Albert Johannes de Jong

Albert Johannes de Jong
Sovon, Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology · Communications

Master of Arts


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Publications (19)
Technical Report
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In the State of the Netherlands’ Birds, Sovon lists the most important developments. Which species are increasing, and which are being seen less and less? Thanks to 50 years of censuses and research by many volunteers and professionals, we are able to know the trends of 199 species of breeding birds and 209 migratory and wintering bird species. Som...
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Litwiniak et al. (2021) detailed the breeding-range expansion of the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans in Europe up to 2020. The paper concluded by saying that: ‘The Caspian Gull is an easy-to-study bird, and we can continue to follow its expansion in Europe in real time.’ Since that paper was written, the species has continued to increase and extend i...
Technical Report
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Sovon lists the most important developments in The State of the Netherland’s Birds (Dutch title: Vogelbalans) and outlines which species are increasing, and which are becoming less abundant. Thanks to research and counting efforts by numerous volunteers and professionals, we can determine the trends of 193 species of breeding birds and 172 winterin...
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Territorial behaviour of Ospreys has been observed in the Biesbosch, in the southwestern Netherlands, since 2014. First breeding was proved in 2016, the pair using a nest built in a dead tree. Since then, the number of breeding pairs gradually increased to four in 2021 (plus two territorial pairs, one of which in a Scots pine on the northern Veluwe...
Technical Report
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In the Netherlands, large-scale and systematic waterbird surveys have been carried out for decades. This longstanding tradition is part of the national governmental ecological surveillance scheme (‘Netwerk Ecologische Monitoring’), has a fixed set up (described in Tables 2.1-2.3 and Figure 2.1) and is carried out according to standardised guideline...
Technical Report
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Vogelbalans 2021 / State of the Birds in the Netherlands 2021 In de Vogelbalans zet Sovon de belangrijkste actuele ontwikkelingen op een rij. Welke soorten nemen toe en welke zijn steeds minder te zien? Dankzij tellingen en onderzoek van vele vrijwilligers en professionals kunnen we uitspraken doen over de trends van 192 soorten broedvogels en 171...
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The Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans has undergone a considerable range expansion in the last 100 years. This expansion is ongoing and, over recent decades, the species has established itself as a breeding bird in central and western Europe. The total central and western European population is estimated to number at least 7,600 pairs, including sizeab...
Dit naslagwerk laat zien welke vogels er in de Biesbosch, de aangrenzende polders en woonkernen voorkomen. In ruim een eeuw tijd veranderde de mens dit unieke zoetwatergetijdengebied en de omliggende polders. De griend- en rietcultuur gingen verloren en door de afsluiting van het Haringvliet verdween het grote verschil tussen eb en vloed. Er kwamen...
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Here we compare the past and present autumn migration of Aquatic Warbler, a scarce migrant and former breeding bird in the Netherlands. Lighthouse and lightship victims collected in autumn between 1887 and 1971 (but mainly before 1958), as preserved at the National Institute for Biodiversity Naturalis, yielded insight in past migration patterns. Ba...
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In 2014 – 2019 Ospreys Pandion halieetus built nests at nine different locations in the Biesbosch area, SW Netherlands. A pair settled and bred succesfully from 2016 -2019 in tree nests and raised in total 8 youngs. A cluster of nests in different electricity pillars a few kilometers south resulted in successful broods in 2017 and 2019, with 4 fled...
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The Dutch breeding population of House Martin has declined with more than 75% since the 1960s, although recently numbers have slightly recovered. For more insight in the underlying causes, a national House Martin nest study to quantify breeding performance was organized in 2018. 88 dedicated volunteers made weekly observations of 1272 individual ne...
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Dankzij tellingen ter plekke, gegevens van GPS-zenders en geolocators weten we inmiddels van veel meer Afrikagangers waar ze ongeveer overwinteren. Dat biedt de gelegenheid om ze in te delen naar overwinteringslocatie en om daarvoor de gemiddelde populatie-index te berekenen. In de figuur hiernaast hebben we de habitats en overwinteringszones van 4...
Technical Report
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Resultaten van de teller-enquête en een overzicht van aantalstrends van broedvogels, doortrekkers en overwinteraars.
Technical Report
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De Vogelbalans van 2018 staat in het teken van .... de vogelaars. De vrijwilligers die zo veel tijd en energie in het uitvoeren van de tellingen steken.
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In the Netherlands, numbers of migrating Ospreys have doubled since the early 1990s, and over-summering Ospreys were increasingly noted. Until 2016, these birds refrained from breeding, although nest building was occasionally recorded. To encourage breeding in the Netherlands, artificial nests have been placed in suitable habitats throughout the co...
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This short note describes the behaviour of a juvenile Common Starling from a first brood, helping its parents with feeding nestlings of the second brood. The feeding activities of the juvenile, which was colour-ringed and therefore individually recognisable, were recorded by a small camera in the nestbox. On 15,18,19 en 27 June 2015, the juvenile w...
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The status and identification of Taiga Bean Goose have been subject of debate in the past decades all over Europe. Recent findings have shed more light on its taxonomic status and wintering distribution. In The Netherlands, the species traditionally occurred in larger numbers in cold winters like 1979/80 and 1984/85-1986/87, as a result of influxes...


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