Alaide Aparecida Fonseca-GessnerFederal University of São Carlos | UFSCar · Departamento de Hidrobiologia (DHb)
Alaide Aparecida Fonseca-Gessner
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April 1993 - March 2016
Publications (56)
To test how different taxonomic and functional groups of aquatic insects from high-altitude streams respond to environmental and spatial gradients at multiple scales in Southeast of Brazil.
Specimens were collected in 26 high-altitude streams distributed over a gradient of previously defined environmental quality. The taxonomic identif...
We investigated (1) the variation of both species composition and species relative abundances of aquatic beetles associated with submerged woody debris in a transitional region between Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) and Atlantic Forest biomes; and (2) which assembling processes are more associated with the observed patterns, species sorting or mass e...
The assumption that traits and phylogenies can be used as proxies of species niche has faced criticisms. Evidence suggested that phylogenic relatedness is a weak proxy of trait similarity. Moreover, different processes can select different traits, giving opposing signals in null model analyses. To circumvent these criticisms, we separated traits of...
Macrophytes in oxbow lakes represent an important substrate for the Coleoptera. Two oxbow lakes the Rio Paranapanema were studied and the other two Rio Mogi-Guaçu, in the State de São Paulo, Brasil. In this study, there is greater similarity between the communities of Coleoptera of lakes greater connectivity with the main river channel or the diffe...
AimThe drivers of phylogenetic beta diversity include both local processes (e.g. environmental filtering) and regional processes (e.g. dispersal limitation). The role of environmental filtering can be investigated more directly by analysing community–environment associations, but dispersal limitation is one of the most challenging processes to exam...
Appropriate sampling effort is crucial for ecologists. Procrustes analysis can be used to tackle this question by quantifying the match between subsamples and the complete dataset. We used stream macroinvertebrates to show how sampling design can be optimized by reducing the number of subsamples and increasing the number of sites. Definir esforço a...
The aim was to investigate the applicability of benthic macroinvertebrate community metrics in the assessment of the environmental condition of two small reservoirs in southeast Brazil with differing inputs of nutrients and states of conservation.
Riparian deforestation is one of the main causes of change in freshwater ecosystems, resulting in the reduction of biological integrity and the loss of ecosystem functions. Our goal was to understand how a gradient of deforestation may affect abundance and richness of specialist and generalist macroinverte-brates associated with submerged woody deb...
The idea behind multimetric indices is to integrate information from several metrics to provide a general classification of water
bodies without losing the particularities of each individual metric. Historically, multimetric indices use information on richness, taxon sensitivity, and taxonomic diversity. Recently, functional and phylogenetic diver...
Non-biting midges of the genus Labrundinia (Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) are minute dipterans with immature stages living in a variety of unpolluted water bodies, from small streams and ponds to lakes and bays. Extensively recorded in ecological studies, the genus comprises 39 species, all except one described from areas outside the Palearctic region...
PEREIRA 3 ; Hugo Renan BOLZANI 4 ;Daniela de FIGUEIREDO 5 , Lúcio Milan GONÇALVES JR 6 RESUMO O artigo apresenta atributos ecológicos da comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos de um riacho localizado no complexo do Paraíso -Serra Preta localizada no entorno da Serra da Canastra, Delfinópolis/ MG. A caracterização do ecossistema foi feita por me...
The aim of this study was to test the effect of agricultural and forestry land use on the structure of mayfly assemblages in low-order streams. Twenty-nine headwater streams were investigated in the state of São Paulo. We analyzed 15 streams in pristine areas (mixed tropical rainforest, semideciduous forest and dense tropical rainforest), and 14 st...
The species of the genus Labrundinia (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae: Pentaneurini) are revised, described and figured. Keys to known adult males, pupae and larvae are provided. Fourteen previously known species are redescribed, and 25 species from Neotropical region are diagnosed and described as new to science. These species treated are L. am...
The Chironomidae family is the most abundant and diverse member of the benthic community in streams, yet their identification is still neglected in many papers. It is considered a family tolerant to environmental impacts and with homogeneous feeding habit. Aim: To compare the richness, abundance and taxonomic composition of Chironomidae in Cerrado...
In this study, we analysed the applicability of DNA barcodes for delimitation of 79 specimens of 13 species of nonbiting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from São Paulo State, Brazil. Our results support DNA barcoding as an excellent tool for species identification and for solving taxonomic conflicts in genus Labrundinia....
Aim: This study investigated the taxonomic composition of the benthic macroinvertebrates in streams to evaluate how this fauna reflects the various uses of the soil and to identify which groups of macroinvertebrates might be taken as characterizing each situation under study. Methods: To achieve these objectives, 29 streams were collected and inser...
This is a series of three manuscripts about the genus Ablabesmyia. In the first new species are described, three species are re-examined and keys to males, pupae and larvae of known neotropical species are provided and an emended generic diagnosis of Ablabesmyia is given. The second manuscript will analyze the molecular data of Neotropical species...
In this study, patterns of body size of Phanocerus clavicornis Sharp, 1882 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Larainae) were investigated along a gradient of change in speed of flow conditions in streams of low order in the Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil. Specifically, the hypothesis that the distribution of P. clavicornis larvae vary in size in res...
A bibliography of significant taxonomic papers on Elmidae (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Byrrhoidea), and a checklist of valid species and subspecies and their geographic distributions are provided. Forty-seven genera and 430 valid species are included. Maps show the geographic distribution of the genera by country.
We analyzed the digestive activity of the enzymes that digest cellulose and hemicellulose and the bacterial community that is capable of hydrolyzing wood compounds in the digestive tracts of Stenochironomus (Diptera: Chironomidae) larvae, which are miners of decomposing submerged tree and bush branches. Based on quantification of reducing sugars, t...
Inventories provide information on the state of biodiversity at a site or for a geographic region. Species inventories are the basis for systematic study and critical to ecology, biogeography and identification of biological indicators and key species. They also provide key information for assessments of environmental change, for natural resource c...
Information on the Elmidae that occur in a country is important for the advancement of ecological knowledge and the use of these organisms in biomonitoring programs. To date, there are checklists of elmids recorded in two regions of Brazil— one for the Amazon region, listing 48 species in 14 genera, and another for the state of Rio de Janeiro, list...
The family Elmidae Curtis, 1830 has cosmopolitan distribution and most species inhabit riffles on streams and rivers, hence the name "riffle beetle". In recent years, this family has been featured in papers addressing the assessment and environmental monitoring of water quality. In Brazil, studies on the family remain scarce and the present investi...
Labrundinia maculata Roback, 1971 is placed as a new junior synonym of Labrundinia longipalpis (Goetghebuer, 1921). The male and female adults, pupa and larva of the species are redescribed and figured. The species is now considered Holarctic in distribution and new records are reported.
We report boring activity of larval Lutrochus germari Grouvelle, 1889 and Stegoelmis sp. in submerged woody debris and describe the resulting grooves and faecal pellet production. This ability of the larvae was shown by three types of evidence: 1) examination of collected woody debris, 2) rearing of larvae and 3) gut content analysis. The larvae ex...
Decomposition and colonization of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis by macroinvertebrates were analyzed during 40 days to determine whether differences existed on colonization by aquatic macroinvertebrates of two macrophytes with distinct habits (submerged versus fluctuant). Leaf litter of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis were incubated in 24 litter...
Decomposition and colonization of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis by macroinvertebrates were analyzed during 40 days to determine whether differences existed on colonization by aquatic macroinvertebrates of two macrophytes with distinct habits (submerged versus fluctuant). Leaf litter of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis were incubated in 24 litter...
Coleoptera is the most species-rich order among the Insecta and although only 4% of its species are aquatic, it is an abundant group in the freshwater environments. This work aims to expand knowledge of the group primarily in lotic systems. Are proposed identification keys for larvae and adults of 17 families of aquatic Coleoptera known from the st...
The presence of a riparian forest is one of the main factors that act directly on the ecology of a fluvial system, and the relation of the forest and the lotic environments might have an important influence on the distribution of the macroinvertebrates. In this context, the benthic macroinvertebrate communities in four low-order streams in São Paul...
Benthic communities are highly relevant in the study of aquatic ecosystems, both for their role in the functioning of the ecosystem and also as markers or indicators of paleo-conditions. Their distribution, as in other communities, is conditioned by abiotic and biotic factors and to their interactions, which determine the structure of the community...
new record, non-biting midges, redescription, species, taxonomy
The development of biomonitoring programs based on the macroinvertebrate community requires the understanding of species distribution patterns, as well as of the responses of the community to anthropogenic stressors. In this study, 49 metrics were tested as potential means of assessing the condition of 29 first- and second-order streams located in...
The immature stages of Labrundinia tenata Roback, 1987 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) are described and illustrated and the male is redescribed. Larvae were collected in aquatic systems in southeastern Brazil, where they are associated with aquatic macrophytes. The three semaphoronts of L. tenata are recognized: (a) Male by the abdominal segm...
RESUMO Os macroinvertebrados associados a troncos submersos ocupam este substrato como habitat, local para oviposição, refúgio e como fonte de alimento, sendo este obtido pela ingestão de madeira, fungos, detritos, ou pela predação. Visto as poucas informações sobre essa fauna para ecossistemas lóticos no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta uma lista d...
The monotypic subgenus Sartaia Roback, 1983 was erected based on the male of Ablabesmyia (S.) metica Roback, 1983. The larva and pupa of A. (S.) metica are described and figured below, and the male is redescribed. Larvae were collected in ponds in southeastern Brazil where they are associated with aquatic macrophytes. The larvae were reared in the...
The monotypic subgenus Sartaia Roback, 1983 was erected based on the male of Ablabesmyia (S.) metica Roback, 1983. The larva and pupa of A. (S.) metica are described and figured below, and the male is redescribed. Larvae were collected in ponds in southeastern Brazil where they are associated with aquatic macrophytes. The larvae were reared in the...
FIGURES 1 – 7. Ablabesmyia (Sartaia) metica Roback, 1983, male. 1. Wing. 2. Pigmentation pattern of legs. 3. Abdomen. 4. Hypopygium, left: dorsal aspect, right: ventral aspect. 5. Spur of foreleg. 6. Spur of midleg. 7. Spur of hind leg.
FIGURES 15 – 20. Ablabesmyia (Sartaia) metica Roback, 1983, larva. 15. Head capsule, left: dorsal aspect, right: ventral aspect, showing distribution of cephalic setae and pores. 16. Maxillary palp. 17. Mandible. 18. Dorsomental teeth. 19. Ligula with pecten hypopharyngis and paraligula. 20. Apical claws of posterior parapods.
Esta nota registra a ocorrência de foresia entre larvas de Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause, 1913 (Chironomidae, Tanytarsini) e adultos de Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 e Microcylloepus Hinton, 1935 (Coleoptera, Elmidae). Os exemplares foram obtidos em córregos no Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordão, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil.This note reports phor...
A new species of genus Ablabesmyia is described. The larvae were collected associated with aquatic macrophytes in ponds from the Southeast of Brazil. In laboratory, the larvae were reared to obtain pupae and adults.
The study was conducted on 2 nature reserves in NE São Paulo State, SE Brazil. H. amazona populations naturally occur in low densities. 25 ♂, 2 ♀ and 23 larvae were recorded, only at streams with riparian vegetation. All larvae were collected during the dry season and adults only during the wet season. The highest number of larvae was collected in...
A presença de vegetação num ecossistema aquático é mais uma aréa disponível para a colonização. Vários estudos têm demonstrado uma relação positiva entre a presença de macrófitas e a abundância e a diversidade de Chironomidae. As variáveis ambientais e as larvas de Chironomidae associadas com as macrófitas Salvinia sp. e Myriophyllum sp. foram estu...
Com o objetivo de estudar a composição da fauna de Chironomidae e de outros insetos aquáticos do açude temporário Soledade, Soledade-PB (07º 02' S e 36º 22' W), coletas qualitativas foram realizadas em dois períodos: agosto de 1995, período em que o açude tinha um bom volume d'água e em março de 1999, após o completo dessecamento do açude por um pe...
Com o objetivo de estudar a fauna de Chironomidae e outros insetos aquáticos dos açudes São Mamede - SM (06º 55' S e 37º 06' W) e São Gonçalo - SG (06º 50' S e 38º 19' W), do semi-árido paraibano, coletas qualitativas foram realizadas em agosto e dezembro/95 (período seco) e julho/96 (após o pico máximo de chuvas da região). Foram feitos arrastos j...
Lernaea cyprinacea infestation is a major problem for fishing culture in Brazil, which was introduced in the mid-eighties. To attempt controlling this parasite, an evaluation of the activity of the Pinus elliottii resin constituents against it was undertaken. To run the bioassay, fish infested with L. cyprinaceae were transferred to aquaria and kep...
Stream ecosystems may be strongly influenced in different ways by land use. The effects of land-cover patterns on Odonata community were studied in eight streams and seven lakes-dams of northeastern São Paulo State. The pattern analyzed was monoculture (sugar cane) vs. nature reserve in terms of Odonata species richness and similarity. Eighty-five...
Stream ecosystems may be strongly influenced in different ways by land use. The effects of land-cover patterns on Odonata community were studied in eight streams and seven lakes-dams of northeastern São Paulo State. The pattern analyzed was monoculture (sugar cane) vs. nature reserve in terms of Odonata species richness and similarity. Eighty-five...