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Publications (295)
For information and communication technology power consumption to be sustainable, the energy efficiency of computing systems must grow at least as fast as the demand for computing services. It is therefore crucial to understand how energy efficiency is evolving and how it will trend in the future, in order to take appropriate measures where possibl...
Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are generating much controversy in society, often without scientific basis. As occurred the development of other emerging technologies, such as the introduction of electricity in the early 20th century, AI causes both fascination and fear. Following the advice of the philosopher R.W. Emerson's: advice...
Tendencias e innovación en la construcción sostenible: Materiales, eficiencia energética y tecnologías inteligentes (editada por Silvia Montero Martínez), constituye la primera monografía de la colección Construcción Sostenible Cátedra Cívitas - UGR, dirigida por Mercedes García de Quesada y Silvia Montero Martínez. Es esta obra se presenta un acer...
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of modelling, simulation and implementation of neural networks, taking into account that two aims have emerged in this area: the improvement of our understanding of the behaviour of the nervous system and the need to find inspiration from it to build systems with the advantages provided by nature to perf...
El aprendizaje a través de Internet está revolucionando la forma de concebir los modelos de formación en las
instituciones, y la irrupción del fenómeno de los MOOC (cursos masivos, abiertos y en línea) es la punta del iceberg de este proceso de cambio.
Este libro recoge las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el marco del proyecto de innovación docent...
In this paper we study the role of chromosome length-altering operators in the performance of a genetic algorithm. The algorithm is used to set the labels and initial weights in a neural network trained with the Learning Vector Quantization algorithm. The role of two diversity measures, LCSS and Jensen-Shannon divergence, as well as online fitness,...
This work aims at a reflection on the evolution of the field of Neurocomputing along the last 20 years that have witnessed the sequence of editions of the International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN). This reflection arises inextricably of the evolution of connectionist networks themselves, describing their features and most...
The growth of the Internet and consequently, the number of interconnected computers through a shared medium, has exposed a lot of relevant information to intruders and attackers. Firewalls aim to detect violations to a predefined rule set and usually block potentially dangerous incoming traffic. However, with the evolution of the attack techniques,...
Improving the network interface performance is needed by the demand of applications with high communication requirements (for example, some multimedia, real-time, and high-performance computing applications), and the availability of network links providing multiple gigabits per second bandwidths that could require many processor cycles for communic...
This work presents the design of a mobile gateway for independent life and e-Health support.
Technologies such as OSGi and Web Services have been used to deploy several services as an
example, such as bio-medical parameter monitorization, alerts, and communication with a coor-
dination center. A complete functional service which uses context-awaren...
The benefits arising from proactive conduct and subject-specialized healthcare have driven e-health and e-monitoring into the forefront of research, in which the recognition of motion, postures and physical exercise is one of the main subjects. We propose here a multidisciplinary method for the recognition of physical activity with the emphasis on...
Fully auditory Brain-computer interfaces based on the dichotic listening task (DL-BCIs) are suited for users unable to do any muscular movement, which includes gazing, exploration or coordination of their eyes looking for inputs in form of feedback, stimulation or visual support. However, one of their disadvantages, in contrast with the visual BCIs...
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is one of the most studied approach in Bioinformatics to carry out other outstanding tasks like structural predictions, biological function analysis or next-generation sequencing. However, MSA algorithms do not achieve consistent results in all cases, as alignments become difficult when sequences have low similarit...
In this paper, a new approach for Self-evolving PArameter-free fuzzy Rule-based Controller (SPARC) is proposed. Two illustrative examples are provided aiming a proof of concept. The proposed controller can start with no pre-defined fuzzy rules, and does not need to pre-define the range of the output or control variables. This SPARC learns autonomou...
There are several dementias but Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is leading cause of dementia in the world. In this paper, a new methodology for classification of MR images is proposed, using a large data base (more than one thousand patient). We have two main objectives in this paper: a first one where a classification method is developed to classify MR i...
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are mainly intended for people unable to perform any muscular movement, such as patients in a complete locked-in state. The majority of BCIs interact visually with the user, either in the form of stimulation or biofeedback. However, visual BCIs challenge their ultimate use because they require the subjects to gaze,...
Nowadays, the growth of the computer networks and the expansion of the Internet have made the security to be a critical issue. In fact, many proposals for Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) have been proposed. These proposals try to avoid that corrupt or anomalous traffic reaches the user application or the operating system. Neverthel...
Affymetrix High Oligonucleotide expression arrays, also known as Affymetrix GeneChips, are widely used for the high-throughput assessment of gene expression of thousands of genes simultaneously. Although disputed by several authors, there are non-biological variations and systematic biases that must be removed as much as possible before an absolute...
Protein–protein interaction (PPI) prediction is one of the main goals in the current Proteomics. This work presents a method for prediction of protein–protein interactions through a classification technique known as support vector machines. The dataset considered is a set of positive and negative examples taken from a high reliability source, from...
Nowadays, the growth of the computer networks and the expansion of the Internet have made the security to be a critical issue.
In fact, many proposals for Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) have been proposed. These proposals try to avoid
that corrupt or anomalous traffic reaches the user application or the operating system. Neverthel...
Present trend towards multiprocessor and multi- core architectures as well as programmable NICs (Network Interface Cards) provides new opportunities to exploit the available parallelism in the network interface design and implementation to cope with the high communication overhead required to take advantage of a multi-gigabit links. In this paper w...
Brain-computer interfaces based on steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP-BCIs) achieve the highest performance, due to their multiclass nature, in paradigms in which different visual stimuli are shown. Studies of independent binary SSVEP-BCIs have been previously presented in which it was not necessary to gaze at the stimuli at t...
Brain–computer interfaces based on steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP-BCIs) extract the amplitude of these potentials
for classification. The use of the phase has not yet been widely used in on-line classification, since it requires a very
accurate real time system that keeps synchronized the stimulation, recording and processing. In this...
This paper proposes using the ANOVA (ANalysis Of the VAriance) method to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the simulated annealing (Sim-Ann) method and the different parameters it requires, such as those related to: the neighbourhood; the cooling scheme; the initial temperature; the number of times the cooling scheme is applied; and the number of...
Brain-computer interfaces based on steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP-BCIs) achieve a high performance due to their multiclass nature in paradigms where gazing is needed. Studies of binary SSVEP-BCIs have been presented without the need of gazing at the expense of low performance. This study presents a high performance binary SSVEP-BCI tha...
On behalf of the Organizing Committees for each conference associated with the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2010), we would like to welcome you to the WCCI-2010.
Stem cells represent a potential source of cells for regeneration, thanks to their ability to renew and differentiate into
functional cells of different tissues. The studies and results related to stem cell differentiation are diverse and sometimes
contradictory due to the various sources of production and the different variables involved in the di...
The availability of multicore processors and programmable NICs, such as TOEs (TCP/IP Offloading Engines), provides new opportunities for designing efficient network interfaces to cope with the gap between the improvement rates of link bandwidths and microprocessor performance. This gap poses important challenges related with the high computational...
We describe a method to develop trading rules based on the responses of self-organizing maps (SOMs), trained under various distance metrics. The effectiveness of the procedure is examined on 5min data of S&P MIB financial index, and its performances ...
Precedent studies have found abnormalities in the oculomotor system in patients with severe SCA2 form of autosomal dominant
cerebellar ataxias (ADCA), including the latency, peak velocity, and deviation in saccadic movements, and causing changes
in the morphology of the patient response waveform. This different response suggests a higher degree of...
Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) based Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) use the spectral power at the flickering
frequencies of the stimuli as the feature for classification in an Attend/Ignore multi-class paradigm. The performance of
a BCI based on this principle increases with the number of stimuli. However the number of the correspon...
In the last years, the market is demanding (scientific, multimedia, real-time, etc.) applications with high bandwidth requirements.
To support this, the bandwidth of the network links has increased to reach multiple gigabit per second. Nevertheless, taking
advantage of multigigabit per second links requires a lot of processor cycles for communicati...
UN/CEFACT's Modelling Methodology (UMM) is a methodology created to capture the business requirements of inter-organizational business processes, regardless of the underlying technology. An example of how to apply UMM to an inter-enterprise e-health project is presented in this paper.
Cooperation applies the situations where two or more individuals obtain a net benefit by working together. Cooperation is widely spread in nature and takes several forms, ranging from behavioral coordination to sacrifice of one’s own life for the benefit of the group. This latter form of cooperation is known as “true cooperation”, or “altruism”, an...
Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based brainâcomputer
(BCIs) use the spectral power of the potentials for classification
as they can be voluntarily
enhanced or diminished by the subject by means of selective attention.
The features traditionally
extracted from the EEG and used for BCIs have been characterized as
a normal...
In the last years, diverse network interface designs have been proposed to cope with the link bandwidth increase that is shifting the communication bottleneck towards the nodes in the network. The main point behind some of these network interfaces is to reach an efficient distribution of the communication overheads among the different processing un...
This work describes the implementation of a bio-inspired visual processing system on configurable logic, designed for the enhancement of relevant information on a real scene, for its use on a complete system to assist the visually-impaired. For this purpose, a sensorial transduction module has been developed, which transforms visual information int...
The availability of multi-core processors and programmable NICs (Network Interface Cards), such as TOEs (TCP/IP Offloading Engines), provides new opportunities for designing efficient network interfaces to cope with the gap between the improvement rates of link bandwidths and microprocessor performance. This gap poses important challenges related w...
Weblogs are dynamic websites updated via easy-to-use content management systems and organized as a set of chronologically ordered stories, frequently built around a link or including links to other weblogs. Since they are managed by individuals, their links tend to mirror or, in some cases, establish new types of social relations, thereby creating...
Selective attention to visual or auditory stimuli that elicits steady-state visual or auditory responses (SSVEP or ASSR respectively) amplifies the power of those flickering frequencies of the stimuli measured in the electroencephalography (EEG). The design of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) based on selective attention to auditory stimuli that eli...
The realization of a control unit can be done using a complex circuitry or microprogramming. The latter may be considered as an alternative method of implementation of machine instructions that can reduce the complexity and increase the flexibility of the control unit. The microcode efficiency and speed are of vital importance for the computer to e...
In a connected world, spare CPU cycles are up for grabs, if you only make its obtention easy enough. In this paper we present a distributed evolutionary computation system that uses the computational capabilities of the ubiquituous Web browser. Asynchronous Javascript and JSON (Javascript object notation, a serialization protocol) allows anybody wi...
In many real world applications type I (false positive) and type II (false negative) errors have to be dealt with separately, which is a complex problem since an attempt to minimize one of them usually makes the other grow. In fact, a type of error can be more important than the other, and a trade-off that minimizes the most important error type mu...
This paper compares the onloading and offloading alternatives for improving up communication. Both strategies try to release host CPU cycles by taking advantage of the execution of the communication workload in other processors present in the node. Nevertheless, whereas onloading uses another general-purpose processor, either included in a chip mul...
Given that vision is the sense providing most information to the human being, any affection related to it significantly reduces
the quality of life of the patients. Computing is showing to be a promising approach to provide therapies for patients suffering
from low vision or even blindness. We describe some specific tools based on software and hard...
We present in this paper a system conceived to perform a bioinspired image processing and different output encoding schemes, oriented to the development of visual aids for the blind or for visually-impaired patients. We remark some of its main features, as the possibility of combining different image processing modalities (colour, motion, depth, et...
Software visualization is an area of computer science devoted to supporting the understanding and effective use of algorithms.
The application of software visualization to Evolutionary Computation has been receiving increasing attention during the last
few years. In this paper we apply visualization technique to an evolutionary algorithm for multil...
Clustering algorithms have been applied in several disciplines successfully. One of those applications is the initialization of Radial Basis Function (RBF) centers com- posing a Neural Network, designed to solve functional approximation problems. The Clustering for Function Approximation (CFA) algorithm was presented as a new clustering technique t...
This paper is to propose a direct-action (DA) cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The proposed controller, termed the DAC-PID controller, can generate four simple types of the nonlinear functions ...
There exists a wide range of paradigms, and a high number of different methodologies that are applied to the problem of time series prediction. Most of them are presented as a modified function approximation problem using input/output data, in which the input data are expanded using values of the series at previous steps. Thus, the model obtained n...
Due to the network technology advances, an order-of-magnitude jump has been produced in the network bandwidth. This fact has returned to wake up the interest on protocol offloading, since network communication is a key factor for system performance. Thus, much research work on offloading is been done, particularly on TCP offloading as it has been t...
Modelling capabilities of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) are very dependent on four main factors: the number
of neurons, the central location of each neuron, their associated weights and their widths (radii). In order to model surfaces
defined, for example, as y = f(x,z), it is common to use tri-dimensional gaussian functions with c...
In this paper the utility of using the Self Organizing Maps (SOM), in conjunction with U-matrix, to visualize the evolution
of a social network community formed by a set of blogs is shown. Weblogs are dynamic websites updated via easy-to-use content
management systems whose links tend to mirror or in some cases establish new types of social relatio...
Selective attention to visual-spatial stimuli causes decrements of power in alpha band and increments in beta. For steady-state
visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) selective attention affects electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, modulating the power in
the range 8-27 Hz. The same behaviour can be seen for auditory stimuli as well, although for audit...
The design of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) still remains as a dicult task when they are applied to classification or to regression problems. The diculty arises when the parameters that define an RBFNN have to be set, these are: the number of RBFs, the position of their centers and the length of their radii. Another issue that has...
Selective attention to visual-spatial stimuli causes decrements of power in alpha band and increments in beta. For steady-state
visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) selective attention affects electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, modulating the power in
the range 8-27 Hz. The same behaviour can be seen for auditory stimuli as well, although for audit...
Due to the network technology advances, an order-of-magnitude jump has been produced in the network bandwidth. This fact has reawake the interest in protocol offloading (particularly in protocols such as TCP, that require a lot of CPU resources to process the stack), since network communication is one key factor for the system performance. Neverthe...
We present the hardware implementation of a simple, fast technique for depth estimation based on phase measurement. This technique avoids the problem of phase warping and is much less susceptible to camera noise and distortion than standard block-matching stereo systems. The architecture exploits the parallel computing resources of FPGA devices to...
Image processing systems require high computational load that motivates the design of specific hardware architectures in order to arrive at real-time platforms. We adopt innovative design techniques based on the intensive utilisation of the inherent parallelism available on devices based on reconfigurable hardware. We customise fine-grain pipelinin...
The inherent fault tolerance of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is usually assumed, but several authors have claimed that
ANNs are not always fault tolerant and have demonstrated the need to evaluate their robustness by quantitative measures. For
this purpose, various alternatives have been proposed. In this paper we show the direct relation betw...
This paper shows an approach to recover original speech signals from their nonlinear mixtures. Using a geometric method that
makes a piecewise linear approximation of the nonlinear mixing space, and the fact that the speech distributions are Laplacian
or Gamma type, a set of slopes is obtained as a set of linear mixtures.
The logarithmic image processing model (LIP) is a robust mathematical framework, which, among other benefits, behaves invariantly to illumination changes. This paper presents, for the first time, two general formulations of the 2-D convolution of separable kernels under the LIP paradigm. Although both formulations are mathematically equivalent, one...
This paper presents a new approach to the problem of designing Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) to approximate a given function. The presented algorithm focuses in the first stage of the design where the centers of the RBFs have to be placed. This task has been commonly solved by applying generic clustering algorithms although in othe...
This paper puts forward the need for neural evolution schemes that reduce the volumes of synchronization and communication required by current neural models in order to obtain efficient implementations in the parallel machines and networks of computers which are available today. In this respect, a parallel implementation of a modified Boltzmann mac...
The paper describes a VLSI viable integrate-and-fire neuron model with an easily controllable firing threshold that can be
used to induce synchronization processes. The circuits are intended to exploit both rate and spike time coding schemes, taking
advantage of these synchronization processes to accelerate processing tasks. In this way the tempora...
Radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) have been applied to solve problems of classification, function approximation and time series prediction. In the design of an RBFNN it is necessary to set the values for the positions of the centers and the radii for each RBF. In the literature it is usually performed an initialization step to set the...
Neural networks offer the potential of providing massive parallelism, adaptation, and new algorithm approaches to speech recognition. In this communication, we show a new approach to face the problem of speaker-independent isolated word recognition with the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), trained with Backpropagation algorithm. This approach lies in a...
An analog CMOS implementation of a Cellular Neural Network with modifiable cloning templates is proposed. One of the most important difficulties to hardware implement neural networks is their topological complexity which implies a high number of interconnections among cells. Nevertheless, as in cellular neural network each cell is only connected to...
It is well known the relationship between source separation and blind deconvolution: If a filtered version of an unknown i.i.d.
signal is observed, temporal independence between samples can be used to retrieve the original signal, in the same manner
as spatial independence is used for source separation. In this paper we propose the use of a Genetic...
MasterMind is a game in which the player must find out, by making guesses, a hidden combination of colors set by the opponent. The player lays a combination of colors, and the opponent points out the number of positions the player has found out (black tokens) and the number of colors that are in a different place from the hidden combination (white...
In this paper, a learning algorithm that leads to an efficient self-organization in a Kohonen Neural Network (KNN) with fixed neighbourhood is presented. This algorithm may be faster than the originally proposed for KNNs, produces in general better covering of the input stimulus space, and can be more easily implemented in hardware due to the fixed...