Albert Martinez SilvestreCRARC (Catalonian Reptiles and Amphibians Rescue Center). Masquefa. Barcelona. Spain
Albert Martinez Silvestre
DVM, MSc, PhD, Dipl ECZM (Herpetology), Acred AVEPA (Exotic Animals)
Working in emerging pathogens (virus, fungus, bacteria and parasites) affecting amphibians and reptiles.
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Scientific Commitee in Group of Exotic Animal Medicine of Spanish Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (AVEPA).
Chief Veterinarian in projects with herpetological fauna: Native Tortoises Catalonia (1999 - ongoing); Giant lizards Canary Islands (2000-ongoing), Control invasive turtles Catalonia (2006-ongoing), Rewild giant tortoises Mauritius Islands (2012-ongoing), ECTOPYR Climatic change & Pirinean Herps (2016- 2020), Coordinator Emerging Diseases Amphibians in Catalonia (2016- ongoing).
September 1988 - May 2011
Publications (566)
Blood analyses have great potential in studies of ecology, ecotoxicology and veterinary science in wild vertebrates based on advances in human and domestic animal medicine. The major caveat for field researchers, however, is that the ‘rules’ for human or domestic animals haematology do not always apply to wildlife. The present overview shows the st...
Cloacoscopy and cystoscopy are simple, noninvasive to minimally invasive techniques that provide excellent visualization, and result in fast recovery. General or intrathecal anesthesia is sufficient. They can be performed in free-ranging turtles under field conditions. Cloacoscopic gender identification of external genitalia is not reliable because...
Chelonians are among the animal groups with the poorest conservation status. Since tortoises are long‐lived species that need very long time to reach sexual maturity, they are extremely vulnerable to human pressure. Despite their endangered status, there are no common strategies for the devel opment of conservation actions. At the “Mediterranean wo...
We report the first cases of mortality in anurans associated with the presence of the fungus Batra-chochytrium dendrobatidis at four different localities from Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula, Spain). All cases were confirmed by both molecular techniques and histology. The infected individuals were two Mediterranean painted frogs (Discoglossus pictu...
The specimen we collected presented pathologic and histologic examinations consistent with Ophidiomyces ophidiicola infections, and thus represents not only the first case reported in Spain but also from the Iberian Peninsula.
Understanding owners’ realities and perceptions may be crucial to helping veterinarians be more effective in their daily work. Noticing the lack of publications in this area, specifically on exotic pets, prompted us to gather insights into non-traditional companion animal owners. A survey was conducted, resulting in 541 respondents from Portugal an...
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 35(2): 27-28. La detección de dermatopatías en saurios salvajes es un hecho poco habitual. En esta nota se describe por pri-mera vez una lesión dérmica en una lagartija leonesa (Iberolacerta galani) salvaje.
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Española (2024): 35(2). We describe a new case of the fungal pathogen Ophidiomyces ophidiicola detected in 2024 in the Pyrenees (Catalonia, North-East Spain) and affecting a new host belonging to the species Coronella girondica (Southern smooth snake).
Since 2018, a disease affecting snakes worldwide and caused by a fungus: Ophidiomyces ophidiicola has been monitored in Catalonia. Active and passive surveillance techniques have been combined, through laboratory studies of histological microscopy and specific detection of the pathogen by PCR. Thu...
Emerging fungus and virus of amphibians detected in the Montnegre Natural Parc (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain).
Research about the fungus Bd, Bsal and the virus Ranavirus in the Parc of Serralada Litoral (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain).
Guia de camp sobre la identificació, taxonomia, distribució, conservació i patologia de tots els rèptils de Catalunya.
Field guide about identification, taxonomy, distribution, conservation and pathology of all the reptiles of Catalonia (in catalan language).
Guia de campo sobre Identificación, taxonomía, distribución, conservación y patología de...
Invasive species constitute a growing threat to diversity because of their role as competitors, predators or disease vectors. In Spain, aquatic ecosystems have been markedly affected by the colonization of numerous alien species, including crustaceans, fishes, amphibians and reptiles. However, there's little information about the status of most of...
Health analysis of emerging pathogens in the amphibians of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park during the years 2021 and 2022 Between 2021 and 2022, health monitoring was carried out to detect fifteen emerging diseases that threaten the amphibians of the Natural Parks Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council. In this case, in Sant Lloren...
Results of the first year of standardised monitoring of amphibians in Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park During 2021, a standardised batracological monitoring of 125 water points of the Natural Parks Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council was begun. In Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac Natural Park (PSLL) 12 standard points, 12 complemen...
The role of veterinary doctors, particularly those dedicated to Zoological Medicine, is becoming increasingly relevant and essential within the One Health framework. Educational and employment opportunities in this field vary widely across Europe, prompting us to characterise the sector in Portugal and Spain. A survey was conducted, resulting in 16...
The Mediterranean tortoise Testudo hermanni inhabits different regions bordering the northwestern Mediterranean. This species is vulnerable, protected by legislation, and involved in various breeding and reintroduction programs. Wild populations face numerous environmental and anthropogenic stressors that can potentially interfere with their conser...
Freshwater turtles are often used as terrarium pets, especially juveniles of exotic species. At the adult stage they are often released by their owners into the wild despite their high invasion potential. In Europe these thermophilic potentially invasive alien species occupy the habitats of the native European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus...
Although the World Health Organization characterizes a One Health concern as one in which there is the
capability to incorporate numerous disciplines to tackle health challenges threatening humans, animals and
ecosystems, scientific efforts frequently remain compartmentalized. Here we report an original consortium,
TORPP, spanning 16 disciplines, f...
Invasive species are one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss. During demographic monitoring of native turtle species in northeast Spain, we captured several alien species of semi-aquatic turtles, including Mauremys mutica . Among them, four individuals of this latter species showed external characteristics that were not fully consistent with...
Chemical signaling through pheromones is an ancient and widespread mode of communication. Turtles and tortoises (chelonians) secrete pheromones via mental (chin) glands and have superior olfactory capacities rendering them a promising group to study the evolution and function of chemical communication in vertebrates. Here, we use state-of-the art p...
Emerging diseases (Fungus and virus) detected in amphibians of Montesquiu and Guilleries Natural Parks (Barcelona). In catalan language.
Surveillance and detection of amphibians in Guilleries and Montesquiu Natural Parks (in catalan language)
We describe the detection of Paranannizziopsis sp.fungus in a wild population of vipers in Europe. Fungalinfections were severe, and 1 animal likely died from in-fection. Surveillance efforts are needed to better under-stand the threat of this pathogen to snake conservation.
Simple Summary
Leptophallus nigrovenosus is a trematode parasite found in snakes that requires feeding on amphibians to acquire the parasite. Firstly, this study investigated, in detail, the sensory receptors on the cercariae of these parasites, shedding light on the adaptations that allow them to find their host species. Secondly, the metacercaria...
Four native chelonians species occur in Spain, three of which are severely threatened. In recent surveys, 25 species of alien turtles and tortoises were reported, some of which had established breeding populations and interfered with native species. In this study, we used ecological niche models to evaluate which regions are more vulnerable to colo...
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 34 (2023)En los últimos años, la aparición de brotes de enfermedades emergentes de anfibios y reptiles, así como la introducción de especies exóticas (de vertebrados e invertebrados) fuera de su área de distribución están cobrando especial relevancia. En consecuencia, y considerando que la mitigación...
Butlleti Societat Catalana d'Herpetologia. 30:90-94.
(In Catalan language)
First fotographic record of a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle in Mataro (Catalonia) in 2019. The same year a turtle of the same species was found dead in Ebro Delta. The fotographs of both specimens allow us to confirm that they were two different individuals.
Argos, Informativo Veterinario. Num 254. Pag 36-37. Este trabajo recoge las 12 principales vías de extracción sanguínea que existen en los distintos tipos de tortugas: seno cervical dorsal, plexo occipital, vena subcarapacial, vena yugular, plexo braquial, vena interdigital, intracardiaca, vena marginal costal, plexo venoso femoral, vena coccígea d...
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 34: 165-166.
En la presente nota mostramos la metodología para rescatar serpientes de estas trampas adhesivas con máxima eficacia de recuperación.
Testudo hermanni hermanni im Albera-Gebiet in Katalonien Teil III: Gesundheitsuntersuchungen.
Keywords: Health Check, Diet and nutrition, fertility, Mycoplasma, Herpesvirus, Picornavirus
The colonization of novel environments requires a favorable response to conditions never, or rarely, encountered in recent evolutionary history. For example, populations colonizing upslope habitats must cope with lower atmospheric pressure at elevation, and thus reduced oxygen availability. The embryo stage in oviparous organisms is particularly su...
skin and digestive microbiology of reptiles
Skin and digestive microbiology in amphibians
Martinez-Silvestre A. et al. 2023. Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. | Un cas de syndrome d'oedème chez le Calotriton des pyrénées Calotriton asper dans les Hautes-Pyrénées | Summary-For the first time in Calotriton asper (Dugès, 1952) (Urodela : Salamandridae), one specimen with edema syndrome was observed in the French department of Hautes-Pyrénées (65) in th...
Los anfibios son los vertebrados más amenazados. Las enfermedades emergentes de los anfibios, como la quitridiomicosis y ranavirosis, constituyen una de sus amenazas más relevantes, causando mortalidades masivas, declives poblacionales y extinciones. Dada la preocupación internacional por la crisis de los anfibios, en las últimas décadas han surgid...
In 2020 and 2021 we detected in Catalonia (NE Spain) six new episodes of mortality or presence of dying specimens in introduced Mediterranean painted frogs ( Discoglossus pictus ). All affected individuals were positive to the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Histological examinations showed intense involvement of the s...
Expanding the trade of tropical fruits in an increasingly globalized world increases the likelihood of unintentional importation of viable herpetofauna and their parasites from other countries and even continents, since the conditions for growing and transportation of fruits (humidity, temperature) can often be tolerated by exotic amphibians and re...
Boletin de la Asociacion herpetologica Española. (2022). 33. 187-191. Estado sanitario de una población introducida de tortuga mediterránea (Testudo hermanni) en la Sierra del Montsant (Tarragona. Deteccion de Picornavirus y Mycoplasma. Fecha de aceptación: 7 de diciembre de 2022.
Boletin de la Asociacion herpetologica Española. 2022 (33): 19-21. Lagarto verdinegro, Lacerta schreiberi, libre no capturado, con dermatitis proliferativa sospechosa (no confirmada) de infestación fúngica (micosis) conocida como micosis por Chrysosporium / Nannizziopsis (hongo de los lagartos, o "lagarto
de piel de alcornoque", o, en algunas espec...
In April 2020, 97 protected salamanders and newts were seized in Barcelona. Among them were 10 specimens of Calotriton arnoldi. Three of these specimens had a body condition index of 2/5 with cutaneous symptoms and five of them died. Numerous health tests were carried out on the animals. The results were negative for all pathogens except Chlamydios...
Detection of the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Montseny Amphibians:period 2015-2019
Between 2015 and 2019, 357 samples of wild amphibians in the area were analysed from six species: Calotriton arnoldi (326), Bufo spinosus (6), Lissotriton boscai (20), Hyla meridionalis (1), Rana temporaria (3) and Tritur marmoratus (1). Swab s...
Trematode Parasites on the Montseny Brook Newt (Calotriton arnoldi): a new threat?
Between 2018 and 2021, two Montseny brook newts were found dead. In addition, five illegal captive newts from the wild were also analysed. The post mortem study included necropsy, skin qPCR to rule out the presence of the fungi Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and B....
Chytridiomycosis, which is caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and B. salamandrivorans, has been associated with the greatest loss of biodiversity resulting from a disease. In 2019 and 2020 and as part of the Active Amphibian Health Surveillance Programme of Catalonia (ASPrCAT), we gathered skin
swabs from 137 amphibians in areas bo...
Captive animal welfare has benefited from various new technologies and a new generation of welfare-minded and better-informed individuals adopting more welfare-oriented practices. However, for captive reptiles, there remain many aspects that are grounded in and reflect a long history of arbitrary or folklore husbandry and advice, and reptile-keepin...
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola (2022), 33: 31-35.
In this case, several evidences that allow to diagnostic a case of copper poisoning in fire salamander larvae (Salamandra salamandra) are shown . IN SPANISH LANGUAGE.
En el presente caso se muestran varias evidencias que permiten diagnosticar un caso de intoxicación por cobre en l...
Butlleti de la Societat Catalana d'Herpetologia. 2022. 29:44-55.
(In Catalan Language).
Between the years 2021 and 2022, a health surveillance has been carried out to detect the 15 main amphibian pathogens of which there is evidence in European amphibians in the Network of Parks of the Provincial Council (Diputació) of Barcelona: Park og Garraf, P...
Mobile zoos are events in which non-domesticated (exotic) and domesticated species are transported to venues such as schools, hospitals, parties, and community centres, for the purposes of education, entertainment, or social and therapeutic assistance. We conducted literature searches and surveyed related government agencies regarding existing prov...
Boletin Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 33:61-65. El síndrome de edema es una enfermedad que afecta a innumerables especies de anfibios y tiene una alta prevalencia. La presente es la primera vez que se describe para ambos grupos (anuros y urodelos) y con un análisis histológico en uno de los ejemplares.
Geometric techniques can be easily applied to many zoological problems, from recognizing subpopulations to studying sexual dimorphism. Pseudemys concinna (P. concinna) is a large terrapin species known as the Eastern River Cooter, native to North America. The hypothesis was to test if plastral pattern tends to fade with age. The present study appli...
The use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in urodeles has become popular for individual marking in population and disease ecology studies. However, mark loss or mark-induced mortality can introduce biases and decrease precision in parameter estimates, leading to ineffective population management strategies. In this study we aimed to 1) a...
Fecha de aceptación: 15 de diciembre de 2021.
The number of epizootics in amphibian populations caused by viruses of the
genus Ranavirus is increasing worldwide. Yet, causes for pathogen emergence
are poorly understood. Here, we confirmed that the Common midwife toad virus
(CMTV) and Frog virus 3 (FV3) are responsible for mass mortalities in Iberia since
the late 1980s. Our results illustrate...
Between the years 2021 and 2022, monitoring has been carried out to detect
15 emerging diseases that threaten the amphibians of the Parks Network of the
Barcelona Provincial Council. The results show that the
fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is expanding in all parks except Olèrdola
and Guilleries, affecting the species Pelodytes punctatu...
Health monition was carried out between 2021 and 2022 to detect 15 pathogens, the causes of emerging diseases that threaten the conservation of amphibians in the Parks Network. In this case, 129 specimens from 8 water points were sampled in the regions of Foix, 25 specimens from 2 water points in Olèrdola and 181 specimens from 11 water points in G...
Summary In 2021, batrachological, sanitary and ecological monitoring of 62 water points in the Foix, Olèrdola and Garraf parks will be carried out: 22 standard monitoring points with four night-time visits and 40 complementary monitoring points with a single visit. A sampling protocol will be drawn up with the aim of obtaining and classifying infor...
Chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), has had an unprecedented impact on amphibian biodiversity. Although Bd is globally widespread, Bsal is currently spreading, increasing the probability that these pathogens will co-occur in individual amphibians. Interactions among coinfecti...
En abril de 2020 se realizó un control veterinario de 106 salamandras y tritones de una colección privada de más de 500 urodelos exóticos y autóctonos dedicados al intercambio de estas especies en Barcelona. Las pruebas analíticas realizadas fueron negativas a todos los patógenos excepto a Chlamydia y a Bd . Además, se detectaron formas larvarias (...
Exotic aquatic turtle species often become favorite pets, especially juveniles. Later, at the adult stage, they are commonly released into the wild. However, questions remain - how likely it is that, these thermophilic exotic turtles can establish themselves in Eastern Europe and neighboring territories.
In 2020 and 2021 we have detected in Catalonia (NE Spain) four new locations for the introduced Mediterranean painted frog (Discoglossus pictus) with mortality or dying specimens. All of them were positive for the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Histology showed intense involvement of the superficial layers of the epidermis. Infection l...
World's Veterinary Journal. 12(1):81-86.
Body coloration of emydids can be triggered by different types of factors. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the changes in plastron color of Florida Red-bellied Turtle Pseudemys nelsoni (P. nelsoni Carr, 1938), an emydid of North America. In the current study, 15 (3 males and 12 females) fr...
Boletin Asociacion Herpetologica Española: 32:63-66. En los lagartos verdes europeos, y principalmente en el lagarto verde oriental Lacerta viridis, se ha descrito casos de papilomas epiteliales, generalmente diagnosticados en ejemplares en cautividad. El 24 de abril de 2021 se observaron y fotografiaron dos lagartos adultos (macho y hembra) de L....
Consulta de Difusion Veterinaria. 30(287):45-51.
En la naturaleza, los cambios en el medio ambiente pueden modificar las dinámicas existentes entre huéspedes y patógenos, dando lugar a la aparición de enfermedades. En las últimas décadas, ha habido cambios ambientales que están afectando a los anfibios y la presencia y persistencia de ciertos patóg...
The aim of this research was to contribute to the study of the doming geometry of Testudo carapace as an unstable point of equilibrium when animals are overturned. We performed this research using geometric morphometric using a sample of 64 Testudo individuals belonging to different species (T. hermanni n = 30, T. graeca n = 3, T. marginata n = 13...
Peer Community Journal. 2: e5.
Two types of pathogens cause highly contagious upper respiratory tract diseases (URTD) in Chelonians: testudinid herpesviruses (TeHV) and a mycoplasma (Mycoplasma agassizii). In captivity, these infections are frequent and can provoke outbreaks. Pet trade generates an international flow of tortoises, often without san...
Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 32(1-2): 101-103.
Las anomalías digitales o del antebrazo son relativamente normales en anfibios anuros (Williams et al., 2008). Respecto a los miembros extranumerarios se han descrito polimelia, polifalangia y polidactilia (Meteyer, 2000). En el género Alytes están descritas las tres anomalías digi...
Reptiles medicine, surgery and husbandry. In Spanish.
Medicina, manejo y cirugia de reptiles. En Español.
Amphibians medicine, surgery and husbandry. In Spanish.
Medicina, manejo y cirugia de anfibios. En Español.
Boletin Asociacion Herpetologica Española. 2021. 32(1) 151- 155.
En la presente nota se describe el hallazgo en Barcelona (España) de un ejemplar de esta especie, transportado de modo accidental mediante transportes de carga de materiales de construcción desde Bogotá (Colombia). Esta representa la primera vez que se describe un traslado de tal dis...
Diputació Barcelona. Presentation on sanitary status of amphibians in general and Montseny brook salamander in particular in Montseny Natural Park in the period 2015 - 2020 . New description of presence of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in wild amphibians, detection of bacteria Chlamydia in a ilegal collection as well as a trematoda cyst...
Testudo (Journal British chelonian group). 9:37-45.
This health survey of the free-living population of Testudo hermanni hermanni in the Albera region showed an almost complete absence of Herpesvirus, a very high incidence of Mycoplasma, but without any apparent effect on health, and a worrying effect of Picornavirus on the health and survival of t...