Aldo José Fontes-PereiraFederal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ · Center of Technology
Aldo José Fontes-Pereira
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Aldo José Fontes-Pereira received a B.Sc. degree in Physiotherapy from Universidade do Estado do Pará, Brazil, 2009; and an M.Sc degree in Biomedical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012. He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in Biomedical Engineering at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. His research interests involve Ultrasound, Animal models, Epidemiology, scientific integrity, information science and Traumatology.
Additional affiliations
June 2012 - June 2016
July 2012 - June 2016
Publications (56)
Anxiety is a complex disorder; thus, its mechanisms remain unclear. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a promising pharmacological model for anxiety research. Light/dark preference test is a behaviorally validated measure of anxiety in zebrafish; however, it requires pharmacological validation. We sought to evaluate the sensitivity of the light/dark prefe...
This study focuses on retraction notices from two major Latin American/Caribbean indexing databases: SciELO and LILACS. SciELO includes open scientific journals published mostly in Latin America/the Caribbean, from which 10 % are also indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Journal of Citation Reports (JCR). LILACS has a similar geographical co...
Neste livro apresento um passo a passo da escrita científica para revisão sistemática da literatura, porém as dicas contidas neste livro serão úteis para todos os tipos de estudos. Alem disso, revelo diversos benefícios, como:
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Bone mineral density is an important parameter for the diagnosis of bone diseases, as well as for predicting fractures and treatment monitoring. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) to monitor bone changes after calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium loss in rat femurs in vitro during a demin...
Fazer ciência é mais importante do que publicar, mas publicar é uma forma didática e eficiente de difundir os achados. Muitas vezes, quando os artigos são escritos e até mesmo publicados, não ganham a devida visibilidade na comunidade científica e entre o público leigo por terem sido escritos de forma inadequada. Não apenas o autor perde, mas també...
This study aimed to evaluate a new therapeutic option for the spasticity using ultrasound neuromodulation in an animal model of spastic cerebral palsy.
Thirty-two adult male Wistar rats were randomly distributed in: negative control (NC); positive control (PC); untreated model (UTM); and treated model (TM). Rats in the control grou...
Introduction: This paper investigated the availability of retracted/with Expression of Concern Covid-19 papers on research-sharing platforms.
Methods: From the “Retraction Watch” (RW) list of Covid-19 retracted/with Expressions of Concern (EoC) papers, all articles pertaining to Covid-19 treatment were selected. After their identification, paper ti...
The thermal effects of therapeutic ultrasound are used to produce analgesia or reduce inflammation in biological tissues. However, it is contraindicated on regions with cemented prostheses, due to the supposed heating of it. The present study aims to evaluate the heating pattern in a multilayer medium, using cortical bone phantom, cancellous bone p...
Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) constitute a global health challenge, being the main cause of morbidity and mortality and causing substantial economic and social impacts. In Brazil, in 2015, NCDs were responsible for 75% of deaths, and projections indicate an increase to 19.2 million cases by 2035. Additionally, approximately 15% of indivi...
Bone recovery typically depends on the age of organisms or the prevalence of metabolic disorders such as osteoporosis, which is a metabolic condition characterized by decreased bone strength and bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), a non-invasive method for osteogenic stimulation, presents promi...
Ultrasonic bone imaging is a complex task, primarily because of the low energy contained in the signals reflected from the internal bone structures. In this study, the reconstruction of a bone-mimicking phantom echographic image using time-domain topological energy (TDTE) is proposed. A TDTE image results from a combination of forward and adjoint f...
A discussão de métodos de ensino aprendizagem que possibilitam o protagonismo do aluno tem sua matriz no século XX com os trabalhos de Ovide Decroly e Jonh Dewey. Segundo os mesmos o aprendizado deve ocorrer a partir de áreas de interesse sendo consoante com a prática. Decorrente de tal movimento em 1991 fora desenvolvida o método da Sala de Aula I...
Introdução: O JiuJitsu é uma arte marcial em que há grande contato físico entre os lutadores e ocorrem, com frequência, lesões em seus praticantes. Acarretando na interrupção dos treinos, competições e gerando prejuízos físicos, emocionais, socioeconômicos. Devido a maior exposição dessa arte marcial na mídia, o número de praticantes vem crescendo...
We describe the concept of a new imaging modality based on the tracking and dynamic modeling of local intensity changes (ICs) observed in conventional ultrasound images collected during a medium-temperature change. We computed the pixel-by-pixel IC from averaged B-mode images that exhibited different behaviors with varying temperature resulting fro...
This work evaluates the relationship between ultrasonic reflection and bone density from fourteen cylindrical bovine cortical bone samples (3.0-cm thick).
Twenty US reflection signals per sample were acquired along the bone surface (2.0-mm step). The Integrated Reflection Coefficient (IRC) from each signal was compared to Quantit...
Quando pensamos na evolução da ciência, tecnologia e inovação, observamos que elas têm ocorrido a uma velocidade tão grande que mesmo os cientistas e a sociedade tem dificuldade em acompanhar. Isso ocorre ainda mais rápido na medida em que as diferentes áreas das ciências passam e atuar conjuntamente complementando umas as outras e, consequentement...
Suplemento Especial - Fisioterapia Brasil - Volume 12 - Número 5 referente ao II Congresso Paraense de Fisioterapia e ao III Fórum de Ensino em Fisioterapia da Região Norte
One goal of therapeutic ultrasound is enabling heat generation in tissue. Ultrasound application protocols typically neglect these processes of absorption and backscatter/reflection at the skin/fat, fat/muscle, and muscle/bone interfaces. The aim of this study was to investigate the heating process at interfaces close to the transducer a...
Low-intensity physiotherapeutic ultrasound has been used in physical therapy clinics; however, there remain some scientific issues regarding the bone-healing process. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of low-intensity physiotherapeutic ultrasound on the initial stage of bone healing in rats.
Table of contents I1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity Concurrent Sessions: 1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrity CS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive university Susan Patricia O'...
In May 2015, Rio de Janeiro hosted the 4th edition of the World Conference on Research Integrity. This conference, aimed to promote dialogue on research integrity, was made possible through the participation of the research funding agencies, educational institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and editors of major journals from...
To determine the effectiveness of low-intensity therapeutic ultrasound (LITUS) on wound healing in rats with third-degree burns.
Twenty rats were divided into the Control Group that comprised four rats without third-degree burns that did not undergo LITUS, the Burned Group (BG), comprising eight rats with third-degree burns tha...
Existe um lado sombrio na ciência? Em maio de 2015, o Rio de Janeiro sediou a quarta edição da World Conference on Research Integrity. Esse congresso visou promover o diálogo sobre a integridade na pesquisa, o que foi possível por meio da participação de agências de fomento à pesquisa, instituições de ensino, organizações governamentais e não gover...
Anxiety is a complex disorder; thus, its mechanisms remain unclear. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a promising pharmacological model for anxiety research. Light/dark preference test is a behaviorally validated measure of anxiety in zebrafish; however, it requires pharmacological validation. We sought to evaluate the sensitivity of the light/dark prefe...
Bone healing is a complex process that stars after the occurrence of a fracture to restore bone optimal conditions. The gold standards for bone status evaluation are the dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and the computerized tomography. Ultrasound-based technologies have some advantages as compared to X-ray technologies: nonionizing radiation, porta...
Increased frequency of retractions has recently been observed, and retractions are important events that deserve scientific investigation. This study aimed to characterize cases of retraction within general and internal medicine in a high-profile database, with interest in the country of origin of the article and the impact f...
Introduction: Vascular traumas are associated with high morbidity rates.
Objective: To report the characteristics of vascular traumas in the Brazilian state of Pará, in trauma victims treated at the Hospital Metropolitano de Urgência e Emergência (HMUE), from 2011 to 2013.
Method: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective and quantita...
Insertion loss (IL) is the difference between transmitted and received energy when a medium is interposed between transmitter and receiver. Radiation force balance (RFB) is a device that enables the measurement of the power output physiotherapeutic ultrasound equipment. The present work describes a method of measuring IL by comparing the power meas...
Studies on ultrasound (US) propagation in bone tissue have been conducted in view of its ability to stimulate the consolidation process for normal or pathological fracture. However, the action mechanisms of ultrasound, as well as its propagation modes in bone, are still not completely understood. This study evaluated the parameters Integrated Refle...
Resumo: O Ultrassom terapêutico é comumente empregado na prática clínica por oferecer diversos benefícios oriundos dos efeitos térmicos por ele promovido, como o aumento do fluxo sanguíneo, redução do espasmo muscular, aumento da extensibilidade de fibras de colágeno e redução do processo inflamatório No entanto, sabe-se que sem o uso dos parâmetro...
Resumo: O ultrassom quantitativo (Quantitative Ultrasound – QUS) tem sido utilizado para avaliar a condição óssea. Este parte do princípio de que a propagação do ultrassom, é diretamente dependente das propriedades acústicas, mecânicas e termodinâmicas dos meios. Dentre os parâmetros de QUS, o tempo de voo (Time-of-Flight – TOF) e a amplitude do pr...
Ultrasound pulse echo parameters and a simple protocol are here proposed for in vitro characterization and monitoring progressive degrees of decalcification of rat femurs. Two quantitative parameters: Integrated Reflection Coefficient (IRC) and Frequency Slope of Integrated Reflection (FSIR) were estimated from in vitro bone surface echoes in eight...
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, which triggers limitations and disability in people. Therefore, rehabilitation therapy is widely recommended in patients with PD, especially those who do not respond to pharmacological treatment.
Evaluate the effect of a protocol of Whole-body Vibration (WBV) in balan...
A simple experimental protocol applying a quantitative ultrasound (QUS) pulse-echo technique was used to measure the acoustic parameters of healthy femoral diaphyses of Wistar rats in vivo. Five quantitative parameters [apparent integrated backscatter (AIB), frequency slope of apparent backscatter (FSAB), time slope of apparent backscatter (TSAB),...
Ultrasound parameters were proposed to characterize femur in vitro from rats. Six quantitative parameters (Apparent Integrated Ultrasonic Backscatter -AIB, Frequency Slope of Apparent Backscatter – FSAB, Temporal Slope Apparent Backscatter -TSAB, Integrated Reflection Coefficient -IRC, Slope and Frequency Integrated Reflection -FSIR and Temporal Sl...
Changes on conventional B-mode images have been correlated with temperature, aiming to develop a reliable method for noninvasive temperature estimation. The assumption is that temperature variations induce wave propagation changes that modify the backscattered ultrasound signal and these changes have an expression in ultrasonographic images. One of...
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) has been proposed to evaluate structural conditions from bone tissue in a non-invasive way. These techniques are based on the fact that the ultrasound propagation depends directly of tissues structures, so they carry information about them. Based on these arguments, the aim of this work was to estimate the time-of-flig...
To analyze the possible effects of low-intensity ultrasound on induced tibia fracture of rats in a dose commonly used in physical therapy treatments.
Twenty male Wistar rats were divided into two groups with 10 animals each. In the ultrasound group (USG), the animals were submitted to bone fracture and treatment with therapeutic ultrasound (TUS). U...
This work studies the temperature of phantoms irradiated by therapeutic ultrasound (US). Although some works can be found in literature on phantom heating with ultrasound, no study has estimated the area with temperatures that could damage the biological tissue. For this purpose, phantoms of fat and muscle were prepared, and put together with a bov...
Studies on the thermal effects of therapeutic ultrasound (US) reveal that the maximum elevation of temperature occurs near the muscle-bone interface, or in the focal region. Literature regarding the application of therapeutic ultrasound on biological tissues in the presence of metallic implants is scarce and conclusions differ as to its indication....
This work studies the temperature of phantoms irradiated by therapeutic ultrasound (US). Although some works can be found in literature on phantom heating with ultrasound, no study has estimated the area with temperatures that could damage the biological tissue. For this purpose, phantoms of fat and muscle were prepared, and put together with a bov...
Studies on the thermal effects of therapeutic ultrasound (US) reveal that the maximum elevation of temperature occurs near the muscle-bone interface, or in the focal region. Literature regarding the application of therapeutic ultrasound on biological tissues in the presence of metallic implants is scarce and conclusions differ as to its indication....
In this work, an ultrasound (US) pulse-echo method was proposed to characterize long bone diaphysis of in vivo animal model. Two quantitative parameters (Integrated Reflection Coefficient ?? IRC and Frequency slope integrated reflection - FSIR) related to US reflection, were applied to the echo from the muscle/bone interface in both femurs of five...
Objetivo: revisar as publicações sobre escalpelamento na Amazônia e os impactos em suas vítimas.
Método: a literatura foi revisada nas bases de dados LILACS, WHOLIS, SCIELO, SCOPUS e ISI Web of Knowledge até julho de 2011, utilizando como estratégia de busca os termos “escalpelamento”, “traumatismos craniocerebrais”, “scalping” e “scalp”. Resultad...
Sexuality is relevant for the well-being of every person, and the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) have an important role regarding their sexual function. The objective of this study was to investigate a possible correlation between female sexual function and the contraction amplitude of the PFM. The sample consisted of ten healthy and sexually active wo...
The thermal treatment of deep-sited tissues requires temperature feedback by minimally invasive or even by completely noninvasive methods. Ultrasound has been pointed as a viable technology for noninvasive temperature assessment. More precisely, parameters from B-Mode images were pointed to vary monotonically with temperature and able to estimate t...
Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) is a new possibility for non-ionizing diagnosis and monitoring of bone diseases which are usually monitored by radiographs. In this work, an ultrasound (US) pulse-echo method was proposed to in vivo signal acquisition for long bone characterization in an animal model. Two parameters, one related to US backscattering fr...
The aim of this work was to characterize the periodicity of a commercial available trabecular bone phantom with ultrasound (US) backscattered signals. Three US frequencies were applied (1.0, 2.25 and 5.0 MHz), and spectral analysis methods were used to estimate the mean scatterer spacing (MSS) of 100 signals/sample from five different samples. The...
The objective of this study was to identify the scientific production (research papers) in Biomedical Engineering (BME) in Brazil over the past two years. To this end, a search was performed in the PUBMED, SciELO, LILACS, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Knowledge databases, looking for the scientific literature produced by Brazilian authors linked to BME. Th...
Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) is clinically used in diagnosis and monitoring of bone diseases applied to sites with a few overlaying soft tissues. Long bones diaphysis is a frequent site of high impact fractures and the assessment is commonly made by radiographies. An ultrasound pulse-echo method was proposed to in vivo signal acquisition for long...
Methods to produce bone fractures for experimental researches have some limitations, the equipment has some degree of complexity and manual techniques present very irregular cuts. In this paper it is proposed a portable low cost mechanic device to produce high impact transverse fractures in small animal models. The instrument is made by a wooden ba...
Questions (2)
What is the difference between trabecular bone and cortical bone density in ultrasound or CT or bone densitometry exams?
What would be the best software for this purpose? What would be the protocol for measuring BMD?