Albert Esteve PalósCentre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Albert Esteve Palós
Ph.D. Demography
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Publications (90)
The Spanish total fertility rate declined from 2.8 to below 1.4 children per woman from 1975 to 2020. Spain is categorized as a "lowest-low fertility" country. Although there have been many attempts to explain the Spanish fertility decline, there has been an insufficient focus been given to religion. This brief report aims to analyse h...
There are plenty of theories on low fertility, but few studies have aimed to measure and quantify the relative importance of various obstacles to fertility for explaining differences between desired and actual fertility. We aim to fill this gap by using data from the 2018 Fertility Survey (14,556 women and 2.619 men) for Spain, a country with one o...
Con datos de la Encuesta de Fecundidad de 2018 (14.556 mujeres y 2.619 hombres), en este artículo (i) examinamos la evolución de la fecundidad de las generaciones de mujeres y hombres nacidos en España entre 1962 y 1989 y sus preferencias reproductivas en cuanto al tamaño ideal de familia y al deseo de tener hijos en los próximos tres años; (ii) an...
Background: Marriage is a central institution for social reproduction in East Asia. Until the 1970s and 1980s, marriage across much of East Asia was early and universal. In recent decades, though, this pattern has begun shifting to one of later and less marriage.
Objective: We explore the long-term implications for universal marriage patterns of f...
Previous research has documented how age structures and co-residence patterns shape the vulnerability of populations to outbreaks of covid-19, with Spain being among the most vulnerable countries.Objective
To document the role of age-specific co-residence patterns in shaping the vulnerability of Spanish provinces to mortality arising fro...
Based on harmonized census data from 81 countries, we estimate how age and coresidence patterns shape the vulnerability of countries’ populations to outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We estimate variation in deaths arising due to a simulated random infection of 10% of the population living in private households and subsequent within...
Based on harmonized census data from 81 countries, we estimate how age and co-residence patterns shape the vulnerability of countries' populations to outbreaks of covid-19. We estimate variation in deaths arising due to a simulated random infection of 10% of the population living in private households and subsequent within-household transmission of...
El día 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud calificó a la enfermedad del coronavirus (covid-19) como una pandemia global. Desde entonces, las cifras de infectados y muertes por esta enfermedad no han dejado de crecer en todos los países de mundo, entre ellos España, uno de los más afectados y vulnerables por su nivel de envejeci...
El dia 11 de març de 2020, l’Organització Mundial de la Salut va qualificar a la covid-19 com una pandèmia global. Des de llavors, les xifres d’infectats i morts per aquesta malaltia no han deixat de créixer en tots els països del món, entre ells Espanya, un dels més afectats i vulnerables pel seu alt nivell d’envelliment. Els països encaren aquest...
Le 11 mars 2020, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé a qualifié la maladie du coronavirus (COVID-19) de pandémie mondiale. Depuis lors, le nombre de personnes infectées et les décès liés à cette maladie n’a cessé de croître dans l’ensemble des pays du monde, et notamment en Espagne, l’un des pays les plus touchés et les plus vulnérables du fait de...
Two broad forces shape the patterns of marital sorting by education: structural constraints and assortative mating. However, we lack specific and comparative quantification of the extent of these two forces. In this paper, we measure the specific contributions of (i) assortative mating, (ii) the level of college education and (iii) the gender gap i...
Although men tended to receive more education than women in the past, the gender gap in education has reversed in recent decades in most Western and many non-Western countries. We review the literature about the implications for union formation, assortative mating, the division of paid and unpaid work, and union stability in Western countries. The...
In this chapter we use census microdata to examine trends in cohabitation in Mexico between 1930 and 2010. The microdata reveal a dramatic increase in cohabitation since the 1990s. By being able to go further back in time than in the other countries examined in this book, we better document the phase that preceded the post-1990 cohabitation boom. T...
The availability of the micro data in the IPUMS samples for several censuses spanning a period of 40 years permits a detailed study of differentials and trends in cohabitation in Brazil than has hitherto been the case. The gist of the story is that the historical race/class and religious differentials and the historical spatial contrasts have large...
In this concluding chapter we reflect on a series of issues of both a methodological and substantive nature encountered in this research project. Firstly, we must realize that the use of individual census records not only opened vast possibilities, but also entails a number of limitations. Secondly, the very large sample sizes allowed for the disag...
This chapter offers a general overview of the often spectacular rise of the share of cohabitation in the process of union formation in 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries during the last 30 years of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty-first century. First, we offer a brief ethnographic and historical sketch to illustrate the spec...
In this chapter, we trace the geography of unmarried cohabitation in the Americas on an unprecedented geographical scale in family demography. We present the percentage of partnered women aged 25–29 in cohabitation across more than 19,000 local units of 39 countries, from Canada to Argentina, at two points in time, 2000 and 2010. The local geograph...
In this chapter we use census microdata to document the rise in cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean countries of Ecuador, Bolivia, Perú and Venezuela over the last four decades. We use multilevel logistic regression models to examine the effect of individual and contextual variables on cohabitation. We show the individual and contextual effe...
The gender gap in education that has long favored men has reversed for young adults in most upper-and middle-income countries. This reversal has major implications for the composition of marriage markets, assortative mating, gender equality, andmarital outcomes such as divorce and childbearing. We focus on the implications for assortative mating an...
Powerpoint presentation of chapter in Albert Esteve, Ron Leshaeghe (2016): Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends. Springer.
presentation of the forthcoming book with the same title and editors; Springer Verlag, expected publication date is autumn 2016. Compilation of overall and country/region specific studies of the rise of unmarried cohabitation in the Americas, from Alaska to Tierra el Fuego, covering the period 1970 through 2010. Based on IPUMS census data and repre...
In less than a decade, women born in 1975 will be reaching half a century of existence as members of the most infertile of all cohorts born in Spain in the past 130 years, the period for which we have statistical information. In all likelihood, one in four women born in 1975 won’t have had children when she turns fifty, the cut-off point at which d...
Manca menys d’una dècada per a que les dones nascudes al 1975 assoleixin el mig segle d’existència i esdevinguin les més infecundes de totes les generacions nascudes a Espanya en els darrers 130 anys, període per al que disposem d’informació estadística. Molt probablement, una de cada quatre dones nascudes al 1975 no tindran fills quan arribin als...
Falta menos de una década para que las mujeres nacidas en 1975 alcancen el medio siglo de existencia y se conviertan en las más infecundas de todas las generaciones nacidas en España en los últimos 130 años, período para el cual disponemos de información estadística. Muy probablemente, una de cada cuatro mujeres nacidas en 1975 no tendrá hijos cuan...
La unión libre ha formado parte de los sistemas nupciales de América Latina desde tiempos coloniales aunque su práctica ha estado históricamente más extendida en unas regiones que en otras. La mayoría de trabajos que aportan datos sobre las características de este tipo de unión en América Latina lo hacen a escala nacional y son pocos los que han ab...
This paper analyzes 24 African census samples from 13 countries available via the African Integrated Census MicroData website to illustrate how microdata may be used to assess development and pinpoint basic human needs at local administrative levels over time. We calculate a Human Development Index-like measure for small administrative areas, where...
We explore the impact of sociodemographic change on marriage patterns in India by examining the hypothetical consequences of applying three sets of marriage pairing propensities-contemporary patterns by age, contemporary patterns by age and education, and changing propensities that allow for greater educational homogamy and reduced educational asym...
IPUMS-International disseminates more than two hundred-fifty integrated, confidentialized census microdata samples to thousands of researchers world-wide at no cost. The number of samples is increasing at the rate of several dozen per year, as quickly as the task of integrating metadata and microdata is completed. Protecting the statistical confide...
Trabajo presentado en el VI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población, realizado en Lima. Perú, del 12 al 15 de agosto de 2014 Abstract. The paper makes use of IPUMS micro-data of successive Brazilian censuses since 1970 and of multi-level logistic regression to document the effects of individual and contextual covariates on the incide...
Unmarried cohabitation has increased in Venezuela since the 90s and it has extended to social groups and regions that used to have low levels of cohabitation. Within this context, we examine differences between cohabiting and married couples over time. To this end we use harmonized census microdata from the censuses 1971, 1981, 1990 and 2001. Resul...
Background: As the incidence of cohabitation has been rising in many parts of the world, efforts to determine the forces driving the cohabitation boom have also been intensifying. But most of the analyses of this issue conducted so far were carried out at a national level, and did not account for regional heterogeneity within countries.
Unmarried cohabitation has increased in Venezuela since the 90s and it has extended to social groups and regions that used to have low levels of cohabitation. Within this context, we examine differences between cohabiting and married couples over time. To this end we use harmonized census microdata from the censuses 1971, 1981, 1990 and 2001. Resul...
Este artículo examina la evolución de la unión libre en Colombia entre 1973 y 2005 con el objetivo de trazar sus fronteras geográficas y sociales. La primera parte del estudio indaga sobre sus raíces históricas y evolución en ese país hasta bien entrada la segunda mitad del siglo xx. En la segunda parte se utilizan microdatos censales para document...
El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar las pautas de formación de la pareja del colectivo marroquí en España. En concreto, se exploran los factores asociados con el hecho de tener y/o residir con la pareja en el mismo hogar y, entre los que tienen pareja, los factores relacionados con tener un cónyuge o pareja de un colectivo distinto al marroquí...
In this article, we explore the impacts that education expansion and increased levels in educational homogamy have had on couples' isolated illiteracy rates, defined as the proportion of illiterates in union that are married to an illiterate partner. First, we develop the methodology to decompose isolated illiteracy rates into two main components:...
The explosive expansion of non-marital cohabitation in Latin America since the 1970s has led to the narrowing of the gap in educational homogamy between married and cohabiting couples (what we call “homogamy gap”) as shown by our analysis of 29 census samples encompassing eight countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mex...
Background: One of the most salient features of Latin American marriages over the last few decades is the stable timing of their union formation, despite educational expansion, the postponement of and retreat from marriage, and the increase in non-marital cohabitation.
Objective: We examine why educational expansion did not influence the aggregate...
This paper exploits a vast database of international census and survey microdatato examine the relationship between school enrolment on the one hand and thestatus of being in a union or a parent on the other among female adolescents andyoung adults in low- and middle-income countries. Our analysis is based onwidespread evidence for 55 countries amo...
This paper exploits a vast database of international census and survey microdata
to examine the relationship between school enrolment on the one hand and the
status of being in a union or a parent on the other among female adolescents and
young adults in low- and middle-income countries. Our analysis is based on
widespread evidence for 55 count...
The dramatic shift from marriage to cohabitation during the last four decades in most Latin American countries, even among the upper social strata, begs the question as to the living arrangements of cohabiting couples and single mothers. The new "Family Interrelationships Variables" in the IPUMS samples of Latin American censuses facilitated the co...
Newly released census microdata reveal the nearly worldwide and substantial decline in educational hypergamy (women marrying men with higher educational attainment) across 56 countries from the 1970s to the 2000s. We examine the extent to which the observed decrease in hypergamy is connected to the worldwide rise in female educational attainment. O...
The aim of the article is to trace the shifts in household formation patterns of younger women in a number of Latin American countries since the late 1960s, using the data of the census rounds of 1970 through 2007. The question has also been raised (Esteve et al. 2012, p. 76) to what extent these features are occurring in a context of neolocal resi...
While young couples in Western societies generally form a new household, in low-income societies new unions are often incorporated into existing households. However, there is a growing tendency in the nuclearization of households as intergenerational co-residence is undermined by growing wage labour opportunities that provide incentives for rural–u...
complete update of PDR 2012 article by same authors on the "Latin American Cohabitation Boom" with an analysis of the 2010 census results (IPUMS) and with an additional analysis of fertility postponement.
The article describes the rise of unmarried cohabitation in Latin American countries during the last 30 years of the twentieth century, both at the national and regional levels. It documents that this major increase occurred in regions with and without traditional forms of cohabitation alike. In addition, the striking degree of catching up of cohab...
Resumen Uno de los rasgos más sobresalientes de los regímenes de nupcialidad latinoamericanos reside en la estabilidad del calendario de las primeras uniones. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes apuntan hacia un paulatino retraso del calendario nupcial en algunos países de la región, sobre todo entre las cohortes más jóvenes. Estos indicios, jun...
Usando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes de 2007, este artículo tiene dos objetivos: a) examinar los niveles de endogamia de la población inmigrada en España que formó pareja tras la migración, y b) analizar la variación de los niveles de endogamia según la situación de pareja y la edad en el momento de llegar. Los resultados muestra...
We use data from the 2007 National Immigrant Survey to study the transitions to endogamous and exogamous marriages by Moroccan immigrants in Spain who were single at their time of arrival. First, we contextualise our analysis by examining the immigrants’ marital status at their time of arrival and the years elapsed between migration and marriage. S...
Estudios recientes han mostrado la importancia de la dimension familiar en la comprension de los patrones migratorios actuales y en el refuerzo de los vinculos familiares transnacionales. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar analisis cuantitativos de la situacion en el hogar de los inmigrantes internacionales en el momento que llegan a Espana y tambi...
We use census microdata to assess the levels of educational homogamy in six Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico. This paper contributes to the literature on homogamy in three ways. First, by conducting a comparative analysis between countries belonging to the still little-studied region of Latin Americ...
This paper investigates the effect of consensual union dissolution on the observed levels of women never in union as estimated from the marital status variable in Latin American population censuses. We compare census data with data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for those countries and years where both sources are available (Bolivia, Bra...
Con datos censales de Estados Unidos de América y España, en este artículo se comparan las estructuras ocupacionales y de los hogares de la población dominicana y ecuatoriana en los dos países. La finalidad principal del trabajo es investigar (I) si las diferencias en el grado de feminización de los flujos migratorios hacia ambos países responde a...
This article analyses patterns and trends in educational assortative mating and intermarriage of Spanish couples born between 1920 and 1969 using data from the 2001 Spanish Census. We examine those changes in a context of educational expansion and dramatic increase of foreign population in Spain since the mid-nineties. The most notable trends are t...
Se investiga el efecto que la disolución de las uniones consensuales tiene en los niveles de soltería que proporcionan los censos de población, niveles derivados de la variable 'estado civil'. Para ello comparamos los datos censales con los de las encuestas de demografía y salud (EDS) en aquellos países y años para los que disponemos de a...
This paper uses marriage registration statistics to carry out a long-term descriptive analysis of age homogamy patterns in Spain, from 1922 to 2006. We first examine the relationships between marital age homogamy patterns, trends in second order marriages and age at marriage of men and women. Second, we apply a standardization method to decompose t...
This article analyzes the condition of dual earner couples as a means of observing gender relations in the specific case of mixed unions within the context of the growing presence of international immigrants in Spain. To this end, the authors have simultaneously considered the position of these immigrant men and women in the labor and marriage mark...
Long Term Trends in Marital Age Homogamy Patterns: Spain, 1922-2006
This paper uses marriage registration statistics to carry out a long-term descriptive analysis of age homogamy patterns in Spain, from 1922 to 2006. We first examine the relationships between marital age homogamy patterns, trends in second order marriages and age at marriage of men...
En este artículo se analiza la condición de doble ingreso de las parejas como una manera de observar las relaciones de género en el caso particular de las uniones mixtas en el contexto de la creciente presencia de inmigrantes internacionales en España. Para ello se ha considerado simultáneamente la posición de esos hombres y mujeres inmigrantes en...
A partir de muestras de microdatos provenientes de las rondas censales de 1970 y 2000, este artículo tiene como propósito comparar las uniones consensuales y maritales en función de sus niveles de homogamia educativa. Los países incluidos son: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México y Panamá. El análisis consiste en la aplic...
We use 2001 Spanish census microdata and multivariate logistic regression analysis to explore differences in marriage patterns between the foreign-born population in Spain, a country that has experienced a dramatic increase in international migration rates in the last decade. In particular, we examine separately the prevalence of being in a consens...
A partir de muestras de microdatos censales, este artículo tiene como propósito examinar los niveles de homogamia educativa en seis países latinoamericanos: Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México y Venezuela. Para evaluar los niveles de homogamia se recurrió a la técnica de análisis log-lineal, incluyendo en los modelos algunas variables tradic...
Cortina "Nice Greek girls do three things. Marry Greek boys. Make Greek babies. Feed everybody until the day we die." --Toula Portokalos (Nia Vardalos), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (IPC Films, 2002). Gender is fundamental to understanding ethnic marriage patterns, particularly in the case of the United States of America, where immigrant streams have l...
Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal explorar las características demográficas y el efecto de la desigual distribución de efectivos por sexos en las pautas matrimoniales de los inmigrantes y segunda generación de españoles en Ybor City (Tampa, Florida, Estados Unidos) a principios de siglo XX. Ybor City, además de proporcionarnos detalles de...
En un contexto de expansión educativa, incremento de los niveles de educación y aumento de la participación de la mujer en la actividad económica, este artículo examina y compara las pautas y tendencias en homogamia educativa en México y Brasil durante las últimas tres décadas. En concreto, trataremos en perspectiva temporal y comparada las siguien...
This article analyses patterns and trends in educational assortative mating of the Spanish women born between 1920 and 1969 using data from the 2001 Spanish Census. By means of loglinear models we examine the following issues: i) intensity and changes in educational assortative mating patterns; ii) crossing barriers across educational thresholds an...
This paper aims to propose and assess the implementation of a methodological procedure to characterize the population's level of concentration and its spatial association, based on a specially designed concentration measure (IC) and on the spatial association statistics Moran's I and G¡*. This procedure is empirically tested for Catalonia (Spain) d...
A partir de los microdatos de los censos mexicanos de 1970, 1990 y 2000, en este artículo se examina la homogeneidad de los matrimonios y uniones atendiendo al nivel de instrucción de los cónyuges en las últimas tres décadas, caracterizadas por una fuerte expansión de la escolaridad, por el incremento de los rendimientos de la educación y por la re...
Gracias al pionero esfuerzo del doctor Gustavo Cabrera y de otros grandes próceres de la demografía, en América Latina sobrevive un vasto archivo de microdatos censales; sin embargo la mayor parte de ellos se mantiene inaccesible a los investigadores.En la trayectoria académica y científica del profesor Cabrera ha sido constante su preocupación por...
Este artículo analiza el alcance y evolución de la homogamia educativa de las generaciones femeninas españolas nacidas entre 1920 y 1969 con los datos del Censo de 2001. A la luz de los argumentos teóricos hallados en la literatura y con la ayuda de los modelos loglineales, examinamos los siguientes aspectos: i) intensidad y cambio de la homogamia...
Los efectos del tamaño de las cohortes en la formación de la familia han sido ampliamente estudiados, siguiendo los trabajos de Easterlin, considerando el mercado laboral como factor explicativo. El presente artículo examina una hipótesis distinta pero de consecuencias similares: con un matrimonio femenino prácticamente universal, las mujeres en la...
The development of IPUMS-International involves harmonizing data from different national statistical offices created over several decades. The original samples vary in quality and have different data formats and variable coding schemes. The authors describe the methods developed to deal with the challenges posed by such diversity and unevenness. Th...
Integrated census microdata constitute a new resource for social science research and policy making. The IPUMS-International project ( is a global initiative in cooperation with national statistical authorities world-wide to anonymize, integrate and disseminate samples of census microdata. Extracts adapted to the specifi...
This paper examines the patterns of educational homogamy of the Mexican population in the United States with the objective of contrasting them with those observed in Mexico and with those of White Non-Hispanics ( NHW ) in the United States. By taking as a point of reference these two populations we seek to observe how the migration experience, the...
This paper examines the patterns of educational homogamy of the Mexican population in the United States with the objective of contrasting them with those observed in Mexico and with those of Non-Hispanic Whites (NHW) in the United States. By taking as a point of reference these two populations we seek to observe how the migration experience, the ch...