Alain Boissy

Alain Boissy
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) | INRAE · Unité Mixte de Recherches sur les Herbivores (UMRH)



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Publications (314)
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The concept of animal welfare is evolving due to progress in our scientific understanding of animal biology and changing societal expectations. Animal welfare science has been primarily concerned with minimizing suffering, but there is growing interest in also promoting positive experiences, grouped under the term positive animal welfare (PAW). How...
Goats are raised in a wide range of production systems all around the world. Whatever the system, different aspects of the farming management can affect the welfare of goats, namely management of the relationships with social peers and humans, kids’ management, outdoor access, and milking, reproduction and genetics management. In this chapter, each...
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Cet article présente les travaux et les recherches à conduire pour placer la santé et le bien-être au cœur de la transition agroécologique des systèmes d’élevage. Il souligne la nécessité de considérer la santé dans une perspective plus large qu’aujourd’hui et la question des expériences émotionnelles positives en matière de bien-être. Les interact...
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Cellules souches et organoïdes, versions simplifiées d’organes, sont des outils biologiques qui permettent des avancées majeures en biologie et en médecine et qui suscitent de nombreux espoirs tout en réduisant les expériences sur les animaux. Ce dossier fait le point sur les derniers développements de modèles d’organoïdes pour la recherche agronom...
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Is the analytical framework used by ethologists sufficient to study the mental states of non-human animals (NHAs) at the appropriate level of complexity? To address this question our strategy was to i) reveal the experimental and analytic habits of scientists of different disciplines in the literature, and ii) use "intention" as a vector in an inte...
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Is the analytical framework used by ethologists sufficient to study the mental states of non-human animals (NHAs) at the appropriate level of complexity? To address this question our strategy was to i) reveal the experimental and analytic habits of scientists of different disciplines in the literature, and ii) use "intention" as a vector in an inte...
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Vocal expression of emotions has been observed across species and could provide a non-invasive and reliable means to assess animal emotions. We investigated if pig vocal indicators of emotions revealed in previous studies are valid across call types and contexts, and could potentially be used to develop an automated emotion monitoring tool. We perf...
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The automated quantification of the behaviour of freely moving animals is increasingly needed in applied ethology. State-of-the-art approaches often require tags to identify animals, high computational power for data collection and processing, and are sensitive to environmental conditions, which limits their large-scale utilization, for instance in...
In sheep, the bond between the dam and her lambs is established during the first hours of a lamb's life. Genetic variability for behavioural reactivity of ewes assessed in an arena test performed 24 hr after lambing has already been reported. However, there is no evidence that this reactivity represents the ewe's maternal reactivity at lambing in o...
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L’article présente le retour d’expérience sur la conduite de l’interdisciplinarité dans 14 projets d’un programme sur la gestion intégrée de la santé des animaux. Les difficultés rencontrées portent sur l’acculturation et l’équilibre entre disciplines, l’animation scientifique et les publications. Le degré d’interdisciplinarité des projets va de la...
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The common practice of artificially rearing lambs from prolific meat breeds of sheep constitutes a welfare issue due to increased mortality rates and negative health issues. In this multidisciplinary study, we investigated the possible short- and mid-term advantages of artificially feeding fresh ewe's milk instead of commercial milk replacer on lam...
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In sheep, the bond between the dam and her lambs is established during the first hours of a lamb s life. Genetic variability for behavioral reactivity of ewes assessed in an arena test performed 24 h after lambing has already been reported. However, there is no evidence that this reactivity represents the ewe s maternal reactivity at lambing in out...
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Automated quantification of the behaviour of freely moving animals is increasingly needed in ethology, ecology, genetics and evolution. State-of-the-art approaches often require tags to identify animals, high computational power for data collection and processing, and are sensitive to environmental conditions, which limits their large-scale utilisa...
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Emotions not only arise in reaction to an event but also while anticipating it, making this context a means of accessing the emotional value of events. Before now, anticipatory studies have rarely considered whether vocalisations carry information about emotional states. We studied both the grunts of piglets and their spatial behaviour as they anti...
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Cortisol is often used as a stress indicator in animal behaviour research. Cortisol is commonly measured in plasma and can also be measured in saliva. Saliva contains only the free form of cortisol, which is biologically active, and saliva sampling is not invasive and may therefore be less stressful. Our study aims to guide the choice between the m...
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Emotions not only arise in reaction to an eliciting event but also while anticipating it, making this context a way to assess the emotional value of events. Anticipatory studies have poorly considered vocalisations whereas they carry information about the emotional state. We studied the grunts of piglets that anticipated two (pseudo)social events k...
In livestock, improving maternal reactivity towards the litter is an important issue in breeding strategies to promote production and animal welfare. As of yet, no studies have investigated the within‐breed genetic variation of maternal reactivity in sheep. The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of maternal reactivity tr...
Plus aucune science ne peut penser les animaux à elle seule, ni prétendre pouvoir faire le tour de la question : pour mieux lire les animaux, il faut croiser les sciences. C’est devenu une évidence entre les différentes sciences de la nature, où des croisements ont déjà donné naissance à des hybrides devenus disciplines à part entière, telle l’écol...
Emotions, unlike mood, are short-lived reactions associated with specific events. They can be characterized by two main dimensions, their arousal (bodily activation) and valence (negative versus positive). Knowledge of the valence of emotions experienced by domestic and captive animals is crucial for assessing and improving their welfare, as it ena...
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Emotions, unlike mood, are short-lived reactions associated with specific events. They can be characterized by two main dimensions, their arousal (bodily activation) and valence (negative versus positive). Knowledge of the valence of emotions experienced by domestic and captive animals is crucial for assessing and improving their welfare, as it ena...
Including behavioural traits in genetic selection could be an advantageous strategy for improving the autonomy of animal to extensive farming systems in an agroecological perspective. More particularly, farm animals are social and gregarious, and relational behaviours are essential for ensuring social cohesion, social facilitation, offspring surviv...
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Gentle handling seems to elicit positive states in sheep. The study investigated whether spatial distance alters sheep responses to brushing and whether spatial distance is influenced by reactivity. Twenty Romane ewes were assessed in three sessions: in Sessions 1 and 3, one grid separated the test animal from pen mates, with no distance between th...
Welfare concerns not only the absence of negative emotional experiences but also the presence of positive experiences. However, scientific investigation on positive emotions in farm animals has been long neglected. This study aimed to investigate the perception of sheep to positive stimuli and whether emotional reactivity influences such perception...
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The study compared the perception of ordinary citizens from Curitiba, Brazil (OB) and Clermont-Ferrand, France (OF), as well as OB, Brazilian veterinarians (VB), biologists (BB) and animal scientists (AB), concerning animal welfare and sentience. An online survey containing 18 open-ended, multiple choices and Likert scale questions was conducted fr...
Responses from participants in Curitiba, Brazil and Clermont-Ferrand, France (OF), concerning animal welfare and sentience. (XLS)
The positive aspect of emotions, like pleasure, remains overlooked in birds. Our aim was to contribute to the exploration of facial indicators of positive emotions. To observe contrasting emotional expressions, we used two lines of Japanese quail divergently selected on their inherent fearfulness: a fearful line (long tonic immobility duration: LTI...
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Sheep are one of the most studied farm species in terms of their ability to process information from faces, but little is known about their face-based emotion recognition abilities. We investigated (a) whether sheep could use images of sheep faces taken in situation of varying valence as cues in a simultaneous discrimination task and (b) whether th...
Bibliometrics is a common research instrument for systemic analysis of scientific progress in many disciplines, including veterinary sciences. However, bibliometric analyses are generally biased by limited information included in scientific productions databases. The aim of this study is to propose a method for implementing databases on livestock h...
Conference Paper
Faces are an essential source of information for social species. Sheep are one of the most studied farm species in terms of their ability to process information from faces, but little is known about their face-based emotion recognition abilities. We investigated whether sheep could use images of faces displaying different emotional states as cues i...
In order to improve well-being of dogs during veterinary visits, we aimed to investigate the effect of human social interactions on behavior and physiology during routine examination. Firstly, we assessed the impact of a standardized veterinary examination on behavioral and physiological indicators of stress in dogs. Secondly, we examined whether t...
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Traumatic situations in animals induce responses including pain, expressed through behavioural and physiological pathways such as inflammation, oxidative stress, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and autonomic nervous system. As some of these systems can also be activated during excitement and situations with a positive valence, their use a...
Faces of conspecifics convey information about identity, but also gaze, and attentional or emotional state. As a cognitive process, face-based emotion recognition can be subject to judgment bias. In this study we investigated whether dairy goats (n = 32) would show different responses to 2-D images of faces of familiar conspecifics displaying posit...
Does emotional reactivity influence behavioral and cardiac responses of ewes submitted to brushing ?
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Ce dossier a préalablement été publié par l’Inra sur son site :
La question des émotions des animaux d’élevage s’inscrit dans la volonté d’améliorer les conditions d’élevage en prenant en compte leur bien-être. La genèse des émotions repose sur la capacité cognitive des individus à percevoir, évaluer et réagir à leur environnement. La capacité de perception met en jeu différentes sensorialités et participe à la...
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Farming systems can expose animals to chronic mild stress which is known to induce negative affective state. Affective state in animals, as in humans, can be assessed through behavioral cues. This study aimed to describe the effect of a chronic mild stress, known to induce a negative affective state, on sheep health through their response to vaccin...
Conference Paper
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Faces of conspecifics are a major source of information in an individual’s social life. Identity is displayed through the face, but facial expressions also convey gaze, and attentional or emotional state. In this study we investigated whether dairy goats (n=32) would show different responses to 2-D images of faces of familiar conspecifics displayin...
Chronic stress is considered detrimental for an individual as it is a long-lasting negative emotional state, without or with a limited habituation. The reactivity and sensitivity of animals to stressors depend on the animal's organismic characteristics such as sex. In poultry, the studies dealing with chronic stress were mainly performed on females...
In sheep, social reactivity and reactivity to humans are relevant behavioral responses that are used to investigate the behavioral adaptation of farm animals to various rearing conditions. Such traits were previously reported as heritable and associated with several QTLs. However, few behavior-related genotype by environment (G × E) interactions ha...
In sheep, social reactivity and reactivity to humans are relevant behavioral responses that are used to investigate the behavioral adaptation of farm animals to various rearing conditions. Such traits were previously reported as heritable and associated with several QTLs. However, few behavior-related genotype by environment (G × E) interactions ha...
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Cet article est une synthèse des travaux sur l’évaluation du bien-être des ovins à partir d’indicateurs mesurables sur l’animal, permettant d’apprécier quatre principes : alimentation adaptée, logement correct, bonne santé et comportement approprié à l’espèce. Après avoir testé la faisabilité et la reproductibilité des indicateurs dans 10 exploitat...
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Qu’ils soient élevés à des fins commerciales ou expérimentales, les animaux de rente sont confrontés tout au long de leur vie à des pratiques potentiellement sources de douleurs : interventions de convenance et d’élevage (castration, écornage…) ; interventions chirurgicales (césariennes, implantation en chronique de cathéters…). L’élaboration d’out...
Les ruminants sont des animaux sensibles, doués de capacités émotionnelles et cognitives, pouvant être soumis à différents types de douleur (excès de nociception ou neuropathique) et ceci dans différents contextes (élevage/expérimentation). L’évaluation de ces douleurs est bien souvent délicate car, pour la plupart des cas, il n’existe pas d'indica...
Consequences of prenatal stress on emotional reactivity and cognitive abilities in offspring are under-documented in precocial mammals. Here, we investigated to what extent emotional reactivity, judgment bias and spatial learning abilities of lambs are affected by chronic stress during late pregnancy and by their dams' emotional reactivity. The 20...
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Stroking by humans is beneficial to the human-animal relationship and improves welfare in many species that express intraspecific allogrooming, but very few studies have looked at species like sheep that do not express such contact except around parturition. This study investigated the way lambs perceive regular human tactile contact using behavior...
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Whether bred for commercial or experimental purposes, farm animals are subjected, throughout their lives, to potentially painful practices: interventions for convenience or for livestock care (e.g. castration, dehorning) or surgery (e.g. caesarian section, implantations of permanent catheters). The development of tools to assess pain experienced by...
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Ruminants are sentient beings, endowed with emotional and cognitive abilities, which can perceive different types of pain (nociceptive or neuropathic) in different types of contexts (breeding / experimentation). Assessing pain is often difficult because, in most situations of pain, there is not a unique and specific tool but rather a set of complem...
Cette étude vise à évaluer l’impact de la hauteur des caisses et de la densité des chevreaux sur leur stress lors du transport. Trois types de caisses ont été utilisées : T37-5 (Longueur = 93 cm, largeur = 54, Hauteur = 37), T42-5 (L 110, l 57 H 42), T65-6 (L 110, l 57, H 65). Dans les cages les plus hautes, il y avait soit 5 chevreaux (T65-5), soi...
Stress et émotions chez les animaux : vers une compréhension de leur réponses aux situations extrêmes
This chapter provides an overview of the current behavioral and cognitive aspects of emotions in animals and explore the impacts of emotional experiences on the animal's adaptation to its current challenging circumstances. There is evidence that animal welfare results from the animal's perception of its environment and its background. The chapter i...
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Emptying the rumen of animals fitted with rumen cannulas is a regularly used experimental technique. This study in sheep aimed to evaluate whether total rumen emptying (TRE) results in disturbances in digestive parameters such as rumen pH, fermentation and microbial ecosystem, and whether it affects animal welfare. Eight adult wethers from two bree...
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Animals perceiving repeated aversive events can become chronically stressed. Chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis can have deleterious consequences on physiological parameters (e.g. BW, blood chemistry) and behaviour (e.g. emotional reactivity, stereotypies, cognition). Environmental enrichment (EE) can be a mean to r...
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Abstract Consequences of prenatal stress on mother-young relationships are well-documented in altricial mammals but less so in precocial mammals. Here, we investigated the effects of unpredictable aversive events on maternal behavior and mutual mother-young recognition in pregnant ewes while accounting for modulatory effects of ewe reactivity. From...
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Background Current trends in sheep farming practices rely on animals with a greater level of behavioral autonomy than before, a phenotype that actively contributes to the sustainability of animal production. Social reactivity and reactivity to humans are relevant behavioral traits in sheep, known for their strong gregariousness and weak tolerance t...