Albena Doicheva

Albena Doicheva
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy · Department of Technical Mechanics



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July 2001 - present
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
  • Lecturer
  • Lecturer and author of courses by AutoCAD
July 2008 - present
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
  • Chief Assistant Professor
July 2005 - June 2008
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
  • Senior Assistant Professor
June 2012 - May 2014
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Field of study
  • Structural Mechanics, Strength of Materials - Phd thesis: Stress, Strain and Stability Analysis of Off-Center Supported Beams
September 1989 - January 1995


Publications (120)
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Frame structures are vulnerable to seismic impacts. The frame joint is the element that is often responsible for compromising frame structures. In recent years, shear force in the beam-column connection has been pointed out as the main culprit for damage in the nodes, and from there to the entire structure. The complex nature of the stressed and st...
Graphic images have accompanied the human since ancient times. Rock images, that preceded the written documents have reached us, and they inform us until nowadays for the evolution of humanity. The presentation and processing of information in graphic form, accompanies modern specialists and is an indispensable assistant for their work. The use of...
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The beam-to-column connection is a particularly vulnerable element in frame structures under seismic action and is often responsible for building damages. Experimental investigations carried out over the past six decades on shear strength in frame joints have not led to the establishment of a uniform procedure in the design codes of different count...
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Citation: Murawski K., Strelnikova E. A., Doicheva A., Omare H., Mohamad B. A., 2024. FEM Surface Function Sigma_cr_el-pl(A,Lambda) of Semi-slender Thin-walled Cylindrical Pinned Columns of St35 Steel with Arch Geometrical Imperfections Computed with E= 202 768 MPa and Esh= 0 MPa. Stability of Structures-Journal of Critical Engineering. https://www...
Настоящата разработка обобщава събраните материали, натрупаните познания и наблюдения от експерименталните изследвания в областта на стоманобетонната връзка греда-колона. Предвид широката гама рамкови възли по геометрия, разположение в конструкциите, взаимодействие със зидани конструкции, видове товари и използвани материали, и други, може да се ут...
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Full-text available ******************************* The beam–column connection is a fundamental element in frame structures and requires special attention in the calculation of the forces passing through it and the corresponding modeling. For the study of the moment-resisting frame in the leading countries in seismic research, uniform pro...
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The calculation of frame structures requires special attention when modeling the beam-column connection. Often the joint is assumed to be rigid, but this does not correspond to the real behavior of the beam-column connection, as well as the real response of frame structures. The leading countries in seismic research (USA, New Zealand, Japan) have u...
Conference Paper
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OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAM WITH ADDITIONAL ELASTIC SUPPORTS, LOCATED ALONG THE HEIGHT OF THE BEAM AND LOADED WITH A DISTRIBUTED TRANSVERSE LOAD_____________ Abstract: In some cases, during the exploitation of the facilities, large deformations are observed, which lead damage to the integrity of the structural elements and displacement of the positio...
Conference Paper
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OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAM WITH ADDITIONAL ELASTIC SUPPORTS, LOCATED ALONG THE HEIGHT OF THE BEAM AND LOADED WITH A DISTRIBUTED TRANSVERSE LOAD_____________ Abstract: In some cases, during the exploitation of the facilities, large deformations are observed, which lead damage to the integrity of the structural elements and displacement of the positio...
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The study of the structural elements goes through the premise of their centric support and centric connection. In reality, it is common to see elements with different cross-sections connected by offset axes, for example to align some of their edges, or those that are supported with off-center supports. Such inter-element eccentricities and off-cent...
Conference Paper
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The study of structural elements is most often carried out under the premise of their center support and center connection at the transmission of forces. In practice, however, building structures abound with examples of off-center support (crane beams, bridge girders) and off-center connection (frame structures with different beam heights). This ty...
Conference Paper
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OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAM WITH ADDITIONAL ELASTIC SUPPORTS LOCATED AT THE HEIGHT OF THE BEAM ______________________________________________________________________ A prismatic Bernoulli-Euler beam of linearly elastic material on simmetrical spring supports is considered in the paper. The beam is statically indeterminate and symmetrical, and it is...
Conference Paper
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OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAM WITH ADDITIONAL ELASTIC SUPPORTS LOCATED AT THE HEIGHT OF THE BEAM ______________________________________________________________________ A prismatic Bernoulli-Euler beam of linearly elastic material on simmetrical spring supports is considered in the paper. The beam is statically indeterminate and symmetrical, and it is...
The effective width is a concept related to a simplified approach to the investigation of wide flange girders. This approach offers a convenient calculation procedure by which the accuracy is maintained within acceptable limits. The effective width problem exists in reinforced concrete structures, steel structures and composite structures and is ex...
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CRITICAL AND POST-CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF WATER TOWER WITH CONICAL TANK ______________________________________________________________________The paper is aimed at analyzing the critical and post-critical equilibrium state of a water tower with a tank in the form of inverted truncated cone. The form of the tank is varied from complete cone to cylinder...
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CRITICAL AND POST-CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF WATER TOWER WITH CONICAL TANK ______________________________________________________________________The paper is aimed at analyzing the critical and post-critical equilibrium state of a water tower with a tank in the form of inverted truncated cone. The form of the tank is varied from complete cone to cylinder...
ИЗСЛЕДВАНЕ НА ВЪТРЕШЕН РАМКОВ ВЪЗЕЛ, ТЕОРЕТИЧНИ БЕЛЕЖКИ И ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Разработката съдържа теоретични бележки, експериментални резултати и модел на рамков възел в SAP2000. Тя е предназначена за специалисти, инженери от практиката, докторанти и ст...
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НАПРЕГНАТО И ДЕФОРМИРАНО СЪСТОЯНИЕ НА ГРЕДИ С ПРАВОЛИНЕЙНА ОС И ТЪНКОСТЕННИ СЕЧЕНИЯ. ТЕОРЕТИЧНИ БЕЛЕЖКИ И РЕШЕНИ ПРИМЕРИ ________________________________________________________________________ Книгата е предназначена за студентите и докторантите от инженерните специалности на УАСГ и други ВУЗ-ове, както и за инженери от практиката, прилагащи тънко...
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THE NEW ASPECTS IN HIGHER BUILDINGS EDUCATION ENGENDERED FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGYS _____________________________________________________________________ The paper summarizes longstanding observations of the author in her work with students from first and second courses at the University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, t...
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THE NEW ASPECTS IN HIGHER BUILDINGS EDUCATION ENGENDERED FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGYS _____________________________________________________________________ The paper summarizes longstanding observations of the author in her work with students from first and second courses at the University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, t...
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The paper shows solution of a T-shaped frame, strength-ened with two linear springs, regarding critical and post-critical analysis. The solution is exact using the Euler elastic approach and the frame ofreference, originated in the point of column axis inflexion. The derivedNumerical results show the effect of the springs strengthening for the crit...
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METHODS FOR TEACHING IN BUILDINGS EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO _____________________________________________________________________ This publication aims to show how the future architects and engineers at the University of Tokyo are trained. This is take a look from "inside" to teaching and learning at this university. There are commented...
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METHODS FOR TEACHING IN BUILDINGS EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO _____________________________________________________________________ This publication aims to show how the future architects and engineers at the University of Tokyo are trained. This is take a look from "inside" to teaching and learning at this university. There are commented...
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ANALYSIS OF A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE WITH RESPECT TO THE COMFORT USING THE EUROCODE ______________________________________________________________________ A pedestrian steel bridge is analyzed with respect to the comfort according to the Eurocodes. A computational model for dynamic simulations of the bridge is developed using the FEM. The vibrations of...
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ANALYSIS OF A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE WITH RESPECT TO THE COMFORT USING THE EUROCODE ______________________________________________________________________ A pedestrian steel bridge is analyzed with respect to the comfort according to the Eurocodes. A computational model for dynamic simulations of the bridge is developed using the FEM. The vibrations of...
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PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITY D1: TRAINING RELATED TO USE OF ICT IN THE WORK OF UNIVERSITY LECTURES _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________The paper presents the results of one of the activities within the project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0016 “Career development and enhancing of qualification of academic sta...
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PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITY D1: TRAINING RELATED TO USE OF ICT IN THE WORK OF UNIVERSITY LECTURES _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________The paper presents the results of one of the activities within the project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0016 “Career development and enhancing of qualification of academic sta...
Conference Paper
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APPLICATION OF GENERALIZED DIFFERENTIAL QUADRATURE METHOD FOR ANALYZING OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAMS _____________________________________________________________________ The stressed and strained analysis of beams and girders is customarily based on the presumption that the restraints are applied at the center of gravity of the supported cross-secti...
Conference Paper
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APPLICATION OF GENERALIZED DIFFERENTIAL QUADRATURE METHOD FOR ANALYZING OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAMS _____________________________________________________________________ The stressed and strained analysis of beams and girders is customarily based on the presumption that the restraints are applied at the center of gravity of the supported cross-secti...
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ИЗСЛЕДВАНЕ НА ГРАНИЧЕН ТОВАР ПРИ НЕЦЕНТРИЧНО ПОДПРЯНА ГРЕДА (A STUDY OF LIMIT LOAD OF AN OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAM) ______________________________________________________________________ Изчисляването на строителните конструкции често се извършва при предпоставката за работа на елементите в пластичен стадий [1]. При рядко срещаното в практиката про...
Conference Paper
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A FINITE ELEMENT AND ITS APPLICATION FOR ANALYSIS OF OFF-CENTER CONNECTED CONTINUOUS BEAMS _____________________________________________________________________ Besides centric supports and connections of the members forming integrated structures, off-center supports (usually on the bottom flange) and off-center connections are often encountered in...
Conference Paper
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A FINITE ELEMENT AND ITS APPLICATION FOR ANALYSIS OF OFF-CENTER CONNECTED CONTINUOUS BEAMS _____________________________________________________________________ Besides centric supports and connections of the members forming integrated structures, off-center supports (usually on the bottom flange) and off-center connections are often encountered in...
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AN APPROACH TO DETERMINING CRITICAL LOADING FOR OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAMS_______________________________________ Previous papers by the same authors have shown that vertical loadings on horizontal prismatic beams can give rise to significant compression normal forces depending strongly on the axial beam stiffness. Under these circumstances an inst...
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AN APPROACH TO DETERMINING CRITICAL LOADING FOR OFF-CENTER SUPPORTED BEAMS_______________________________________ Previous papers by the same authors have shown that vertical loadings on horizontal prismatic beams can give rise to significant compression normal forces depending strongly on the axial beam stiffness. Under these circumstances an inst...
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ON SOME ILLUSTRATIVE POTENTIALITIES OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS _____________________________________________________________ Modern computational technologies along with the intensive progress of computers have contributed greatly to the analysis of many complicated linear and nonlinear problems in the applied mechanics. Nevertheless, it is rare tha...
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ON SOME ILLUSTRATIVE POTENTIALITIES OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS _____________________________________________________________ Modern computational technologies along with the intensive progress of computers have contributed greatly to the analysis of many complicated linear and nonlinear problems in the applied mechanics. Nevertheless, it is rare tha...
Conference Paper
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ЕДНО РЕШЕНИЕ ЗА ГРЕДА ВЪРХУ НЕЦЕНТРИЧНИ ОПОРИ С ПРОМЕНЛИВА КОРАВИНА ____________________________________________________________________Анализът на напрегнатото и деформираното състояние на конструктивни елементи най-често се основава на предпоставката за центричното им свързване за съвместно предаване на усилия и центричното разполагане на опорнит...
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DEVELOPMENT OF FINITE BEAM ELEMENT FOR OFF-CENTER TRANSFER OF FORCES _____________________________________________________________________ The structural analysis accounting for actual inter-element eccentricities and off-center supports reveals stress and strain conditions of the members which differ from the traditional ones known from the availa...


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