attract and host tourists. Tourism development should be based on strengthening sustainability, and thus tourism will provide good effects. Since rural settlements hav...
The aim of this paper is to present the application of quantitative methods in the analysis of foreign trade indicators of corn in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subsequently, based on the analysis, the forecast of import and export parameters was created for the 2018-20 period which predicted that corn imports and exports would increase both in the natur...
Innovation is essential for long-term success in business and companies need to develop an innovative supply chain to respond to environmental and market challenges. It is necessary to develop knowledge through organizational learning in order to strengthen the ability of companies to innovate. An innovative supply chain is the basis for developing...
The selection of the appropriate apple varieties is one of the most important decisions in orchards establishing. The paper gives the methodology for estimating the most suitable varieties of apples when establishing orchards according to modern market demands. This methodology is based on the DEX method for hierarchy-based multi-criteria decision...
Worldwide and especially in Slovenia, family tourism businesses have a fundemantal economic role. This role has been constantly increasing and gaining its importance. The critical time in family tourism businesses, however, is mainly managing succession, which is defined as a transfer of ownership and is in close relation to the transfer of leaders...
The international environment in recent years is process of selecting suppliers in the supply chain set as a key strategic consideration regarding competitive advantage. Changes in environment are constant threat to ecology, causing the needs for selecting green agricultural machinery which will be in accordance with the requirements of organic pro...
The success or failure of an investment project in fruit production also depends on the selection of the fruit species and variety. When selecting the variety for the creation of a new orchard it is necessary to perform the synthesis of different data and to look at all aspects of the investment. This paper presents the application of DEX multi-cri...
U posljednja dva desetljeća kvaliteta je u visokom obrazovanju sve važnija. Razlog tomu treba tražiti u razvitku informatičkog društva i u samoj globalizaciji. Primjenom Bolonjske deklaracije u visokom obrazovanju povećala se mobilnost studenata, a pojavom brojnih privatnih visokoškolskih institucija izraženija je konkurencija na polju visokog obra...
Integrated fruit production (IFP) is an economical, high-quality fruit production which prioritizes ecologically acceptable means of production, which minimize side-effects aiming to increase environment conservation and human health.
Following the market demands and increasing production standards, integrated production imposes itself, which is t...
Prilikom podizanja novog voćnjaka, proizvođaču su na raspolaganju različiti koncepti sadnje. Na sjevernom području Bosne i Hercegovine se najčešče koristi konvencionalni pristup u sadnji voća. Promjene na svjetskom tržištu nastale na osnovu zahtjeva za ekološki prihvatljiv kvalitetnim proizvodima i kontuiniranosti isporuke ustanovile su potrebu za...
Proteklih nekoliko godina primjetno je povećano interesovanje međunarodnih učesnika u prehrambenom lancu proizvodnje o potrebama zelene proizvodnje. Svijet se sve više okreće zdravoj zelenoj proizvodnji. S tim u vezi poljoprivredni proizvođači proces izbora dobavljača u zelenom lancu snabdijevanja postavilo kao ključno strateško razmatranje u pogle...
Cattle breeding is a very important part of agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and milk production has a vital place in cattle breeding production. From an economic point of view, milk production is interesting as it is a daily production which presupposes faster marketing, which accelerates capital movement in agriculture, wh...
Pojava sve veće konkurencije na području visokog obrazovanja pridonijela je „borbi“ za svakoga studenta. Sve se više pažnje posvećuje potrebama i željama studenata. S implementacijom Bolonjskog procesa na visokoškolskim ustanovama sustav kvalitete dobiva sve više na značenju. Visokoškolske ustanove se okreću ka kvaliteti te stavljaju studente u prv...
Integralna proizvodnja kao noviji koncept proizvodnje voća (IPV) se definiše kao ekonomična proizvodnja voća visokog kvaliteta, koja daje prioritet ekološki sigurnijim metodama, koje minimiziraju neželjene strane uticaje i primjenu hemikalija, sa ciljem povećanja zaštite životne okoline i zdravlja čovjeka.
U ovome radu se razmatra analiza osjetljiv...
Širok spektar promjena u oblasti visokog obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini, a koje su se dominantno manifestovale u implementaciji Bolonjskog procesa i osnivanju privatnih visokoškolskih ustanova, uvukle su visokoobrazovni sistem na tržište, koje po svojim karakteristikama sve više aludira na tržište lične potrošnje.
U centru pažnje se nalazi stude...
Primjenom Bolonjskog procesa na visokoškolskim ustanovama sustav kvalitete dobiva sve više na značaju. Visokoškolske ustanove se okreću kvaliteti te stavljaju studente u prvi plan, a tome je doprinijela sve veća konkurencija u visokom obrazovanju. Ovaj rad u prvi plan stavlja odnos sustava kvalitete sa zadovoljstvom i odanošću studenata. Na Visokoj...
Rural development policy deals with achieving goals for rural areas and a wide range of socio-economic activities are included within it. This work intends to connect rural development policies with the occurrence of domestic violence in rural areas. The area of research is the territory of Tuzla Canton, which is, by definition of OECD (less than 1...
U svim tvrtkama koje posluju u skladu sa zahtjevima tržišnog gospodarstva, potrebno je maksimalno posvećivanje odnosa tvrtke sa svim interesnim skupinama. Svaka tvrtka mora posvetiti veliku pažnju odnosima s javnošću. Odnosi s javnošću (PR) su najvažniji faktor provođenja društveno odgovornog marketinga.
Pojava nedopuštenoga nivoa aflatoksina u mli...
The European Union in different ways and through the structural funds, helps countries to develop in the Western Balkans. Decision of the EU, the total amount that will be available in Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period since 2007. 2013. is 4 billion.
One of the priority measures under the IPA Cros-...
SAŽETAK Nacionalni interes svih zemalja u tranziciji je pridruživanje Europskoj Uniji. Da bi se ostvario taj cilj neophodna je primjena standarda u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i ispunjavanje niza zahtjeva za ulazak u Europsku uniju. Od poljoprivrednih proizvođača i prerađivača zahtijeva se dodatno i cjeloživotno obra-zovanje i praćenje dostignuća u...
Agricultural policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina have to fit in overall global processes of trade
liberalization which are going in two main directions: multilateral liberalization Agreements and
bilateral Agreements on trade liberalization. Agricultural sector has specific position in these
processes and is characterized with most often limited lib...
The European Union in different ways and
through the structural funds, helps developing
countries of the Western Balkans. One of these
programs and cross-border cooperation under the IPA
and assistance programs. This paper will try to draw
attention to a few questions related to the issues preaccession
(IPA program) of EU assistance to BiH,
Brcko D...
Evropska Unija na različite načine i preko strukturnih fondova, pomaže razvoju zemalja Zapadnog Balkana. Odlukom EU, ukupan iznos koji će u periodu od 2007. do 2013. godine biti na raspolaganju Turskoj, Hrvatskoj, SCG, Makedoniji, Albaniji i Bosni i Hercegovini iznosi 4 milijarde evra. Jedana od prioritetnih mjera u okviru IPA programa Cros-border...
Production of bee products using standards of Modern technology requires high specialization and high productivity of labor, adequate facilities and equipment, and coordination of natural bee potential with production characteristics of the wider region. Effectively beekeeping today means using several pastures per year with a yield of 50-60 kg per...
Sažetak Kada se upravitelj poljoprivrednog gospodarstva odlučuje za investicije u poljoprivredi? U pravilu onda, kada je do krajnjih granica fizički i vrijednosno iskoristio postojeću imovinu. Rjeđe vlastiti, a češće posuđeni novac ulaže se u manje ili veće poboljšanje postojeće proizvodnje ili povećanje njenog obujma. Osnovni motivi kod većih ulag...
Agrarna politika u BiHi mora se uklapati u opće globalne procese liberalizacije trgovine koji se odvijaju u dva osnovna smjera: višestrana liberalizacija i dvostrani ugovori o liberalizaciji. Poljoprivreda ima posebno mjesto u tim procesima s obzirom na najčešće ograničene domete u liberalizaciji poljoprivrednim proizvodima. (Ćejvanović i sur. 2009...
Rural areas in the Brcko District provides current characteristics and rural areas may be attractive to undertake tourism activities . They presented folk costumes and folk dances, customs, religious buildings, cultural and historical monuments, gastronomy, hospitality people, etc . . Rich with natural potential and traditional values conducive to...
Questions (4)
Distinguished colleagues,
Does anybody know the economics journal in the scopus base where the release goes fast (2-3 months)?
What is the difference between organic farming and integrated production?.