Aldino Rizaldy

Aldino Rizaldy
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf | HZDR · Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology

Master of Science


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I do research on photogrammetry and airborne laser scanning (lidar), specifically on the use of machine learning and deep learning
Additional affiliations
January 2011 - present
Badan Informasi Geospasial
  • Surveyor Pemetaan
September 2016 - March 2018
University of Twente
Field of study
  • Geoinformatics
August 2005 - May 2010
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Field of study
  • Geodetic Engineerinv


Publications (22)
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Deep Learning has been massively used for image classification in recent years. The use of deep learning for ground classification from LIDAR point clouds has also been recently studied. However, point clouds need to be converted into an image in order to use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). In state-of-the-art techniques, this conversion is s...
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Various classification methods have been developed to extract meaningful information from Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) point clouds. However, the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the existing methods need to be improved, especially for the analysis of large datasets (e.g., at regional or national levels). In this paper, we present a nov...
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The increasing use of deep learning techniques has reduced interpretation time and, ideally, reduced interpreter bias by automatically deriving geological maps from digital outcrop models. However, accurate validation of these automated mapping approaches is a significant challenge due to the subjective nature of geological mapping and the difficul...
Deep Learning for Multi-Sensor Earth Observation addresses the need for transformative Deep Learning techniques to navigate the complexity of multi-sensor data fusion. With insights drawn from the frontiers of remote sensing technology and AI advancements, it covers the potential of fusing data of varying spatial, spectral, and temporal dimensions...
Conference Paper
We argue that traditional 2D hyperspectral imaging is not adapted to many modern challenges. With the rise of high spatial resolution, hyperspectral sensors mounted on different platforms (e.g. drones, terrestrial, satellites) and innovative applications (e.g. urban mapping, mining monitoring), projections, occlusions, perspective effects and data...
Conference Paper
Despite the extensive body of research conducted on the fusion of lidar and hyperspectral data for land cover classification in urban areas, the predominant approach has been the utilization of rasterized lidar data merged with hyperspectral data. This image-centric methodology tends to overlook the primary advantage inherent in lidar technology—na...
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In this paper, we leverage multimodal data to classify minerals using a multi-stream neural network. In a previous study on the Tinto dataset, which consisted of a 3D hyperspectral point cloud from the open-pit mine Corta Atalaya in Spain, we successfully identified mineral classes by employing various deep learning models. However, this prior work...
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Fitur bangunan dalam data spasial sangat penting untuk berbagai aplikasi seperti perencanaan wilayah. Sayangnya, data tersebut belum tersedia secara utuh di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Alasan utama karena produksi peta yang dilakukan secara manual membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja dan waktu yang lama. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan otomasi dalam pembuatan...
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Marine research has continuously improved the methods in obtaining the related bathymetric data; not only relying on the conventional methods for i.e. echosounder-based methods, but also by incorporating satellite technology for i.e. passive remote sensing technology, in this case, satellite derived bathymetry (SDB). Regarding the SDB method, as we...
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Timely and accurate bathymetry information is needed to support an effective policy on utilization and management of coastal natural resources. Satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) has been widely considered as an advanced and low-cost method for shallow water depth estimation. This is due to the availability of multi-temporal and multi-resolution sa...
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Topographic mapping using stereo plotting is not effective, because it takes much time and labour-intensive. Thus, this research was conducted to find the effective way to extract building footprint for mapping acceleration from LiDAR data. Building extraction method in this process comprises four steps: ground/non-ground filtering, building classi...
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Topographic mapping using stereo plotting is not effective because it takes much time and labor-intensive. Thus, this research was conducted to find the effective way to extract building footprint for mapping acceleration. Building extraction method in this process comprises four steps: ground / non-ground filtering, building classification, segmen...
Conference Paper
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Percepatan dalam rangka penyelesaian peta rupabumi skala besar di Indonesia mutlak diperlukan untuk menghasilkan data geospasial yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Segmentasi bangunan pada data LiDAR dapat menjadi alternatif untuk percepatan deteksi objek bangunan untuk kepentingan pemetaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan segmen...
Conference Paper
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Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) is government institution in Indonesia which is responsible to provide Topographic Map at several map scale. For medium map scale, e.g. 1:25.000 or 1:50.000, DSM from Radar data is very good solution since Radar is able to penetrate cloud that usually covering tropical area in Indonesia. DSM Radar is produced using...
Conference Paper
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Nowadays DTM LIDAR was used extensively for generating contour line in Topographic Map. This method is very superior compared to traditionally stereomodel compilation from aerial images that consume large resource of human operator and very time consuming. Since the improvement of computer vision and digital image processing, it is possible to gene...
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Pasco Corporation (Japan) has been implementing a project in Indonesia for Sumatra Island which is named Data Acquisition and Production on the National Geo-Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Development. Digital aerial images in 25 cm GSD for 1:10,000 scale mapping have been taken as a part of the project. The owner of the project, The National Co...
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Direct georeferencing is a new method in photogrammetry, especially in the digital camera era. Theoretically, this method does not require ground control points (GCP) and the Aerial Triangulation (AT), to process aerial photography into ground coordinates. Compared with the old method, this method has three main advantages: faster data processing,...


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