Alalaa Numan Tashkandi

Alalaa Numan Tashkandi
Saudi Aramco | Saudi Aramco · Department of Information Technology

Master of Business Administration


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Alalaa Numan Tashkandi currently works at the Department of Information Technology, Saudi Arabian Oil Company. Alalaa is a practitioner and does research in Information Systems Management, Information Technology Operation Automation, Parallel Computing, Cloud Computing and Distributed Computing. His current project is 'Cloud Automation Management System'.


Publications (4)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) is one of Cloud Computing service models [1]. Adoption factors associated with PaaS specifically are not explored. Management of database systems, middleware and application runtime environments is automated in PaaS [2]. PaaS issues and requirements were collected in three rounds from information technology experts usin...
Conference Paper
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Security [11] and quality [4] of cloud computing (CC) services represent significant factors that affect the adoption by consumers. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is one of CC service models [14]. Management of database systems, middleware and application runtime environments is automated in PaaS [2]. PaaS automation management issues and requirement...
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Academic study of cloud computing is an emerging research field in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia represents the largest economy in the Arab Gulf region, which makes it a potential market of cloud computing technologies. This cross-sectional exploratory empirical research is based on technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework, targeting higher...
Conference Paper
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(1) Background, Motivation and Objective: Academic study of Cloud Computing within Saudi Arabia is an emerging research field. Saudi Arabia represents the largest economy in the Arabian Gulf region. This positions it as a potential market of cloud computing technologies. Adoption of new innovations should be preceded by analysis of the added value,...


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