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Alejandro Castro Solano

Alejandro Castro Solano
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Universidad de Palermo · Psychology

Doctor of Philosophy


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October 2005 - present
University of Buenos Aires
  • Professor (Associate)
June 2005 - present
National Scientific and Technical Research Council
  • Senior Researcher


Publications (181)
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El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar un modelo predictivo de rasgos de personalidad positivos y negativos tomando como criterio el bienestar psicológico mediante la implementación de algoritmos de machine learning. Participaron 2038 sujetos adultos (51.9 % mujeres). Para la recolección de datos se utilizó: Big Five Inventory y Mental Health Co...
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En este trabajo se analiza la autopresentación online auténtica (AOA): grado en que las personas se presentan de manera online de modo auténtico, sin distorsionar su modo de ser offline. Primero se diseñó una medida psicométrica para su operacionalización, y luego se estudió su asociación con aspectos psicológicos positivos (bienestar y satisfacció...
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Positive individual traits have been considered important by both Eastern and Western cultures. According to military academy manuals, the positive traits of individuals are significant elements for people who will hold military leadership positions. Since the dawn of the twenty-first century, positive psychology has had a positive trait classifica...
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El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo el diseño y validación de una escala para evaluar comportamiento contraproducente en línea que incluye el análisis conjunto de conductas destructivas (antisociales) y constructivas (prosociales). Además, se propuso determinar qué rasgos de personalidad (normales, patológicos, negativos o positivos) predicen di...
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Introduction: Differentiating between normal, pathological, and positive traits may be achieved by conceptualizing personality traits as a continuum in which these aspects could be placed as sickness or health poles. The tendency to focus on one aspect of the continuum to the detriment of the other has prompted the following question: What would be...
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The Meaning in Life Questionnaire assesses presence of and search for meaning in life. Although the questionnaire has shown promising psychometric properties in samples from different countries, the scale’s measurement invariance across a large number of nations has yet to be assessed. This study is aimed at addressing this gap, providing insight i...
Background While more than a year has passed since the COVID-19 outbreak, it is still a growing health concern. Moreover, ample consensus exists for the presence of not only a physical but also a psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those reported as hardest hit were individuals who had been infected with COVID-19. Survivors have exhibite...
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The aim of this paper was generating a short form of the Positive Traits Inventory (PTI-5-SF) by means of three consecutive studies, using a cross-sectional design. The first study tested the psychometric properties of the shorter version of PTI-5. Results showed that a 25-item scale was appropriate to capture the five positive traits of the Positi...
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This study examined associations between receiving and giving support, and their imbalance on depression symptoms in adolescents. Our sample included 2,111 young adolescents drawn from 6th Wave European Social Survey who completed measures of social support and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D). A hierarchical linear regressio...
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We sought to identify different user profiles considering the uses they make of the Internet and social networks, and establish their relationship with sociodemographic variables, personality and perceived well-being. 628 users participated (52.5% women, Mage= 40.79; SD = 14.99). Four user profiles were identified: the group called low activity, is...
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Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la adecuación del uso de la escala SCL-27 (Sympton Checklist-27) en población general y población clínica argentina y su comparación con el SCL-90R. Se utilizaron una muestra intencional de 400 personas de población general y una muestra de 85 pacientes en tratamiento psicológico ambulatorio. Se administraron...
This study aimed to identify the motives for social media sites use in the general population and determine what personality traits (normal and maladaptive) predict different motives for social media sites use. Another objective was to analyze which motives for SMSs use are related to well-being. The sample consisted of 420 subjects (211 men, 209 w...
This chapter aims to describe and explain the phenomenon of acculturation in students who decide to study in another country. Acculturation implies psychological and cultural changes, resulting from intercultural contact, that allow students to adapt both psychological and socioculturally (Berry, 2003). This process buffers the adverse physical and...
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El presente estudio se propuso investigar perfiles de usuarios de redes sociales que presentan conductas disruptivas online. Para tal fin se diseñó un índice que permite evaluar el nivel en el que se presentan dichas conductas y se analizó la relación entre la intensidad de la conducta disruptiva online con variables sociodemográficas, motivos de u...
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The Section III on Emerging Measures and Models included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, introduces a hybrid alternative approach, dimensional-categorical, to diagnose personality disorders. The Criterion A establishes the assessment of the impairment in personality functioning in terms of two dime...
Recent research suggests that gratitude is associated with better cardiovascular health. Here, we investigated whether trait and/or state gratitude was associated with cardiovascular responses to acute stress. Eighty-six young adults completed measures of gratitude and had their cardiovascular responses monitored throughout a standardised stress te...
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Traditionally, models of positive personality traits have referred to moral characteristics. The High Five Model (HFM) is a factor model of individual positive traits based on an inductive psycho-lexical approach. Unlike other models, in the HFM the positive characteristics were freely determined by lay people, beyond any moral tones. The HFM compr...
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The aim of this research was to study the association between the Positive Personality Model (PPM) traits and the state of complete mental health as conceived by the Dual Factor Model (DFM). The sample was composed of 1502 Argentinean adults from the general population (age: M = 39.79, SD = 14.23; gender: 50.1% male, 49.9% female). A cluster analys...
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar diferentes perfiles de usuarios de Internet y redes sociales, considerando variables relacionadas con el uso, aspectos sociodemográficos y psicológicos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1248 sujetos del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina (620 hombres, 628 mujeres); edad promedio: 39.41 año...
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This research aimed at testing an explicative model of academic achievement of college students. Positive personality traits were hypothesized as the main predictors. Mental health and academic adjustment were tested as mediator variables. This model intended to reflect the main hypothesis that academic achievement is multi-determined and non-intel...
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En el presente artículo se analizó la validez incremental de las virtudes organizacionales por sobre el capital psicológico (CAPPSI) individual en cuanto a la predicción de la performance y la satisfacción laboral. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 459 empleados/as argentinos (232 hombres, 227 mujeres); edad promedio: 36.43 años (DE = 11.56); pertene...
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The paper introduces an analysis of the dimensional maladaptive personality traits model stated in the section III of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5), conducted on a community sample composed of 906 adults from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Data were gathered using a socio-demographic survey as well as the Pers...
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El presente estudio analiza el uso de redes sociales en usuarios de alta exposición e identifica diferencias individuales en relación a rasgos de personalidad, sintomatología, satisfacción vital y percepción de efectos positivos/negativos entre usuarios de alta exposición vs no usuarios. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 298 sujetos (183 hombres, 115...
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This study examined the hypothesis that gender identity and biological sex represent independent modules and that transgender individuals respond to romantic rivals in line with their gender identity and not with their biological sex. Additionally, associations of jealousy with intrasexual competitiveness (ISC) and social comparison orientation (SC...
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This research aimed to analyzewhether positive traits could explain optimal functioning, the combination of high well-being and performance, of active workers. The sample comprised 400 active Argentinean workers between the ages of 18 and 66 years old (M AGE=36.50, SD=11.81, 49.5% male, 50.5% female). Multiple lineal regressions revealed that posit...
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The aim of this paper is to explore a new framework for personality assessment that may function as sanity nosology of personality traits: the Positive Personality Model (PPM). The recent publication of DSM-5 created the opportunity to assess personality traits as dimensional constructs (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In Section III, five...
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El estudio de las virtudes y fortalezas del carácter es uno de los temas más importantes dentro de la psicología positiva. Peterson y Seligman (2004) determinaron que 24 fortalezas del carácter estaban vinculadas a 6 virtudes y llamaron via a esa clasificación. Nuestro trabajo está incluido en la investigación sobre esa clasificación. Se desarrolló...
Transgender people provide a unique opportunity to examine the effect of biological sex versus gender identity on mating preferences. This study aimed at identifying the mate characteristics that are most and least valued by transgender people and at examining to what extent their biological sex or their gender identity determined their mate prefer...
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Resumen En el presente trabajo se describe la construcción del Inventario de Rasgos Positivos para el DSM-5 (IRP-5). Este instrumento pretende identificar rasgos positivos de la personalidad partiendo de aquellos criterios identificados como pertenecientes a los rasgos patológicos de la personalidad. Su diseño comenzó con la formulación positiva u...
En el presente capítulo se intenta que el lector conozca una serie de investigaciones llevadas a nivel local con la intención de describir y explicar el fenómeno de aculturación que se ocurre en estudiantes que deciden realizar sus estudios en un país distinto al de origen. El mismo se trata de un proceso de cambio psicológico y cultural que se da...
La presente investigación pretendió encontrar asociaciones entre las virtudes organizacionales (Apoyo y respeto, Significado e inspiración, Perdón), las características positivas percibidas y medidas de resultado (performance organizacional/ individual y satisfacción laboral) en empleados de organizaciones. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 459 emple...
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Spanish (please see English below): El Modelo de los Cinco Altos (MCA; High Five Model, HFM, por sus siglas en inglés) establece cinco rasgos positivos de la personalidad: erudición, paz, jovialidad, honestidad, y tenacidad, llamados factores altos. Un estudio previo había mostrado la validez convergente, discriminante y estructural del MCA. Este e...
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The aim of this paper was to validate a scale to assess work engagement: a measure of a psychological aspect of the role that includes the attention, absorption and energy that the individual invests in his/her work tasks. Confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency estimation, and evidences of convergent and discriminant validity indicated...
Introducción: el Inventario de Evaluación de la Personalidad para ado­lescentes (PAI-A, por sus siglas en inglés) examina la sintomatología psicopatológica y las variables vinculadas al diseño de intervenciones psicoterapéuticas. Consta de 264 ítems para su uso en la evaluación clínica de adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años. Incluye escalas de validez...
l objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer las puntuaciones de corte de los puntajes compuestos del Listado de Síntomas Breve 50 (de Rivera & Abuín, 2012) para su uso en adolescentes de Buenos Aires. Para ello se analizaron curvas característica operativa del receptor –o curva ROC por sus siglas en inglés– y con esa información se procedió a determi...
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This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the brief version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5-BF) in a community sample of Argentine adult population, to establish its relationship with the Big Five normal personality traits, and to examine the association of pathological traits with mental and physical maladaptiveness...
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The study of individual differences in positive characteristics has mainly focused on moral traits. The objectives of this research were to study individual differences in positive characteristics from the point of view of the layperson, including non-moral individual characteristics, and to generate a replicable model of positive factors. Three st...
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo establecer la validez cultural de la clasificación VIA (24 fortalezas en 6 virtudes) mediante la utilización de un enfoque mixto (ético/émico). Se intentó determinar si la clasificación VIA resultaba relevante culturalmente para poder capturar las respuestas de personas legas en ocasión de describir las carac...
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The present research aimed at studying the psychometric properties of the Mental Health Continuum–Short Form (MHC–SF; Keyes, 2005) in a sample of 1,300 Argentinean adults (50% males; 50% females). Their mean age was 40.28 years old (SD = 13.59). The MHC–SF is a 14 item test that assesses three components (i.e., emotional, social, and psychological)...
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The aims of this study are 1) to evaluate the mental health continuum and the dual-continua model classifications in a sample of Argentinean adults; and 2) to compare the mental health prevalence according to demographic variables and the presence of significant psychiatric symptoms. The sample included 627 adults (49.8% males and 50.2% females). T...
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Virtudes y fortalezas del carácter en población adulta de Buenos Aires. Un estudio con un enfoque mixto émico/ético Virtues and character strengths in Buenos Aires adult population. Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo establecer la validez cultural de la clasificación VIA (24 fortalezas en 6 virtudes) mediante la utilización de un enfoq...
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Resumen. El estudio de las diferencias individuales en características positivas se ha focalizado en el estudio de características morales que son atribuidas por las personas a sí mismas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar las características positivas que son atribuidas a personajes admirados desde el punto de vista de las personas com...
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En el presente estudio se analizan perfiles de organizaciones a partir de las percepciones de empleados/as con respecto a las características de sus lugares de trabajo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 459 empleados/as argentinos (232 hom-bres); edad promedio: 36,3 años (DT = 11,7); pertenecientes a empresas públicas (17,2%, n = 79) y privadas (82,6...
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This study analysed the profiles of organizations based on employee perceptions of their workplace. The sample consisted of 459 Argentinian employees (232 men; average age, 36.3 years (SD = 11.7)). The participants worked for public companies (17.2%, n = 79) or private companies (82.6%, n = 379). Most of them lived in Buenos Aires and surrounding a...
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The idea underlying this work is that character strengths are an essential component for achieving life fulfillment. In order to determine the extent to which strengths of character are essential to living a good life, this study was conducted from laypeople's point of view. This work took as theoret ical framework Seligman's recent theory, known u...
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The aim of this paper was to obtain evidence of the validity of the LSB-50 (de Rivera & Abuin, 2012), a screening measure of psychopathology, in Argentinean adolescents. The sample consisted of 1002 individuals (49.7% male; 50.3% female) between 12 and 18 years-old (M = 14.98; SD = 1.99). A cross-validation study and factorial invariance studies we...
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The aim of this paper was to obtain evidence of the validity of the LSB-50 (de Rivera & Abuín, 2012), a screening measure of psychopathology, in Argentinean adolescents. The sample consisted of 1002 individuals (49.7% male; 50.3% female) between 12 and 18 years-old (M = 14.98; SD = 1.99). A cross- validation study and factorial invariance studies w...
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The main objective of this research was studying the psychometric properties of the Listado de síntomas breve (short checklist of symptoms; LSB-50) in a sample of 994 Argentinean adults (49.9% females; 50.1% males). Mean age was 40.66 years (standard deviation= 17.01; Min=18; Max=89). This screening test has seven main clinical scales: hypersensiti...
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In well-being research the term happiness is often used as synonymous with life satisfaction. However, little is known about lay people's understanding of happiness. Building on the available literature, this study explored lay definitions of happiness across nations and cultural dimensions, analyzing their components and relationship with particip...
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El trabajo se propone aportar evidencias de validez referidas al Listado de Síntomas Breve (LSB-50; de Rivera y Abuín, 2012), instrumento psicométrico de screening para medir síntomas psicológicos, analizadas en una muestra de adultos argentinos. Los participantes fueron 1291 individuos distribuidos proporcionalmente según sexo (51% mujeres; 49% va...
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Resumen El trabajo se propone aportar evidencias de validez referidas al Listado de Síntomas Breve (LSB-50; de Rivera y Abuín, 2012), instrumento psicométrico de screening para medir síntomas psicológicos, analizadas en una muestra de adultos argentinos. Los participantes fueron 1291 individuos distribuidos proporcionalmente según sexo (51% mujeres...
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El IVyF (Strength of Character Inventory, en inglés) es un instrumento de medición de las 24 fortalezas del carácter de la clasificación de Peterson y Seligman (2004). A diferencia de otros cuestionarios homólogos para medir las fortalezas de esa clasificación que están compuestos por decenas de ítems, el IVyF es un instrumento de medición de 24 ít...
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-This psychometric analysis of the Argentinean version of the Personality Assessment Inventory employed a convenience sample of 998 non-clinical adults from Buenos Aires, Argentina, stratified by sex and age (50% men; M age = 40.4 yr., SD = 16.8; 50% women; M age = 40.7 yr., SD = 17.4; 69% were employed). For a criterion validity study, a second sa...
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This research aims at studying some psychometric properties of the Listado de Síntomas Breve (LSB-50) [Short Checklist of Symptoms] in Argentinean adolescents. The sample included 1003 adolescents (50.2% females, 49.8% males) aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.99, SD = 1.98). The LSB-50 is a 50-item scale that assesses psychopathology using seven...
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-The Authentic Happiness Theory considers that well-being can be reached by three main pathways: a pleasant life, an engaged life, or a meaningful life. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Three Pathways to Well-being scale in Argentinean adolescents and compares that to prior results for Argentinean adults. A sample of 255 A...
Evaluadores de Psicodebate 14(2)
Evaluadores de Psicodebate 12
Evaluadores de Psicodebate 13
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Evaluadores de Psicodebate 15(1)
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The objective was to identify academic and psychological predictors in function of sociodemographic (sex, age, residence time), cultural and psychological variables of international students which realized their studies in Argentina/AR. The participants were 216 migrant students. 57% were women, 43% male, average age = 24.18 years (SD = 4.55). 86%...
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This study focused on the second pillar of positive psychology –virtues and character strengths– with the purpose of exploring by a mixed approach –that is, emic - etic– self-perceived strengths in 163 children, 51% male and 49% female from Buenos Aires City (Argentina). Forty percent of the participants were 10 years old, 28% were 11 years old and...
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Se intentó analizar si existen diferencias en las Teorías Implícitas del Liderazgo (TILs) acerca del liderazgo masculino y femenino según ámbito de desempeño (empresarial, académico y político). Además se buscaron diferencias según ámbito y según sexo de quien responde, para el caso de las TILs acerca del liderazgo femenino. Participaron 441 sujeto...
This study focused on the second pillar of positive psychology –virtues and character strengths– with the purpose of exploring by a mixed approach –that is, emic - etic– self-perceived strengths in 163 children, 51 % male and 49 % female from Buenos Aires City (Argentina). Forty percent of the participants were 10 years old, 28 % were 11 years old...
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This intended to analyze differences in the level of perception –of general population participants- in regards to leaders with diverse socio-cultural characteristics (gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, nationality) and also verify by means of structural equations, the influence of intergroup anxiety and the cultural sensitivity in...
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Evaluadores de Psicodebate 14(1)
This chapter addresses the study of cultural competences involved in the successful adaptation of a particular group of migrants: international students. Cultural competences are skills that people display when facing cultural diversity and have been found to predict job performance and academic achievement of those who have to interact in differen...
This chapter aims to describe Latin-American studies on well-being from two different perspectives: the hedonic (life satisfaction, positive and negative emotions) and the eudaimonic (psychological well-being) traditions. An analysis of research articles published between 1998 and 2012 was conducted. The introduced key words were: happiness, life s...
This chapter aims to outline the dissemination of Positive Psychology (PP) in Latin America and provides an overview of the present book. In the past decade, PP was introduced in Argentina by Maria Martina Casullo. Since 2006, Positive Psychology Ibero-American Meetings have been held annually, involving the majority of Latin American countries, es...
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Seligman proposes that well-being can be achieved by three main pathways: the pleasant life or positive emotions, the engaged life, and the meaningful life. The aims of this study are to investigate the three pathways to well-being in Argentinean adolescents and analyze their relationship to life satisfaction. A sample of 255 Argentinean adolescent...
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This study aimed the adaptation and validation of the Inventory of Virtues and Strengths (I.V.&S., Cosentino & Castro Solano, 2008) in children aged 10-12 years. The I.V.&S. Children is a useful tool for assessing human virtues and strengths according to Peterson and Seligman´s (2004) six virtues and 24 strengths classification of character. 518 ch...
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This study aimed the adaptation and validation of the Inventory of Virtues and Strengths (I.V.&S., Cosentino & Castro Solano, 2008) in children aged 10-12 years. The I.V.&S. Children is a useful tool for assessing human virtues and strengths according to Peterson and Seligman´s (2004) six virtues and 24 strengths classification of character. 518 ch...
This volume describes a culture-fair perspective on positive psychology research and practice in Latin America. It provides a deep understanding of the ways in which context can affect practice, intervention and research results. The development of Positive Psychology in areas such as test adaptation and construction, prediction of academic achieve...
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The classification of character strengths and virtues by Peterson and Seligman (2004) includes 24 strengths and 6 virtues. Although the development of this classification was inspired by diverse cultural traditions, no one strength or virtue centrally focused on cultural aspects. Fowers and Davidov (2006) have proposed a new multicultural strength...
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El interés para realizar esta investigación sur- gió a partir de que Argentina recibe un número creciente de estudiantes de otros países latinoa- mericanos, atraídos por el idioma, el prestigio académico y las condiciones económicas. Como resultado del contacto intercultural, los estudian- tes atraviesan el proceso psicológico denominado aculturaci...
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An investigation was realized to analyze the way leaders and subordinates describe themselves in relation to perceived gender stereotypic characteristics and, to verify if exists differences in these characteristics according position (leader/ subordinate). Participate 612 individuals, 329 male (54%) y 283 female (46%), age average = 37,54 years (D...
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Las teorías que estudian el bienestar psicológico todavía no han explicado qué es causa y qué es efecto de la satisfacción que tienen las personas. Así, queda sin explicar si la satisfacción es la sumatoria de haber tenido muchos «momentos felices» en la vida o si el bienestar general que tienen las personas hay que entenderlo como una disposición...
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The interest of this research arises from that Argentina received a growing number of studen from other Latin-American countries. International migration has risen exponentially in recent decades due to advances in technology and com munications. According to the International Organization for Migration (OIM, 2010), the estimated number of internat...
This study examines gender differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of rival characteristics in two Spanish-speaking countries (Argentina and Spain). A total of 388 Spanish students and 444 Argentinean students participated in the study. First, the cross-cultural validity of a Dutch scale containing 56 rival characteristics was examined. A factor...
From an evolutionary perspective, this article deals with sex differences in jealousy and envy evoking rival characteristics in a work setting and their relationship with intra-sexual competition. The sample consisted of 114 employees from various professional fields. The rivals evoked more jealousy and envy in women than in men, especially when th...
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El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en Argentina que diferencia laopinión de ciudadanos acerca de su calidad de vida, para dicho estudio se tomaron en cuentados zonas geográficas específicas, la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y los Partidos delGran Buenos Aires. Se midió el nivel de satisfacción con la calidad de vida en...
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The present article aims to describe the progress of the study and application of Positive Psychology (PP) in Latin America. On one hand, it is described how the interest in PP has emerged in some Latin American countries such as Argentina, Peru and Mexico, among others. On the other hand, results of a literature review which explore the developmen...
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Presentación Psicodebate 12
The article presents the results of a study developed in Argentina which shows the different opinions regarding the quality of life for citizens of two different geographic regions: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and Partidos del Gran Buenos Aires. The study measures quality of life using: the ESCVP (quality of life in the country scale) and SWLS...